Saturday, May 31, 2008

Neo Con talking points and Refutations

Common Neo Con Talking Points

with Rebuttals

So much myth prevail that I had to respond to the Neo Cons. Here are the 5 most prominent falsehoods they parrot:

Neo Con Talking Point #1: George W. Bush never lied.

Rebuttal: Billions of people lied in their lifetimes. Lying isn’t a mere occurrence. So, it isn’t extremist at all to assume that George W. Bush lied before especially about Iraq. He definitely lied for example in July 14, 2003 in a Press Conference with UN. Secretary General Kofi Annan said that “We gave him a chance to allow the inspectors in, and he wouldn’t let them in.” The truth is that UN inspectors searched Iraq for possible weapons violations from December 2002 to March 2003. Bush knew this because he allowed them in.

Bush spoke about the inspectors constantly before the invasion plus the inspectors went to previously off limits Presidential palaces for 4 full months. Bush also knew this because he told the inspectors to leave Iraq on March 17, 2003. Another was in 9/7/2002, when Bush claimed that a satellite photograph and a report by the U.N. atomic energy agency (IAEA) as evidence of Iraq’s renewed weapons program. They also claimed that a 1998 report by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) said that Saddam could be 6 months away from forming nuclear weapons. The truth is that the IAEA report Bush cited was done before the 1991 Gulf War and Bush lied.

The White House later admitted it was an 11-year report. On May 30, 2003, Bush said (recorded by Polish television after 2 tractor trailers alleged to have been designed for producing biological weapons) that:

“We found weapons of mass destruction. We found biological laboratories…We found them.” The truth is that they were not WMDs, but trailers to produce balloons. On March 6, 2003, Bush said that Iraq was a direct threat to this country, which was a lie for he knew that if Iraq was a direct threat, Iran and North Korea would be an equal threat to America, but Iraq wasn’t. From saying we have darn good intelligence to the switching justifications for war; falsehoods are all over the Bush team.

Neo Con Talking Point #2: The United States government committed no terrorist actions similar to Muslim extremists.

Rebuttal: What a big, strong lie. The United States government is one of highest purveyor of violence in human history. The United States government was directly involved in the genocide of millions of Native Americans and condoned the terrorist slavery of African Americans. This is not to say that everyone in government is evil, but certain members of government are Satanic. America used imperialism and killed thousands of people in the Philippines, Hawaii, etc.

The U.S. government unjustly firebombed Hamburg, Dresden, and used atomic weapons in Hiroshima and Nagasaki killing 140,000+ people are also terrorism. Also over 45 million dead unborn babies are sanctioned by the U.S. in the illegal Roe v. Wade abortion on demand law at 1973 is terrorism. The CIA supported fascists and dictators who committed terrorist acts. This is more than enough fact to equate terrorism by the U.S. government for centuries are morally equivalent to the deeds of Muslim extremists.

Neo Con Talking Point #3: We must spread democracy in the Middle East and the world without people’s permission or by illegal, pre-emptive means. The Iraq War is also going extremely well.

Rebuttal: Our government doesn’t have a Constitutional or moral right to force regime chance throughout the world at all. War must only come by the U.S. declaring war. Also, America is a republic not a democracy since the U.S. has tons of people that can only be represented by elected officials so policies can be executed more thoroughly. [Plus there is no tyranny of the majority]. Bush is a hypocrite calling for freedom in Iraq, but not for the Congo, Sudan, China, etc. where millions of innocent people have died.

The neo-cons are right that every human being of every nation has the chance to have freedom and are capable to have freedom including the Iraqi people to form a viable Republic. What the neo-cons get wrong is the means to do in aggression of arms in a bad manner leading to a lower chance of freedom and hatred by the world. If democracies would spread across the world then it would be equated to mob rule. I have no problem with promoting a republican form of government in the world. Pre-emptive war, though, don’t hold water since other nations can strike us without us [claiming pre-emption] threatening them leading to ultimate chaos.

The Iraq war is a mess. Terrorist attacks keep occurring on a regular basis, Americans G.I.s plus Iraqi civilians have died as well in heavy numbers. The President is outlining no coherent policy to get us out of Iraq. The elections of America have enough problems and new information points that the January 30, 2005 Iraqi Election as fraudulent. All of the Iraqis didn’t know which candidates they could vote for. Bremer-appointed High Commission for Elections deciphered all of the candidates as well. In many areas there were blank ballots for pro-occupation candidates.

Plus, the heads of government will be selected since a 275 member council will be formed after the election without voter input. If real democracy is formed the Sunnis could be experience the tyranny of the majority by the Shia and Kurds. I don’t like what the Kurds and Shia experienced, but representative government is best not mob rule. Communication, reasonable negotiation, just war, and inspirations are the righteous cause not aggressive war mongering for the sake of expanding an empire. We can’t even find the missing $9 billion in Iraq.

Neo Con Talking Point #4: The Patriot Acts I and II don’t violate our civil liberties.

Rebuttal: The Patriot Act (instituted at October 26, 2001 and its whole title is Uniting and Strengthening America by Providing Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism Act) is a destructive, illegal law signed by Bush.

Section 802 defines a domestic terrorist as “involve acts dangerous to human life that are a violation of the criminal laws of the United States or of any State” and includes “activities that appear to be intended…to influence the policy of a government by intimidation or coercion.” These definitions of a terrorist are ambiguous and broad since even misdemeanor crimes like 2 people fighting in a party (an act dangerous to human life) or jaywalking can be construed as a terrorist act, which is ludicrous. Non-felonious crimes are considered terrorism.

Also, if someone tells government officials to reject the N.W.O. or to be voted out of office, it can be coined as “intimidation” therefore a “terrorist” action. Just witness Section 213.

It allows the state and federal government power to go into your house, take whatever they want, and not tell you about it all without a warrant. Section 215 gives law enforcement expanded power to look at library and bookstore records (violating the Fourth Amendment) plus preventing librarians and store workers from informing patrons of monitoring or information requests (violating the First Amendment). Texas House Representative Ron Paul told Insight Magazine that the whole Congress had no time to examine or debate it.
Paul also said that they were threatening them of becoming labeled as unpatriotic if they opposed the Patriot Act. There are some parts of it that can never be expired (no sunset provision). If that’s not bad enough, King George singed Patriot Act II upon December 13, 2003 burning the Bill of Rights and Constitution. Bush is trying to include Death Penalty provisions of the Patriot Act of federal crime which last more than a year in jail which is obviously wrong by this source:

“Following on the heels of President Bush's road trip to promote the controversial Patriot Act at events in Pennsylvania and New York, on April 21, 2004 a key House subcommittee considered a proposal to expand the Patriot Act's controversial definition of "terrorism" to provide a death penalty for any federal crime punishable by more than one year in prison if the crime was intended to influence government policy and results in death.” (From )

Patriot II is 10 times worse than I. It eliminates nearly all personal freedoms. Section 501 calls an enemy combatant anyone who is called a terrorist from Section 802 of Patriot Act II therefore expanding its proper definition. 501 now gives the Justice Department the right to grab someone off the streets and thrown into jail not to be seen again if someone acts in unlawful acts according to Alex Jones.

Section 201 makes it illegal for any citizen or government member to release information on the incarceration or whereabouts of detainees, 201 also says that law enforcement don’t have to tell the press who they have arrested and never release their names. Section 301 and 316 creates a national DNA database for even suspected terrorists and anyone associated with terror groups and all criminals (plus those on probation).

Section 103 gives the federal government the right to make wartime martial law power domestically and internationally without Congress declaring war. According to Alex’s research, Section 123 tells the government that it is no longer necessary for warrants and uses a giant-dragnet sweep. The list goes on and one. This is tyrannical.

Neo Con Talking Point #5: Anyone who disagrees with the neo-cons is unpatriotic, not for the troops, etc.

Rebuttal: Throughout history, disagreements praised as honorable when utilized in the right format. It is more important to give accurate information about Iraq than sound bites favorable to one side or another. Something that’s the truth isn’t always positive. At many times, the truth hurts. To dissent with Iraq is never treasonous or disrespectful to the troops. Telling the troops the truth is one of the best means to give our love for them not shielding them from the facts on the insurgency, torture, the restriction of death benefits until recently, the elite founding Saddam for decades, etc.

By Timothy

February 16, 2005

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