Friday, March 20, 2009

Torture Exposed



Prevailing like a strong wing over is the right perception that torture is immoral and illegal. The U.S. Constitution in the eight Amendment prohibits the usage of cruel and unusual punishment, therefore this eliminates torture.

When I’m outlining torture, I specifically mean truth serums, bondage machines, sleep deprivation, rubber hoses, beating basically occurring randomly, electric shock, cattle prods, etc.

That’s the reality of it throughout the world especially in many of the Atheist, Communist Dictatorships of the Twentieth Century. After 9/11, more and more folks are brainwashed in accepting this immoral procedure. Torture is an open and shut case for a total ban.

Now, surprisingly a national debate is rising up to either endorse it for the sake of ending “terrorists” from attacking us or to reject it. Phony liberal Alan Dershowtiz now s ubscribes to torture even wanting to change laws in favor for torture in balancing liberty and security, which is insane. You can either have freedom or tyranny with nothing in between.

Benjamin Franklin rightfully mentioned that if you get rid of liberty for temporary security, then you deserve neither liberty nor security. Fake conservative Knight of Malta Patrick Buchanan wrote and article “A Case for Torture” in support of the immoral policies of torture as well.

They are greatly deluded in sponsoring torture. General Rick Baucus quit Guamtanomo because he refused to torture people. Was torture for Native Americans and African Americans justified? Did the Jewish people tortured in concentration camps normal?

Were the American military prisoners tortured in Japan, Korea, and Vietnam just fine? No, all of those events were repugnant and immoral which proves once and for all that torture ha s no place in America and the world. Torture strips human dignity. No one can be 100% certain that a human can tell the truth during torture since a man or a woman is liable to say anything (true or false) to just escape the punishment.

Guantanamo Bay and Camp X-Ray

The facility is located at Cuba with about 660+ “detainees” held there. The whole area has camps assigned by military radio alphabets (i.e. Camp Alpha, Camp Bravo, etc.) and areas to the north were classified using the opposite end of the alphabet. Then you have the infamous Camp X-Ray.

The military said that Camp X-Ray wasn’t utilized as of April 2002 and the detainee is placed to Camp Delta, yet many reports prove that Camp X-Ray is in fact active. Even in Camp Iguerra, children as young as 13 are interrogated and tortured which is barbaric.

Well, people will say that hey “We’ve invaded Afghanistan to send to get rid of al-Qaeda and the Taliban to be escorted inside our camps.” Well, the reality is that the U.S. airlifted most of the real al-Qeada and Taliban (about 8,000 people) out of Kunduz, Afghanistan in November 2001 to Pakistan.

Soon, the al- Qaeda and Taliban were rewarded in gold bars by the U.S. federal government since they all were created and worked for the CIA. Proof of this airlift actually taking place is from a PBS video and an MSNBC article called “The Airlift of Evil” by Michael Moran found at .

Who was left? The only people left were goat herders and shoemakers (most of whom with no connection to al-Qaeda or the Taliban at all) sent to Camp X-Ray for public torture. Plus in 2001, Bush authorized an order (immediately after September 11th) to kill by the CIA anyone classified as a terrorist, or anyone who worked for al-Qaeda, etc. (regardless whether they’re American or not) with not trial, jury, or any Constitutional protections.

Bush is a blatant tyrant and dictator acquiring this power . The Bush administration are slick in placing these kidnapped individuals in non-U.S. soil .The reason for this is to make these so-called “detainees” have license to strip them of their rights, use torture, and label them as “illegal combatants.”

This is blatantly false for 2 reasons. The first reason is that we are not in a time of war since Congress has never declared war against anyone. Second, the title of “illegal combatant” violates the Geneva Convention, at Article 5 calling the detainees actually “prisoners of war” (POVs). There are many examples of ex-prisoners going to court over torture.

Richard Burke, an Australian lawyer, who represents the U.S. and works with detainees at Camp X-Ray, said that Australians were being tortured using old-fashioned techniques to confessions according to the Herald Sun.

Even according to the BBC, many innocents are still held. According a Khilafah (a news source) at March 26, 2003, they had an article that exposed that

“Guantamano Bay Prisoners complain of unfair detention by the U.S. military. A group of 18 Afghans released from a U.S. detention by U.S. center at Guantamano Bay, Cuba, on Tuesday told how they were kept in tiny cages and subjected to interrogations for more than a year to prove their innocence.” (From )

Many ex-detainees like Salaiman Shahad who experienced a harsh process just to receive his freedom. They weren’t even involved with the Taliban, yet they were deported from their homeland. The propagandists are in full swing to support this terrorism.

George W. Bush said this about torture when he was in Australia: “No of course not. We don’t torture people in America…People who make that claim just don’t know anything about our country.” Donald Rumsfeld continues to belief that the prisoners are treated fair.

The evidence refutes Bush and Donald’s lies. Prisoners are kept in small cases exposed to the heat, cold, wind, and rain all year round. Many of them are restrained with goggles, facemask, earmuffs, mittens, and restraints that are very inhumane.

They are only taken out for exercise, religious expressions, showers, and medical checks. Human rights groups have protested these conditions as wrong plus the fact they use buckets for waste and sensory depravation is common. Tons of eyewitnesses who were released from Guantamano Bay expressed the military wrongfully torturing them.

The BBC TV investigation “Inside Guantamano”, the Panorama program successfully exposed transnational abduction, interrogation and torture, and trials that are fake military kangaroo courts.

Other violations of the Geneva

Conventions include:

-Article 13: The “unlawful combatants were displayed on TV brought from Central Asia.
-Article 18: They were stripped of their clothes and possessions and forced to wear orange prison uniforms
-Article 22: They were incarcerated in a concentration camp.
-Article 18: They are released since the end of hostilities ended in Afghanistan
-Article 17: The individuals were subjected to light torture as the U.S. tries to extract information from about “future terror attacks and their superior’s whereabouts.”

*Not to mention, you will have to notice the violations of mess facilities freedom to unite to families, parcels of food and reading literature, etc. This is very inhumane and if this is normal, what happened if Bush was subjected to chains, deprived of sense, torture, and given harsh condition.

The treatment against Bush or any other human is just as wrong than anyone in America. This is a precedent for the government to classify anyone a “terrorist”, put him or her in concentration camps to be subjected to this treatment even unto American citizens.

By TruthSeeker24



March 16, 2004 A.D.
8:51 AM. EST

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