Friday, March 20, 2009

The World Bank

The World Bank, IMF,

NAFTA, the WTO, and

GATT ought to be

eliminated immediately

(100% Anti-Globalization)

The elite can't rule the world without supervising its economic structures and they have. The essence of free trade presented by the globalists is a complete shame to ruin the middle class.

Organizations like the IMF (International Monetary Fund), GATT (Global Agreement on Trade and Tariffs), EU, APEC (Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation), and others follow the same order. Free trade only suits multinational corporations and monopolies.

It destroys small business that can't compete with multinationals because the international corporations can drive out competitors, move to other countries to form new economies with ease, and control the market price therefore leaving small to medium-sized businesses unable to do anything about it. Free trade bans tariffs, which is ludicrous. Tariffs increase the price of imports and prevent multinational companies from dumping products in the United States.

That also provides a sum of government revenue and further the burden on hard working Americans. Other achievements is that it decreases production of the quality of life of a country's industries and a transfer of wealth occurs leading to a lower standard of living in the area.

That will also grow unemployment to further transnational corporations to take charge over automation and cheap slave labor, especially in the Third World. They gain control in a process. First, they create substandard products to be replaced in a short span of time. Second, all quality, low-cost products and inventions are suppressed, so the population is forced to rely on the multinationals.

We have witnessed many lies about free trade greatly. Global and free trade just favors multinational companies and their products are a poorer quality and selection. As a result, many consumers find it difficult to trust producers, including small firms (these firms make good production, but they are overshadowe d by the larger industries).

Environmental land labor standards are never equally applied to many foreign countries, since the multinationals will lower these standards in Third World lands.

We have a $130 + billion deficit with China and a $100 billion deficit with India. This is neither free nor fair trade. One of the biggest falsehoods about the scourge of free trade is that greater production rights are given to Third World Nations to help the poor.

It only benefits the transnational with monopolies forming and the exploitation leading to almost all slave labor destroying most small businesses that can’t compete on that scale.

Millions of jobs from the U.S.A. manufacturing industry are shipped overseas because of this (i.e. stock-options or outsourcing and George W. Bush even called fast-food jobs manufacturing jobs in February 2004 which is silly).

Buying imported mass produced products seldom help small/medium-sized businesses, small manufacturers, or the average person in the countries they’re in. Most products in free trade are made by corrupt international corporations. Buying their products will only increase their power and make countries less independent. Folks are also deceived into giving aid to the Third World will improve the poor of those nations.

Sources dictate that more misdirected aid does more harm than good. That aid must be directly p roperly to improve the Third World. It’s true that some aid will help the poor, but most of it benefits the multinationals in developing corrupt governments (they in turn are made rich to misuse the money in wrong things such as funding wars). Aid enhances the World Bank (for fake bailouts) over the economic policies of many societies.

Then you have Privatization. Privatization is when a nation sells off its local assets (or publicly owned assets and services) to corrupt multinationals (internationalists=Illuminati) that control the price anyway.

They will regularly sell out to merge with world government so world government will be in control of all assets. Countries sell their assets to pay off their debts. If they don't surrender their assets and sovereignty to the power, they won't receive any trading loans. Big Government + Select Corporations = Privatization.

This is not capitalism at all, feudalis m since only a few dozen families control all of the economies of the world. Feudalism=the concentration of more and more wealth in the hands of the few then the elimination or the stifling of the many.

Deregulation is similar to this. Deregulation has the government to cap the retail price of electricity [below market prices], prevent long-term contracts, prevent long-term contracts, and limit the construction of new power plants by numerous regulations of all types of energy (this restricts free enterprise and benefits oligarchic companies like Enron, etc.) leading to massive blackouts.

Competition is great between companies that should be encouraged, but you can't have monopolies. Transnational Corporations are monopolies plan and simple. Central banks are gaining regulation over governments.

The U.S. dollar is depressed very low. Therefore, free trade and globalization=one world economy, one world currency, and total global government rule with only multinational corporations doing the buying and the selling.


President Clinton signed Executive Order 13107 or “The Implementation of Human Rights Treaties” which claimed that U.N. Human Rights standards must be enforeced in the U.S. We all want human rights, but to allow a Communist organization to force its laws unto us is morally repugnant.

The same description goes for NAFTA. President George H. W. Bush has pushed for NAFTA as early as the early 1990’s. It was President Bill Clinton who passed the oppressive NAFTA or the North American Free Trade Agreement at 1994. Fake conservative Rush Limbaugh supported NAFTA as well.

The Bilderberg Group seeks in their long-term agenda to expand NAFT throughout the Western Hemisphere to create the American Union like the EU ending sovereignty of countries and further establishing NATO as the UN’s world army. FTAA was formed as a NAFTA expansion. FTAA is made up of 34 countries in the Western Hemisphere (except Cuba).

Even David Rockefeller stated on tape that he wants the American Union by 2005. One of the main problems with NAFTA is that it gives too much corporate investment rights and protections that are unprecedented in scope and power.

NAFTA allows corporations to travel and sue the national government of a NAFTA country in secret tribunals if they feel that a regulation of a government decision effects the investment in conflict with new NAFTA rights.

If a corporation wins the suit, the taxpayer of the “losing” NAFTA nation must foot the bill. Article 1100, 1102, and 1105 of NAFTA deals with the issues with the World Bank and the U.N. handling many of the cases.

NAFTA very well may represent the 1st of a 10 Super Nation States or 10 Regions of the N.W.O. This was all prophesized at Daniel 17:7-8. Bill Lambert told Cutting Edge Ministries in a secret meeting about NAFTA and the 10 occult leaders of the 10 superpowers to form the N.W.O.


The WTO is one of the scourges of mankind and the world. The WTO is not a republican institution having 132-member nations.

The rules they exhort are by and for multinational corporations with even inside access for various negotiations. The U.S. Trade Representative relies on 17 “Industry Advisor Committees” to provide input into trade negotiations without the environment, human rights, consumer, and labor groups.

Request for information are denied and the proceedings are held in secret. The WTO strips human rights and solutions to labor and human rights abuses are ignored.

One rule is that it’s illegal for the government to ban a product based on the way it’s produced (i.e. even slave/child labor). Another one is that government within the WTO can’t take into account the behavior of companies that do business with various dictatorships like China or Burma.

They are anti- environment by even desiring to end a regulation of the Clean Air Act [a common sense law] and that would require foreign and domestic products to have cleaner gasoline illegal. The WTO wants to weaken Endangered Species Act on shrimp and sea turtles. The WTO also strips our national sovereignty.

The WTO has a supranational court system to economically enforce sanctions on nations that won’t comply with the WTO’s rulings.

The WTO has unselected, unaccountable, corporate backed government refusing to respect national government. Even an ex-head said: “We are uniting the constitution of a single global economy.” (Regnato Ruggier, former WTO-Director-General, Italy).

The Tyrannical Gestapo

S.S. Stormtroppers at

Miami, Florida

This was never reported to the mainstream media for the purpose of covering up Bush's tactics to crush protest. This was an ultimate disgrace to liberty and an example of evil brutality. Most of the protestors were peacefully held from November 17-21, 2003.

They restricted their Constitutional Rights. Those rights are the First Amendment (Freedom of Speech, Assembly, and Press), 4th Amendment (Protection against search and seizure without probable cause), 8th Amendment (Excessive bail shall not be imposed), and the 14th Amendment (Equal Protection under the Law).

Even John Timoneny, the Miami Chief of Police blatantly said that "If they engage in lawful activity, we're going arrest them" at November 20, 2003 making him a tyrant. The demonstrators rightfully opposed the FTAA (Free Trade Area of the Americans) with its evil multinational corporations and plots for Globalization (New World Order).

The police told the NY Times that there were about 8,000-10,000 protestors. The riot police shot at people with "pepper gas and rubber bullets 120 miles an hour into a small crowd of surrounded resisters who they could have contained." (Constitutional Rights Suspended in Miami by Frederick Sweet)

One woman signaled the "V" sign and was shot with a rubber bullet point blank for no reason. There were video footage of bloody faces and an officer shooting a woman with rubber bullets and even chasing away a young man kneeling in silent prayer.

Tanks were used as well. The Independent Media Center had 20 journalists with videotapes, but they weren't immediately shown to the public and 4 broadcast-quality video cameras were confiscated or broken as said by Sara Kendall (one of the journalists). The federal government gave $8.5 million to help Miami with security and Homeland SSecurity.

Civil rights organizations, the A.F.L. -C.I.O. and Amnesty International, a human rights organization, seeks an investigation of the whole incident. They truthfully outlined individuals arrested for no reason or cause , denial of restrooms, water and phones.

They are carrying a fake "war on terrorism" but a real "war on dissent" arbitrary assigning a label of "terrorist" for all those who disagree with the Bush Kingdom stripping our Constitutional rights as American citizens.

This is John Ashcoft's Gestapo dream for America. He's an enemy of freedom along with George W. Bush, Donald Rumsfeld, Richard Cheney, Condolezza Rice, Paul Wolofowitz, and the rest within the Bush administration full of neo-con and Trotskyites.

By TruthSeeker24
March 25, 2004 A.D.

11:19 am. EST



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