Saturday, May 31, 2008

The truth about Wesley Clark by me Timothy

Wesley Clark

This guy is something else. What a fake and I get uptight when I expose this coward. General Wesley Clark is indeed a war criminal. All of the rumors you’ve heard about this war criminal are true. When Michael Lehman (the Jewish Christian hero for the truth called Clark out about his war crimes, he refused to answer his questions. That should tell you something.)

The first thing is to explore his early life. Wesley Clark’s father was Benjamin Jacob Kanne who was a Jewish lawyer. Wesley Clark’s family last name is actually Norevovsky then changed to Kanne. Clark’s father and grandfather were Russian Jews.

In the late 1890’s, Jack Nerovovksy (Clark’s grandfather) left Russia because of the violent pogroms against Jews. According to the family, Jacob Nerovovsky found safety in Sw itzerland, found a false passport, and changed his last name to Kanne to immigrate to the U.S. His step-father Victor Clark never told Wesley of his background until
Clark was in his 20’s and he embraced it.

Wesley Clark was born in December 23, 1944 at Chicago. At 4 years old, he was raised in Little Rock, Arkansas as a Southern Baptist (his mother is a Baptist). Clark is now converted to Roman Catholicism.
By 1966, he graduated from West Point first in his class with degrees like Philosophy.

Wesley Clark is also a member of the Globalist Rhodes Scholar and the Council of Foreign Relations like his well-known friend Bill Clinton. He fought in the war of Vietnam and afterwards Clark received the Silver and Bronze Star at 1975-1976. Congressman Charlie Rangel of Harlem, New York (a supporter of the mandatory draft) supported Clark u ntil he quit.

One of his first war crimes was in the 1980’s. In that decade, Clark was head of a refugee camp in Miami (Krome) and
Puerto Rico (Fort Allen).

These camps had Haitian refugees who were sprayed with highly toxic chemicals to help treat a strange condition called gyreaemastria or “a situation on which they developed full female breasts.” (Gen. Wesley Clark: War Criminal and Murderer: Don’t believe the hype by Mitch Cohen).

Wesley Clark could be involved in the attacks at Waco. I’ve found that out as early as March 2003. Consenting to U.S. military equipment usage and possibly heading the military strike at Waco basically outline his relation to the attacks at Waco The military equipment and personnel used at Waco all came from Fort Hood, Texas.

The commander of Fort Hood was General Wesley Clark from August 1992 to April 1994 (commander of the 1st Cavalry Division of the Army’s III Corps in Ft. Hood, TX). That alone presents Clark as the man who could of authorized and commenced the armored vehicles used in the raid, the siege, and the final assault.

Plus no military commander would just give equipment up for any reason willingly unless he or she consented to it. Therefore, Clark consented to the actions since it’s Clark’s men, his arms, and his show. Obviously this is a violation of Posse Commitatus since the U.S. government military equipment was utilized at Waco.

Wesley Clark at Waco Siege 1993

Counter Punch website proved that Texas governor Anne Richards consulted Clark’s #2 at Fort Hood. Also on April 14, 1993 final plans for Waco existed at the summit, and the:

“The tanks were from Fort Hood, where Wesley Clark was, in early 1993, commander of the Cavalry Division of the US Army's III Corps. In our last issue we cited a congressional report commissioned in the aftermath of Waco, which described how Texas governor Anne Richards had consulted with Clark's number two at Fort Hood. Then, on April 14, there was a summit at the Justice Department in Washington, where Attorney General Janet Reno, top Justice Department and FBI officials and two unnamed senior Army officers reviewed the final assault plan scheduled for April 19. The two Army officers at the Justice Department that day were Colonel Gerald Boykin, and his superior, Ge n. Peter J. Schoomaker, the head of Special Forces at Fort Bragg. “ (Waco Update: The Delta Force were There, edited by Alexander Cockburn and Jeffrey St. Clair June 1, 1999 From )

Clark was also made Commander of the U.S. Southern Command in Panama from June 1996 to July 1997 supporting the continued warfare against anti-oligarchic movements in Columbia, Peru, Guatemala, Mexico, and Bolivia.

After that, he became the Supreme Allied Commander of NATO and starts war crimes in Yugoslavia in 1999. Clark was in charge of the NATO forces and oversaw the planning of these missions. He defended all of these bombings, and was an integral part of the Clinton team’s “spin” operation in Yugoslavia.

He led a 78-day NATO air war on Yugoslavia illegally since it targeted civilian infrastructure. The bombings hit roads, bridges, factories, petrochemical plants, radio TV buildings, etc. Hundreds if not thousands died plus Human Rights Watch condemned this action. Clark worked with the terrorist KLA or Kosovo Liberation Army to kill Serbs basically using Milosevic (probably a terrorist) as an excuse to do it.

His aerial bombardment of Belgrade was the first of its kind since Adolf Hitler’s Luftwaffe came to European cities. There were little mass graves by the Serbs and this war on Serbs was for the sole purpose to promote the heroin/opium drug trade in Kosovo. U.S. Intelligence worked with the KLA and with al-Qeada who all participated in the Drug Trade around Bosnia-Herzegovina and Kosovo. Look at this source:

“Half a decade later (after the 1980’s), General Wesley Clark was supreme NATO commander in Yugoslavia. He presided over the massive use of depleted uranium weapons there which poisoned Yugoslavia’s water supply and agriculture, leading to an extremely high rate of miscarriages and childhood cancers.” (Don’t believe the Hype, NYCIndymedia, by Mitch Cohen, Tuesday, September 16, 2003 from )

More testimony of Clark’s reckless activities is from Captain Martin de la Hoz, a Spanish pilot flying missions for NATO, who said that many times his supervising colonel protested to NATO about their bombing of non-military, civilian targets that:

“Once there was a coded order from the North American military that we should drop anti-personnel bombs over Pristina and Nis. All of the missions that we flew, all and each one, we plann ed in detail, including attacking planes, targets, and type of ammunition by the U.S. high ranking military authorities…They are destroying the country”, the Spanish F-18 pilot continued “bombing it with novel weapons, toxic nerve gases, surface mines dropped by parachute, bombs containing uranium, black napalm, sterilization chemical, spraying to poison crops, and weapons of which even we still know nothing about.” (Quoted in “Articulo 20”, a Spanish weekly newspaper, June 14, 1999).

Wesley Clark nearly had a shooting war with Russian peacekeeping troops in Kosovo. It was only by the intervention of the British government, Defense Secretary William Cohen, and the Joints Chairman General Hugh Shelton that prevented Clark from starting WWIII.

When Clark ordered British Lt. Michael Jackson to forcibly block Kosovo’s Pristina Airport to prevent Russian planes from landing, the Britain. Michael Jackson replied “Sir, I am not starting WWIII fo r you’re a__”

Jackson was backed up all the way to Number 10 Downing Street. Clark was forced to back down. Eventually Cohen fired Clark as NATO Commander 3 months before his term expired. Now in 2004, there are now photos of General Wesley Clark shaking hands with Ratko Mladic, a Serbian fugitive war crimes suspect.

This was obtained by Judical Watch from the National Defense University under the Freedom of the Information Act at

Wesley Clark seems to be a neo-conservative part of the so-called New Democrats who’s ruled by the DLC (Democratic Leadership Council) with its main nurtures of Al From and Bruce Reed. Immediately after 9/11, Wesley Clark strongly gave praises to the Bush administration including Bush, Condy Rice, and Powell and then now he’s against them.

Weeks after the Iraq invasion, Clark supported it and now he opposes it showing signs again that he’s a flip-flopper. Plus Clark even admitted to Republicans Colorado Gov. Bill Owens and Marc Holtzman (now President of the University of Denver) that: “
I would have been a Republican if Karl rove had returned my phone calls.”

Clark claimed that this comment was humorous, but Owens and Holtzman claimed that he was deadly serious. Wesley Clark just exploited the 2 parties and chooses the Democrats. Clark seems to dislike Karl Rove more than Bush since Karl Rove refused Clark to join the Bush team after 9/11.

The British MonarchyThe Queen visits Oxford

At March 28, 2000, Wesley Clark, the U.S. General and NATO Supreme Allied Commander in Europe, was crowned by the Queen and made Knight Commander of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire. His oath was this:

Crown: Upon which sword do you wish to swear your Oath?
Candidate: Upon the sword of His Imperial Majesty (Knighted by the Queen)

The Knighthood is unconstitutional and against our national sovereignty. Wesley Clark’s allegiance is therefore more to Great Britain than to America.

Wesley Clark is also was an investment banker and joined Stephens Inc. as a consultant in July 2000. (He was named Managing Director to the Stephens Group Inc. [in Little Rock, Arkansas] from March 2001 through February 2003.

The head of Stephen Inc. was Jackson Stephens (one of the main financiers of Bill Clinton, Reagan, and Bush) Jackson Stephens was Jimmy Carter’s roommate at Annapolis for 6 years.

Stephens is involved in Harken Oil, BCCI, and the drug trade. Stephen also financed: “Waste Technologies Inc., hazardous waste incinerator in East Liverpool, Ohio (and attorney Hillary Rodham Clinton [flaming lesbian and Illuminati witch] helped file paperwork for it.)

In 1992, Clinton and Gore promised that this facility-built Ohio River flood plan, next to an elementary school, would not be opened if they won the election. It started up two months after they sworn in. For more on this broken promise see.” (From www.greenpeace,

Back in the 1995 Dayton Peace Accords, Fieth and Perle advised the Bosnian delegation to use the chief U.S. military negotiator as Wesley Clark. In Clark’s 2004 Presid ential campaign, he has the nerve and is lying when he says that he’s the “anti-war candidate.”

Tell that to Waco, Serbia, Kosovo, Haiti, Montenegro, Bolivia coca farmers, or Columbians feeding their families. Yet another connection is George Soros (a left wing globalist and a member of the Bilderberg Group). George Soros’ most influential institution is the International Crisis Group (ICG) founded at 1986.

Clark is one of its board members. The individuals who head it are from the very center of political and corporate power. Its board includes Zbigniew Brzezinski, Morton Abramowitz (former U.S. Assistant Security), Richard Nixon (whose dead), etc. Soros is also close to Henry Kissinger.

Wesley Clark is pro-globalization, pro-abortion (This is funny since he claims that he supports genocide against the unborn because it’s the law. Hey, slavery was legal once ago an d that doesn’t mean it’s right), anti-gun, and pro-Homeland SSecurity. Wesley Clark won the Oklahoma primary at February 2004.

Illuminati Satanist Madonna and filmmaker Michael Moore for some reason supported Wesley Clark. Clark is now dropped out and supports Kerry for President.

Wesley Clark

General Wesley Clark is therefore exposed as a war criminal by Waco and Yugoslavia, have connections to Big Oil and evil corporations, has total allegiance to the Queen and Great Britain, and is a neo-con Trojan Horse for the New World Order.

By Timothy



March 1, 2004
9:43 am. EST

1 comment:

  1. Andrea Murrhteyn said...


    Keeping my mind entertained, while I await by the Red Barrack Gate, for my Don Quixoute KKKnight...

    No offence, but did you really write down all this stuff. If so, wow, amazing. My kinda thinking goes a bit like this -- People in this day and age, misinterpret each other, when they are living in the same town, using the same language, the same culture, the same education, etc... etc.. then add a bit of distance, or different interpretaiton or different culture; and well, it's quite funny actually. Why?

    Well, if you pay very careful attention; you will NOTICE: THEY ARE NOT TALKING ABOUT THE SAME THING!! YET, THEY DON'T LISTEN TO EACH OTHER, AND ARE OBSESSED WITH CONVINCING EACH OTHER, THAT EITHER PARTY IS 'RIGHT'. But they ain't talking about the same thing. They just consciously or unconsciously (for lack of neglect to get a clear agreement that both sides mean the same thing when they use the same words, each word which has multiple different interpretations) participate in a game of pretending to communicate.

    Anyway.... So my Love; I was thinking... would it be possible that Mary Magdalene was reincarnated, and developed gyreaemastria, and is living incognito?

    Could this picture be her?

    You ever played poker in the moonlight?

    Love Lara

    January 15, 2009 8:30 AM
