Sunday, November 9, 2008

The Descredited Neo Cons


The Neo-Conservative Movement Exposed

Ambivalence never roams with them. People either agree or disagree with the neo-conservatives. Neo-cons are frauds and one of many threats to America endangering this country and the world. Media outlets like MSNBC and especially FOX just welcomes their company and opinions in brainwashing the populace.

They are just neither neo nor conservative, but a band of visionaries who seek a false vision of unrestrained war and Big Government. Many of the ideas of the neo-cons flourished from Theodore Roosevelt and Woodrow Wilson such as internationalism instead of nationalism, interventionism, and unnecessary policies. Even neo-conservative spokesman Max Boost (a member of the Council of Foreign Relations) bragged that he advocates a “Hard Wilsonism policy.”

When he wa s on C-Span at late 2003, I have to respect the callers who rightfully exposed his fraud political ideology and his “chicken hawk” associates.

The man who first revolutionized the neo-conservative agenda was Professor Leo Strauss in the 1960’s who taught at the University of Chicago. He also supported Machiavelli’s writings by writing a book called “Thoughts on Machiavelli” promoting that the ends justify the means.

Even neo-con Michael Ledeen wrote a 1999 book favorable to Machiavelli the Ron Paul exposed it in his speech Neo-Conned on July 10, 2003. Many of the famous modern neo-conservatives were influenced by Strauss include individuals like Paul Wolfowitz (who had a Ph.D Dunder Strauss), John Ashcroft, etc.

Irving Kristol (the father of the infamous Bill Kristol) was the godfather of the modern day neo-conservative movement when in the 1983 publication of Reflection of a Neo-C onservative, which defends a liberal position on welfare. Well, what is an outline of their beliefs? A good run down are these:

*A new strategy for illegal preemptive war since they love imperialism in search for the Global Pax Americana (the American Empire)

*Maintain Constant Revoluion as Trotsky Subscribed to therefore the neo-cons are Comunists and Socialists. Many neo-cons like George H. W. Bush and Margaret Thatcher are part of the International Democratic Union (IDU) that promotes permanent revolution, a self-regulating classless society or a global free market system=Fabian socialism. David Horowitz and Ann Coulter refuses to this day to discuss the IDU elaborately.

*Force American Ideals unto Sovereign Nations even by force and even if those nations don’t threaten our National Security. They feel that war must extend beyond the defense of our country. The neo-cons just execute preemptive war while ignoring the Christian truth of a just war.

*They have unconditional support for Israel (aside note: I support Israel, but not the tactics of Muslim extremists killing innocent Israelis neither Zionist extremists treating Palestianians wrongfully) and have a close alliance with the Likud Party (one of the many modern day Nazis who killed Yitzhah Rabin along with the CFR since this Freemason Rabin wanted real peace in the Middle East). The neo-cons want to redesign the Middle East up in their own image.

*Many neo-conservatives were once liberals like Christopher Hitchens. (who was once liberal then turned neo-con)

*Their foreign policies are more militant, aggressive, and non-cooperative. They follow no neutrality in most instances, which should be done.

*The also support attacks on basic civil liberties by passing illegal laws like the Patriot Act, Homeland SSecurity, etc. The neo-cons hate libertari ans, conservatives, liberals, and independents that strongly fight for our God-given rights given as a birthright to every human being.

*Neo-conservatives endorse big centralized government, a permanent welfare state with no improvement of the poor, massive deficits, and big spending obviously.

Offshoots of this movement include think tanks and projects to promote their agenda. The American Enterprise Institute (AEI) (a product of the Bradley Foundation) is just one organization dedicated to the neo-con cause.


The Project for A New American Century

There is nothing more to describe this plan as the 21st century Mein Kampf and a plot for global domination. This project was made up of neo-conservatives who seek transform America into unending war with the aspirations of an empire to preserve American leadership in the world. Participants on this project came from the RAND Corporation, Harvard University, Carnegie Corporation, John Hopkins University, and military figures form the U.S. Navy War College.

The founders of the Project for A New American Century (PNAC) were Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, Paul Wolfowitz, (Deputy of Defense), I. Lewis Libby, William Bennett, and Zalmay Khalilzad (Bush’s ambassador to Afghanistan). The PNAC crated a September 2000 report for Rumsfeld, Jeb Bush, Cheney, and Lewis Libby. This report was entitled “Rebuilding America’s Defenses: Strategy, Forces, and Resources For a New Century” containing the goals to:

a). Control the International Commons of cyberspace (control the Internet)
b). Create a global missile defense system to control outer space.
c). Democratized China and deal with Saddam


British Labour MP Tim Dalyell (of the House of Commons) described this document as: “This is a blueprint for U.S. world domination-a new world order of their making. These are the thought processes of fantasist Americans who want to control the world. I am appalled that a British Labour Minister should have got in bed with a crew which has this moral standing.” He’s right and the most weirdest comment is this: “Further, the process of transformation, eve n if it brings revolutionary change, is likely to be a long one, absent some catastrophic and catalyzing even-like a new Pearl Harbor.”

Now this was mentioned a year before 9/11 and they wanted a Pearl Harbor like event to accelerate their aims. 9/11 was the new Pearl Harbor and behold we have Afghanistan and Iraq with acquired natural resources, puppet leadership, and constant, unending warfare. Could Iran, Syria, or North Korea be invaded next by these imperialists?

Neo-conservatives today include Sean Hannity, Ann Coulter, William Kristol, Bill Bennett, Eliot Abrams, former CIA director James Woolsey, Richard Perle, etc. who propagandize their lies daily.

By TruthSeeker24








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