Sunday, June 8, 2008

Our Civil Liberties

Gulag Amerika and Our Civil Liberties

No other words can describe the civil liberties situation in America as nothing but deplorable. While most Americans are blinded to our diminished liberty, the big, central government operators abide to enact policies detrimental to our fundamental God-given rights. It just seems that the world will sink even lower eliminating the need for rationality.

Screening visitors inside airports have turned a perverted turn. The November 29, 2004 edition of the U.S. News and World Report had shown that now the TSA (Transportation Security Administration) allowed screeners to pat down male and female’s private areas.


Disgusting is this procedure since you’re violating people’s most secret privacy plus it strips human dignity. It started in late September 2004 and dozens of women complained about this. A lot of female breasts were searched and this offended women. According to Internet Free Press at 7:50 pm., 2 Armored Personnel Carriers (APC) showed up in an anti-war protest in front of a federal building at Westwood, LA. The tank moved despite people trying to block it. What a classic example of an illegal use of the military to interfere with the citizenry. WBOCTV’s website exposed that some of the police in Miami-Dade County, Florida used a stun gun on a 6-year old boy at a Miami Kelsey, Pharr Elementary School.

The boy was cutting himself and the officers zapped him with 50,000 volts of the stun gun to the boy. The police never rushed the kid to get the glass away, but stunned him which could kill the kid. This is pure terrorism and torture all rolled into one utilizing mass conditioning to desensitize people for folly. There are even more illustrations of the United States emulating totalitarian or fascist tactics.

January is when the inauguration of the Emperor George W. Bush and the since is filled of the pregnancy of pomp (an imperial presence and the monitoring of freedom lover) plus the aura of his illegitimacy [Bush never won the 1st election and the 2nd one is a continuation of his selection into the office of Presidency]. In the whole specatle, there were anti-aircraft missiles near the Capitol missiles and the military in the thousands around the scene like a Hitler rally. The whole city of Washington D.C. looked more of a police state than it did around the time of 9/11. One newspaper describe the area perfectly:

“To celebrate President Bush's inauguration Thursday, the nation's capital has turned itself into an armed camp. Outside of Baghdad's Green Zone, downtown Washington will be the most heavily fortified city in the world. For Inauguration Day festivities, security officials are closing off 100 square blocks to all traffic, and in another 100 square blocks traffic will be restricted to those who live there.

This is in a city where a carelessly placed traffic cone can cause instant gridlock. The Department of Homeland Security admits that there is no specific threat to the inauguration. Indeed, the "chatter" had been subdued of late, but why take chances? Private planes will be barred from a 3,000-square-mile area around the capital, and the no-fly zone will be enforced by an armada of fighter jets, Customs planes and helicopters. It's not only airspace. Armed Coast Guard patrols will enforce a no-boat zone on the Potomac River.

The president's friends and other supporters will be welcomed to the capital by 6,000 law-enforcement agents and 7,000 troops. Among them, adding a Fallujah-kind of feel to the fun, will be combat troops from the 3rd Infantry Division with M-4 assault rifles and night-vision goggles. There will be a Marine Corps chemical and biological rapid-reaction force and also -- and surely this will be of some comfort -- an engineering unit specializing in rescuing people from collapsed buildings. Those with tickets for the swearing-in and the parade will get to relive the airport experience that brought them here. There will be 22 security checkpoints around the perimeter. The list of no-nos includes backpacks, thermoses, aerosol sprays, glass bottles, coolers, bags larger than 8 by 6 by 4 inches, strollers and -- better hope it doesn't rain -- umbrellas. You won't have to remove your shoes -- not yet, at least. To the anguish of Christian groups, the authorities have also banned crosses.” (From "D.C. has stifling security blanket" by Cincinnati Post | January 18, 2005)

Signs and posters aren’t allowed at the Inauguration. Denials of liberties, extremist actions, and the on-going torture enduring aren’t representative of humanity. These instances harold the burning of the Bill of Rights and Constitution. Everyone will have to know their rights and be forever vigilant [and alert] to expose and quarrel against tyranny. Honorable laws originate not from the fallible, imperfect might of man, but from the supreme, just, and Almighty hand of God.


Michelle Malkin

Michelle Malkin is a Filipino Neo Con who is trying to justify Japanese Americans filled inside concentration camps during World War II in her recent book “In Defense of Internment.” She’s a nationally known journalist and a FOX News contributor who resides in Maryland. Although her earlier book called “Invasion” indeed rightfully outlined the immigration problems that continue to sustain itself inside America.

Michelle is totally wrong on civil liberties and the racial profiling of individuals. Her simple arguments to promote the internment of Japanese human beings are that there was a Japanese threat on the West Coast [proven by top secret “MAGIC messages”], and other ethnic groups were inside them like Europeans. Also, Michelle Malkin further contends that many were allowed to leave and hundreds voluntarily moved into internment camps. Racial profiling as a necessity to be advanced is her motto.

Michelle makes mention that the $16.5 billion federal bipartisan federal reparations law for Japanese internees and evacuees was a disaster. My rebuttals to these immoral comments by Malkin are easy and sweeping. Even if there were a Japanese espionage threat; the procedure to respond ought to be investigations of those accused with due process.

There is absolutely no need for the basic allowance of 112,000 people into select concentration camps being highly an overreaction. Internment camps, regardless if other ethnic groups were allowed in (FDR indeed sent German, Italians, Hungarians, Romanians, and Bulgarians into concentration camps), are still wrong. It’s wrong because those Japanese people are innocent and were not convicted of guilt under a court of law. After the war, Japanese and German Americans lost their jobs, had to sell their property, and had to rebuild their lives all over again.


Surprisingly, Michelle loves the Democratic, FDR Gestapo policies. What Malkin failed to point out is that FDR knew of the Pearl Harbor attack and did nothing to avert it. (She should read Mark Everson Willer’s Pearl Harbor: The Mother of All Conspiracies which proves it 100%) The criminal FDR devised the Office of Censorship, conscription of 10 million men, food rationizing, and allowed civilian bombings. What a pity that a woman so intelligent could be so hoodwinked.

Racial profiling is a concept that I’ve always opposed since you judge a criminal by just cause and by the content of someone’s character [and actions] not by the color of one’s skin or race. The ante-9/11 world would give us more inspiration to boost our civil liberties and rights. To degrade them is futile for real, evil terrorism can be done by people not of Arab descent also. In actuality, this terrorism war is fake and the Bush government is the real terrorists.


David Rockefeller was Chairman of Chase Manhattan Bank and provied the finance for the Twin Towers.

The Elite created al-Qaeda in the 1980’s and funded Saddam Hussein since 1959. To protect ourselves by watching our borders is fine, but anti-civil liberty measures decrease freedoms instead of making us safe. The justification for that is suppressing right can lead the government to have a higher risk to bring fascism unto the people.

Remember that a police state and terror go hand and hand. The financial money used is debatable, but to not send reparations to the Japanese victims is out of the question. Reparations for Japanese people who suffered WWII internment camps is totally justified for compensation for bad treatment toward oppressed people are moral, biblical, and just.

J. Edgar Hoover and Earl Warren just were one of the many architects of the internment camp system for Japanese Americans. This was a pretext for the government in this new millennium to develop FEMA camps to house dissenters in this fake war on terrorism. I love you Michelle Malkin as a human being, but you need to open your eyes and heart to cherish authentic liberty.


NYPD cop thug

The DNC/RNC 2004 Presidential Conventions

The 1st Amendment was obviously violated in the Democratic National Convention at Boston. In Pastor John Meyer’s research, it occurred at the 2nd full moon of the month of July known as the blue moon. Blue stands for divination or seeing into the future during the witches’ high sabat of Lughnsaid (or the harvesting of souls).

Barricades, helicopters, and a so-called Free Speech Zone with barred wire fences were common place. There was a military presence with police possessing AK-47s. The whole occurrence was putrid. This was nothing compared to the Republican National Convention inside New York City where the Bush team returned to the scene of the crime from August-September 2004.

The New York City Convention had one of the nation’s worst civil liberty curtailing events ever in the 21st century. A center detaining “disruptors” existed which looked like a miniature concentration camp.


NYPD Photographer

The NYPD violated the 1878 law of Posse Comitatus [that separate the police from the military and bans the military from being involved in civilian functions] when they had military-style machine gun weapons and had many police who refused to identify themselves to the public. 41,000 police officers were at the Convention.

According to Alex Jones, the NYPD were instructed to harass independent media and to coddle the mainstream media. Police wrongfully shoved Alex Jones. New technologies were used to intimidate the protestors of Bush’s Fourth Reich like sonic weapons and satellites. Across the vicinity, there were helicopters and one Fuji blimp watching the protestors. The protests were huge which covered 10 blocks long and filled up to 6 streets simultaneously. I saw much of it personally for hours on C-Span and it was a beautiful sight for the most part to behold.

Further Torture in Iraq and Camp X-Ray

Torture is easily condemned by stripping human dignity and a non-threatening person with no provocation ought not to be assaulted. It is no deterrence to prevent crime for doing torture since anyone can say anything (true or false) to escape the punishment and torture is definitely fits that definition. New developments are arising up in Abu Ghraib and Camp X-Ray. First, its time to review what the Abu Ghraib atrocity was all about. An investigation by Major General Antonio M. Taguba (ordered by Lt. General Ricardo Sanchez, commander of Joint Task Force-7) recorded at a MSNBC news site proved that torture existed by photos, confessions by suspects, written statements by detainees, and witnesses in Abu Ghraib. The torture included:

-a male MP guard having sex with a female detainee.
-a dog in one case biting and severly injuring a detainee.
-punching, slapping, and kicking detainees plus jumping on their naked feet.
-arranging naked male detainees to be piled up and jumping upon them and other sick, bizarre actions.

Brigadier General Janis Karpinski of the U.S. Reserve claimed that reservists have urged on torturing the Iraqi prisoners by the CIA, Army Intelligence, CID (Criminal Investigation Division) personnel, as well as mercenaries employed by PMC (Private Military Companies).

They include Titan Corporation and CACI International Inc. whose board members include Richard Armitage, Deputy U.S. Secretary of State. Karpinski was the scapegoat of the scandal and this torture has extensions stretching all the way to the White House. Julian Colman, a writer in Washington for the London telegraph, at June 13, 2004 described new evidence detailing the abuse in Abu Ghraib as authorized at the top of the Bush administration. They have 4 Red Cross documents implicating senior Pentagon civilians in Abu Ghraib.

Memos also reveal that George W. Bush was advised by Alberto Gonzales that the Geneva Conventions on torture don’t apply to “unlawful combatants” capturing during the war on terror. Other documents reveal that General Ricardo Sanchez, the senior U.S. officer in Iraq, approved of dogs, temperature, extreme, reversed sleep patterns, and sensory deprivation for prisoners in Abu Ghraib.

At April 2004 (before the Abu Ghraib scandal came unto the public scene), Marines in Mahrandyiya, shocked at a detainee with an electronic transformer (forcing him to dance as the electricity hit him, according to a witness, are document for states). 2 Marines pledged guilty in the case. At the PTI at December 15, 2004, the Navy conducted a probe on new cases of prisoner abuse and punished many Marines. According to documents released by the Navy following a court order, one incident had a detainee’s hand burned by igniting alcohol based cleaner.

(In an August 2003 investigation by the NCIS [Naval Criminal Intelligence Services]) and some were punished. The ACLU secured the document. Torture is still occurring in Guamtanamo Bay, Cuba. Late December 2004 is the time when the New York Times revealed that food was withheld from the detainees and forced to defecate on them. A FBI agent admitted to it in documents. The ACLU has even more documents proving continued torture at Camp X-Ray. Torture is so proven that even the ACLU again is bringing a lawsuit against Donald Rumsfeld for involvement in the circumstances that led to the torture in Iraq and Guamtanamo Bay, Cuba.

By Timothy
March 3, 2005.

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