Monday, March 30, 2009
Saturday, March 28, 2009
Friday, March 20, 2009
Torture Exposed
Prevailing like a strong wing over is the right perception that torture is immoral and illegal. The U.S. Constitution in the eight Amendment prohibits the usage of cruel and unusual punishment, therefore this eliminates torture.
When I’m outlining torture, I specifically mean truth serums, bondage machines, sleep deprivation, rubber hoses, beating basically occurring randomly, electric shock, cattle prods, etc.
That’s the reality of it throughout the world especially in many of the Atheist, Communist Dictatorships of the Twentieth Century. After 9/11, more and more folks are brainwashed in accepting this immoral procedure. Torture is an open and shut case for a total ban.
Now, surprisingly a national debate is rising up to either endorse it for the sake of ending “terrorists” from attacking us or to reject it. Phony liberal Alan Dershowtiz now s ubscribes to torture even wanting to change laws in favor for torture in balancing liberty and security, which is insane. You can either have freedom or tyranny with nothing in between.
Benjamin Franklin rightfully mentioned that if you get rid of liberty for temporary security, then you deserve neither liberty nor security. Fake conservative Knight of Malta Patrick Buchanan wrote and article “A Case for Torture” in support of the immoral policies of torture as well.
They are greatly deluded in sponsoring torture. General Rick Baucus quit Guamtanomo because he refused to torture people. Was torture for Native Americans and African Americans justified? Did the Jewish people tortured in concentration camps normal?
Were the American military prisoners tortured in Japan, Korea, and Vietnam just fine? No, all of those events were repugnant and immoral which proves once and for all that torture ha s no place in America and the world. Torture strips human dignity. No one can be 100% certain that a human can tell the truth during torture since a man or a woman is liable to say anything (true or false) to just escape the punishment.
Guantanamo Bay and Camp X-Ray
The facility is located at Cuba with about 660+ “detainees” held there. The whole area has camps assigned by military radio alphabets (i.e. Camp Alpha, Camp Bravo, etc.) and areas to the north were classified using the opposite end of the alphabet. Then you have the infamous Camp X-Ray.
The military said that Camp X-Ray wasn’t utilized as of April 2002 and the detainee is placed to Camp Delta, yet many reports prove that Camp X-Ray is in fact active. Even in Camp Iguerra, children as young as 13 are interrogated and tortured which is barbaric.
Well, people will say that hey “We’ve invaded Afghanistan to send to get rid of al-Qaeda and the Taliban to be escorted inside our camps.” Well, the reality is that the U.S. airlifted most of the real al-Qeada and Taliban (about 8,000 people) out of Kunduz, Afghanistan in November 2001 to Pakistan.
Soon, the al- Qaeda and Taliban were rewarded in gold bars by the U.S. federal government since they all were created and worked for the CIA. Proof of this airlift actually taking place is from a PBS video and an MSNBC article called “The Airlift of Evil” by Michael Moran found at .
Who was left? The only people left were goat herders and shoemakers (most of whom with no connection to al-Qaeda or the Taliban at all) sent to Camp X-Ray for public torture. Plus in 2001, Bush authorized an order (immediately after September 11th) to kill by the CIA anyone classified as a terrorist, or anyone who worked for al-Qaeda, etc. (regardless whether they’re American or not) with not trial, jury, or any Constitutional protections.
Bush is a blatant tyrant and dictator acquiring this power . The Bush administration are slick in placing these kidnapped individuals in non-U.S. soil .The reason for this is to make these so-called “detainees” have license to strip them of their rights, use torture, and label them as “illegal combatants.”
This is blatantly false for 2 reasons. The first reason is that we are not in a time of war since Congress has never declared war against anyone. Second, the title of “illegal combatant” violates the Geneva Convention, at Article 5 calling the detainees actually “prisoners of war” (POVs). There are many examples of ex-prisoners going to court over torture.
Richard Burke, an Australian lawyer, who represents the U.S. and works with detainees at Camp X-Ray, said that Australians were being tortured using old-fashioned techniques to confessions according to the Herald Sun.
Even according to the BBC, many innocents are still held. According a Khilafah (a news source) at March 26, 2003, they had an article that exposed that
“Guantamano Bay Prisoners complain of unfair detention by the U.S. military. A group of 18 Afghans released from a U.S. detention by U.S. center at Guantamano Bay, Cuba, on Tuesday told how they were kept in tiny cages and subjected to interrogations for more than a year to prove their innocence.” (From )
Many ex-detainees like Salaiman Shahad who experienced a harsh process just to receive his freedom. They weren’t even involved with the Taliban, yet they were deported from their homeland. The propagandists are in full swing to support this terrorism.
George W. Bush said this about torture when he was in Australia: “No of course not. We don’t torture people in America…People who make that claim just don’t know anything about our country.” Donald Rumsfeld continues to belief that the prisoners are treated fair.
The evidence refutes Bush and Donald’s lies. Prisoners are kept in small cases exposed to the heat, cold, wind, and rain all year round. Many of them are restrained with goggles, facemask, earmuffs, mittens, and restraints that are very inhumane.
They are only taken out for exercise, religious expressions, showers, and medical checks. Human rights groups have protested these conditions as wrong plus the fact they use buckets for waste and sensory depravation is common. Tons of eyewitnesses who were released from Guantamano Bay expressed the military wrongfully torturing them.
The BBC TV investigation “Inside Guantamano”, the Panorama program successfully exposed transnational abduction, interrogation and torture, and trials that are fake military kangaroo courts.
Other violations of the Geneva
Conventions include:
-Article 13: The “unlawful combatants were displayed on TV brought from Central Asia.
-Article 18: They were stripped of their clothes and possessions and forced to wear orange prison uniforms
-Article 22: They were incarcerated in a concentration camp.
-Article 18: They are released since the end of hostilities ended in Afghanistan
-Article 17: The individuals were subjected to light torture as the U.S. tries to extract information from about “future terror attacks and their superior’s whereabouts.”
*Not to mention, you will have to notice the violations of mess facilities freedom to unite to families, parcels of food and reading literature, etc. This is very inhumane and if this is normal, what happened if Bush was subjected to chains, deprived of sense, torture, and given harsh condition.
The treatment against Bush or any other human is just as wrong than anyone in America. This is a precedent for the government to classify anyone a “terrorist”, put him or her in concentration camps to be subjected to this treatment even unto American citizens.
By TruthSeeker24
March 16, 2004 A.D.
8:51 AM. EST
Prevailing like a strong wing over is the right perception that torture is immoral and illegal. The U.S. Constitution in the eight Amendment prohibits the usage of cruel and unusual punishment, therefore this eliminates torture.
When I’m outlining torture, I specifically mean truth serums, bondage machines, sleep deprivation, rubber hoses, beating basically occurring randomly, electric shock, cattle prods, etc.
That’s the reality of it throughout the world especially in many of the Atheist, Communist Dictatorships of the Twentieth Century. After 9/11, more and more folks are brainwashed in accepting this immoral procedure. Torture is an open and shut case for a total ban.
Now, surprisingly a national debate is rising up to either endorse it for the sake of ending “terrorists” from attacking us or to reject it. Phony liberal Alan Dershowtiz now s ubscribes to torture even wanting to change laws in favor for torture in balancing liberty and security, which is insane. You can either have freedom or tyranny with nothing in between.
Benjamin Franklin rightfully mentioned that if you get rid of liberty for temporary security, then you deserve neither liberty nor security. Fake conservative Knight of Malta Patrick Buchanan wrote and article “A Case for Torture” in support of the immoral policies of torture as well.
They are greatly deluded in sponsoring torture. General Rick Baucus quit Guamtanomo because he refused to torture people. Was torture for Native Americans and African Americans justified? Did the Jewish people tortured in concentration camps normal?
Were the American military prisoners tortured in Japan, Korea, and Vietnam just fine? No, all of those events were repugnant and immoral which proves once and for all that torture ha s no place in America and the world. Torture strips human dignity. No one can be 100% certain that a human can tell the truth during torture since a man or a woman is liable to say anything (true or false) to just escape the punishment.
Guantanamo Bay and Camp X-Ray
The facility is located at Cuba with about 660+ “detainees” held there. The whole area has camps assigned by military radio alphabets (i.e. Camp Alpha, Camp Bravo, etc.) and areas to the north were classified using the opposite end of the alphabet. Then you have the infamous Camp X-Ray.
The military said that Camp X-Ray wasn’t utilized as of April 2002 and the detainee is placed to Camp Delta, yet many reports prove that Camp X-Ray is in fact active. Even in Camp Iguerra, children as young as 13 are interrogated and tortured which is barbaric.
Well, people will say that hey “We’ve invaded Afghanistan to send to get rid of al-Qaeda and the Taliban to be escorted inside our camps.” Well, the reality is that the U.S. airlifted most of the real al-Qeada and Taliban (about 8,000 people) out of Kunduz, Afghanistan in November 2001 to Pakistan.
Soon, the al- Qaeda and Taliban were rewarded in gold bars by the U.S. federal government since they all were created and worked for the CIA. Proof of this airlift actually taking place is from a PBS video and an MSNBC article called “The Airlift of Evil” by Michael Moran found at .
Who was left? The only people left were goat herders and shoemakers (most of whom with no connection to al-Qaeda or the Taliban at all) sent to Camp X-Ray for public torture. Plus in 2001, Bush authorized an order (immediately after September 11th) to kill by the CIA anyone classified as a terrorist, or anyone who worked for al-Qaeda, etc. (regardless whether they’re American or not) with not trial, jury, or any Constitutional protections.
Bush is a blatant tyrant and dictator acquiring this power . The Bush administration are slick in placing these kidnapped individuals in non-U.S. soil .The reason for this is to make these so-called “detainees” have license to strip them of their rights, use torture, and label them as “illegal combatants.”
This is blatantly false for 2 reasons. The first reason is that we are not in a time of war since Congress has never declared war against anyone. Second, the title of “illegal combatant” violates the Geneva Convention, at Article 5 calling the detainees actually “prisoners of war” (POVs). There are many examples of ex-prisoners going to court over torture.
Richard Burke, an Australian lawyer, who represents the U.S. and works with detainees at Camp X-Ray, said that Australians were being tortured using old-fashioned techniques to confessions according to the Herald Sun.
Even according to the BBC, many innocents are still held. According a Khilafah (a news source) at March 26, 2003, they had an article that exposed that
“Guantamano Bay Prisoners complain of unfair detention by the U.S. military. A group of 18 Afghans released from a U.S. detention by U.S. center at Guantamano Bay, Cuba, on Tuesday told how they were kept in tiny cages and subjected to interrogations for more than a year to prove their innocence.” (From )
Many ex-detainees like Salaiman Shahad who experienced a harsh process just to receive his freedom. They weren’t even involved with the Taliban, yet they were deported from their homeland. The propagandists are in full swing to support this terrorism.
George W. Bush said this about torture when he was in Australia: “No of course not. We don’t torture people in America…People who make that claim just don’t know anything about our country.” Donald Rumsfeld continues to belief that the prisoners are treated fair.
The evidence refutes Bush and Donald’s lies. Prisoners are kept in small cases exposed to the heat, cold, wind, and rain all year round. Many of them are restrained with goggles, facemask, earmuffs, mittens, and restraints that are very inhumane.
They are only taken out for exercise, religious expressions, showers, and medical checks. Human rights groups have protested these conditions as wrong plus the fact they use buckets for waste and sensory depravation is common. Tons of eyewitnesses who were released from Guantamano Bay expressed the military wrongfully torturing them.
The BBC TV investigation “Inside Guantamano”, the Panorama program successfully exposed transnational abduction, interrogation and torture, and trials that are fake military kangaroo courts.
Other violations of the Geneva
Conventions include:
-Article 13: The “unlawful combatants were displayed on TV brought from Central Asia.
-Article 18: They were stripped of their clothes and possessions and forced to wear orange prison uniforms
-Article 22: They were incarcerated in a concentration camp.
-Article 18: They are released since the end of hostilities ended in Afghanistan
-Article 17: The individuals were subjected to light torture as the U.S. tries to extract information from about “future terror attacks and their superior’s whereabouts.”
*Not to mention, you will have to notice the violations of mess facilities freedom to unite to families, parcels of food and reading literature, etc. This is very inhumane and if this is normal, what happened if Bush was subjected to chains, deprived of sense, torture, and given harsh condition.
The treatment against Bush or any other human is just as wrong than anyone in America. This is a precedent for the government to classify anyone a “terrorist”, put him or her in concentration camps to be subjected to this treatment even unto American citizens.
By TruthSeeker24
March 16, 2004 A.D.
8:51 AM. EST
The World Bank
The World Bank, IMF,
NAFTA, the WTO, and
GATT ought to be
eliminated immediately
(100% Anti-Globalization)
The elite can't rule the world without supervising its economic structures and they have. The essence of free trade presented by the globalists is a complete shame to ruin the middle class.
Organizations like the IMF (International Monetary Fund), GATT (Global Agreement on Trade and Tariffs), EU, APEC (Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation), and others follow the same order. Free trade only suits multinational corporations and monopolies.
It destroys small business that can't compete with multinationals because the international corporations can drive out competitors, move to other countries to form new economies with ease, and control the market price therefore leaving small to medium-sized businesses unable to do anything about it. Free trade bans tariffs, which is ludicrous. Tariffs increase the price of imports and prevent multinational companies from dumping products in the United States.
That also provides a sum of government revenue and further the burden on hard working Americans. Other achievements is that it decreases production of the quality of life of a country's industries and a transfer of wealth occurs leading to a lower standard of living in the area.
That will also grow unemployment to further transnational corporations to take charge over automation and cheap slave labor, especially in the Third World. They gain control in a process. First, they create substandard products to be replaced in a short span of time. Second, all quality, low-cost products and inventions are suppressed, so the population is forced to rely on the multinationals.
We have witnessed many lies about free trade greatly. Global and free trade just favors multinational companies and their products are a poorer quality and selection. As a result, many consumers find it difficult to trust producers, including small firms (these firms make good production, but they are overshadowe d by the larger industries).
Environmental land labor standards are never equally applied to many foreign countries, since the multinationals will lower these standards in Third World lands.
We have a $130 + billion deficit with China and a $100 billion deficit with India. This is neither free nor fair trade. One of the biggest falsehoods about the scourge of free trade is that greater production rights are given to Third World Nations to help the poor.
It only benefits the transnational with monopolies forming and the exploitation leading to almost all slave labor destroying most small businesses that can’t compete on that scale.
Millions of jobs from the U.S.A. manufacturing industry are shipped overseas because of this (i.e. stock-options or outsourcing and George W. Bush even called fast-food jobs manufacturing jobs in February 2004 which is silly).
Buying imported mass produced products seldom help small/medium-sized businesses, small manufacturers, or the average person in the countries they’re in. Most products in free trade are made by corrupt international corporations. Buying their products will only increase their power and make countries less independent. Folks are also deceived into giving aid to the Third World will improve the poor of those nations.
Sources dictate that more misdirected aid does more harm than good. That aid must be directly p roperly to improve the Third World. It’s true that some aid will help the poor, but most of it benefits the multinationals in developing corrupt governments (they in turn are made rich to misuse the money in wrong things such as funding wars). Aid enhances the World Bank (for fake bailouts) over the economic policies of many societies.
Then you have Privatization. Privatization is when a nation sells off its local assets (or publicly owned assets and services) to corrupt multinationals (internationalists=Illuminati) that control the price anyway.
They will regularly sell out to merge with world government so world government will be in control of all assets. Countries sell their assets to pay off their debts. If they don't surrender their assets and sovereignty to the power, they won't receive any trading loans. Big Government + Select Corporations = Privatization.
This is not capitalism at all, feudalis m since only a few dozen families control all of the economies of the world. Feudalism=the concentration of more and more wealth in the hands of the few then the elimination or the stifling of the many.
Deregulation is similar to this. Deregulation has the government to cap the retail price of electricity [below market prices], prevent long-term contracts, prevent long-term contracts, and limit the construction of new power plants by numerous regulations of all types of energy (this restricts free enterprise and benefits oligarchic companies like Enron, etc.) leading to massive blackouts.
Competition is great between companies that should be encouraged, but you can't have monopolies. Transnational Corporations are monopolies plan and simple. Central banks are gaining regulation over governments.
The U.S. dollar is depressed very low. Therefore, free trade and globalization=one world economy, one world currency, and total global government rule with only multinational corporations doing the buying and the selling.
President Clinton signed Executive Order 13107 or “The Implementation of Human Rights Treaties” which claimed that U.N. Human Rights standards must be enforeced in the U.S. We all want human rights, but to allow a Communist organization to force its laws unto us is morally repugnant.
The same description goes for NAFTA. President George H. W. Bush has pushed for NAFTA as early as the early 1990’s. It was President Bill Clinton who passed the oppressive NAFTA or the North American Free Trade Agreement at 1994. Fake conservative Rush Limbaugh supported NAFTA as well.
The Bilderberg Group seeks in their long-term agenda to expand NAFT throughout the Western Hemisphere to create the American Union like the EU ending sovereignty of countries and further establishing NATO as the UN’s world army. FTAA was formed as a NAFTA expansion. FTAA is made up of 34 countries in the Western Hemisphere (except Cuba).
Even David Rockefeller stated on tape that he wants the American Union by 2005. One of the main problems with NAFTA is that it gives too much corporate investment rights and protections that are unprecedented in scope and power.
NAFTA allows corporations to travel and sue the national government of a NAFTA country in secret tribunals if they feel that a regulation of a government decision effects the investment in conflict with new NAFTA rights.
If a corporation wins the suit, the taxpayer of the “losing” NAFTA nation must foot the bill. Article 1100, 1102, and 1105 of NAFTA deals with the issues with the World Bank and the U.N. handling many of the cases.
NAFTA very well may represent the 1st of a 10 Super Nation States or 10 Regions of the N.W.O. This was all prophesized at Daniel 17:7-8. Bill Lambert told Cutting Edge Ministries in a secret meeting about NAFTA and the 10 occult leaders of the 10 superpowers to form the N.W.O.
The WTO is one of the scourges of mankind and the world. The WTO is not a republican institution having 132-member nations.
The rules they exhort are by and for multinational corporations with even inside access for various negotiations. The U.S. Trade Representative relies on 17 “Industry Advisor Committees” to provide input into trade negotiations without the environment, human rights, consumer, and labor groups.
Request for information are denied and the proceedings are held in secret. The WTO strips human rights and solutions to labor and human rights abuses are ignored.
One rule is that it’s illegal for the government to ban a product based on the way it’s produced (i.e. even slave/child labor). Another one is that government within the WTO can’t take into account the behavior of companies that do business with various dictatorships like China or Burma.
They are anti- environment by even desiring to end a regulation of the Clean Air Act [a common sense law] and that would require foreign and domestic products to have cleaner gasoline illegal. The WTO wants to weaken Endangered Species Act on shrimp and sea turtles. The WTO also strips our national sovereignty.
The WTO has a supranational court system to economically enforce sanctions on nations that won’t comply with the WTO’s rulings.
The WTO has unselected, unaccountable, corporate backed government refusing to respect national government. Even an ex-head said: “We are uniting the constitution of a single global economy.” (Regnato Ruggier, former WTO-Director-General, Italy).
The Tyrannical Gestapo
S.S. Stormtroppers at
Miami, Florida
This was never reported to the mainstream media for the purpose of covering up Bush's tactics to crush protest. This was an ultimate disgrace to liberty and an example of evil brutality. Most of the protestors were peacefully held from November 17-21, 2003.
They restricted their Constitutional Rights. Those rights are the First Amendment (Freedom of Speech, Assembly, and Press), 4th Amendment (Protection against search and seizure without probable cause), 8th Amendment (Excessive bail shall not be imposed), and the 14th Amendment (Equal Protection under the Law).
Even John Timoneny, the Miami Chief of Police blatantly said that "If they engage in lawful activity, we're going arrest them" at November 20, 2003 making him a tyrant. The demonstrators rightfully opposed the FTAA (Free Trade Area of the Americans) with its evil multinational corporations and plots for Globalization (New World Order).
The police told the NY Times that there were about 8,000-10,000 protestors. The riot police shot at people with "pepper gas and rubber bullets 120 miles an hour into a small crowd of surrounded resisters who they could have contained." (Constitutional Rights Suspended in Miami by Frederick Sweet)
One woman signaled the "V" sign and was shot with a rubber bullet point blank for no reason. There were video footage of bloody faces and an officer shooting a woman with rubber bullets and even chasing away a young man kneeling in silent prayer.
Tanks were used as well. The Independent Media Center had 20 journalists with videotapes, but they weren't immediately shown to the public and 4 broadcast-quality video cameras were confiscated or broken as said by Sara Kendall (one of the journalists). The federal government gave $8.5 million to help Miami with security and Homeland SSecurity.
Civil rights organizations, the A.F.L. -C.I.O. and Amnesty International, a human rights organization, seeks an investigation of the whole incident. They truthfully outlined individuals arrested for no reason or cause , denial of restrooms, water and phones.
They are carrying a fake "war on terrorism" but a real "war on dissent" arbitrary assigning a label of "terrorist" for all those who disagree with the Bush Kingdom stripping our Constitutional rights as American citizens.
This is John Ashcoft's Gestapo dream for America. He's an enemy of freedom along with George W. Bush, Donald Rumsfeld, Richard Cheney, Condolezza Rice, Paul Wolofowitz, and the rest within the Bush administration full of neo-con and Trotskyites.
By TruthSeeker24
March 25, 2004 A.D.
11:19 am. EST
NAFTA, the WTO, and
GATT ought to be
eliminated immediately
(100% Anti-Globalization)
The elite can't rule the world without supervising its economic structures and they have. The essence of free trade presented by the globalists is a complete shame to ruin the middle class.
Organizations like the IMF (International Monetary Fund), GATT (Global Agreement on Trade and Tariffs), EU, APEC (Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation), and others follow the same order. Free trade only suits multinational corporations and monopolies.
It destroys small business that can't compete with multinationals because the international corporations can drive out competitors, move to other countries to form new economies with ease, and control the market price therefore leaving small to medium-sized businesses unable to do anything about it. Free trade bans tariffs, which is ludicrous. Tariffs increase the price of imports and prevent multinational companies from dumping products in the United States.
That also provides a sum of government revenue and further the burden on hard working Americans. Other achievements is that it decreases production of the quality of life of a country's industries and a transfer of wealth occurs leading to a lower standard of living in the area.
That will also grow unemployment to further transnational corporations to take charge over automation and cheap slave labor, especially in the Third World. They gain control in a process. First, they create substandard products to be replaced in a short span of time. Second, all quality, low-cost products and inventions are suppressed, so the population is forced to rely on the multinationals.
We have witnessed many lies about free trade greatly. Global and free trade just favors multinational companies and their products are a poorer quality and selection. As a result, many consumers find it difficult to trust producers, including small firms (these firms make good production, but they are overshadowe d by the larger industries).
Environmental land labor standards are never equally applied to many foreign countries, since the multinationals will lower these standards in Third World lands.
We have a $130 + billion deficit with China and a $100 billion deficit with India. This is neither free nor fair trade. One of the biggest falsehoods about the scourge of free trade is that greater production rights are given to Third World Nations to help the poor.
It only benefits the transnational with monopolies forming and the exploitation leading to almost all slave labor destroying most small businesses that can’t compete on that scale.
Millions of jobs from the U.S.A. manufacturing industry are shipped overseas because of this (i.e. stock-options or outsourcing and George W. Bush even called fast-food jobs manufacturing jobs in February 2004 which is silly).
Buying imported mass produced products seldom help small/medium-sized businesses, small manufacturers, or the average person in the countries they’re in. Most products in free trade are made by corrupt international corporations. Buying their products will only increase their power and make countries less independent. Folks are also deceived into giving aid to the Third World will improve the poor of those nations.
Sources dictate that more misdirected aid does more harm than good. That aid must be directly p roperly to improve the Third World. It’s true that some aid will help the poor, but most of it benefits the multinationals in developing corrupt governments (they in turn are made rich to misuse the money in wrong things such as funding wars). Aid enhances the World Bank (for fake bailouts) over the economic policies of many societies.
Then you have Privatization. Privatization is when a nation sells off its local assets (or publicly owned assets and services) to corrupt multinationals (internationalists=Illuminati) that control the price anyway.
They will regularly sell out to merge with world government so world government will be in control of all assets. Countries sell their assets to pay off their debts. If they don't surrender their assets and sovereignty to the power, they won't receive any trading loans. Big Government + Select Corporations = Privatization.
This is not capitalism at all, feudalis m since only a few dozen families control all of the economies of the world. Feudalism=the concentration of more and more wealth in the hands of the few then the elimination or the stifling of the many.
Deregulation is similar to this. Deregulation has the government to cap the retail price of electricity [below market prices], prevent long-term contracts, prevent long-term contracts, and limit the construction of new power plants by numerous regulations of all types of energy (this restricts free enterprise and benefits oligarchic companies like Enron, etc.) leading to massive blackouts.
Competition is great between companies that should be encouraged, but you can't have monopolies. Transnational Corporations are monopolies plan and simple. Central banks are gaining regulation over governments.
The U.S. dollar is depressed very low. Therefore, free trade and globalization=one world economy, one world currency, and total global government rule with only multinational corporations doing the buying and the selling.
President Clinton signed Executive Order 13107 or “The Implementation of Human Rights Treaties” which claimed that U.N. Human Rights standards must be enforeced in the U.S. We all want human rights, but to allow a Communist organization to force its laws unto us is morally repugnant.
The same description goes for NAFTA. President George H. W. Bush has pushed for NAFTA as early as the early 1990’s. It was President Bill Clinton who passed the oppressive NAFTA or the North American Free Trade Agreement at 1994. Fake conservative Rush Limbaugh supported NAFTA as well.
The Bilderberg Group seeks in their long-term agenda to expand NAFT throughout the Western Hemisphere to create the American Union like the EU ending sovereignty of countries and further establishing NATO as the UN’s world army. FTAA was formed as a NAFTA expansion. FTAA is made up of 34 countries in the Western Hemisphere (except Cuba).
Even David Rockefeller stated on tape that he wants the American Union by 2005. One of the main problems with NAFTA is that it gives too much corporate investment rights and protections that are unprecedented in scope and power.
NAFTA allows corporations to travel and sue the national government of a NAFTA country in secret tribunals if they feel that a regulation of a government decision effects the investment in conflict with new NAFTA rights.
If a corporation wins the suit, the taxpayer of the “losing” NAFTA nation must foot the bill. Article 1100, 1102, and 1105 of NAFTA deals with the issues with the World Bank and the U.N. handling many of the cases.
NAFTA very well may represent the 1st of a 10 Super Nation States or 10 Regions of the N.W.O. This was all prophesized at Daniel 17:7-8. Bill Lambert told Cutting Edge Ministries in a secret meeting about NAFTA and the 10 occult leaders of the 10 superpowers to form the N.W.O.
The WTO is one of the scourges of mankind and the world. The WTO is not a republican institution having 132-member nations.
The rules they exhort are by and for multinational corporations with even inside access for various negotiations. The U.S. Trade Representative relies on 17 “Industry Advisor Committees” to provide input into trade negotiations without the environment, human rights, consumer, and labor groups.
Request for information are denied and the proceedings are held in secret. The WTO strips human rights and solutions to labor and human rights abuses are ignored.
One rule is that it’s illegal for the government to ban a product based on the way it’s produced (i.e. even slave/child labor). Another one is that government within the WTO can’t take into account the behavior of companies that do business with various dictatorships like China or Burma.
They are anti- environment by even desiring to end a regulation of the Clean Air Act [a common sense law] and that would require foreign and domestic products to have cleaner gasoline illegal. The WTO wants to weaken Endangered Species Act on shrimp and sea turtles. The WTO also strips our national sovereignty.
The WTO has a supranational court system to economically enforce sanctions on nations that won’t comply with the WTO’s rulings.
The WTO has unselected, unaccountable, corporate backed government refusing to respect national government. Even an ex-head said: “We are uniting the constitution of a single global economy.” (Regnato Ruggier, former WTO-Director-General, Italy).
The Tyrannical Gestapo
S.S. Stormtroppers at
Miami, Florida
This was never reported to the mainstream media for the purpose of covering up Bush's tactics to crush protest. This was an ultimate disgrace to liberty and an example of evil brutality. Most of the protestors were peacefully held from November 17-21, 2003.
They restricted their Constitutional Rights. Those rights are the First Amendment (Freedom of Speech, Assembly, and Press), 4th Amendment (Protection against search and seizure without probable cause), 8th Amendment (Excessive bail shall not be imposed), and the 14th Amendment (Equal Protection under the Law).
Even John Timoneny, the Miami Chief of Police blatantly said that "If they engage in lawful activity, we're going arrest them" at November 20, 2003 making him a tyrant. The demonstrators rightfully opposed the FTAA (Free Trade Area of the Americans) with its evil multinational corporations and plots for Globalization (New World Order).
The police told the NY Times that there were about 8,000-10,000 protestors. The riot police shot at people with "pepper gas and rubber bullets 120 miles an hour into a small crowd of surrounded resisters who they could have contained." (Constitutional Rights Suspended in Miami by Frederick Sweet)
One woman signaled the "V" sign and was shot with a rubber bullet point blank for no reason. There were video footage of bloody faces and an officer shooting a woman with rubber bullets and even chasing away a young man kneeling in silent prayer.
Tanks were used as well. The Independent Media Center had 20 journalists with videotapes, but they weren't immediately shown to the public and 4 broadcast-quality video cameras were confiscated or broken as said by Sara Kendall (one of the journalists). The federal government gave $8.5 million to help Miami with security and Homeland SSecurity.
Civil rights organizations, the A.F.L. -C.I.O. and Amnesty International, a human rights organization, seeks an investigation of the whole incident. They truthfully outlined individuals arrested for no reason or cause , denial of restrooms, water and phones.
They are carrying a fake "war on terrorism" but a real "war on dissent" arbitrary assigning a label of "terrorist" for all those who disagree with the Bush Kingdom stripping our Constitutional rights as American citizens.
This is John Ashcoft's Gestapo dream for America. He's an enemy of freedom along with George W. Bush, Donald Rumsfeld, Richard Cheney, Condolezza Rice, Paul Wolofowitz, and the rest within the Bush administration full of neo-con and Trotskyites.
By TruthSeeker24
March 25, 2004 A.D.
11:19 am. EST
The Brave New World
A Brave New World
Technology can be used as a gift and for a curse. The respect of human life and the end of the perverse experimentation must be established. Unfortunately, by man’s sinful nature, many individuals seek to manipulate nature into their own nefarious ends. Only a few years ago, when no one envisioned that George Orwell’s 1984 and Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World book painted a portrait of an abstract world. Now, the planet is rapidly drifting into an oppresseive big-brother high-tech prison. This is a brave new world where the use of life iss acted on in the most sick manner imaginable.
You can list these acts for decades, but one event stands out as representative of this new era. February 27, 1997 was the date when Dolly, the sheep, was cloned. I was in the eight grade and remembered it just like it was yesterday. It took 277 tries for Dolly to be successful, so that’s a 0.4% success rate which is extremely weak. Dolly died in February 2002 after being diagnosed with arthritis in January 2002. She only lived 5 years when sheep normally live for 11-12 years. Cloning is not only anti-human, but anti-animal as well. Abromalities in the womb happen to clones as well. Even though the United Nations is a corrupt mess, the U.S. officially abandoned an attempt to get an U.N. treaty to ban cloning. Actually, the U.S.A. should try to ban cloning in our country all by itself with no U.N. help since polls of the American public have overwhelming support for the banning of cloning. The technology of cloning existed for decades and human clones have already been formed.
Stem Cells, Embryos, & Hybrid Species
First, there must be a simple, quaint expose on embryonic stem cell research. Stem Cells are differentiated or unspecialized cells that have the ability to form themselves into any kind of cell in the body. Scientists have allowed them to divide and reproduce themselves in the laboratory. August 9, 2001 was the time when President George W. Bush announced a televised speech that he will provide funding of embryonic stem cells on all human embryos that has been already destroyed.
The problem with embryonic stem cell research is that it involves the destroying of an embryo, human life. An embryo is a human being since it contains all 46 human chromosomes. Its genetic code differs from the mother plus the embryo has its own DNA. One-celled organisms in the world flourish and reproduce, so just because something is small in size, doesn’t mean it isn’t human life. Numerous scientists like Dr. Diane Irving, Dr. Alfred Bonjovanni (University of Pennslyvania School of Medicine), and Dr. Hyme Gordn (Mayo Clinic) all confirm that life begins at conception.
Embryonic stem cells are known to develop temotomas or embroyonic stem-cell like cells that cause tumors. Also, they don’t respond to normal signals that tell tissues to stop growing. Christopher Reeve (now deceased), Michael J. Fox, Orrin Hatch, John McCain, John Kerry, and others support killing life to save life which is nothing more than utilitarianism.
They are captivated in this failed form of stem cell research. The war against the sancity of human life is in full swing with Arnold Schwarzenegger who passed Proposition 77 to have the state fund embryonic stem cell research inside California. To this day, no human being have been treated with embryonic stem cells, but only with adult stem cells (a better version from the nocks and crannies of our brain, body fat, bone marrow, umbilical cords, hair follicles, etc.) Behold these facts on the benefits of adult stem cell research plus the problems with embroyonic stem cell research:
1). Legitimate scientists wrote to Bonesmen John Kerry that embryonic stem cell research isn’t as effective as adult stem cell research. According to them, the embryos at blastocyst stage (4-7 days old) have difficultly forming tissues in a culture disk and cause tumors and genetic abnormalities in animals. There are even potentially life-threatening side effects to mice tested with embryonic stem cells for almost 35 years. They cause rejection. Their site is and they’ve found adult stem cell research in 56 diseases while the embryonic one has 0. The doctors who wrote it include Dr. Rodney D. Aden, Dr. William J. Burke, Dr. Michael J. Behe, etc.
2). Adult stem cell research may have benefits in multiple sclerosis and cancer victims:
“Some exciting new developments in adult stem cell research are being reported at leading medical conferences. The developments raise new questions about the wisdom of rival embryonic stem cell research, which has had negligible impact on the world of scientific research and is ethically problematic. Embryonic stem cell research involves the killing of human embryos while adult stem cell research does not. The latest adult stem cell research promises hope for patients suffering from everything from multiple sclerosis to strokes to cancer. For instance, researchers in Italy say adult stem cells might be able to reverse damage caused by multiple sclerosis. While human applications might not be possible for some time, initial trials using mice have been encouraging. Some 400,000 Americans afflicted by MS might benefit from the therapy.
The stem cells were derived from adult nerve tissue. The half-dozen mice injected with neural stem cells had "almost complete recovery" from the disease in the Italian experiment. However, the researchers cautioned, "We have great hopes, but we do not yet know the possible side effects.” Another breakthrough may come through stem cells derived from baby teeth. Hematologist Dr. Stan Gronthos told the New Zealand Herald, "Parents will want to store the stem cells found in the pulp inside these juvenile teeth in liquid nitrogen. That way, they could be used to grow new teeth and perhaps even cure neurological disorders like Parkinson's disease."
Gronthos forecasts that baby teeth stem cells will be effective in growing replacement brain tissue to overcome stroke damage as well. Gronthos presented his research findings at an Australian Stem Cell Scientific Conference in October. According to the Herald, a number of delegates to the Sydney conference believe the adult stem cells from the baby teeth will be more versatile than embryonic material.
Meanwhile, in Minnesota, researchers see great promise in umbilical cord blood. They say stem cells taken from such blood could cure patients with cancers of the blood and bone marrow. "The results of our studies are a triumph in a treatment that has been largely viewed as only possible in children and adolescents," Dr. John Wagner, a University of Minnesota professor, told the news media. Juliet Barker, an assistant professor of medicine, added, "These remarkable results represent a significant advance in the practice of adult cord blood transplantation. These approaches allow us to offer potentially life-saving transplant therapy to many patients who have previously been denied such treatment." ( “Adult Stem Cell Research May Benefit Multiple Sclerosis, Cancer Victims” by Maria Vitale Gallagher Staff Writer December 8, 2004)
3. According to the Korean Times report on November 26, 2004 by Kim Tae Gyu, a 37-year old female patient walked again after 19 years of being paralyzed with the help of stem cells from the umbilical cord blood. October 12, 2004 was when the transplantion began. Professor Kung and Hern co-led the research.
4. Great news is that according to the BBC and “All Stem Cells Tainted With 'Mouse Molecules'”
from Alan Cantwell that all federal approved embryos have been tainted by foreign mouse molecules that if used in humans can cause diseases to human beings. According to Alan this splicing was the means where the man-made AIDS virus was created. In February 2, 2005, Researchers at Tufts University found adult stem cells that can work in the same manner as embryonic stem cells. The Associated Press in February 8, 2005 reported that the license for Ian Wilmut for human cloning came in. This is the first time in history that a license is giving specifically for human cloning just in 2005.
*The Geron Corporation financed human experiments in 1998 at WATF and are now trying to even clone human embryos. In fact, by 1999, human embryos were cloned in June 17 of the year by ACT (American Cell Tech). The BBC reported a human hybrid clone as early as 1999. CNN reported in November 2001 that a human embryo was created by cloning.
*For the rest of the 21st century and beyond, scientists now are trying to develop human-animal hybrids or chimeras for so-called “therapeutic” or other “important” reasons. I thought this stuff occurred on in science fiction movies, but now this technology exists. Examples of this are human brain cells in animals and pigs with human blood.
No federal guidelines are around to stop scientists from potentially creating mutants for whatever reason they claim. Tax-funded universities like the University of Pennsylvania’s School of Medicine created chimeric mice by introducing Embryonic Stem Cells into early mice embryos. Implants and possible cures for diseases are some motives by doctors. On the other hand, that cost isn’t worth ruining the genetic makeup of mankind. A sum of its processes includes that:
“In Minnesota, pigs are being born with human blood in their veins. In Nevada, there are sheep whose livers and hearts are largely human.
In California, mice peer from their cages with human brain cells firing inside their skulls…Now Weissman says he is thinking about making chimeric mice whose brains are 100 percent human. He proposes keeping tabs on the mice as they develop. If the brains look as if they are taking on a distinctly human architecture -- a development that could hint at a glimmer of humanness -- they could be killed, he said. If they look as if they are organizing themselves in a mouse brain architecture, they could be used for research…”(Of Mice, Men, and In Between: Scientists Debate Blending of Human, Animal Forms” by Rick Weiss, Washington Post, November 20, 2004)
There’s even more new sick updates to this:
“Scientists have begun blurring the line between human and animal by producing chimeras—a hybrid creature that's part human, part animal. Chinese scientists at the Shanghai Second Medical University in 2003 successfully fused human cells with rabbit eggs. The embryos were reportedly the first human-animal chimeras successfully created.
They were allowed to develop for several days in a laboratory dish before the scientists destroyed the embryos to harvest their stem cells…The National Academy of Sciences, which advises the U.S. government, has been studying the issue. In March it plans to present voluntary ethical guidelines for researchers….What's caused the uproar is the mixing of human stem cells with embryonic animals to create new species.
Biotechnology activist Jeremy Rifkin is opposed to crossing species boundaries, because he believes animals have the right to exist without being tampered with or crossed with another species. He concedes that these studies would lead to some medical breakthroughs. Still, they should not be done.
"There are other ways to advance medicine and human health besides going out into the strange, brave new world of chimeric animals," Rifkin said, adding that sophisticated computer models can substitute for experimentation on live animals…Last year Canada passed the Assisted Human Reproduction Act, which bans chimeras. Specifically, it prohibits transferring a nonhuman cell into a human embryo and putting human cells into a nonhuman embryo.
Cynthia Cohen is a member of Canada's Stem Cell Oversight Committee, which oversees research protocols to ensure they are in accordance with the new guidelines. She believes a ban should also be put into place in the U.S. Creating chimeras, she said, by mixing human and animal gametes (sperms and eggs) or transferring reproductive cells, diminishes human dignity…Weissman has already created mice with brains that are about one percent human. Later this year he may conduct another experiment where the mice have 100 percent human brains. This would be done, he said, by injecting human neurons into the brains of embryonic mice. Before being born, the mice would be killed and dissected to see if the architecture of a human brain had formed. If it did, he'd look for traces of human cognitive behavior. Weissman said he's not a mad scientist trying to create a human in an animal body.
He hopes the experiment leads to a better understanding of how the brain works, which would be useful in treating diseases like Alzheimer's or Parkinson's disease. The test has not yet begun. Weissman is waiting to read the National Academy's report, due out in March. William Cheshire, associate professor of neurology at the Mayo Clinic's Jacksonville, Florida, branch, feels that combining human and animal neurons is problematic…” (“Animal-Human Hybrids Spark Controversy” National Geographic News January 25, 2005 By Maryann Mott)
Genetics & Eugenics
We are in the 2nd generation of this Brave New World genetic engineering after 9/11. Witness how far we've gone. In the June 2003 article "Can an electric device replace damaged brain circuits?" by Michael Rosenworld at Popular Science has U.S.C. trying to have a prosthetic brain (i.e. cyborg). On July 21st, 2004, Bush signed the Bio Shield Act in the Rose (rose means secrecy in the occult world. Jesus Christ throughout the NT hated secrecy done by man) Garden in the White House. the act lets drug companies and researchers the inducement to make new drugs and vaccines.
Also, the act provided funds for recombinant DNA technolgoy and molecular structural engineering. The vileness get worse and worse. Over in Britian, Maria Gallagher (Life News Staff Writer) on July 24, 2004 said that the British allowed families to screen embryos for certain characteristics to create “designer babies.” (to help their ailing children) Involving the possible creation, testing, and discarding of embryos in an attempt to devise a so-called “perfect” person is eugenics and it is wrong.
Nicholas D. Kristoff’s “Building Better Bodies” in the New York Times at August 25, 2004 present more information. New devices can lead for gene therapies to build stonger human bodies with no trace of the chemical in blood or urine by blocking myostatin to build muscle growth. This is worse than steroids since no one knowns its side-effects in the span of decades.
Future Olympiads could be 100% purity loss in many sports if althetes used this gene therapy. Finally, President, George W. Bush is implementing his New Freedom Iniatative proposed in March 2004. Tons of people are realizing this eugenic plot with mental health screening for every man, woman, and child in America. The “Freedom Commission on Mental Health” with those who served on advisory boards of some of the nation’s drug companies sit in this commission. The government could label humans “fit” and “unfit” along with executing compulsory population control.
The scourge of biometrics is in full throttle with Verichip, having a chip the size of a pin that can be implanted into people and other devices of control. RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) is one new component of the biometric beast. RFID chips are now in clothing used by the Wyoming-based Grantex Company. In the Democrat and Chronicle at December 15, 2004, had info about that the Rochester Police Department have listening microphones to listen to gunshots with remote sensors.
The Shot Spotter Location System designed it so police can hear gunshots and respond to probable crime. A Carlyle Group subsidiary named "Matrics" has CIA and NSA operatives and in April 7, 2004, it has been determined that they are promoting a Swastika-shaped tracker chip.
Booke Coburn is a managing director of the Carlyle Group and he's part of the Board of Directors at Matrics. Parents are fighting mandatory FFID chips unto their students in Brittan Elementary School in Sutter, California reported in The principal even wants a barcode to track students which are really extremists. The parents are opposing it health ground by a risk of radioactive materials in the tag and it crushes too much privacy. The parents are doing a good job by opposing this system.
By Me (Timothy)
March 31, 2005.
Technology can be used as a gift and for a curse. The respect of human life and the end of the perverse experimentation must be established. Unfortunately, by man’s sinful nature, many individuals seek to manipulate nature into their own nefarious ends. Only a few years ago, when no one envisioned that George Orwell’s 1984 and Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World book painted a portrait of an abstract world. Now, the planet is rapidly drifting into an oppresseive big-brother high-tech prison. This is a brave new world where the use of life iss acted on in the most sick manner imaginable.
You can list these acts for decades, but one event stands out as representative of this new era. February 27, 1997 was the date when Dolly, the sheep, was cloned. I was in the eight grade and remembered it just like it was yesterday. It took 277 tries for Dolly to be successful, so that’s a 0.4% success rate which is extremely weak. Dolly died in February 2002 after being diagnosed with arthritis in January 2002. She only lived 5 years when sheep normally live for 11-12 years. Cloning is not only anti-human, but anti-animal as well. Abromalities in the womb happen to clones as well. Even though the United Nations is a corrupt mess, the U.S. officially abandoned an attempt to get an U.N. treaty to ban cloning. Actually, the U.S.A. should try to ban cloning in our country all by itself with no U.N. help since polls of the American public have overwhelming support for the banning of cloning. The technology of cloning existed for decades and human clones have already been formed.
Stem Cells, Embryos, & Hybrid Species
First, there must be a simple, quaint expose on embryonic stem cell research. Stem Cells are differentiated or unspecialized cells that have the ability to form themselves into any kind of cell in the body. Scientists have allowed them to divide and reproduce themselves in the laboratory. August 9, 2001 was the time when President George W. Bush announced a televised speech that he will provide funding of embryonic stem cells on all human embryos that has been already destroyed.
The problem with embryonic stem cell research is that it involves the destroying of an embryo, human life. An embryo is a human being since it contains all 46 human chromosomes. Its genetic code differs from the mother plus the embryo has its own DNA. One-celled organisms in the world flourish and reproduce, so just because something is small in size, doesn’t mean it isn’t human life. Numerous scientists like Dr. Diane Irving, Dr. Alfred Bonjovanni (University of Pennslyvania School of Medicine), and Dr. Hyme Gordn (Mayo Clinic) all confirm that life begins at conception.
Embryonic stem cells are known to develop temotomas or embroyonic stem-cell like cells that cause tumors. Also, they don’t respond to normal signals that tell tissues to stop growing. Christopher Reeve (now deceased), Michael J. Fox, Orrin Hatch, John McCain, John Kerry, and others support killing life to save life which is nothing more than utilitarianism.
They are captivated in this failed form of stem cell research. The war against the sancity of human life is in full swing with Arnold Schwarzenegger who passed Proposition 77 to have the state fund embryonic stem cell research inside California. To this day, no human being have been treated with embryonic stem cells, but only with adult stem cells (a better version from the nocks and crannies of our brain, body fat, bone marrow, umbilical cords, hair follicles, etc.) Behold these facts on the benefits of adult stem cell research plus the problems with embroyonic stem cell research:
1). Legitimate scientists wrote to Bonesmen John Kerry that embryonic stem cell research isn’t as effective as adult stem cell research. According to them, the embryos at blastocyst stage (4-7 days old) have difficultly forming tissues in a culture disk and cause tumors and genetic abnormalities in animals. There are even potentially life-threatening side effects to mice tested with embryonic stem cells for almost 35 years. They cause rejection. Their site is and they’ve found adult stem cell research in 56 diseases while the embryonic one has 0. The doctors who wrote it include Dr. Rodney D. Aden, Dr. William J. Burke, Dr. Michael J. Behe, etc.
2). Adult stem cell research may have benefits in multiple sclerosis and cancer victims:
“Some exciting new developments in adult stem cell research are being reported at leading medical conferences. The developments raise new questions about the wisdom of rival embryonic stem cell research, which has had negligible impact on the world of scientific research and is ethically problematic. Embryonic stem cell research involves the killing of human embryos while adult stem cell research does not. The latest adult stem cell research promises hope for patients suffering from everything from multiple sclerosis to strokes to cancer. For instance, researchers in Italy say adult stem cells might be able to reverse damage caused by multiple sclerosis. While human applications might not be possible for some time, initial trials using mice have been encouraging. Some 400,000 Americans afflicted by MS might benefit from the therapy.
The stem cells were derived from adult nerve tissue. The half-dozen mice injected with neural stem cells had "almost complete recovery" from the disease in the Italian experiment. However, the researchers cautioned, "We have great hopes, but we do not yet know the possible side effects.” Another breakthrough may come through stem cells derived from baby teeth. Hematologist Dr. Stan Gronthos told the New Zealand Herald, "Parents will want to store the stem cells found in the pulp inside these juvenile teeth in liquid nitrogen. That way, they could be used to grow new teeth and perhaps even cure neurological disorders like Parkinson's disease."
Gronthos forecasts that baby teeth stem cells will be effective in growing replacement brain tissue to overcome stroke damage as well. Gronthos presented his research findings at an Australian Stem Cell Scientific Conference in October. According to the Herald, a number of delegates to the Sydney conference believe the adult stem cells from the baby teeth will be more versatile than embryonic material.
Meanwhile, in Minnesota, researchers see great promise in umbilical cord blood. They say stem cells taken from such blood could cure patients with cancers of the blood and bone marrow. "The results of our studies are a triumph in a treatment that has been largely viewed as only possible in children and adolescents," Dr. John Wagner, a University of Minnesota professor, told the news media. Juliet Barker, an assistant professor of medicine, added, "These remarkable results represent a significant advance in the practice of adult cord blood transplantation. These approaches allow us to offer potentially life-saving transplant therapy to many patients who have previously been denied such treatment." ( “Adult Stem Cell Research May Benefit Multiple Sclerosis, Cancer Victims” by Maria Vitale Gallagher Staff Writer December 8, 2004)
3. According to the Korean Times report on November 26, 2004 by Kim Tae Gyu, a 37-year old female patient walked again after 19 years of being paralyzed with the help of stem cells from the umbilical cord blood. October 12, 2004 was when the transplantion began. Professor Kung and Hern co-led the research.
4. Great news is that according to the BBC and “All Stem Cells Tainted With 'Mouse Molecules'”
from Alan Cantwell that all federal approved embryos have been tainted by foreign mouse molecules that if used in humans can cause diseases to human beings. According to Alan this splicing was the means where the man-made AIDS virus was created. In February 2, 2005, Researchers at Tufts University found adult stem cells that can work in the same manner as embryonic stem cells. The Associated Press in February 8, 2005 reported that the license for Ian Wilmut for human cloning came in. This is the first time in history that a license is giving specifically for human cloning just in 2005.
*The Geron Corporation financed human experiments in 1998 at WATF and are now trying to even clone human embryos. In fact, by 1999, human embryos were cloned in June 17 of the year by ACT (American Cell Tech). The BBC reported a human hybrid clone as early as 1999. CNN reported in November 2001 that a human embryo was created by cloning.
*For the rest of the 21st century and beyond, scientists now are trying to develop human-animal hybrids or chimeras for so-called “therapeutic” or other “important” reasons. I thought this stuff occurred on in science fiction movies, but now this technology exists. Examples of this are human brain cells in animals and pigs with human blood.
No federal guidelines are around to stop scientists from potentially creating mutants for whatever reason they claim. Tax-funded universities like the University of Pennsylvania’s School of Medicine created chimeric mice by introducing Embryonic Stem Cells into early mice embryos. Implants and possible cures for diseases are some motives by doctors. On the other hand, that cost isn’t worth ruining the genetic makeup of mankind. A sum of its processes includes that:
“In Minnesota, pigs are being born with human blood in their veins. In Nevada, there are sheep whose livers and hearts are largely human.
In California, mice peer from their cages with human brain cells firing inside their skulls…Now Weissman says he is thinking about making chimeric mice whose brains are 100 percent human. He proposes keeping tabs on the mice as they develop. If the brains look as if they are taking on a distinctly human architecture -- a development that could hint at a glimmer of humanness -- they could be killed, he said. If they look as if they are organizing themselves in a mouse brain architecture, they could be used for research…”(Of Mice, Men, and In Between: Scientists Debate Blending of Human, Animal Forms” by Rick Weiss, Washington Post, November 20, 2004)
There’s even more new sick updates to this:
“Scientists have begun blurring the line between human and animal by producing chimeras—a hybrid creature that's part human, part animal. Chinese scientists at the Shanghai Second Medical University in 2003 successfully fused human cells with rabbit eggs. The embryos were reportedly the first human-animal chimeras successfully created.
They were allowed to develop for several days in a laboratory dish before the scientists destroyed the embryos to harvest their stem cells…The National Academy of Sciences, which advises the U.S. government, has been studying the issue. In March it plans to present voluntary ethical guidelines for researchers….What's caused the uproar is the mixing of human stem cells with embryonic animals to create new species.
Biotechnology activist Jeremy Rifkin is opposed to crossing species boundaries, because he believes animals have the right to exist without being tampered with or crossed with another species. He concedes that these studies would lead to some medical breakthroughs. Still, they should not be done.
"There are other ways to advance medicine and human health besides going out into the strange, brave new world of chimeric animals," Rifkin said, adding that sophisticated computer models can substitute for experimentation on live animals…Last year Canada passed the Assisted Human Reproduction Act, which bans chimeras. Specifically, it prohibits transferring a nonhuman cell into a human embryo and putting human cells into a nonhuman embryo.
Cynthia Cohen is a member of Canada's Stem Cell Oversight Committee, which oversees research protocols to ensure they are in accordance with the new guidelines. She believes a ban should also be put into place in the U.S. Creating chimeras, she said, by mixing human and animal gametes (sperms and eggs) or transferring reproductive cells, diminishes human dignity…Weissman has already created mice with brains that are about one percent human. Later this year he may conduct another experiment where the mice have 100 percent human brains. This would be done, he said, by injecting human neurons into the brains of embryonic mice. Before being born, the mice would be killed and dissected to see if the architecture of a human brain had formed. If it did, he'd look for traces of human cognitive behavior. Weissman said he's not a mad scientist trying to create a human in an animal body.
He hopes the experiment leads to a better understanding of how the brain works, which would be useful in treating diseases like Alzheimer's or Parkinson's disease. The test has not yet begun. Weissman is waiting to read the National Academy's report, due out in March. William Cheshire, associate professor of neurology at the Mayo Clinic's Jacksonville, Florida, branch, feels that combining human and animal neurons is problematic…” (“Animal-Human Hybrids Spark Controversy” National Geographic News January 25, 2005 By Maryann Mott)
Genetics & Eugenics
We are in the 2nd generation of this Brave New World genetic engineering after 9/11. Witness how far we've gone. In the June 2003 article "Can an electric device replace damaged brain circuits?" by Michael Rosenworld at Popular Science has U.S.C. trying to have a prosthetic brain (i.e. cyborg). On July 21st, 2004, Bush signed the Bio Shield Act in the Rose (rose means secrecy in the occult world. Jesus Christ throughout the NT hated secrecy done by man) Garden in the White House. the act lets drug companies and researchers the inducement to make new drugs and vaccines.
Also, the act provided funds for recombinant DNA technolgoy and molecular structural engineering. The vileness get worse and worse. Over in Britian, Maria Gallagher (Life News Staff Writer) on July 24, 2004 said that the British allowed families to screen embryos for certain characteristics to create “designer babies.” (to help their ailing children) Involving the possible creation, testing, and discarding of embryos in an attempt to devise a so-called “perfect” person is eugenics and it is wrong.
Nicholas D. Kristoff’s “Building Better Bodies” in the New York Times at August 25, 2004 present more information. New devices can lead for gene therapies to build stonger human bodies with no trace of the chemical in blood or urine by blocking myostatin to build muscle growth. This is worse than steroids since no one knowns its side-effects in the span of decades.
Future Olympiads could be 100% purity loss in many sports if althetes used this gene therapy. Finally, President, George W. Bush is implementing his New Freedom Iniatative proposed in March 2004. Tons of people are realizing this eugenic plot with mental health screening for every man, woman, and child in America. The “Freedom Commission on Mental Health” with those who served on advisory boards of some of the nation’s drug companies sit in this commission. The government could label humans “fit” and “unfit” along with executing compulsory population control.
The scourge of biometrics is in full throttle with Verichip, having a chip the size of a pin that can be implanted into people and other devices of control. RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) is one new component of the biometric beast. RFID chips are now in clothing used by the Wyoming-based Grantex Company. In the Democrat and Chronicle at December 15, 2004, had info about that the Rochester Police Department have listening microphones to listen to gunshots with remote sensors.
The Shot Spotter Location System designed it so police can hear gunshots and respond to probable crime. A Carlyle Group subsidiary named "Matrics" has CIA and NSA operatives and in April 7, 2004, it has been determined that they are promoting a Swastika-shaped tracker chip.
Booke Coburn is a managing director of the Carlyle Group and he's part of the Board of Directors at Matrics. Parents are fighting mandatory FFID chips unto their students in Brittan Elementary School in Sutter, California reported in The principal even wants a barcode to track students which are really extremists. The parents are opposing it health ground by a risk of radioactive materials in the tag and it crushes too much privacy. The parents are doing a good job by opposing this system.
By Me (Timothy)
March 31, 2005.
Genetic Engineering
Genetic Engineering
Today, genetic engineering is one of the most advance and complex issues of society. The silly route is to go is to reject all forms of new technology, but technology must be carefully utilized. Technology like genetic engineering, can benefit mankind and ruin human when corrupted.
The Illuminati obviously intends to rule over the highest forms of futuristic technology for themselves without us to receive it for more control. I support genetic engineering that improves life without negative effects to the environment, humans, and animals. I won’t accept it in eugenics and I refuse to accept also the destruction of human embryos, etc. There is nothing wrong with using genetic engineering to treat or cure diseases.
That’s common sense and other positive uses of this technology can entail genetic therapy, genetic surgery or even som e forms of gene splicing. Many lives will be saved in such minor modifications of existing organism. On foods, to be safe, there must be labeling and a segregation of genetically engineered foods and food products so consumers can be wise to know the difference. I really don't believe in eating GM foods at all since they possess dangerous side effects. Many doctors and researchers have proven this point.
I also see nothing ill to use genetic engineering in reversing harmful mutations that are the result of the curse. We need to use discretion also in exposing foreign species to nations. One analogy is the rabbit sent to Australia, the rat to Hawaii, and the gypsy moth in the U.S. are all examples of negative effects of existing organisms sent to a new environment. Genetic engineering for the sake of the creation of new forms of life (in a large-scale format) ought to be rejected as immoral.
A newly formed being can cause massive problems for the environment and nature. This technology therefore should be operated to treat genetic di seases (i.e. recombinant DNA technology, etc.), but not to be used to radically re-designing creature. Patients for plants, animals, humans, and their genes are immoral since Life is a gift from Almighty God not an industrial commodity for man to tag.
The Human Genome Project
This project conspired of the U.S. Department of Energy and NIH Human Genome Program and it is the national coordinated effort to characterize all human genetic material by determining the complete sequence of DNA in the human genome. Recently almost all of the letters in the human genetic code (carried on the DNA) have been mapped. There are privacy concerns with this project, so no one's genetical material ought to be stolen from any human being at all.
Celera Genomonics (a non-government biotechnology company) is also involved in the venture. Their goal is to obviously discover and map all ca. 35,000 human genes for biological study. They also want to find all of the genetic makeup of other organism. The DNA molecule is one of the greatest scientific discoveries by 1953 by James Watson and Francis Crick. It’s also comprised of approximately 3 billion chemical bases arranged in precise sequence.
It’s good to note that the Director of the Human Genome Project is Francis Collins, a Christian who respects the positive aspects of genetic research:
“We have caught the first glimpse of our instruction book, previously known only to God.”
I disagree with some member of this Project wanting eugenic plans or population control plans though. So, I want to make that clear. This is great in the addition to the knowledge of man, but we need to have boundaries so this technology will never be used for eugenics purposes. No matter what, we are not God neither should we put in a position to play God. The basic answer is to be extremely cautious and never de-humananize human beings in the process. We must always realize that God has complete authority of all wisdom, life, and truth.
By Timothy
Today, genetic engineering is one of the most advance and complex issues of society. The silly route is to go is to reject all forms of new technology, but technology must be carefully utilized. Technology like genetic engineering, can benefit mankind and ruin human when corrupted.
The Illuminati obviously intends to rule over the highest forms of futuristic technology for themselves without us to receive it for more control. I support genetic engineering that improves life without negative effects to the environment, humans, and animals. I won’t accept it in eugenics and I refuse to accept also the destruction of human embryos, etc. There is nothing wrong with using genetic engineering to treat or cure diseases.
That’s common sense and other positive uses of this technology can entail genetic therapy, genetic surgery or even som e forms of gene splicing. Many lives will be saved in such minor modifications of existing organism. On foods, to be safe, there must be labeling and a segregation of genetically engineered foods and food products so consumers can be wise to know the difference. I really don't believe in eating GM foods at all since they possess dangerous side effects. Many doctors and researchers have proven this point.
I also see nothing ill to use genetic engineering in reversing harmful mutations that are the result of the curse. We need to use discretion also in exposing foreign species to nations. One analogy is the rabbit sent to Australia, the rat to Hawaii, and the gypsy moth in the U.S. are all examples of negative effects of existing organisms sent to a new environment. Genetic engineering for the sake of the creation of new forms of life (in a large-scale format) ought to be rejected as immoral.
A newly formed being can cause massive problems for the environment and nature. This technology therefore should be operated to treat genetic di seases (i.e. recombinant DNA technology, etc.), but not to be used to radically re-designing creature. Patients for plants, animals, humans, and their genes are immoral since Life is a gift from Almighty God not an industrial commodity for man to tag.
The Human Genome Project
This project conspired of the U.S. Department of Energy and NIH Human Genome Program and it is the national coordinated effort to characterize all human genetic material by determining the complete sequence of DNA in the human genome. Recently almost all of the letters in the human genetic code (carried on the DNA) have been mapped. There are privacy concerns with this project, so no one's genetical material ought to be stolen from any human being at all.
Celera Genomonics (a non-government biotechnology company) is also involved in the venture. Their goal is to obviously discover and map all ca. 35,000 human genes for biological study. They also want to find all of the genetic makeup of other organism. The DNA molecule is one of the greatest scientific discoveries by 1953 by James Watson and Francis Crick. It’s also comprised of approximately 3 billion chemical bases arranged in precise sequence.
It’s good to note that the Director of the Human Genome Project is Francis Collins, a Christian who respects the positive aspects of genetic research:
“We have caught the first glimpse of our instruction book, previously known only to God.”
I disagree with some member of this Project wanting eugenic plans or population control plans though. So, I want to make that clear. This is great in the addition to the knowledge of man, but we need to have boundaries so this technology will never be used for eugenics purposes. No matter what, we are not God neither should we put in a position to play God. The basic answer is to be extremely cautious and never de-humananize human beings in the process. We must always realize that God has complete authority of all wisdom, life, and truth.
By Timothy
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
The Bilderberg Group
The Bilderberg Group Exposed
Table of Contents:
1. Its Origin
2. The 2004 & 2005 Bilderberg Gatherings
3. On the Bohemian Grove
4. 2 Famous Bilderberger Participants: George H. W. Bush and Bill Clinton
5. John Edwards
6. The Skulls and Bones Chronicles
7. Programs that Attempt to End American Sovereignty
8. The Mid-Decade Updates
9. The Pilgrim Society
10. Opus 1
11. The Denver International Airport
12. Albert Pike’s Masonic Three World Wars Plan
13. Ralph Reed
14. George Soros
15. New Discussions
16. William H. T. Bush
17. “The War on Terror” Tidbits
1. Its Origin
Secret Societies and globalist organizations are always a hazard to the world. The explanation for that is that extreme secrecy, evil policies, and a lust for the sake of dominating all mankind is entrenched in their modus operandi. The Bilderberg Group is one such entity. When I was thinking about what my new expose would be, the Bilderberg Group kept popping in my mind so relentlessly, that I finally decided to give a revelation of God’s truth on them. The time is now to represent that group’s diabolism. After all these years, my opposition to the Illuminati, Freemasonry, and the Jesuits are stronger than ever.
Secret Masonic Handshake
Freemasonry is still false for its roots are clearly from the ancient Mystery Religions of Babylon and Egypt (with its worship of the false gods and goddesses of Isis, Osiris, Ra, etc.) plus the Kabbalah. Many others and I have proven that Freemasonry is more than just a religion [said by many Masons themselves], but the top 5% of higher degrees of Masons worship Lucifer/Satan according to many scholars and people opposing Freemasonry.
I’ve quoted numerous of those in the Fraternity saying it. Masonry embraces other faiths as Brothers of the Lodge, which is against Almighty God’s commandment as having no other gods before me and against religious fellowship with unbelievers. We’re forbidden to swear; yet Masons swear in oaths. Many elite families or bloodlines are also involved in the attempt to bring about the New World Order/Golden Age/Zep Tepi/Novus Ordo Seclorum with the rule of the Anti-Christ and Satan in their deluded minds.
The New World Order is Satanic and evil for an one-world government system is contrary to the U.S. Constitution, our national sovereignty, and our God-given fundamental rights as human beings. Beyond that, it’s crucial to expose the origin and present a concise introduction of the Bilderberg Group.
The Bilderberg Group used a plot for an united Europe as a foundation. Dr. Joseph Retinger (d. 1960), Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands along with others promoted that idea. Even in Alden Hatch’s biography of Bernhard, the Bilderberg Group gave to the European Union, but their ultimate goal is to have an one-world government. Some of its founders are Dr. Joseph H. Retinger, German-born Prince Bernhard, Colin Gubbin (former director of the British SOE, Special Operations Executive), General Walter Bedell Smith, etc. According to Robert Howard, the Bilderberg Group was David Rockefeller’s brainchild. Their first meeting was in the Hotel de Bilderberg in Oosterbeek, Holland from May 29-31, 1954.
In the 1954 meeting, C.D. Jackson (Vice President of Time magazine, delegate to the U.N., and spokesman for the U.S. delegation led by David Rockefeller) said that by their 2nd meeting, Senator Joseph McCarthy would be gone from the American scene. See, McCarthy was a freedom fighter, which was occasionally eccentric at time, but was really gunning for the communists infiltrating high-levels of the U.S. government and died in 1957.
In the 1962 and 1973 meetings, Prince Bernhard (husband of Queen Juliana of the Netherlands) chaired them. The Queen was one of the richest women in the world at the time because of her partnership with Victor Rothschild in the Royal Shell Oil Company [owning 5% of the stock, which in 1978 was worth $425 million and also holds stock in Exxon]. In 1976, 15 representatives from the Soviet Union attended the meeting in the Arizona desert.
Some claim that they planned to end Communism in the Soviet Union during that meeting. Even Dan Quayle (a lackey for the elite) in 1990 was at a Bilderberg gala in Long Island, New York. In 1995, he thanked Illuminatus Lawrence Rockefeller for his connections to make his success. Baden Baden, Germany [in the Black Forest] in 1991, they discussed plans for a common European currency, European central banking, Mid-East issues, and developments of the Soviet Union.
That’s similar to the European Union. John Reed, U.S. Republican Senator from Rhode Island John Chafee, and even Douglas Wilder (the first black governor in American history) attended the 1991 gathering. Also, David Rockefeller said this in Germany in 1991:
“We are grateful to the Washington Post, the New York Times, Time magazine, and other great publications (more)…But the world is now more sophisticated and prepared to march toward a world government. The supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national auto-denomination practiced in past centuries.”
In 1992, the Bilderbergers advocated an UN army to, by force, impose its will on any nation. That’s nuts since the U.N. is already a corrupt group as it is today. Henry Kissinger advocated using the U.N. to restore order in L.A. during the ’92 meeting.
All of the resort areas and hotels are cleared of visitors and residents before the Bilderberger ascend these soldiers, armed guards, the Secret Service, and state and local police guard the area. All bugging devices are scanned in all conference and meeting rooms. The Bilderbergers try to keep what goes on in their meetings secret from the public.
The media never report the Bilderberg Group greatly. Why? They don’t want us to know their paymasters since many media bigwigs are apart of the Bilderberg Group. Peter Jennings, Bill Moyers, George Stephanolopolis, and Paul Gigot are in it. Bilderberg policy is carried out by the Bilderberg Steering Committee (made up of 24 Europeans and 15 Americans) and by the Advisory Committee, which makes a smaller group within the organization.
Famous members, dead or alive, inside include:
-Gerald Ford
-Nixon’s former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger
-Robert McNamara (former Secretary of Defense for the JFK administration and ex-head of the World Bank)
-David Rockefeller (co-founder of the Trilateral Commission and ex-Chairman of the Chase Manhattan Bank)
-Helmut Schmidt (former Chancellor of Germany)
-Baron Edmund De Rothschild (he’s dead now)
-Lord J. Rothschild
-Lawrence Rockefeller
-Katherine Graham
-George H. W. Bush
-Queen Sophia of Spain
-Steven Spielberg (who attended a 1999 gathering in Sintra, Portugal)
-Javier Solana
-Chuck Hegel
-William Kristol
-Lord Peter Carrington
-Lloyd Bensten (ex-CFR, connected to the S&L scandal, ex-Treasury Secretary for William Jefferson Clinton)
-John Brademas (ex-member of the Central Committee of the WCC, World Council of Churches)
-John M. Deutsch (ex-director of the CIA, part of MIT)
*Only a brief press conference is held to show some of the topics discussed after the meeting. According to Fritz Springmeier, the executive committee of the Bilderbergers is the 9th Degree of the Illuminati. 1 Simdwater, The Hague, the Netherlands is the address of the permanent Bilderberg Secretariat. 345 E. 46th Street, NYC is the address of the American version of it (i.e. the palace of the Trilateral Commission and the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace). One of the more recent events, they discussed about the Iraq War in their May/June 2002 meeting:
“The Issue of America going to war in Iraq has been delayed, with the White House agreeing to wait at least until next year, instead of late summer or early fall, but many issues simmer at this year’s secret Bilderberg meeting.” (“Bilderberg Meets” by Jim Tucker-American Free Press-June 1, 2002)
Further in Tucker’s “Bilderberg Batters Bush; but unity remains on N.W.O.” on June 9, 2002 at the American Free Press had Rumsfeld saying no immediate war, but didn’t say there aren’t any “plans for future wars.” So, they indeed set consensus policies. The Bilderberg Group is a miscreant-networking group who’s an enemy of man and most importantly an enemy of Almighty God, who created the universe. The website of, Jim Tucker, and American Free Press are real fighters against the New World Order who is the foremost in exposing the Bilderberg Group.
2. The 2004 & 2005 Bilderberg Gathering
The June 3-4, 2004 Bilderberg assemblage was held in Stressa, Italy. It was its 50th anniversary and their 52nd meeting. Folks came not only from Europe and America, but also from Turkey, Canada, Cyprus, and other areas. The American delegation had 33 members among the 127 known attendees. Full of luminaries of the globalists were present like:
-Max Boot-neo con, CFR, Features Editor, Wall Street Journal
-John Edwards
-Douglas J. Feith-Undersecretary for Policy, Department of Defense
-Timothy F. Geither-President of the Federal Reserve Bank
-Ralph Reed-President of Century Strategies
-James Wolfensen-President of the World Bank until May 2005
-Martin H. Wolf-Associate Editor, Economic Commentators (The Financial Times)
Jim Tucker wrote this about Stressa:
“At this year's secret Bilderberg meeting, some of the world's most powerful elite focused on U.S. taxes and foreign giveaways, as well as the increasingly violent Iraq occupation and the role the United Nations should play in all future similar outbreaks of violence. Prior to the meeting, a Bilderberg memo promised that its members would deal mainly with European-American relations and in that context, with U.S politics, Iraq, the Middle East, European geopolitics, NATO, China, energy and economic problems. During the conference, Britain came in for harsh criticism for supporting the invasion of Iraq. It was also lambasted for failing to embrace the euro, despite Prime Minister Tony Blair's promise to do so at a Bilderberg meeting some years ago in the Scottish resort of Turnberry.
Bilderberg members also expressed frustration with the rising clamor in Britain to quit the European Union.
As expected, the United States was heavily criticized for the fact that its foreign aid was a smaller percentage of gross domestic product than that of other nations. That marked the third straight meeting at which Bilderbergers' decades of almost total congeniality was marred by hostility among the Americans, Britons and continental Europeans… Bilderbergers, however, remain united in their long-term goal to strengthen the role the UN plays in regulating global relations…European Bilderbergers also protested the fact that the Pentagon was considering reducing troop levels in Germany and tried hard to convince their American counterparts to resist the move. They argued it would "undermine unity" and, irrespective of the military implications, the German economy benefited annually from the millions of dollars spent by U.S. servicemen there.
Resistance in Britain to the euro, and to membership in the European Union, caused much concern and was deemed an obstacle to the solidification of the super state. It was noted that many Europeans were unaware of the European Parliament elections scheduled for June 10 and should there be a low turnout, EU opposition groups could attribute it to a protest boycott of the elections.
Four former Conservative members of Parliament have endorsed the United Kingdom Independence Party, which demands British withdrawal from the European Union. And, if allowed to vote in a referendum, it has been reported that Britons would reject membership in the European Union by strong proportions.
A YouGov survey, taken at the end of May, showed 48 percent would vote to get out of the European Union and 36 percent would vote to stay in. As it stands, Europeans can only select members for the European Parliament but not the EU Commission, the bureaucratic powerhouse of the union.
Bilderberg participants ended their secret sessions on an upbeat note with a ferry ride to a luxury island on Lake Maggiore, where John Elkman, the latest vice president of the Fiat motor company, will marry his new bride in September. (From Investigation Reveals: Bilderbergers Want Taxes Up, War in Iraq Over By James P. Tucker Jr.)
Tucker also mentions that the Bilderberg Group wanted to expand the FTAA to include the whole Western Hemisphere except for Cuba until Castro is gone. They also want the FTAA to evolve into the American Union similar to the European Union [a fulfillment of Bible prophecy describing the kingdom of the Antichrist]. The Bilderbergers planned more in 2004 as well. They desire on Asian-Pacific Union to be the 3rd great super state and the U.S. and other financial organs to fund them.
They seek a global tax worldwide either by a tax on oil or on global financial transactions. The 2004 gathering also wanted to raise the U.S. tax rate (they view it low) and increase U.S. foreign aid to underdeveloped countries. Well, this is gross for taxes should involve individual nations and we’re shouldn’t submit to a global tax since that’s theft not to mention it’s unconstitutional and against our national sovereignty.
For Iraq, many of them argued that the U.S. shouldn’t invade Iraq without the U.N. European Bilderbergers don’t want U.S. troop levels in Germany to decrease to promote “unity” and the German economy benefited yearly by U.S. servicemen. Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands died in 2004 at 93.
Jim Tucker of American Free Press was arrested for showing us this exact information for being a good journalist. Texe Marrs mentions even more of the agenda by the Bilderbergers in their 2004 meeting. They are to pass U.S.A. hate crimes to end free speech with them globally, new Big Brother policies to prohibit anti-N.W.O. dissidents to express themselves in the Net and other places, and force Taiwan (a real Nationalist country) to lose its sovereignty to China by 2012. They want this, so China can join the Asian Union. Marrs talked about the Middle East plans and sending medical care benefits to fund millions of illegal immigrants.
The 2005 Bilderberg conference may take place in Munich, Germany according to Bilderberg expert James P. Tucker Jr. It will take place after Bush and Condoleeza Rice came into Europe for a visit. Rumsfeld persuaded Europeans to even train and finance thousands of new Iraqi police. Barry Carmish called Naton Sharansky as a KGB informer.
Topics that you can expect to be discussed in the 2005 meeting are about “democracy” in Iraq, Saudi Arabia, the Middle East (they could allow Israel and Palestine to be in the EU??), the development of NATO, the evil EU Constitution, etc. Like always, many leaders of all major international institutions like the World Bank, the IMF, the U.N., and the E.U. visited there.
By TruthSeeker24
c. April 28, 2005
Table of Contents:
1. Its Origin
2. The 2004 & 2005 Bilderberg Gatherings
3. On the Bohemian Grove
4. 2 Famous Bilderberger Participants: George H. W. Bush and Bill Clinton
5. John Edwards
6. The Skulls and Bones Chronicles
7. Programs that Attempt to End American Sovereignty
8. The Mid-Decade Updates
9. The Pilgrim Society
10. Opus 1
11. The Denver International Airport
12. Albert Pike’s Masonic Three World Wars Plan
13. Ralph Reed
14. George Soros
15. New Discussions
16. William H. T. Bush
17. “The War on Terror” Tidbits
1. Its Origin
Secret Societies and globalist organizations are always a hazard to the world. The explanation for that is that extreme secrecy, evil policies, and a lust for the sake of dominating all mankind is entrenched in their modus operandi. The Bilderberg Group is one such entity. When I was thinking about what my new expose would be, the Bilderberg Group kept popping in my mind so relentlessly, that I finally decided to give a revelation of God’s truth on them. The time is now to represent that group’s diabolism. After all these years, my opposition to the Illuminati, Freemasonry, and the Jesuits are stronger than ever.
Secret Masonic Handshake
Freemasonry is still false for its roots are clearly from the ancient Mystery Religions of Babylon and Egypt (with its worship of the false gods and goddesses of Isis, Osiris, Ra, etc.) plus the Kabbalah. Many others and I have proven that Freemasonry is more than just a religion [said by many Masons themselves], but the top 5% of higher degrees of Masons worship Lucifer/Satan according to many scholars and people opposing Freemasonry.
I’ve quoted numerous of those in the Fraternity saying it. Masonry embraces other faiths as Brothers of the Lodge, which is against Almighty God’s commandment as having no other gods before me and against religious fellowship with unbelievers. We’re forbidden to swear; yet Masons swear in oaths. Many elite families or bloodlines are also involved in the attempt to bring about the New World Order/Golden Age/Zep Tepi/Novus Ordo Seclorum with the rule of the Anti-Christ and Satan in their deluded minds.
The New World Order is Satanic and evil for an one-world government system is contrary to the U.S. Constitution, our national sovereignty, and our God-given fundamental rights as human beings. Beyond that, it’s crucial to expose the origin and present a concise introduction of the Bilderberg Group.
The Bilderberg Group used a plot for an united Europe as a foundation. Dr. Joseph Retinger (d. 1960), Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands along with others promoted that idea. Even in Alden Hatch’s biography of Bernhard, the Bilderberg Group gave to the European Union, but their ultimate goal is to have an one-world government. Some of its founders are Dr. Joseph H. Retinger, German-born Prince Bernhard, Colin Gubbin (former director of the British SOE, Special Operations Executive), General Walter Bedell Smith, etc. According to Robert Howard, the Bilderberg Group was David Rockefeller’s brainchild. Their first meeting was in the Hotel de Bilderberg in Oosterbeek, Holland from May 29-31, 1954.
In the 1954 meeting, C.D. Jackson (Vice President of Time magazine, delegate to the U.N., and spokesman for the U.S. delegation led by David Rockefeller) said that by their 2nd meeting, Senator Joseph McCarthy would be gone from the American scene. See, McCarthy was a freedom fighter, which was occasionally eccentric at time, but was really gunning for the communists infiltrating high-levels of the U.S. government and died in 1957.
In the 1962 and 1973 meetings, Prince Bernhard (husband of Queen Juliana of the Netherlands) chaired them. The Queen was one of the richest women in the world at the time because of her partnership with Victor Rothschild in the Royal Shell Oil Company [owning 5% of the stock, which in 1978 was worth $425 million and also holds stock in Exxon]. In 1976, 15 representatives from the Soviet Union attended the meeting in the Arizona desert.
Some claim that they planned to end Communism in the Soviet Union during that meeting. Even Dan Quayle (a lackey for the elite) in 1990 was at a Bilderberg gala in Long Island, New York. In 1995, he thanked Illuminatus Lawrence Rockefeller for his connections to make his success. Baden Baden, Germany [in the Black Forest] in 1991, they discussed plans for a common European currency, European central banking, Mid-East issues, and developments of the Soviet Union.
That’s similar to the European Union. John Reed, U.S. Republican Senator from Rhode Island John Chafee, and even Douglas Wilder (the first black governor in American history) attended the 1991 gathering. Also, David Rockefeller said this in Germany in 1991:
“We are grateful to the Washington Post, the New York Times, Time magazine, and other great publications (more)…But the world is now more sophisticated and prepared to march toward a world government. The supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national auto-denomination practiced in past centuries.”
In 1992, the Bilderbergers advocated an UN army to, by force, impose its will on any nation. That’s nuts since the U.N. is already a corrupt group as it is today. Henry Kissinger advocated using the U.N. to restore order in L.A. during the ’92 meeting.
All of the resort areas and hotels are cleared of visitors and residents before the Bilderberger ascend these soldiers, armed guards, the Secret Service, and state and local police guard the area. All bugging devices are scanned in all conference and meeting rooms. The Bilderbergers try to keep what goes on in their meetings secret from the public.
The media never report the Bilderberg Group greatly. Why? They don’t want us to know their paymasters since many media bigwigs are apart of the Bilderberg Group. Peter Jennings, Bill Moyers, George Stephanolopolis, and Paul Gigot are in it. Bilderberg policy is carried out by the Bilderberg Steering Committee (made up of 24 Europeans and 15 Americans) and by the Advisory Committee, which makes a smaller group within the organization.
Famous members, dead or alive, inside include:
-Gerald Ford
-Nixon’s former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger
-Robert McNamara (former Secretary of Defense for the JFK administration and ex-head of the World Bank)
-David Rockefeller (co-founder of the Trilateral Commission and ex-Chairman of the Chase Manhattan Bank)
-Helmut Schmidt (former Chancellor of Germany)
-Baron Edmund De Rothschild (he’s dead now)
-Lord J. Rothschild
-Lawrence Rockefeller
-Katherine Graham
-George H. W. Bush
-Queen Sophia of Spain
-Steven Spielberg (who attended a 1999 gathering in Sintra, Portugal)
-Javier Solana
-Chuck Hegel
-William Kristol
-Lord Peter Carrington
-Lloyd Bensten (ex-CFR, connected to the S&L scandal, ex-Treasury Secretary for William Jefferson Clinton)
-John Brademas (ex-member of the Central Committee of the WCC, World Council of Churches)
-John M. Deutsch (ex-director of the CIA, part of MIT)
*Only a brief press conference is held to show some of the topics discussed after the meeting. According to Fritz Springmeier, the executive committee of the Bilderbergers is the 9th Degree of the Illuminati. 1 Simdwater, The Hague, the Netherlands is the address of the permanent Bilderberg Secretariat. 345 E. 46th Street, NYC is the address of the American version of it (i.e. the palace of the Trilateral Commission and the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace). One of the more recent events, they discussed about the Iraq War in their May/June 2002 meeting:
“The Issue of America going to war in Iraq has been delayed, with the White House agreeing to wait at least until next year, instead of late summer or early fall, but many issues simmer at this year’s secret Bilderberg meeting.” (“Bilderberg Meets” by Jim Tucker-American Free Press-June 1, 2002)
Further in Tucker’s “Bilderberg Batters Bush; but unity remains on N.W.O.” on June 9, 2002 at the American Free Press had Rumsfeld saying no immediate war, but didn’t say there aren’t any “plans for future wars.” So, they indeed set consensus policies. The Bilderberg Group is a miscreant-networking group who’s an enemy of man and most importantly an enemy of Almighty God, who created the universe. The website of, Jim Tucker, and American Free Press are real fighters against the New World Order who is the foremost in exposing the Bilderberg Group.
2. The 2004 & 2005 Bilderberg Gathering
The June 3-4, 2004 Bilderberg assemblage was held in Stressa, Italy. It was its 50th anniversary and their 52nd meeting. Folks came not only from Europe and America, but also from Turkey, Canada, Cyprus, and other areas. The American delegation had 33 members among the 127 known attendees. Full of luminaries of the globalists were present like:
-Max Boot-neo con, CFR, Features Editor, Wall Street Journal
-John Edwards
-Douglas J. Feith-Undersecretary for Policy, Department of Defense
-Timothy F. Geither-President of the Federal Reserve Bank
-Ralph Reed-President of Century Strategies
-James Wolfensen-President of the World Bank until May 2005
-Martin H. Wolf-Associate Editor, Economic Commentators (The Financial Times)
Jim Tucker wrote this about Stressa:
“At this year's secret Bilderberg meeting, some of the world's most powerful elite focused on U.S. taxes and foreign giveaways, as well as the increasingly violent Iraq occupation and the role the United Nations should play in all future similar outbreaks of violence. Prior to the meeting, a Bilderberg memo promised that its members would deal mainly with European-American relations and in that context, with U.S politics, Iraq, the Middle East, European geopolitics, NATO, China, energy and economic problems. During the conference, Britain came in for harsh criticism for supporting the invasion of Iraq. It was also lambasted for failing to embrace the euro, despite Prime Minister Tony Blair's promise to do so at a Bilderberg meeting some years ago in the Scottish resort of Turnberry.
Bilderberg members also expressed frustration with the rising clamor in Britain to quit the European Union.
As expected, the United States was heavily criticized for the fact that its foreign aid was a smaller percentage of gross domestic product than that of other nations. That marked the third straight meeting at which Bilderbergers' decades of almost total congeniality was marred by hostility among the Americans, Britons and continental Europeans… Bilderbergers, however, remain united in their long-term goal to strengthen the role the UN plays in regulating global relations…European Bilderbergers also protested the fact that the Pentagon was considering reducing troop levels in Germany and tried hard to convince their American counterparts to resist the move. They argued it would "undermine unity" and, irrespective of the military implications, the German economy benefited annually from the millions of dollars spent by U.S. servicemen there.
Resistance in Britain to the euro, and to membership in the European Union, caused much concern and was deemed an obstacle to the solidification of the super state. It was noted that many Europeans were unaware of the European Parliament elections scheduled for June 10 and should there be a low turnout, EU opposition groups could attribute it to a protest boycott of the elections.
Four former Conservative members of Parliament have endorsed the United Kingdom Independence Party, which demands British withdrawal from the European Union. And, if allowed to vote in a referendum, it has been reported that Britons would reject membership in the European Union by strong proportions.
A YouGov survey, taken at the end of May, showed 48 percent would vote to get out of the European Union and 36 percent would vote to stay in. As it stands, Europeans can only select members for the European Parliament but not the EU Commission, the bureaucratic powerhouse of the union.
Bilderberg participants ended their secret sessions on an upbeat note with a ferry ride to a luxury island on Lake Maggiore, where John Elkman, the latest vice president of the Fiat motor company, will marry his new bride in September. (From Investigation Reveals: Bilderbergers Want Taxes Up, War in Iraq Over By James P. Tucker Jr.)
Tucker also mentions that the Bilderberg Group wanted to expand the FTAA to include the whole Western Hemisphere except for Cuba until Castro is gone. They also want the FTAA to evolve into the American Union similar to the European Union [a fulfillment of Bible prophecy describing the kingdom of the Antichrist]. The Bilderbergers planned more in 2004 as well. They desire on Asian-Pacific Union to be the 3rd great super state and the U.S. and other financial organs to fund them.
They seek a global tax worldwide either by a tax on oil or on global financial transactions. The 2004 gathering also wanted to raise the U.S. tax rate (they view it low) and increase U.S. foreign aid to underdeveloped countries. Well, this is gross for taxes should involve individual nations and we’re shouldn’t submit to a global tax since that’s theft not to mention it’s unconstitutional and against our national sovereignty.
For Iraq, many of them argued that the U.S. shouldn’t invade Iraq without the U.N. European Bilderbergers don’t want U.S. troop levels in Germany to decrease to promote “unity” and the German economy benefited yearly by U.S. servicemen. Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands died in 2004 at 93.
Jim Tucker of American Free Press was arrested for showing us this exact information for being a good journalist. Texe Marrs mentions even more of the agenda by the Bilderbergers in their 2004 meeting. They are to pass U.S.A. hate crimes to end free speech with them globally, new Big Brother policies to prohibit anti-N.W.O. dissidents to express themselves in the Net and other places, and force Taiwan (a real Nationalist country) to lose its sovereignty to China by 2012. They want this, so China can join the Asian Union. Marrs talked about the Middle East plans and sending medical care benefits to fund millions of illegal immigrants.
The 2005 Bilderberg conference may take place in Munich, Germany according to Bilderberg expert James P. Tucker Jr. It will take place after Bush and Condoleeza Rice came into Europe for a visit. Rumsfeld persuaded Europeans to even train and finance thousands of new Iraqi police. Barry Carmish called Naton Sharansky as a KGB informer.
Topics that you can expect to be discussed in the 2005 meeting are about “democracy” in Iraq, Saudi Arabia, the Middle East (they could allow Israel and Palestine to be in the EU??), the development of NATO, the evil EU Constitution, etc. Like always, many leaders of all major international institutions like the World Bank, the IMF, the U.N., and the E.U. visited there.
By TruthSeeker24
c. April 28, 2005