Friday, March 20, 2009

The Brave New World

A Brave New World

Technology can be used as a gift and for a curse. The respect of human life and the end of the perverse experimentation must be established. Unfortunately, by man’s sinful nature, many individuals seek to manipulate nature into their own nefarious ends. Only a few years ago, when no one envisioned that George Orwell’s 1984 and Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World book painted a portrait of an abstract world. Now, the planet is rapidly drifting into an oppresseive big-brother high-tech prison. This is a brave new world where the use of life iss acted on in the most sick manner imaginable.

You can list these acts for decades, but one event stands out as representative of this new era. February 27, 1997 was the date when Dolly, the sheep, was cloned. I was in the eight grade and remembered it just like it was yesterday. It took 277 tries for Dolly to be successful, so that’s a 0.4% success rate which is extremely weak. Dolly died in February 2002 after being diagnosed with arthritis in January 2002. She only lived 5 years when sheep normally live for 11-12 years. Cloning is not only anti-human, but anti-animal as well. Abromalities in the womb happen to clones as well. Even though the United Nations is a corrupt mess, the U.S. officially abandoned an attempt to get an U.N. treaty to ban cloning. Actually, the U.S.A. should try to ban cloning in our country all by itself with no U.N. help since polls of the American public have overwhelming support for the banning of cloning. The technology of cloning existed for decades and human clones have already been formed.

Stem Cells, Embryos, & Hybrid Species

First, there must be a simple, quaint expose on embryonic stem cell research. Stem Cells are differentiated or unspecialized cells that have the ability to form themselves into any kind of cell in the body. Scientists have allowed them to divide and reproduce themselves in the laboratory. August 9, 2001 was the time when President George W. Bush announced a televised speech that he will provide funding of embryonic stem cells on all human embryos that has been already destroyed.

The problem with embryonic stem cell research is that it involves the destroying of an embryo, human life. An embryo is a human being since it contains all 46 human chromosomes. Its genetic code differs from the mother plus the embryo has its own DNA. One-celled organisms in the world flourish and reproduce, so just because something is small in size, doesn’t mean it isn’t human life. Numerous scientists like Dr. Diane Irving, Dr. Alfred Bonjovanni (University of Pennslyvania School of Medicine), and Dr. Hyme Gordn (Mayo Clinic) all confirm that life begins at conception.

Embryonic stem cells are known to develop temotomas or embroyonic stem-cell like cells that cause tumors. Also, they don’t respond to normal signals that tell tissues to stop growing. Christopher Reeve (now deceased), Michael J. Fox, Orrin Hatch, John McCain, John Kerry, and others support killing life to save life which is nothing more than utilitarianism.

They are captivated in this failed form of stem cell research. The war against the sancity of human life is in full swing with Arnold Schwarzenegger who passed Proposition 77 to have the state fund embryonic stem cell research inside California. To this day, no human being have been treated with embryonic stem cells, but only with adult stem cells (a better version from the nocks and crannies of our brain, body fat, bone marrow, umbilical cords, hair follicles, etc.) Behold these facts on the benefits of adult stem cell research plus the problems with embroyonic stem cell research:

1). Legitimate scientists wrote to Bonesmen John Kerry that embryonic stem cell research isn’t as effective as adult stem cell research. According to them, the embryos at blastocyst stage (4-7 days old) have difficultly forming tissues in a culture disk and cause tumors and genetic abnormalities in animals. There are even potentially life-threatening side effects to mice tested with embryonic stem cells for almost 35 years. They cause rejection. Their site is and they’ve found adult stem cell research in 56 diseases while the embryonic one has 0. The doctors who wrote it include Dr. Rodney D. Aden, Dr. William J. Burke, Dr. Michael J. Behe, etc.

2). Adult stem cell research may have benefits in multiple sclerosis and cancer victims:

“Some exciting new developments in adult stem cell research are being reported at leading medical conferences. The developments raise new questions about the wisdom of rival embryonic stem cell research, which has had negligible impact on the world of scientific research and is ethically problematic. Embryonic stem cell research involves the killing of human embryos while adult stem cell research does not. The latest adult stem cell research promises hope for patients suffering from everything from multiple sclerosis to strokes to cancer. For instance, researchers in Italy say adult stem cells might be able to reverse damage caused by multiple sclerosis. While human applications might not be possible for some time, initial trials using mice have been encouraging. Some 400,000 Americans afflicted by MS might benefit from the therapy.

The stem cells were derived from adult nerve tissue. The half-dozen mice injected with neural stem cells had "almost complete recovery" from the disease in the Italian experiment. However, the researchers cautioned, "We have great hopes, but we do not yet know the possible side effects.” Another breakthrough may come through stem cells derived from baby teeth. Hematologist Dr. Stan Gronthos told the New Zealand Herald, "Parents will want to store the stem cells found in the pulp inside these juvenile teeth in liquid nitrogen. That way, they could be used to grow new teeth and perhaps even cure neurological disorders like Parkinson's disease."

Gronthos forecasts that baby teeth stem cells will be effective in growing replacement brain tissue to overcome stroke damage as well. Gronthos presented his research findings at an Australian Stem Cell Scientific Conference in October. According to the Herald, a number of delegates to the Sydney conference believe the adult stem cells from the baby teeth will be more versatile than embryonic material.

Meanwhile, in Minnesota, researchers see great promise in umbilical cord blood. They say stem cells taken from such blood could cure patients with cancers of the blood and bone marrow. "The results of our studies are a triumph in a treatment that has been largely viewed as only possible in children and adolescents," Dr. John Wagner, a University of Minnesota professor, told the news media. Juliet Barker, an assistant professor of medicine, added, "These remarkable results represent a significant advance in the practice of adult cord blood transplantation. These approaches allow us to offer potentially life-saving transplant therapy to many patients who have previously been denied such treatment." ( “Adult Stem Cell Research May Benefit Multiple Sclerosis, Cancer Victims” by Maria Vitale Gallagher Staff Writer December 8, 2004)

3. According to the Korean Times report on November 26, 2004 by Kim Tae Gyu, a 37-year old female patient walked again after 19 years of being paralyzed with the help of stem cells from the umbilical cord blood. October 12, 2004 was when the transplantion began. Professor Kung and Hern co-led the research.

4. Great news is that according to the BBC and “All Stem Cells Tainted With 'Mouse Molecules'”
from Alan Cantwell that all federal approved embryos have been tainted by foreign mouse molecules that if used in humans can cause diseases to human beings. According to Alan this splicing was the means where the man-made AIDS virus was created. In February 2, 2005, Researchers at Tufts University found adult stem cells that can work in the same manner as embryonic stem cells. The Associated Press in February 8, 2005 reported that the license for Ian Wilmut for human cloning came in. This is the first time in history that a license is giving specifically for human cloning just in 2005.

*The Geron Corporation financed human experiments in 1998 at WATF and are now trying to even clone human embryos. In fact, by 1999, human embryos were cloned in June 17 of the year by ACT (American Cell Tech). The BBC reported a human hybrid clone as early as 1999. CNN reported in November 2001 that a human embryo was created by cloning.

*For the rest of the 21st century and beyond, scientists now are trying to develop human-animal hybrids or chimeras for so-called “therapeutic” or other “important” reasons. I thought this stuff occurred on in science fiction movies, but now this technology exists. Examples of this are human brain cells in animals and pigs with human blood.

No federal guidelines are around to stop scientists from potentially creating mutants for whatever reason they claim. Tax-funded universities like the University of Pennsylvania’s School of Medicine created chimeric mice by introducing Embryonic Stem Cells into early mice embryos. Implants and possible cures for diseases are some motives by doctors. On the other hand, that cost isn’t worth ruining the genetic makeup of mankind. A sum of its processes includes that:

“In Minnesota, pigs are being born with human blood in their veins. In Nevada, there are sheep whose livers and hearts are largely human.

In California, mice peer from their cages with human brain cells firing inside their skulls…Now Weissman says he is thinking about making chimeric mice whose brains are 100 percent human. He proposes keeping tabs on the mice as they develop. If the brains look as if they are taking on a distinctly human architecture -- a development that could hint at a glimmer of humanness -- they could be killed, he said. If they look as if they are organizing themselves in a mouse brain architecture, they could be used for research…”(Of Mice, Men, and In Between: Scientists Debate Blending of Human, Animal Forms” by Rick Weiss, Washington Post, November 20, 2004)

There’s even more new sick updates to this:
“Scientists have begun blurring the line between human and animal by producing chimeras—a hybrid creature that's part human, part animal. Chinese scientists at the Shanghai Second Medical University in 2003 successfully fused human cells with rabbit eggs. The embryos were reportedly the first human-animal chimeras successfully created.

They were allowed to develop for several days in a laboratory dish before the scientists destroyed the embryos to harvest their stem cells…The National Academy of Sciences, which advises the U.S. government, has been studying the issue. In March it plans to present voluntary ethical guidelines for researchers….What's caused the uproar is the mixing of human stem cells with embryonic animals to create new species.

Biotechnology activist Jeremy Rifkin is opposed to crossing species boundaries, because he believes animals have the right to exist without being tampered with or crossed with another species. He concedes that these studies would lead to some medical breakthroughs. Still, they should not be done.

"There are other ways to advance medicine and human health besides going out into the strange, brave new world of chimeric animals," Rifkin said, adding that sophisticated computer models can substitute for experimentation on live animals…Last year Canada passed the Assisted Human Reproduction Act, which bans chimeras. Specifically, it prohibits transferring a nonhuman cell into a human embryo and putting human cells into a nonhuman embryo.

Cynthia Cohen is a member of Canada's Stem Cell Oversight Committee, which oversees research protocols to ensure they are in accordance with the new guidelines. She believes a ban should also be put into place in the U.S. Creating chimeras, she said, by mixing human and animal gametes (sperms and eggs) or transferring reproductive cells, diminishes human dignity…Weissman has already created mice with brains that are about one percent human. Later this year he may conduct another experiment where the mice have 100 percent human brains. This would be done, he said, by injecting human neurons into the brains of embryonic mice. Before being born, the mice would be killed and dissected to see if the architecture of a human brain had formed. If it did, he'd look for traces of human cognitive behavior. Weissman said he's not a mad scientist trying to create a human in an animal body.

He hopes the experiment leads to a better understanding of how the brain works, which would be useful in treating diseases like Alzheimer's or Parkinson's disease. The test has not yet begun. Weissman is waiting to read the National Academy's report, due out in March. William Cheshire, associate professor of neurology at the Mayo Clinic's Jacksonville, Florida, branch, feels that combining human and animal neurons is problematic…” (“Animal-Human Hybrids Spark Controversy” National Geographic News January 25, 2005 By Maryann Mott)

Genetics & Eugenics

We are in the 2nd generation of this Brave New World genetic engineering after 9/11. Witness how far we've gone. In the June 2003 article "Can an electric device replace damaged brain circuits?" by Michael Rosenworld at Popular Science has U.S.C. trying to have a prosthetic brain (i.e. cyborg). On July 21st, 2004, Bush signed the Bio Shield Act in the Rose (rose means secrecy in the occult world. Jesus Christ throughout the NT hated secrecy done by man) Garden in the White House. the act lets drug companies and researchers the inducement to make new drugs and vaccines.

Also, the act provided funds for recombinant DNA technolgoy and molecular structural engineering. The vileness get worse and worse. Over in Britian, Maria Gallagher (Life News Staff Writer) on July 24, 2004 said that the British allowed families to screen embryos for certain characteristics to create “designer babies.” (to help their ailing children) Involving the possible creation, testing, and discarding of embryos in an attempt to devise a so-called “perfect” person is eugenics and it is wrong.

Nicholas D. Kristoff’s “Building Better Bodies” in the New York Times at August 25, 2004 present more information. New devices can lead for gene therapies to build stonger human bodies with no trace of the chemical in blood or urine by blocking myostatin to build muscle growth. This is worse than steroids since no one knowns its side-effects in the span of decades.

Future Olympiads could be 100% purity loss in many sports if althetes used this gene therapy. Finally, President, George W. Bush is implementing his New Freedom Iniatative proposed in March 2004. Tons of people are realizing this eugenic plot with mental health screening for every man, woman, and child in America. The “Freedom Commission on Mental Health” with those who served on advisory boards of some of the nation’s drug companies sit in this commission. The government could label humans “fit” and “unfit” along with executing compulsory population control.


The scourge of biometrics is in full throttle with Verichip, having a chip the size of a pin that can be implanted into people and other devices of control. RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) is one new component of the biometric beast. RFID chips are now in clothing used by the Wyoming-based Grantex Company. In the Democrat and Chronicle at December 15, 2004, had info about that the Rochester Police Department have listening microphones to listen to gunshots with remote sensors.

The Shot Spotter Location System designed it so police can hear gunshots and respond to probable crime. A Carlyle Group subsidiary named "Matrics" has CIA and NSA operatives and in April 7, 2004, it has been determined that they are promoting a Swastika-shaped tracker chip.

Booke Coburn is a managing director of the Carlyle Group and he's part of the Board of Directors at Matrics. Parents are fighting mandatory FFID chips unto their students in Brittan Elementary School in Sutter, California reported in The principal even wants a barcode to track students which are really extremists. The parents are opposing it health ground by a risk of radioactive materials in the tag and it crushes too much privacy. The parents are doing a good job by opposing this system.

By Me (Timothy)
March 31, 2005.

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