Saturday, May 31, 2008

The Southern Baptist Church and Billy Graham

Southern Baptist Church

Fatuity flusters in the Southern Baptists, the largest Protestant denomination in America. I used to have great admiration for them until I figured their grave treasonous concessions they’ve done for years. The Southern Baptist Church has extra-church institutions and denominational structures yoking congregations today. The biblical church actually had totally autonomous congregations in no complexities. Denominational structures are just man-made with no biblical authority on anyone.

Their church is also ecumenical. It was only until 2004 when the SBC (Southern Baptist Church) ended ties with the World Baptist Alliance (almost as extreme as the NCC and the WCC). The SBC does align with the China Church Council. Council K. H. Ting (“Honorable” President) is a member and he believes in denying the infallibility of the Bible, denied the judgment of sinful people, loves liberation theology, and believes that the truth is found in all religions. What a lie since Christ perfectly said out of his mouth that I am the way, truth, and the life and no man comes to the Father, but by me.

The SBC has dialogue with the Roman Catholic Church and Catholic priests have spoken in SBC pulpits. Even the occult Promise Keepers are supported by the SBC with David Cloud recording proof of it. The Southern Baptist Church refuses to help Billy Graham repent of his blatant apostasy.

They allow deacons to have pastor powers which aren’t mentioned in the scriptures at all. They allow women to acquire leadership roles like Anne Graham Lotz [Billy Graham’s daughter] preaching at a Evangelism Conference in 1996. According to the Ohio Baptist Messenger at July 2003, Lotz preached in a Sunday morning worship service at June 15, 2003 sponsored by the Conference of Southern Baptist Evangelists. This is forbidden in 1 Timothy 2:12.

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They embrace the charismatic movement. The Southern Baptist Church is even yoked with the Satanic Masonic Lodge and the Eastern Star. Sorry, I will have told God’s truth that Freemasonry is anti-biblical and wrong. In June 1992, a Southern Baptist annual conference was unsuccessful to root out Freemasonry out of the Convention. One of its chairmen, Ron Philips, lied and said that Masonry was compatible with Christianity. Constantly for years, me and scholars like Jack Harris displayed God’s truth of Freemasonry being evil.

Freemasonry is Satanic and wrong for its enforcing unbiblical oath, pagan symbolism, and evil philosophy making Freemasonry as not of God. The “Sovereign Grand Commander” Freemason said that “Southern Baptists have become the 1st Christian denomination that essentially blesses the Masonic Lodge.” (Christian News, November 20, 1993). My educated guess is that 40% of the church is infiltrated by the Freemasons.

They are nothing more than neo-evangelicals and won’t use biblical separation against apostate churches, the Masons, and the Catholics. David Cloud wrote about Dr. Godsey, from Southern Baptist University, attack on the Bible in 1996. As for me, I’m an independent fundamental Baptist in my religious beliefs, but if you follow the Word; it doesn’t matter what title you claim. A title is never more important than a relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ. Materials/books.html is a site showing the truth.



Billy Graham

Hoaxing injustice extends even unto Billy Graham. Billy Graham is not only an apostate, but a strong deception to lull unsuspecting Christians to the sleep of ecumenicalism and the One World Religion. Graham even said that Jesus Christ lied. Rather, Billy Graham lied not Jesus Christ. Ed Parker, who created the End times Deception site and a real fighter against the N.W.O., written extensively on Billy Graham with so much evidence that BGEA (Billy Graham Evangelistic Corporation) refused to sue him for defamation since he has the truth. Parker recorded Graham telling a Parade Magazine that:

“I fully adhere to the fundamental tenets of the Christian faith for myself and my ministry, but as an American, I respect other faiths to God.”

This is bunk since God said this “I am the way, the truth and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.” (John 14:6).

Christ said blatantly that he’s the only path to God the Father. Graham is just wrong here and a liar. Graham’s own dogma is contrary to the Holy Scriptures. Graham isn’t sure of a literal Hell by his own words in the Time Magazine at the November 15, 1993 issue. He accepts infant baptism, he called homosexuality a sin, but claimed that people are born that way [proven by Dr. Cathy Burns’ book], and support abortion in cases of rape, incest, etc. Graham even actively agreed with the government policy of fighting in the Vietnam War. Graham praised the Catholic Church (like in their worship of Mary) for decades and won’t convert them to real Christianity.

There is no doubt that Billy Graham is a 33rd Degree Freemason. Jim Shaw, an ex-33rd Degree Freemason who turned into a believer in God, with Tom McKenney’s book The Deadly Deception rightfully exposed Freemasonry. In the book, Jim Shaw mentions his 33rd Degree initiation ceremony where Billy Graham was present. Graham could only been a Freemason since he witnessed Shaw’s initiation inside of a Temple. Even Dr. Robert Morey wrote a book on Freemasonry that he had the membership of Graham’s 33rd Freemasonry status in the membership file at the library of the House of the Temple (the headquarters of the Supreme Council of the 33rd Degree).

Now, Morey backtracked and said that librarians told him that the file existed without him examining it. Gram endorsed the Masonic DeMolay group for boys. Many people on his Billy Graham Evangelistic Association staff are Freemasons like William A. Watson (a member of the development of mind control participating in Masonic-run Baylor University), David M. McConnel, Arthur Lee Malory, etc. According to Ed Parker, BGEA said that they feel that Freemasonry is incompatible with Christianity, but BGEA allowed Graham to help his Brother 33rd Degree Freemasons Robert Schuller, Norman Vincent Peale, and Oral Roberts (all Illuminatus) to develop their “ministries.”

Ed Parker sums up his research proving that Graham is a Freemason as well:

“The Billy Graham Evangelistic Association has done it again! Billy has had his name removed from a Famous Freemason list done by a Masonic lodge once again. The good news is that Balaams Ass website copied a mirror of the Masonic site because Steve anticipated this move by the BGEA. The Louisiana Masonic Webpage has moved and is now located at This Masonic web page has gone through a major change and the front page no longer resembles the mirror copy that is posted at Balaams Ass Web Site…Compare their new EDITED Famous Freemason list located at With the Mirror copy located at He should be listed under 'Other Famous Masons' I also request you to go to Composite Lodge #595 Webpage and see Billy Graham listed as a Famous Freemason before this list gets changed….Famous Mason list at
Homepage at
Witnesses please EMAIL me…” (From “Billy Graham on Famous Freemason List” by Ed Parker)

Only Masonic Shriner clowns performed at his 1993 Portland Crusade, so Graham loves Freemasonry. It’s a known fact that Illuminatus William Randolph Hearst propped up Billy Graham into prominence. Hearst was no only part of the Knights of Malta, but a member of the Bohemian Grove who said to puff Graham up in 1946. Hearst was an adulterer and promoted Satanic plus New Age book. He was never a Christian, but a pagan:

“…David Hill went on to try to expose the New World Order and lost (was murdered) his life just as he finished a manuscript exposing it. Even a well-informed Christian like David Hill, who tried to warn Billy Graham about the NWO, was unaware of the extent of the deception of the Illuminati’s mind control. David didn’t know about programmed multiples. David Hill, who was a high ranking Scottish Rite Freemason and an important Mafia figure before he came to Christ, had even been the go between for Billy Graham and Joe Banana, a Mafia kingpin. It was David Hill, who innocently believing in Billy Graham, arranged the meeting for the two men. David Hill knew that William Randolph Hearst was part of the Illuminati; He was part of the branch Illuminati -- at what could be termed the 6th degree. William Randolph Hearst was totally into paganism. That is very obvious by a tour of his mansion in California which has been turned into a museum. It was William Randolph Hearst who financed the first three years of Billy Graham’s Crusades…” (From “The Deception of Billy Graham, a Mind Control Front by Fritz Springmeier and others)

Henry Luce co-founded Time Magazine and helped fund one of Graham’s first crusades in NYC. Luce promoted Graham in his Time Magazine as well. Luce was a friend of the infamous anti-Semitic bootlegger Joe Kennedy. Luce was a member of the Skulls and Bones, part of the CFR, and decorated by the House of Orange with the Orange-Nassau. Luce’s hence is an Illuminist.
PhD. Carol George’s “God’s Salesman”, Oxford Press, in 1992 recorded that in August 19, 1960, Graham a top secret meeting. It was with 25 chosen guests in Mintreaux, Switzerland and they talked about how to block the election of JFK.

Norman Vincent Peale was the most prominent guest and the men were embarrassed when they were exposed. This is strange isn’t it since John F. Kennedy was never a Freemason and the Freemasons would kill in him in the “Killing of the King” ritual and other occult symbolism.

Also, Graham has a tendency to praise so many apostates, elitists, heretics, false criminals, and false Christians, that it’s crazy. He called Paul Tillich a great theologian, yet Tillich denied the virgin birth and resurrection of Christ’s flesh. Graham claimed that Dag Hammarskjod acquires Christian principles, but he’s the 2nd Secretary General of the U.N., New Ager, socialist, and was key to building the mediation room where one world religion is advanced. Graham considered Bill Clinton a true Christian for more than 10 years.

Clinton is pro-abortion, pro-Playboy [in a 2000 issue of Playboy, he’s pictured with Hugh Hefner] Hefner is a cousin of Bush and Kerry. Clinton is pro-homosexual, liar under oath, and member of a number of Secret Societies with no repentance of that. Ruth Carter Stapleton (a New Ager), Senator Mark Hatfield (a 33rd Degree and promoter of the Declaration of Interdependence calling for one world government, wanted a nuclear freeze, pro-abortion, and in favor of using taxpayer money to fund the pornographic NEA), John Rockefeller, Senator Robert Byrd (33rd Degree Freemason and involved in Tavistock’s MK-Ultra Project Monarch), Jeanne Dixon, etc. are Billy Graham’s allies.

In 1992, Billy Graham said in his “Embrace America 2000” radio program that the U.S. must embrace the New World Order. According to the BGEA webpage, Billy Graham received the Torch of Liberty plague by the Anti-Defamation League of B’nai B’rith in 1969. The B’nai B’rith is a Masonic group that accepts Jewish people and it was invented in 1843 by German Jews headed by Henry Jones according to Edith Starr-Miller’s 1933 Occult Theocracy (she died for us to show us this information).


The torch of liberty is an occult system related to Lucifer and the occult sciences admitted by Dr. Cathy Burns, the occultist Schure, and even 33rd Degree Freemason and Satanist Manly Palmer Hall. Dr. Cathy Burns’ “Billy Graham and His Friends” is an excellent book focusing on Graham’s apostasy. Hundreds of endnotes and a detailed biography make the case for his heresies. In this era of wolves in sheep clothing, Christians’ antennae ought to be activated more than ever to save souls and warn God’s sheep.

By TruthSeeker24 (Timothy)
March 22, 2005
12:26 pm. EST






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