Sunday, November 9, 2008

The Overpopulation Myth (I written this from 2004)

The Overpopulation Myth

So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created him; male and female created them. And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth.” (Genesis 1:27-28)

*The United Nations wanted this folly from their won words:

"The United Nation’s goal is to reduce population selectively by encouraging abortion, forced sterilization, and control human reproduction, and regards two- thirds of the human population as excess baggage, with 350,000 people to be eliminated per day." (Jacques Cousteau[he’s dead now], UNESCO Courier, November 1991.)

We need population growth not population control never embracing the myth of overpopulation. The resources on Ea rth are plentiful and beautiful plus extremism should be eliminated. People should be fruitful and multiply if they can as Almighty God, which is in Heaven commands us to do.

To refute these lies of population control is perfectly easy. Dr. Jacqueline R. Kasun, Julian Simon, Professor Collin Clark, and other experts maintain the opinion of population growth.

The first argument against population growth is that the world is overcrowded and population growth is adding overwhelming numbers of humans to a small planet.

The truth is that people then crowd to places like cities and villages in order to exchange goods and services with one another. Just because people are overcrowded in select areas of the Earth doesn’t mean that most of the world is not empty.

Paul Ehrich and others stated that human beings actually occupy no more than 1 to 3 percent of the land surface.

At 2003, there were 6,301,999,470 people worldwide and counting. If you give 6 billion people on the planet with 1,000 square feet each, it could easy fit into the state of Texas with over 1.3 billion square feet left over. Look at this representation to see the information more clearly.

Texas has 262,015 square miles of land and that’s 7,304,558,976,000 square feet equaling this=

Square feet in Texas (7,304,558,976,000)- Square feet needed for 6 billion people (1,000 sq.
Ft. per person) (6,000,000,000,000)= Leftover of 1,304,558,976,000

*Even with basic discrepancies give or take thousands of square miles, that’s still is a sm all portion of the total land areas of Planet Earth making the overpopulation view really extremist, and exaggeration, and just fake. It was Thomas Malthus who was one of the first people to embrace population control in his Essay on the Principle of Population, and then his doctrine was passed on to Darwin [whose father was a Freemason] and Margaret Sanger (occultic drug addict).

In Communist China, they are never too crowded since they follow the insane one child to one family program, which is supported by the Communist U.N. So, Communist China can act in forced abortion, killing of female babies, and prison time for anyone resisting it along with the Persecution of independent Christians in China.

According to the Population Division contends that “Over the period 1961-1998 world per capita food available for human consumption increased by 24% and there is enough f ood for everyone on the planet to be adequately nourished.”

All statistics show that although the total world population continues to increase, that rate is now beginning to decline since the 1970’s:

“From 1960-1970, the world population growth was
-Then from 1970-1980, it was 20.2%
-Then from 1980-1990, the population growth of the world was 18.4%
-Now the total world population growth from 1990-2000 is only 15.2%” (from ) ,, , , and other website expose the overpopulation myth. The decline has accelerated in the 1990’s. By 2055, the world population is expected to reach 9 billion people. The population growth decline appears to come from woman choosing to have fewer children.

Also, food production has increased since the 1970’s making food resources very limitless. Dr. Osterfeld, Professor of Political Science at Saint Joseph’s College in Rensselor, Indiana concludes that although there are now more people in the world than ever bef ore, “by any meaningful measure the world is actually becoming less populated.”

Various studies proved that poverty and underdevelopment has no direct link to population growth per se. The problem could be internal (poor political/economic administrative corruption, health, educational) or external.

The fact is that the hungry are hungry because land is taken from people, many people can’t earn enough to survive, some have it by no fault of their own, or a natural limit on food production. The Illuminati’s IMF and World Bank are contributing to the Third World’s poverty plight.

The study by the National Academy of Sciences (NAS) in the United States concluded in its 1986 report that it is misleading to equate poverty with population growth.

The study was confirmed by IIRPD (Independent Inquiry Report into Population and Development) commissioned by the Australian government in 1994 said that there is a positive cor relation between population growth and sustainable development.

The Illuminati, following in Margaret Sanger’s footsteps, is presenting population control as a way to decrease the world population from the billions to even the millions [like 500,000,000 as planned by the Georgia Guide stones and other evil Illuminists like Maurice Strong, Ted Turner, and Prince Phillip] to form their New World Order. Planned Parenthood have always supported population control in their Global Vision Project from 1994 and:

Planned Parenthood is heavily involved in the UNFPA -The United Nations Population Fund. PP lobbies for unrestricted abortion -yes including partial birth abortions- to be legal and open for all countries worldwide. PP staff are often members, employee's and appointees in UNFPA.” (From )

Abortion, population control, eugenics, New Age Movement, Nazism, Satanism, sterilization, and humanism are tied together and we taxpayers give these murderers from Planned Parenthood millions of dollars per year to promote their folly. The Illuminati will try to decrease the world population and crowd the rest of us in crowded cities.

They will live in their utopian centers. They can only accomplish this sick goal through war, disease, biospheres, and more control over human beings.

The Fake Leftist Ted Turner even admitted that he wanted to eliminate 95% of the world’s population in an interview he gave to Audubon:
A total world population of 250-300 million people, a 95% decline from present levels would be ideal.” (Ted Turner quoted by Bruce Stutz in Ted Turner Turns It On”, Audubon, November-December 1991”)

Genocidal and homicidal lunatics of the Illuminati want to kill us in the range of 85-90% to form the New World Order at the expense of keeping the world for themselves. George H. W. Bush, who is a pedophile, MJ-12, Skulls and Bones, Committee of 300, Pilgrim Society member, Bilderberger Group, Trilateral Commission, and a Knight of Malta attended a secret conference at the Fairmont Hotel in California keynoted by New Age Freemason Gorbachev at September 27, 1995 where it was decided that the world’s population must be rolled back from 6 billion to 900 million!!!!!!

Population growth in Europe is near 0% and have 25% of the world’s p opulation and by 2050, it will have nearly 7%. Population growth in the Caribbean fell from 2.75% in 1960-1965 to 1.70% in 1990-1995. These murderers want to talk about Africa. Africa is one of the least densely populated areas with about ½ as many per square mile as in the world as a whole.

The racist Illuminati seeks to destroy the population of Africa (especially it Black African citizens) for extermination mentioned in their own documents and speeches. Many Third World nation having bad governments propped up ineptly and wrongly managed foreign aid is the root of the strife not out of control population growth.

The Third World and people worldwide can use oxygen ozone, light with color therapy, ultraviolet blood irradiation, and direct current generators using both photons and electrons to help AIDS, HIV, and other diseases. The government has suppressed all of these technologies.

The government has killed many users of this in America and only a few brave people ar e using this technology and helping others. State Rep. Maralyn Chase (Democrat) at February 2004 seeks to make 2 child per house as part of an option in a bill called “Two or Fewer” bill in Washington State of brainwashing people of the benefits of having 2 children. This is in America of creeping control. Population growth is of God and I welcome it 100%.

By TruthSeeker24



February 13, 2004

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