Tuesday, December 21, 2010

The Papal Fruit

Why did I do this? In the past 13 years or so, many Catholic apologists have taken the side of historical revisionism to validate their claim. Many even support the Inquisition or say the Inquisition never killed more than a couple of thousand people. This expose sets the record straight indeed.

Roman Catholicisms Criminal Record:

I.In the 700s, Charlemagne became emperor of the so-called holy Roman empire. During his reign, he declared paganism illegal, but many thousands of people were killed as a result of that. In fact Charlemagne slaughtered 4.5 K to 5K pagan Saxon prisoners in 782.

II.In 1010, the bishop of Limoges, France ordered Jews to be converted to Catholicism or be expelled or killed.

III.In the 1st Crusade, 12K Jews were slaughtered.

IV.In 1147 (2nd Crusade), Jews and Muslims from Portugal were killed.

V.In the 2nd Crusade also on 1147, several hundred Jews were killed in France (cities of Ham, Sully, Carenton, and Rameru).

VI.The Inquisition came. It might of existed as early as 1179 A.D. Later in 1184, the Inquisition fully went under way by the Council of Verona.

By 1254, Pope Alexander IV established the Office of the Inquisition within Italy. Pope Innocent IV, in his instruction for the guidance of the Inquisition in Tuscany and Lombardy, ordered the civil magistrates to force a confession of guilt from all heretics by torture, and a betrayal of all their accomplishes, Papal Bull Ad Extripanda de Medio Populi Christiani Pravtiatis Zizana which was dated in May 15, 1252. This torture was reinforced by Popes Alexandris IV, Clement IV, Nicholas IV, Boniface VIII, and others from 1254-1303.

The Inquisition was a Catholic institution whose purpose was to exterminate everyone in Europe who dissented against Roman Catholicism. It spread to Poland in the 14th century and then to Bohemia and Rome by 1543.

VII.At 1215, the Children Crusade killed or captured 100K kids.

VIII.A crusade came against the Waldensians and Albigenses which was called by Pope Innocent III in 1208. Its one of the bloodiest in history.

IX.At Beziers, France, it was besieged by Innocent III to exterminate Albigensian heretics and an estimated 60K were slaughtered.

X.In 1235, 34 Jewish men and women were slain at Fulda, Germany.

XI.Also , at Minerve, 14K Christians were put to death in flames. The ears, noses, and lips of the heretics were cut off by the faithful (not-so faithful actually).

XII.At 1377, Jews were slaughtered in Beggendord at Bavaria.

XIII.From 1487-1488, a crusade was waged against Bible-believing Waldensians.

XIV.Burning of Cathari came at Minerve (140 killed)

XV.Massarce of Cathari also came at Beziers which killed 20K people.

XVI.In the late 1400s, Columbus had 2K San Salvadorian Native Americans killed for telling him they didn't know where the gold was. Even an esteemed biographer of the murderer Columbus, Samuel Eliot Morrison said that 1/3 of 300K natives were killed off between 1494-1495.

XVII.In 1506, the monks of Lisbon killed 2K Jews on 2 days even on Easter.

XVIII.Many conquistadors, all Catholics, killed many Native American tribes especially in W. U.S.A., C. America like Coronado, Almagro, Codez, Pizzaro, Valverde, de Meza, Gregory, Sepulveda, Valega, etc from 1519-1540s.

XIX.From 1540-1570, no less than 900K Protestants were killed in different areas of Eupore by Papists.

XX.During the reign of Pope Paul IV (1555-59), the Inquistion killed 150K individuals.

XXI.Queen Mary of England (a Catholic) known as Bloody Mary at 1553 executes about 300 Protestants.

XXII.The Bartholomew Day Massacre killed at least 30K Protestants(Huguenots) in 1572 at Pope Puis Vs command. Some sources say as high as 101K Huguenots were murdered.

XXIII.In the 16th century alone, 900K people were killed in Europe.

XXIV.In 1685 came the slaughter again of the French Huguenots under King Louis XIV. The Edict of Toleration, giving religious freedom to Protestants, etc, was revoked.

XXV.From 1790-1792, even Jean Antione Llorente, a Catholic secretary to the Spanish Inquisition admits to 300K Jews and Moors killed.

XXVI.During WWII (1939-1945), the Catholic Ustasha killed 487K Orthodox Serbs, 27K Gypsies, and 30K Jews making a total of about 544K human beings murdered at least. The main perpetrator of these heinous actions was a Croat named Ante Pavelic in which many Catholic bishop accepted is actions.

XXVII.100K Albigenses were massacred in one day in 1211, then burned in heaps.

XXVIII.Pope Puis IV sent the Italian army to massacre many women and children at Orange in 1562.

XXIX.The 30 Year War in Germany saw the population of that region drop from 15 million to 5 million due to Catholic invading armies killing 900K Protestants.

XXX.Catholics massacre 30K Protestants in Ulster, Ireland at 1641.

XXXI.The Roman Catholic clergy in the 1970s lead the Dirty War in Argentina with @ 30K people killed.

XXXII.Even more recently in the 1990s, a civil war in the region of S.E. involving Catholics, Orthodox, and Muslims. Its not all of the Catholics entirely in that situation, but many Catholics are involved in it. About 200K killed.

XXXIII.Many Jewish people were killed by Catholics between 1348-1349 for being blamed for the Black Death.

XXXIV.Roman Catholics from the 10th century waged war against pagan Slavs, Balts, and Lithuanians to force conversions. (Slav became synonymous with prisoner, i.e. slave.) wars against Slavic, Baltic pagans officially became crusades in the 12th century.

XXXV.In 1191, Richard the Lionhearted captured Acre and ordered 3K captives, many of them women and children taken outside the city and killed.

XXXVI.Begun the international slave trade encompassing Africa, S. America, N. America, Asia, the Pacific, etc.

Martyrs who died for dissenting with Catholicism.

1).Henry of Laussane (d. 1148)

2). Arnold of Brescia (d. 1148)

3). John Huss and Jerome of Prague (d. 1415-1415)

4). Sir John Oldcastle (d. 1418)

5). Jerome Savanorola of Italy, a Catholic (d. May 23, 1498)

6). Thomas Granter, a Lollard (d. 1478)

7). Thomas Norris, a Lollard (d. 1507)

8) . Matthew of Janov

9).Ulrich Zwingle (d. 1529)

10). John Rogers

11). John Molius (d. 1553)

12). Anthony Ricetti of Venice (d. 1542)

13). Nicholas Ridley (Bishop of London) and Hugh Latimer (Bishop of Worchester) (d. Oct. 17,1555)

14). Archbishop Thomas Cranner, a Lollard (d. Oct. 17, 1555)

15). Peter de Bruys (d. 1126)

16). Pastor Louis Pashale of Calabria (d. Sept. 9, 1560)
17). Derrick Carver

18) . Jacodopi di Rome (d. 1655)

19). Michael Sattler, an Anabaptist (d. May 21, 1527)

20). William Sweeting: burned in England, on 18 October, 1511

21). Anthony Peerson: burned at Windsor, England, in 1543

22). David Straton: burned in Scotland, circa 1531

23). John Hooper: burned at Gloucester, England, on 9 February, 1555

24). William of Orange: murdered at Delft, Holland, on 10 July, 1584

25). John Oldcastle: burned at St. Giles Field, England, on 14 December, 1418

By TruthSeeker.(Timothy)

10:52 am. EST

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

My Discussion with a Person on Zionism, the Holocaust, and other controversial topics

ssj is Available
ssj : hi
Me: hi
ssj : atlast we meet online
where u're from?!
Me: I am from Virginia.
Where are you from?
ssj : I'm from Egypt
did u just call urself Truth seeker or do u really seek to know the truth
Me: That name was a psuedoynm and all humans seek to know the truth as apart of our curious nature.
ssj : ya u're right
U knw no matter where and when u start u must knw that the truth is one so all who seek the truth will just end uo at the same place
end up*
Me: In a way that's true.
Learning the truth is a life long journey and as we get older, we become more accurate on how we determine information.
ssj : U see we've reached to a common point I always say wat u've just said
tell me where have u reached so far??
Me: What do you mean what I've reached so far/
ssj : i mean what kind falsified history u've found
like wwar 2
11 sept
Me: Well, people realize that WWII could of been avoid in many times. Hitler intentionally didn't want to massively invade Britain and some Royals sympathatized with the nazis.
September 11's official story hae been criticized even by the 9/11 Commission, so that is why some people want a new independent investigation of it.
ssj : do u knw about the Thule society??
Me: The thule society was invented by occultists. Hitler had links to it. Some of its rituals are related to the New Age doctrines on Atlantis, Aryan races, etc. They hated Jewish people and Communists.
ssj : good but read more .... sometimes they put conspiracy theories with fact in a way to misguide u so just read more about the thule society
they hate Humanity not just jews and communist
Me: Some disinformation exists in some conspiracy theories.
Yet, they hated Jews and Communists specifically (which includes humanity as you say).
I don't believe in special favoritism though.
ssj : u know John Judge??
Me: I heard about his literature, but I haven't heard about the man's life before.
ssj : ok u seem to have been through this for a long time
Me: Yes, I've studied on these subjects since 1997.
ssj : wow and how old are u?
Me: I'm young. I'm 26 and I will be 27 later on this year.
ssj : not younger than me lol
i'm 21
some people believe that the Holocaust didnt happen wat do u think?
Me: People have debated on the particular, but the Holocaust did exist.
One death isone too many.
Blacks, Serbs, Gypsies, Communists, political dissidents, and others died in the Holocaust not just Jewish people.
Millions ofpeople in the Holocaust even if you deny that any Jews were murdered in it.
ssj : I believe that it happened but not the way we were told and its not Millions of people who died but like 6000 that's wat i heard i haven't made a study myself
Me: Over 600,000 Serbs Gypsies, and Jews died in Yugoslavia alone during the Holocaust.
So, that is more than 6,000 people.
ssj : and i also learned that the worl war 2 along with the holocaust were all like planned so that the Zionist could make their state in Palestine
ya u're right ?
I'm makin my studies but for wat concerns where i live because here also we are told lies about most of our history
and wen I read and learn the truth and try to explain to them, they just consider me as crazy
Me: Israel was rapidly created because of the Holocaust.
That's true
We are lied about our history, but that doesn't justify Jewish people being slaughtered.
Also, some of the extreme policies in Israel can't be justified either.
ssj : there's Jewish and Zionist do u know the difference??
Me: Yes
Jewish people are Semitic people or people following Judaism as a religion.
Zionism is political philosophy.
Zionism teaches that Jews have the right to live in Israel and form a political government.
You can agree or disagree with this philosophy and this is what the Zionists believe in.
ssj : Zionist claim that they are Jewish and that they follow judaism
Me: Some do.
ssj : while Jews are the real Jews the followers of Moses and Ibrahem
Me: Some zionists are Gentiles and others are Jewish people.
ssj : Zionist take religion as a barrier
Me: Jews are Semites or followers of Judaism. Zionism is a political philosophy that uses religious terminology.
ssj : Yes that's it
Me: right
ssj : Zionist knows all the Religions and follow none
and they know exactly where is the Truth but they hide it
Me: Not all Zionists are monolithic. some are indeed wicked and extremists. Some just follow their political philosophy.
ssj : We are Victims of a Zionist regime
Me: Oh, you live in Egypt and of course you'll say that.
ssj : no lol
Me: In 21st century, more people are waking up, so more people desire resonable solutions without extremism.
ssj : Really we are here ruled by Zionist and U are in the states ruled by Zionist
Me: World power structure is complex. Many Pilgrim Society members, the Vatican/Jesuit network, etc. have influence in America too. Also, many Middle Eastern leaders have ties to the Order of St. Francis.
ssj : Do u know secret societies
the Cabal??
Me: I know about secret societies.
Many of them beleiving in human godhood and creating an Utopia.
ssj : they believe in the Anti christ and for them that's there God
Me: yes
ssj : human godhood is something the fabricated but they dont believe in it just another conspiracy theory
like i told they understand all the religions so well and they've even invented some just to seperate people
Me: I disagree with that.
. Manly P Hall and oh have wrote about agreeing with human goodhood.
That's conspriacy fact not fiction at all. Of course, human godhood is an impossibility.
ssj : They have Fabricated religions and human Godhood is one of them and it has its own believers
and everyone is so convinced with his religion so he would call others to it
Me: There are unified moral principles and there are moral absolutes.
True religion reflects those concepts.
ssj : Yes that's true but wat does that have to do with wat i said ??
The Goal of the Zionist is to rule the world and take hold of world's economy and till now i believe they Rule most of the Arab countries like saudi arabia , egypt , jordan , UAE and more and they also rule most of Europe and Africa and USA
Me: I expose more than Zionism.
The Pilgrim Society the Bilderbergers, and the Vatican/Jesuit network are more powerful than the Zionists.
To only expose Zionism is only showing part of the puzzle. Also, the Black Nobility bloodlines have existed before Zionism existed.
Many Zionist leaders are apart of papal Knighthoods.
ssj : A Zionist won't tell u he is a Zionist he might be a christian a jew a muslim just anything
Me: What is the disinformation now?
Many Zionists have different religious cloaks, but it's a fact that Zionism is under the Pilgrim Society and the Vatican network.
The Pilgrim Society is more secret and more taboo to expose than the Zionists are.
Even though all nefarious groups ought to be exposed.
ssj : i believe that the Zionist made the Pilgrim society and the Vatican/jesuit network
Me: I don't agree with you on that point at all.
Constantine existed before Herzl.
So, Also the black nobility bloodlines carved up the Middle East to create tensions among Jews and Arabs.
You know this.
ssj : no i have no idea
did u write any articles or something i can read??
Me: I write articles all of the time in my blog
You can put TruthSeeker24 in google to see my articles.
ssj : ok thank u
its good to knw u
Me: right.
I have to go.


Responses from folks in Bush Revealed FOrum
Mon Mar 28, 2005 10:15

Watchman: This discussion board is about Bush, not Reagan. Beside that, I'll not let this board be used to smear the reputation of the second best President of the 20th Century (behind Teddy).
Preacher Bruce Evan Murch

Response: Yes, this is about Bush Watchman. Reagan being a member of the Bohemian Grove is a fact. Reagan passing an abortion law in '67 is a fact , he worked for GE is a fact, GE funded Hitler is a fact, and Reagan having many evil policies and being an honorary Freemason in '88 is a fact. That's documentated and isn't a smear. You need to get out of your Left/Right paradigm and see the real picture. Bush is wrong on many issues just like Reagan. I'm a warrior for the truth and don't back down to people trying to call me a smearer. It's silly for you to deny these facts.

By TruthSeeker24.

The truthseeker Eleazar: I won't post any of my Reagan exposes here, since this is a Bush expose forum, but you should know better. Reagan was one of the NWO boys just like Bush and Clinton. His conservatism was 90% false IMAGE (as opposed to Bush's 95%).

If you need proof, I can email it.

Also, Teddy was only the 2nd best of the century. Cal Coolidge was the best.
Steadfastly slinging the Sword,


2 Sam 23:10 He arose, and smote the Philistines until his hand was weary, and his hand clave unto the sword: and the LORD wrought a great victory that day


Escaping the Matrix (Pure

What is the Matrix? The Matrix is Satan’s world. Just because sinfulness is all around us, doesn’t mean that we should accept it. We ought to speak our minds and act for real change and the true development of ourselves lies with our activity. God doesn’t move with lazy people, but with committed and believing human beings. The Matrix movie series incorporates Gnosticism. The films of “The Matrix”, “The Matrix Reloaded”, etc. express this very well. The rebels of Zion (an underground base of the real physical world) and Neo trying to find true reality mimics the New Age Movement and Gnosticism (from the Greek word gnosis meaning knowledge). Gnosticism is related to many occult philosophies. The early Gnostics believed that salvation and supernatural power was achieved by receiving esoteric knowledge (i.e. a secret gnosis, not just ordinary knowledge). They viewed the rest of the world as held captive to evil, while they were the enlightened remnant finding spiritual freedom and transcendence in secret wisdom.

God’s Word perfectly said that to not be hidden in understanding him and Jesus Christ said “I said nothing in secret.” The Word of God is apparent not hidden; therefore anyone has the possibility to understand the One True God without hidden “knowledge.” Hidden knowledge (according to them) is the key to understanding the world. The Gnostics denied that Christ came to Earth as a fleshy man, but in the appearance of a hologram. 2 John 1:7 rebuts this claim and John 1:1-18. To deny that Christ came in the flesh is to have the spirit of the Antichrist. They also view the spiritual as always good and the physical always evil when Jesus Christ and the New Jerusalem are physical and they are good. In the first Matrix film, Neo knows Kung Fu with supernatural powers, not embracing Christian ideals. It’s about occult empowerment. Neo also meets the female oracle. The oracle in the times of the ancients was a spiritual medium for false gods in Greek mythology. Of course, Deuteronomy forbids contacting mediums as an abomination. The oracle gives Neo ambiguous answers. Another Gnostic and modern culture tenet is that feel good experiences can be more important than reality. According to “The Words with Dictionary of the Occult”, Gnosticism originated from ancient Babylon involving religion feelings. Gnosticism like the Matrix defies logic and simple explanation, but appeals to human feelings.

People accept it even if they can’t define it. Occult religious feelings are more important to the Elite than facts. Ritual sex (as shown in Matrix Reloaded) was in pagan civilizations, Gnosticism, and today in this country as well. Christian Berit Kjos’ article exposed the Matrix Triology films as mocking God’s truth, while embracing Gnostic/occult symbolism. Even Monica Belluci’s [the pornographer from Mel Gibson’s movie of the “The Passion of the Christ”] role as wife of “The Merovingian” is definitely related to the Illuminati and it is so in your face, that it’s there. The Matrix series have plug ins and microchips in it. The film is all about the globalist agenda in controlling man’s mind into a Matrix and forcing mankind to accept this present world’s control, instead of really freeing our minds, opposing all occult Secret Societies, resisting the biometric system, and following the One True God.

Fritz Spingmeier mentioned the Merovingian bloodline as the 13th Illuminati bloodline. Their well-known symbols are the Knight Templar’s red cross, the fluer-de-lis, bees, the bear, etc. Prescott Bush, George H. W. Bush, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, Theodore Roosevelt, Thomas Jefferson, John Adams, and many other prominent figures of history are all in this bloodlines as well. Some in British royalty are related to the Merovingians like Prince Charles and even Dan Quayle possessing high popularity. Fritz Springmeier also wrote that the top leadership of the Mormons (LDS & RLDS) are all related to the descendants of the Merovingians. Even Brigham Young (the founder of Mormonism) was a Freemason and practiced magic. Sibil Brigham was his grandmother and Sibyls were the occult “prophetesses” of the ancient world. The Merovingian bee symbol is also the logo of the Mormon church and the state of Utah. Many Bible scholars and other researchers of Mormonism (believing that man can achieve godhood which is unscriptural) have pointed out that Joseph Smith and many Mormon leaders were well-known Freemasons as well. Freemasonry is still wrong and not of God. Calling any human with veneration or adoration for an deceptive group is still wrong. Calling a man Master is still a violation of Matthew. Calling the Lodge not Christ the cornerstone is still wrong. Having bloody oaths with the Lord's name taken in vain plus calling out murder (even if it's symbolic and not literal) is still evil. Having a brotherhood of infidels is still innappropriate and tons of other points makes Masonry as having contradictions in their group.

According to David Icke, the Windsor and Mountbatten bloodlines of the UK were German bloodlines earlier known as the House of Saxe-Corburg Gotha and the Battenbergs. It's a well known fact that the Windsor family supported the Nazis and anglicized their names during WWII for public relations. American and British Freemasonry (Henry Ford, Schact, Thomas Watson, etc.) were known as to have supported Nazism as proven by John Daniel’s research. Even O.T.O. members admitted that their 1902 created organization have Freemasonic influences. English Freemasonry created the Quatour Coronati Lodge of Masonic Research in 1886 and many Masons back then supported the rebuilding of Solomon’s Temple (reported by Watch Unto Prayer Ministries).

Freemason George Bulver-Lytton (1803-1873) was the godfather of Nazi dogma. Lytton was the Grand Patron of the Societas Roscruciana in Anglia. His book Vril: The Power of the Coming Race inspired Madame Blavastky (a Theosophical Society member like Hitler and even Gandhi). Both Blavastky and Richard Wagner (an OTO member) had ideals that influenced Hitler’s perspective in Karma, root races, Eastern mysticism, etc.

As long as I have breath, I will expose the Abortion Holocaust, the population control agenda (when Africa isn’t seeing radical population growth and Europe is decreasing in its population), and eugenics. Many of the Rockefellers, Harrimans, Bushes, Duponts, and other evil people (who were pro-segregration, pro-abortion, pro-Hitler, and some were in the dark, evil Secret Societies of the Skulls and Bones and Thule Society) who tried to exterminate people back then are still here trying to have massive depopulation and a global government system. Billionares like Warren Buffet, Bill Gates, and Ted Turner are all promoters of abortion, sterilization, and population control now. Life is so debased that a Chinese cosmetics company is using skin harvested from the corpses of executed convicts to develop beauty products for sale in Europe. How sick and evil.
By Timothy

Monday, April 26, 2010

More words





My Words to a Racist:

I can not mention his words, because the racist used so much racial slurs.

Here are my words:

You are definitely wrong. For thousands of years, black Africans have made great contributions in human history from architecture to astronomy. Africa is the origin of human life and linguistic speaking started in Africa as documented by linguist scholar Johanna Nichols from University of California, Berkeley. We know of the Meroitic alphabet that was created by black Africans thousands of years ago. Iron smelting has been very common in West Africa in ca. 1200 B.C. There was ancient African mining in Swaziland, Nubia, etc. Many African domestically animals for human use like the guineafowl, various cattle, goose, etc. We realize the advanced architectural, scientific, political, social, religious, and cultural developments found in the ancient civilizations of Axum, Zimbabwe, Ghana, Kush, Songhai, Mali, etc. So, it is obvious that before the Maafa, ancient sub Saharan black African civilizations had universities, ships, music, bridges, crop development, culture, language, clothing, great architecture, and great human beings living their lives. Ancient Timbuktu has great structures beyond a mud hut, you racist. We know about the ancient astronomers of West Africa of the Dogon Tribe. We know of the Lebombo bone that described lunar cycles of the moon that is roughly 35,000 years old. The Ishango bone dealt with mathematics thousands of years ago as well. You are a big racist and I have no respect for you at all.

So, I am not ashamed of my Black African heritage. Black Africa have great value in the Universe. With folks like you, I will continue to love my black people and love my heritage. Today, there are numerous black doctors, scholars, lawyers, mathematicians, physicists, judges, political leaders, computer experts, teachers, athletes, musicians, inventors, and other contributors to the world society. Therefore, you can never refute the truth. The truth is that Black Human Beings are the first Humans on Earth being created in the image of God. We are chosen FIRST NOT YOU. WE ARE THE FIRST AND WE SHALL BE THE LAST. WE HAVE BEAUTIFUL DARK MELANIN THAT YOU ARE JEALOUS OF. WE HAVE GREAT RHYTHM AND NATURAL PHYSICAL ABILITIES THAT YOU ARE JEALOUS OF. WE CAN GREAT SPIRITUAL/MORAL INSIGHTS THAT YOU ABHOR AND WE HAVE LIVED AND MADE GREAT, DOCUMENTED ACCOMPLISHMENTS IN HUMAN HISTORY. I am not ashamed of my people and my blood. I am black and I am beautiful. I will respect the Brothers and I will always love the Sisters with a social including a romantic love.

You are a racist piece of work. Even the most white Eurocentric scholar documents that black Negroid peoples lived in ancient Egypt. Also, ancient Songhai with Timbuktu thousands of years ago has black African peoples you liar. Ancient Africa has great architecture filled with stone, iron, and other forms of materials. The Medieval city of Aoudaghast in Ghana had markets and solid buildings. Plant medicines and Cesarean sections were common in ancient sub Saharan Africa as well. There were stone fortresses, castles, mosques, governmental buildings, universities, and other locations before the Maafa in ancient Black Africa. This has nothing to do with a political agenda. It has to do with historical fact. Black human beings are created in the image of God and we have great worth and great value in the Universe. I will not respond to you anymore since you are a racist white supremacy. The system of white supremacy will be defeated. Black power is what I advance. Black Love is what I cherish in my heart.

An article I wrote in September 2006

Tensions arise atwixt (or between) Muslims and Pope Benedict XVI. Benedict quoted a 14th century Byzantine Emperor saying that Muhammad spread his religion by the sword. As a result of the Pope's words, radical Muslims bombed churches, a nun was killed, and an effigy of the Pope (Popes for centuries passed councils and decress denying religious freedom and they've oppressed religious dissidents) was burned. The Pope later said that he regreted for the reaction of the Muslims, but didn't explicitly apologize for his words. The truth is that after Muhammad's death, Islam did spread by the sword (not to mention that the Koran's Surah 2:228 calls men as superior to women). The Muslims conquered many lands by the early 700's beyond the Saudi Arabian peninsula. I would say that the Muslim protestors are right to condemn the obvious superstitious and false doctrines of the Roman Church like the Rosary beads, the Pope is called the "Holy Father," or a cookie is Jesus.

Never forget that Pope Benedict XVI was ordained to the priesthood by Archbishop Michael Cardinal von Faulhaber in 1951. He was also in Hitler's Youth as a child. All of these circumstances are effects of this "war on terror" where the CFR-influenced U.S. government is fighting against Muslim nations (that collectively have nothing to do with all aspects of 9/11). I do find it hypocritical for the Pope to cite Muslim errors, yet won't expose the Roman Catholic Crusades (this has nothing to do with real Bible believers), the Vatican support for the Nazis, and the other policies that were justified by much of Roman canon law (for example, the 1302 decree of Unam Sanctam made by Pope Boniface VIII claimed universal power over all the leaders of the world. Also, Thomas Aquinas wrote literature advocating killing heretics. There are other examples). I forgot that Pope Benedict publiclly called for a new world order. People want to unite the Crescent and the cross (a pagan symbol relating to Tau). I say forget the crescent and forget the sun symbol cross. Even though I disagree with John Hagee's fronting for the Bush agenda, he's 100% right to exposing the criminal acts of the Roman false Church.

Patriots (like Darryl Ebehart, Gary & Lisa Ruby, Eric Jon Phelps, Greg Szymanski, those in the Unhived Mind Forum, and many others) have truthfully outlined that the keystone of global geopolitical power are the Jesuits (Luther77 from the Unhived Forum recently discovered that Jesuit trained Christopher T. Rogers was a co-founder of Nextel and the present CEO is Timothy Donahue, trained at Jesuit John Carrol University), the Sovereign Military Order of Malta (SMOM or the Knights of Malta), and high level Freemasonry. Their influence extends from universities plus religious bodies to corporations (i.e. Knight of Malta Geoffrey T. Boisi is in the Carnegie Corporation of NYC and Knight of Malta/CFR member Dr. John J. DeGioia is the President of Georgetown plus a member of the World Economic Forum. The late Albert Vincent Carone was a Knight of Malta with Mob ties and ties with CIA agent William Casey).

I can't forget about the Knights of Columbus, the Bilderberg Group, Le Cerle, the Trilateral Comission, Opus Dei, and other groups with global impact as well. I've encountered pro-Bush neo-cons jabbering the same talking points. In actuality, grave problems fester in the U.S.A. whether from our civil liberties being threatened to voting technology errors. I don't have an undying alleigance to the Democratic or Republican parties. I enjoy the tenets residing from the Bill of Rights and Constitution like the freedom of religion and the right to bear arms. I will never cover up the many heinous atrocities of history from the Jesuit-trained Joseph Stalin's GULAGs (using NKGB killers such as Poskrebyshev and Vlasik) to the genocide of Darfur (done by Sunni, pro-Wahhabi Muslims). Therefore, most Americans aren't experiencing plight among the same level as numerous human beings in the Third World countries or the Middle East.

The torture controversy is on again. There is much spin by Bill O'Reilly and their ilk about it, so here's some truth. The U.S. government has been torturing people for centuries including the slave trade, evil experiments, forced eugenics (which states like North Carolina & VA had to apologize for), etc. The Knight of Malta/Masonic CIA tortured people in Operation Phoenix where many innocent men, women, and children (at least 40,000 human beings) were murdered for just being supposedly allied with the "Vietcong." Now, we have torture did occur among Western government (including the U.S.) The 3rd Article of the Geneva Convention give the right of humane treatment not only to POWs, but armed militias and volunteer corps. The Attorney General, Lord Goldsmith (of the UK) agrees that even those caught in the battlefield ought to receive some humane treatment. A PBS documentary discussed how General Baccus resigned in his refusal to torture people in Gitmo. Torture did exist in Abu Ghraib prison. General Janis Karpinsky even claimed that Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld (it's interesting to note that writer SEYMOUR M. HERSH believes that Rumsfeld approved of the Copper Green program, which endorsed Breaking chemical lights and pouring the phosphoric liquid on detainees, etc. according to Hersh) was an architect of the torture policy. Whether if that is true or not, we do know that Alberto Gonzalez supported torture memos that harming detainees close to death is Ok. Also, Bush offical John Yoo commented on December 1, 2005 meeting at Chicago that sexually torturing children by harming their testicles was ok.

Even Collin Powell (a Bohemian Grove praticipant and a member of the Pilgrim Society), John McCain, and Lindsay Graham oppose the administration goal of making "coercive interrogation" as part of the law. There is the case of Maher Arar, who holds Canadian and Syrian nationality.

Maher was tortured in a foreign land at Damascus, Syria and the judge found him innocent of his crime. If a simple example like this proved recent torture by Western governments, how can O'Reilly and others claim that Americans have never secretly torture anyone. So, to say that the U.S. never tortures is a lie. This is not to say that all military people or everyone in the American government torturers. Not everyone in government are evil, but a powerful minority. If torture was wrong for the Inquistion, it's wrong today.

Another lesson I will follow is not to embrace fear mongering. Once in the 1970's, folks believed that we had only a 12 year oil reserve supply, yet now we have found new oil in the Gulf of Mexico. The deciever Paul R. Ehrlich believed that our population would be unsustainable, but today the world's population growth has decreased since the 1960's (Columbia, Kenya, and Ethiopia have less than 100 people per square mile). America's population growth annually is not even 1% and many European countries have underpopulation. MARCUS WOHLSEN from AP on September 19, 2006 discuss how people are using a certain type of fish to fight against "terror." The fish are called bluegills - also known as sunfish or bream. The fish detect toxins in the water by changes in the fishes' breathing or other bodily functions. There have been riots in Hungary. The whole configation revolves around socialist prime minister Ferenc Gyurcsany's admission that he lied to win his election. London Evening Standard on September 19, 2006 reported on how Ferenc cut benefits and raised taxes. Budaprest was the epicenter of the violence by over 10,000 demonstrators. Fidesz (an opposition candidate) called on Ferenc to resign. This was similar to the failed 1956 Hungary revolt against the Communists.

You always have egomanaics in the world that are ignorant of history. I wouldn't encorporate a huge ego in my life. Instead, I will still witness encouragement from my peers and real Patriots. I'm going to believe in what I believe in. I won't become dismayed or compromise my core message. Also, I don't fall into deception. I realize that George W. Bush is not a real conservative Christian by his membership in occult Secret societies (the Skulls and Bones and the Bohemian Grove), being pro-abortion, etc. Many of the same people thinking Bush is a real conservative are the far left crowd and neo-evangelicals (some of them are scared of committting on real issues for fear of being called a "bigot.") Of course, I don't accept neo-con Christianity by worshipping Bush. Real Christians like David J. Stewart have exposed Bush. I will encourage others in exposing the agenda of an one world government to be active in helping others.

By Timothy

Monday, April 12, 2010

A Discussion with a Christian Again (My words are in bold)

I have communication with the Christian today in April 12, 2010.

t is Offline -
t will receive your Chat message after signing in.

t: is illuminati not existent?

should i do=ubt thety dont exist?

Me: The Bavarian Illuminati don't exist.

The modernIllumianti as a network exists

t: what illuminati is referredon apologetics

the one

in obama deception and fall of republic?

Me: The Illuminati found in Fritz Springmeier's research.

t: are knights of malta real?

Me: Yes

They are a very real organization who head many corproations, etc.

t: obama is worse than bush?

too leftrist

Me: Obama is a corporatist like Bush.

Obama is slighty more "liberal" than George W. Bush is on some issues.

Yet, they arre very similar in terms of their foreign policy ideas.

Each believe in the war on terror.

t: i thought obama will have the US soldiers retreat

Me: Obama wants the troops in Afghanistan and Pakistan.

Obama desires permaent military bases in Iraq.

You know this.

t: did he promised he wil make the GIs come back from iraq

Me: Retreat?

t: i mean

go home

Me: I rather we retreat and have diplomacy than warfare for the sake of executing a war mongering, nefarious strategy in the world.

There is nothing wrong with the troops going home in a legitimate fashion.

t: is obama a candidate for tyranny

whats your stance on military bases in central asia?>

Me: The bases in Central Asia is apart of the geopolitical battles among the West and China/Russia for the resources in Eurasia.

Eurasia is one ofthe new battlegrounds for economic world hegemony in the 21st and 22nd centuries.

They are the new front in economic resource extraction among the elite.

t: 22nd centuries

we are not living that time

Me: Yes, the 22nd century is a new century, but many of our same problems will exist in the 22nd century.

I like to think ahead of time.

t: hope 21st century is the last century evahhhh

Me: That is your right.

t: i think mid eeast and israel war can explode anytime

Me: That is your opinion. I think evil people want tensions in the Middle East unnecessarily.

When a balanced approach is a purely overt remedy to advance true tranquility in that region.

t: is it bad to want biblical prophecy

Me: No.

t: happen right straight in my eyes

Me: It is bad to desire nihilism and evil to exist among innocent human beings though.

Bible prophecy is being fulfilled all of the time indeed.

t: is that true


are caused by elites?

Me: Technology does exist for that to occur.

t: what techis that?

Me: The technology is HAARP related or various scalar waves utilized in the Earth.

t: thats a some sort

of tremor generator?

Me: IN a way, that's correct precisely.

t: or some


that can cause

abnormalities in tectonics>

Me: Earthquakes naturally occuring is caused by shifting fault lines in the Earth.

t: by the way is tectonic plates a prove ncause in earthquakes? which made tectonics move oceans? winds?

Me: Tectonics move by many factors.

One major way is the lava flowing in the crust of the Earth and graduation pressure in the Earth.

These natural forces move the crust and fault lines. When the fault lines collide, it can create Earthquakes and volcanoes to erupt.

Sometimes mountains can develop when teutonic plates merge as well.

t: is this cause an accurate desceription of earthquake "theearth rest on water and water rest on wind and wind rests on space when wind blowss it causes the quakes"?

Me: No.

t: winds blows water and the water made earth shakes?

Me: The Earth is on the crust moving around lava.

t: i just found it in an indian science book

Me: Winds blowing water is related to pressure system and other things.

Not an earthquake.


t: so not sufficient to quake?

Me: These pressures flow worldwide.


t: ahhhh

again to make it clear when winds blow trhe waters oceans i mean that does not cause quakes

sorry im recording this

for references

Me: No, the Earthquake can cause water to flow into various locations causing a tsunami.

Earthquakes don't originate the water flow. It can cause it.

t: so its more

the post


made water


Me: Yes

t: than other way around?

Me: Yes

t: good

im just curious of your illuminati


i may find those

Me: Why so?

t: almost non existent

are they humans?

Me: The real Illuminati exist as a network today.

They are humans.

t: how bout reptilians?


Me: That is disinformation.

I don't beleve in the existence of Reptilians.

t: will a christian go to hell if he does not attend church?

Me: Not necessarily.

A church is important though.

I want to make this clear. A church isn't just some big cathedral.

A church can be a smaller location that can assist people's spiritual needs.

t: being a lone christian is a weak one?

easily fooled?

Me: Being a lone Christian isn't someone who's weak.

With God, you're not alone anyway.

It is better though to link up with like minded Christians.

t: my friend told me sionce im not church active

he says

a loner

might bew easily influenced by aberrants

Me: That isn't true per se.

NOt all people alone are manipulated by the wiles of the world.

t: so still possible be a discerned cjhristian

despte loner?

Me: Yes

t: how bout you?

Me: About what?

t: nnothung

are ancient egyptians blacks?

Me: Many are as proven by the Nubian rule over there in the 7th century B.C.

t: the seti ramesses?

Me: Totally, ancient Egyptians are a mixture of different people.

Some Egyptians are black and some aren't.

t: is cleopatra portrayed by elizabeth taylor accurate?

Me: It depends on the time and region of the history in that ancient part of the world.


ha ha.


t: why not accurate?

Me: The reason is that the time of Cleopatra and the Roman generals were more bloody and contenious than what the movie presented.

Her bloodline mixed with the Romans indeed as time carried forth beyond that era.

t: how about the cleopatr by leonor varela

and billy zane?

Me: I don't know about that story.

t: is amrk antony

a tyrant

Me: Yes.

He wanted to rule all of the Roman Empire as its solitary ruler.

t: i thought octavian the villain

Me: I don't believe in having a love affair with the concept of tyranny.

Tyrants are wrong regardless of where they reside in the 4 corners of the Earth.

Augustus took his spot .

t: augustus really really evil?

or just moderate?

Me: He was evil.

He was a pagan, he used imperialism against his fellow human beings, and he was a strong pagan.

t: made order in rome

what a credit

Me: Order?

Imperialism isn't order.

That's a benevolent dictatorship.

Israel being ruled by Roman imperialists is just wrong period.

I reject that fake form of social/political order

By Timothy

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Another Dialogue with a Christian

t: tim

are there

holyweek in the US?

do u celebrate good friday?

Me: no

We're not required to celebrate that.

There is nothing wrong with spiritual comptemplation on the resurrection of Jesus Christ though.

I'm a non-conformist personally.

I don't believe in doing things for the sake of doing it.

t: i think your stance are slowly becoming politically correct?

Me: I believe in independent thinking to achieve succint thinking.

How so?

t: you lov e arabs


i think we should love the jewish people

Me: You love all human beings regardless of background.

We should love Jewish people and Arabic people equally.

t: i dont feel im gona love terrorist

Me: I guess you do realize that many Arabic people are Christians.

t: muslims

Me: Most Arabic people aren't terrorists and you know this.

t: domnant faith

Me: Most Muslims aren't even of Arabic descent.

So, this is not being politically correct.

t: saudi all muslims

98 percent

Me: It's about being politically tolerant and respectful.

Indonesia have more Muslims than Saudi Arabia.

Most Muslims aren't of Arabic descent.

Also, most Muslims don't believe in Wahabbi ideology.

t: is terrorism in islam

Me: The British elite funded the terrorist Muslim Brotherhood.

t: literal?

or originally intended

Me: Terrorism made by some Muslims aren't justified.

Yet, these people are a minority.

t: muhammad do chopped heads

Me: I think you conflate Muslim with Arabic, which is baiting.

You know that many Arabic people are Christians.

t: why they are encourage


studyu islam arabic

Me: Also, Muhammad is one man.

t: if its universal

Me: I don't believe in Muhammad.

You can study Islam to see where many Muslims come from and offer legitimate rebuttals to their faith in a authentic fashion.

t: you believe in muhammad?

this is madness!

Me: No

I believe in God.

Muhammad was a false prophet.

t: ahahaha

Me: Yet, you seem to scapegoat.

I don't follow the neo con's ideology of scapegoats people of a different faith than me.

t: why people

enjoyed working

in america even more than in europe?

Me: It's culturally different in the USA.

t: filipinos felt at homw in the US

Me: We typically are very competitive and in America, there is less vacation time than in Europe.

t: going to US is more than tourism

they go there to find a greener pasture

Me: Europeans have more free time and more oppurtunities for benefits.

Greener pasture? Not everything in America are peaches and cream.

America has more freedom than some countries in Europe.

That's true.

Yet, Americans are a whole lot more materialistic than Europeans.

t: are we in the end times?

i felt so

many earthquakes

Me: I think so.


Me: I don't think Iran has an active nuclear weapons program for a military usage.

Iran is ruled by a cruel dictator and the citizens of Iran deserve their own freedom and tranquility. That is true.

t: is ramesses a tyrant?

Me: Technically yes

He was an authoritarian ruler in ancient Egypt.

t: how bout king david?

Me: He was a monarch in a theocracy.

You can make the case that David wasn't a tyrant in the league of other tyrants.

I don't believe in theocracies.

t: ramesses is a god king

Me: He called himself that.


t: why do people believe he is a god clearly he is human like us

Me: That's blasphemy of course. He ruled in the peak of ancient Egyptian military power.

Some people followed the false concept of hero worship and the inaccurate belief of man being a god (which relates to pagan principles).

t: do u think

the notion

of prove your worth is misleading?

Me: What do you mean?

t: people say

they will respect you when you proved your worth

Me: A human being doesn't need anyone's respect.

Except for God's approval.

Now, you being born proves your worth equally to every human.

t: do u think we humans should prove our worth?

Me: no

t: then no


Me: We prove our worth to God alone.

We have development in our lives and morality, but we shouldn't suck up toward anyone.

t: caligula made his horse a senator

Me: right

He was apart of the Julio-Claudian bloodline I think.

t: so americans despite tyranny?


Me: Most Americans do.

We like individual liberty and personal freedom.

t: whats your comment on the dalai lama?

Me: That is why the Bill of Rights was created in the first place even though sometimes America doesn't practice what they preach.

The Dalai Lama is a Buddhist leader.

t: is he genuinely compassionate and kind?

Me: Tibet should have independence, but the Dalai Lama isn't perfect.

I have to look into this man to see the total picture of him.

IN the USA, the media shows one side of him being compassionate and loving

t: ok?


whats the point men\

Me: Webster Tarpley criticizes him.

t: he says kindness and love is his religion

criticize of what?

Me: He feels that he has ties to the CIA and the intelligence community, etc.

He thinks that he possessed feign peity, etc.

t: dalai lama is more of a PC leader

Me: I see.


t: is pope john paul perfecrt


are popes connected to the julio claudian concept?

is a pope king or a priest?

Me: The Pope acts like a King.

The Pope has no relation to the Bible. Its origin is from the ancient Mystery schools of Babylon and Egypt. Even his mitre relates to Dagon or the Semitic fish god.

t: thats chick;s


im not sure of that

all i know he is a false teacher thats all but being meticulous im not that concerned

i ask is the pope role similar to a caesar?

Me: He is similar to the concept of a Caesar.

He calls himself Holy Father, which is blasphemy.

He think he's some representative of God on Earth when there is no evidence for that at all.

t: absolutely none

Me: CHick in my mind is right on that.

t: i find the semiramis

Me: That isn't a fantasy to outline the Dagon link.

t: a bit unbelievable

Me: Semiramis is different than the mitre though.

t: is the semiramis

tale true?

accd to chick version?

Me: It's most probably based on a Mesopotamian person after Nimrod's time.

t: have you seen the movie

holy family?

Me: No

What is that movie about?

t: the movie about the young jesus

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

My Dialogue with another Christian Part 2 and More


Me: hello

t: i try to apply in our US embassy

since im an american studies major

Me: Why so?

t: hopefully i can

say to the hr

what i learned from you

america is awesome i wonder


made their names in the US

Me: What does hr mean?
t: human resource

Me: America has a lot of freedom, but the materialism here is out of control.

Even in the rural areas, it's abundant.

t: i love the dow jobes history

do u like julius caesar is he great

hopefully ill be like him

great leader

Me: ha aha

JUlius Caesar was a great dictator.

He was an imperialist that harmed the Celts in Gaul and other places in Europe.

You do know this right.

t: iknew

he defeated


Me: The Celts wanted their freedom absent Roman imperialism.

Vercingetorix was captured and exploited by Julius Caesar's forces.

t: they just get squashed

Me: He ended the Roman Republic.


t: so thats the reason of his murder

is caesar also


Me: He was murdered for numerous reasons.

The Senators were jealous of his power being in an authoritarian fashion.

So, they decided to assassinate him.

t: they should talk to him first

through diplomacy

than murder him\

Me: They should at a bare minimum have a trial than just kill him.


t: but you think caesar

is all about



\diplomacy and peaceful means

cant convince him?

Me: I think the Caesar concept is a distortion of a true free society.

That concept is based in authoritianism and unjustified control over the common people.

The Caesar is a fascist wanting unitary power that restricts power given unto the people.

The government is by and for the people as Lincoln said.

t: rome tht time is chaotic

Me: Yes
t: so caesar has no choice but to

calm the people

Me: I disagree with you on that since alternatives are certainly necessary to solve the tramatic time.

t: so there are still other choices than


Me: Yes

A Republic.

Me: Yes

t: whats the source

of roman's violence?

bec of pagan religion

Me: Rome had violence because of political disagreements among their many factions.

this is similar to the Civil War that we had in the USA.

t: whats your take if you want a solution?

Me: A solution would be radical reforms in the ancient Roman world and a revitization of the Republican form of government.
t: america does hate dictators

thats why you defeated the british

Me: Yes

We hate tyranny.

t: so america defeated the british courtesy of benjamin's diplomacy in france for support?

Me: Not exactly.

America relied on French support.

Also, similar to Vietnam, the British were extend thousands of miles of resources.

The Americans knew their own territory better than the British to defeat them in guerilla warfare tactics.

t: so i cannot say

it is by france's help

you toppled


Me: The US did have France's help though.

That is true

t: hope china

became a superpower

Me: Why so?

t: bec they are rising

economically and

Me: China should reform its religious and political liberty policies.
t: their influence are

becoming bigger

Me: Then, I will very happy.
t: market factor

cultural factor

Me: We should wish the best for China since China is apart of the human family.
t: olympics

Me: China has great blessings.

t: america will be over

as a superpower

Me: Nothing is set in stone.

Once people said that America would be defeated by the British.

That didn't occur.

So, in 3-4 decades, America could radically improve its economic state.


Me: Jesus Christ is God, so he would handle a M16.

t: my atheist friend

ridiculed me

of crucifizion the most humilating


he even mentioned

gas chamber


are worse form of death



medieval inquisiton


all are worst than crucifixion\


did jesus really died through a worst form of death ever known?

Me: It's hard to say.

He bared the burden of the whole sins of the whole world.

So, that experience consists of the most heavy emotional burden in human history.

He survived, resurrected, and seats at the right hand of God the Father.

t: why are the julian claudian emperoe were all psychopaths?

Me: I don't know about that.
t: caligula claudius nero

Me: Some of them of the Julio-Claudian bloodline were evil.

t: are all very evil dictators

Me: That's true.

Nero married a horse.

t: i love nero as a ruler

too brutal

Me: ?

Nero killed Christians after the Christians were falsely blamed for the fire in Rome.

t: nero is one of a uman incarnation of a demon




why he married a horse

whats up on his mind that time?

Me: He's a sick person.
t: is it possible to lead him to christ?

Me: Now, no since he's dead.
t: when hes alive?

is it?

Me: Yes

t: thutmosis is the pharaoh of exodus


i believe so

or amenhotep


lee wrote:
slavery is not blacks.asian and southeast poor peopole have it worse than anyone today.if blacks are slves it high majority in africa or middle east.check history.slavery wasd short lived in this country compared to rest of the world.english stopped id with war.only country to do so.i am not englich.i am slav,that is where the word came from.try 600 years,plus nazism and worst of the three communism.the spanish and free blacks were in on slavery.as were free slaves bought slaves..u are free to say what u want,but get your facts straight before u get into anything but yourself.
you do not need to live in color blind country.why do everyone who comes here make it if they tire.u are the only one holding u back.my family was slaves 600years and some died to free yours. so i do not feel sorry for any man with a black panther attitude.
No one said a single word that slavery was explicitly experienced by blacks. So, I don't know where you get that inaccurate assumption from. Also, people realize that other ethnic groups experienced. My explanation is that people have a clear, transparent right to show the truth on black people experiencing slavery as motivation to improve society in general. Also, I didn't say no one has hope in the world. I just mentioned that mentioning evil in the world has nothing to do with with promoting stagnation among people. Also, my people have been in a while too. I have the right to say that and that's apart of the First Amendment. Many free blacks tried to stop slavery, so you need to cut that revisionist stuff out (there were traitors among blacks of course that supported it, but that's only telling some of the story not all of it). Also, just because blacks were slavery in the Middle East or Africa doesn't diminish the evil nature of slavery in America. See, your ilk's tactic now is trying to diminish the treatment of blacks in America to support neo-fascist/austerity measures (and to promote the ultimate elimination of the black identity long term). The problem is that we are on to your game and we're calling you out on it. I've got my facts straight, so don't patronize me.

Also, black slavery have existed for 1400 years under some Islamic extremists (not all Muslims) Blacks made it for centuries in America, so you need to get your facts straight. I'm not holding a single thing back. I just show my past. That isn't illegitimate. That's reality. Holding someone back is spewing lies to make people ignore history. I accept history in order to make conditions better in the future. Why do you say a "black panther" which is playing the race card. A man not being ashamed of being black (and not regreting it) isn't about being pro-Black panther. It's about being pro-human. That's the issue of you people you know. You don't want strong black people saying that they are BLACK in a strong fashion. You want docile, cooperative mental black slaves in order to accept corporatism, imperialism, and neo conservative ideology. Sorry, we real blacks aren't following that stuff.

-By Timothy

My discussion with a Christian

I'm called "Me" and the Christian is named "t." We talk about many issues in March of 2010. My words are in bold. This is a great conversation.

t: tim

Me: hello

t: is julius caesar the origin of the caesar title?

or the iaser?


Me: He's the origin of the modern title.
t: so not augustus?

Me: Augustus lived after Julius Caesar was assassinated

Augustus was Julius's step nephew.

t: is caesar

a surname?

originally a surname


of julius?

Me: No

t: so caesar is not a part of julius' name?

Me: no

His surname is Gaius.

t: do you think it is offensive to say quran is not true?

Me: I think it's not as long as you're not being disrespectful.

t: israel must have been a special nation notice the great powers

beside her

yet untouched

Me: right

t: obama humiliated benjami nethayanu?

Me: I think they disagree on the Middle Eastern question.

It's not necessarily a humilitation.

Obama is more moderate in the Israeli/Palestinian question.

Nethayanu is more conservative.

t: what does depopulation mean

are there any conspiracies related to this?

Me: Depopulation means you use a method to basically kill or exterminate human beings.

Depopulation is shown in the conspiracies of the Holocaust.

Many globalists calling for millions of people to die.

The massacres during the French Revolution, in Sudan, and other nations.

t: have you wacthed the movie 300?

Me: No, I have not.

I've seen commercials about it.

t: xerxes the lord of asia

Me: Xerxes looked effemiate.

t: whats that?>

Me: Effemiate means unmasculine.

This is why us in America call the opposite of masculine.

t: does america agress with

pediatristic lovers?


Me: No

t: common bond used by knights?

Me: Most Americans from across the political spectrum hate pedophiles

That is why we have very strict laws against such evil.

t: but it is once a teacher student relationship[


Me: There is nothing wrong with a bond, but not pervesion.
t: im shocked alexander

is gay

Me: I think many people knew that.
t: maybe not in his time?

Me: Alexander died in his 30's.

t: i mean

gayness does not

apply in his own era

its just recent

Me: It depends .

Homosexuality was very common place in the Greco Roman times.

So, Alexander's gayness wouldn't be uncommon.

t: i mean

homosexuality is not appliable to the ancients

they dont call it gay

my prof scolded


bec i told him

alexander is gay

he replied

alexander's homo is not applied at 326 bc

iuts natural

Me: I guess your professor doesn't know all of history.

It's easy to see that many sex acts done by homosexuals are unnatural.

t: he said it is normal nothing prejudicial

Me: People back in those days opposed it.

t: even the greeks?

he said that

alexander's gayness is ok with his culture

that time

Me: Not every aspect of every culture is righteous.

Child killing was common in Greco Roman culture.

That doesn't mean that this is moral or right.

It's wrong.

t: ahhhh ok

people today are saying that time its legal

and todays standard are not appliable that time

perversed notions

Me: Universally held moral principles exist irrespective of time.

So, there are always moral truths that exist in the past, the present, and the truth that will remain.

t: one time people even compared zeus to god the father?

Me: Why so?

t: bec

both are

long haired old men


Me: oh

t: people


zeus is like God the father ala sistine chapel

Me: right

t: obama seemed

unique compared to other president

his policies are totally out of place

Me: How so?

t: abortion?

Me: Barack Obama is an extremist on abortion.

t: pro arab



Me: There is nothing wrong with being Pro-Arabic.

As God gave Arabic people many gifts in the world from math to calligraphy.

It's a problem to be pro-Muslim extremist.

I'm pro-Arabic people and pro-Jewish people as all humans are created equal with great value.

t: i mean

he is a bit anti israel

Me: He's a moderate, not anti-Israel per se.

He wants Israel to exist, but Palestine to be a nation gradually.

Nethayanu is more conservative.

t: you like palestine to be a nation

Me: Yes
t: is it too dangerous?

Me: I believe all people have a right to self determination.

This doesn't mean I want Palestine to be a nation in Israeli territories.

t: pls elaborate

Me: It wouldn't be dangerous if nationhood is done in the right way.

Palestinians like any group have a right to have nationhood if they desire it.

Israeli and Palestine side by side can improve each others economic state and cultural development.

That's common sense.

Obama and Bush believe in this goal.

t: but they are radical they bomb

Me: Who are they?

t: hamas?


Me: A small minority doesn't signify the majority.

t: plo?

Me: The PLO is futile in power.

Hamas is a radical sect.

I don't agree with Hamas since they accept radical ideologies.

Most Americans are moderate on the issue except people like John Hagee and racists that hate either Jews or Arabs.

t: are u in favor of a welfare state?

Me: What do you mean a welfare state.

t: like in europe

Me: The Constitution promotes the general welfare of the people.
t: pay taxes

and the govt

will do everything

Me: I don't believe in the government controlling everything.

I do believe in a safety net to help the poor as we do have in America.

I believe in compassion which is one of the things that MIke Huckabee got right.

t: is it by reading the bible you can get the govt right?

is that true?>

Me: The Bible says that individuals can help the poor.

Jesus Christ said that.

The government is made by and for the people.

The government in the Constitution have laws that promote taxes, building roads, and promoting the general welfare of the people.

I'm not a reactionary.

I'm not a reactionary.

Article I, Section 8 has it.

Why not help?

I think in 2010, my views on economics has become more populist and I thank God for waking me up about these things.

t: how to be humble?

should we remove the notion of selfhood

to be humble?

Me: It's more complex than that.

It's more important to help other people than be selfish, but at the same time, you should embrace your personal individuality.

We shouldn't act like a robot in our lives.

t: buddhist said remove the notion of selfhood so you can be egoless whats your take?

does removal of selfhood harbors humility?

Me: Egos exist even if you're an ascetic.

We should remove selfishness, but selflessness.

t: egos like?

selfless for them is losing the sense of self

Me: Egos include things like selfishness, evil, etc.

I think we shouldn't lose the sense of our self totally because we should embrace our individuality.

We should never be ashamed of what we are or what we come from at all.

t: is it impossible to remove

By Timothy


My debate with Kashta Bureh on economics.

Kashta_Bureh wrote:

Timothy...did you just issue me an intellectual challenge? I accept, let the duel begin....
First off, Capitalism IS predatory and I never said it wasn't. Competition among humans is a reality, humans compete against each other to separate the winners from the losers, the strong from the weak. Competition is a necessary part of evolution because it allows the species to improve over time.
Humans are competitive from birth. If you read the book Sperm Wars, you would know that if two men ejaculate in a woman around the same time, the sperm of the two males will literally wage war and try to destroy each other, and the "victorious" sperm will impregnate the woman. This is a FACT of evolutionary biology.
So, just as sperm wages war, humans wage war against each other in business, sports, and politics. Capitalism is nothing more than an economic system which is a reflection of man's competitive drive.
For you to blame Capitalism for the problems of the Black community is just as stupid and ridiculous as blaming guns for gun violence. Guns don't kill people, people kill people, and the studies show that in communities where people own guns, crime actually goes down. The studies also show that Capitalism is the only system that works. Communism and Socialism never work.
Blacks got exploited by the Europeans because Europeans were just more cunning and sophisticated. Africans loved to fight each other and sell one another into bondage and the White man took advantage of this system. On top of that, the Africans stupidly invited Europeans into Africa and sold millions of slaves to him....are you denying this historical fact?

Kashta_Bureh is seriously wrong on many issues. He is only right that African Americans should create more businesses and have more efforts to build up the black community. First, he talks about Capitalism. He obviously wants to use the economic system of an oppressor as a justification to promote his own self interest. Vulture capitalism (as opposed to a regulated capitalism, which I have no serious qualms with) is materialistic, ruthless, and selfish by its own nature. That's reality.

How can a person be selfish when the collective improvement of your own people is beyond the interests of self. The working for self only limited your own human capacity and community agendas. Capitalism that's unregulated is obviously predatory and has been instrumental in the derivatives crisis, the opium wars against the Chinese people, and the international slave trade. Competition among humans is a reality, but humans for thousands of years have used safeguards to protect humans too (like environmental and labor standards. Even the most reactionary person accepts some regulation among capitalism as beneficial). In life, there are those living the good life and those who are less fortunate. Just because some people are poor or exist with disadvantages, doesn't mean that there is little chance for them to improve themselves. All people have value. Someone poor or middle class may have a better character and a more social enriching life than a super rich person indulging in immorality (with a guilt complex).

As for women and sperm wars, I have no issue with this since males and females biologically want the best fit as a partner. This isn't immoral nor evil at all. Competition exists, but you omit that rational reforms can evolve over time. For example, once we had infanticide in the Roman Empire in a common way. Today, we don't have it in the West in a large fashion. So, just because competition is a reality, doesn't mean that rational human reforms are non-existent.

So, we should do our best to help those people in extreme poverty or suffering to benefit everyone. Since, long term if radical improvement of our standard of living is a reality then more people will benefit from reforms. Everyone realizes that humans are competitive. Yet, this doesn't mean that humans lack the intellectual stamina to develop a better, more fair society. That is why social reforms came after the New Deal to radical improve the USA economy in a mixed economic fashion. So, yes I do blame cartel capitalism for many problems in communities (not all problems). If the glorious cartel-capitalism system was so great, why has the global finanical crisis occured since 2007. This crisis occured for many reasons and one was that there was the unregulated, speculative derivatives market (which was a fruit of cartel-capitalism, not regular capitalism per se). There is no evidence that unregulated capitalism works. Studies, literature from Krugman, and others prove that a mixed economy works better than pure Communism or unregulated Capitalism. You know this. Dr. King and brother Malcolm X exposed that trash economic system with ease. Forget that using the means of an oppressor in order to be malleable. There are alternatives to unregulated capitalism (like cooperatives, dirgism, etc.) that can build businesses, have technology, have fair trade, and other means of economic development.

Even the expert Ian Fletcher like many economist populists don't want total free trade neither a totally closed economy, but rational protectionism (that understand that we need trade without economic exploitation). This subject has nothing to do with gun violence as I agree with a man owning a gun in his own home.

Ayn Rand has been discredited and Rothard has been discredited. Newsflash, Austrian economics don't work as been exposed by mainstream economics. As for the slave trade, you demonize your own blood like a borderline traitor. Yes, some Africans did indeed sold their own people to slavery. Yet, Africans didn't organize the trade routes. They didn't create the ships. They didn't create the auction blocks in the West. They didn't even invent the international slave trade. This was done by Europeans for the most part, so they share much responsbility for it (beyond just Africans). These are historical facts. Do you deny it. Some Africans should of been more sophisticated and cunning to defend themselves against these imperialists. No one denies that, but this doesn't mean that hope should be gone. You have a very pessemistic personality, which causes you to even reject your own AA female kin when you haven't even met every since black women in the world or in America. I've met AA women looking better than Beyonce or Lisa Raye treating an intellectual black man with dignity and respect.

Like I've said before, don't tempt.

I'm a sleeping giant.

This is strike 2 brother.

By Timothy


Yes, I do agree with some of the views of the Tea Party. I'm sick and tired of these social programs, I'm sick and tired of poor people who can't hold up their slack and then hard working people like me have to pay taxes for their lazy asses. Tim, it isn't the job of the government to provide "social services," that is what the private sector and charities are for.

At least you are honest. The Tea Party are the revival of the reactionaries from the past. I love real social programs. I do believe in banning social services among those that don't need it. If you're an able bodied person and you don't need these services, you shouldn't get them. Everyone is sick and tired of fraud and corruption in these programs. Cutting fraud and waste in these services can save a lot of money (including ending military aggression worldwide). Yet, I don't believe in eliminating all social programs, because some people need them and I don't believe that those living in extreme poverty should starve to death in society. Many of the poor aren't lazy, but suffer in bad socioeconomic problems. It's the government's job to promote the general welfare of the people. Article I, Section 8 says that the government can use cash and dollars to build roads, infrastructure, have a postal system, and other services to benefit the people. So, promoting the general welfare is fine with me. Private sector and charities can only go so far in handling poverty. That is why I advocate a comprehensive solution of private and public avenues. The upper class rich are paying record low taxation. Combined this with record income inequality, the super rich should have little to complain.
We don't need Social Security, Welfare or Medicare, and Social Security is nothing but a Ponzi Scheme. The government forces you to pay into it but now the fund is empty and no money will be there when I become a senior. So basically, the social security fund is a fraud.

We do need Social Security, some welfare, and Medicare. The reason is that these items aren't some Ponzi scheme. Social Security is known to exist as a surplus. Politicians have stolen funds from them to advance their own agenda. Medicare helped tons of seniors to have insurance. Welfare have radically decreased the poverty rate. The poverty rate is higher because of the recession (which is caused by numerous reason). The Social Security fund is still intact. The liar Peterson wants you to believe that Social Security. The New Deal increased American standard of living in unheard of heights in USA history.

Like I said, Blacks have an entitlement mentality and this is why they love Welfare, WIC, the Democratic party, and other social programs. I despise these programs. Every dollar I own or make came through hard work, sacrifice, and discipline, nobody has ever given me sh*t. And I have no respect for losers who grovel to the government for hand outs because they're too stupid and lazy to fend for themselves.

You are right that black people shouldn't embrace a radical dependency on the government. This encourages laziness. Yet, there should be balance (you make some social services exist for those that need it alone not anyone else). We can still love legitimate enterprise and collective efforts to solve our problems. Without balance, communities dissipate. Also, every human have had assistance one time or another in life. Even when you're young, you've either have gotten an allowance or your parents temporarily funded your livelihood until adulthood. No everyone is experience the exact same life pattern or lifestyle. There is why certain safeguard are instituted to benefit those disadvantaged. It's like this: if a whole bunch of people are poor, that's bad for business long term. If you have policies that decrease the poverty rate, then that's great for business and economic renewal. I don't take welfare, but I don't knock another man taking it if they legitimately need it. Also, many programs aren't handouts since there are strong prerequisites before you're given the GI Bill, and other benefits. Nothing is given for these folks for free.

By Timothy


Tim...is that the best you can do? There are so many holes in your argument above that I can fly a 747 through it. First of all, the current economic system in the USA isn't "Capitalism," how can the USA be Capitalist when we have a central bank called THE FED that regulates the economy? In a truly Capitalist system there would be no Fed, there wouldn't be a central bank, and before 1913 the USA didn't even have a Federal Reserve.

I love how you use the word "collective improvement" when referring to Blacks. See, this is why the Black community is not rising, these moron Black nationalists and activists believe in "collective improvement." These men don't understand, as you apparently don't, that all humans are inherently selfish and only care about themselves, and this goes for Blacks as well as Whites and other ethnic groups.

The difference between Whites and Blacks is that Whites can come together out of pure self interest to build a company like Microsoft, while Blacks can't even get along. Are you naive and foolish enough to think that Blacks will come together out of the selfless need to do so? It will never happen.

I respect Malcolm X on many things but when it came to Capitalism he had no idea what he was talking about, and I reject the view of him, Stokeley Carmichael, and the Black Panthers, whom embraced Marxisim. All their views on Capitalism was flawed.

Every other group has benefited from Capitalism yet for some reason Blacks are the only group that have failed to do so, instead of blaming Blacks, you blame Capitalism. Then you talk about Capitalism being predatory........yes, it is, and I never said regulations shouldn't be passed to protect the environment, etc these are all side issues which are you attempting to use to divert me from the main topic, which is the effectiveness of Capitalism.....and the inability of Blacks to adapt to it.

Tim, you are digging your own grave, you should cut your loses and end this engagement with me while you're still ahead. First off, mainstream economics is BS, it is mainstream economics that got the USA into this financial mess, not AUSTRIAN ECONOMICS.

By mainstream economics, you're referring to KEYNESIAN ECONOMICS, and this school of economics embraces a central bank. Well, we're following the theories of Keynes, and if his theories are so great, why is the USA and world in a massive financial crisis?

Austrian economics is the only system that works, and when America followed it, America was strong. This school advocates THE GOLD and SILVER STANDARD, which means you don't have a central bank constantly printing funny money. Tim, do you like the cost of your food, housing, energy, and education costs going up? This is what happens with "mainstream economics," because the central banks keep printing funny money, but they couldn't do that if we were on a Gold or Silver standard.

Now, on to the slave trade. Africans were MORE responsible for the slave trade than Europeans because THEY LET IT HAPPEN. I know it is hard for you to accept this fact. Listen, the Europeans were outsiders, it was Africans that invited them into Africa and sold them slaves, and it was Africans that allowed themselves to be duped by Europeans, so stop trying to excuse their stupidity.

The Africans were dumb as f*ck 500 years ago and they still are today, if not, why do they let foreign corporations mine their minerals and get rich while they wallow in poverty? After all the White man has done, why do African nations STILL go in debt to the IMF and World Bank, which are White run institutions?

The answer is because Africans are dumb, selfish, simple, and easily manipulated. In fact, the history shows that Africans helped the Europeans build forts on their coasts, now how stupid is that? What fool lets a foreign country build a military base on their land without a fight? Only Africans.

Tim, the REAL reason why Blacks have failed to adapt to Capitalism is not because Capitalism itself is bad, it is because Blacks don't know how to work together, we have an entitlement mentality, and we believe in a "brotherhood" with other races.

Capitalism is a system that rewards groups of people who are tight knit and who can work together. This is why the Japanese, Chinese, East Indians, and Koreans do so well. These groups are tight knit, have strong group loyalty, and block outsiders from exploiting their community. They also don't have an entitlement mentality.

Blacks can't work together to save their lives. Take Africa for instance. To the typical White man, there is no difference between an Igbo, Somalian, or a Hutu, they are all Black in his eyes. But Africans have this retarded tribal mentality where they divide themselves based on their tribe and ethnic group, and they even fight each other over it, as the Hutu and Tutsi did.

This is why Africans are easy to conquer; they are easy to divide. Diaspora Blacks have the same weakness. Capitalism works against Blacks because Blacks can't work together and Capitalism is a system that requires groups to operate with harmony and efficiency.


My Response to Him:

Now, this isn't the best that I can do of course, since a single forum doesn't display all of the intellect of a person. There are no holes in my argument. You use deception and use ad hominem attacks including distortions to promote that archaic Austrian economic system. The current USA system isn't capitalist and people realize this. So, why do you want us to embrace unregulated capitalism when it has been disproved in history (from the Middle Ages onward). I don't agree with the existence of central banks controlling every aspect of the economy. I believe that government should coin and print our money since the FED is an independent agency anyway. Even before 1913, there was the error of the Gilded Age. This era had the epitome of lassiez faire capitalism. The characteristics of this era included child labor, record economic inequality, labor rights violations, and other harm done to workers. After the New Deal and after the Great Depression, massive reforms came (that wasn't apart of mainstream capitalism or Austrian propaganda) that caused Americans to experience record economic growth. It was only with Reagan and Bush Jr. that the wild west economic philosophy came up again and this influenced the current recession we have in this country. You believe in regulations, but that's a cardinal sin in Austrian economics. See, Austrian economics accept nearly no regulations (even labor or environmental standards as oppressive to the free market). So, by definition, you are violating the adherence to your economic gospel. YOu have a limited persepctive since you think a lot of things in black and white. You can still have individual and collective efforts to solve problems.

As for Central banks, etc. that's irrelevant since even before all of that unregulated, laissez faire capitalism with no regulations haven't brought any massive economic growth at all in the poor class. You can't cite a source to prove that. I didn't know that collective improvement was a curse word. Individual and collective are necessary for the advancement of the black community. For example, I can be limited in what I can do by myself. Yet, if I and others work together in a collective effort, I can do more to build education, health services, businesses, etc. All humans aren't perfect and humans can be selfish at all. This doesn't mean that humans have no chance to improve themselves in better conditions in a society. That is something that you ignore in order to fulfill some reactionary thinking process (you want cunning and sly behavior, which I have no issue with. Yet, you can have a self-interest without selfishness. You can still believe in ruthless actions with ethics to benefit blacks too). You have naivety and I hope. That's the difference between me and you. Right now, there are black businesses and black companies. We have to take this to the next level. Although, I do have hope. Strong intervention and strong standing up among black men and black women can inspire a generation to be more apt for change instead of nihilistic, evil behavior. Possibilities are endless for the future. This has occurred in throughout human history, so Blacks can do it (with strong intervention done by Black themselves. More leaders should spark the brain of people to change. If Malcolm X was once a thug, pimp and he changed, then anyone can change).

I don't believe in Marxism for its ethical relativism and its promotion of too much state control of our economic systems (limiting any form of private initative). Capitalism that's without order and safeguards is a trash system that doesn't benefit black people at all. The reason is that it causes a gulf of economic inequality and it promotes a non-concern for the betterment of blacks among all classes. It's a divide and conquer mechanism to divide AA people instead of promoting more unity. Many black people have benefited from our current economic system. I don't blame vulture capitalism for all of the problems in our community neither do I blame blacks collectively. I blame many things like corruption, problems in the black community, an inferior economic system, and other reasons. Have you looked at Colin Powell, black scientists, black doctors, and black people among many fields before (who are making some differences in the black community in this system). Your problem is that you legitimately expose problems in the black community, but you don't offer much inspiration for blacks (especially if the black person is suffering) to succeed. You have no hope for your own race in America. I don't try to divert, I'm transparent with my words. Many blacks can adapt to a fair economic system that is mixed. You intentionally ignore alternatives to laissez faire capitalism like systems in Europe (that have higher HDI rates, higher educational rates, etc. than America. These European nations aren't on that Austrian economic tip). You do this, so blacks can follow some Austrian economic tripe. There is nothing wrong to adapt in a real fashion for self improvement. No one is arguing against people. People just disagree with supporting some fraudulent economic system.

On economics, you and the Tea Party are akin in thinking. Even the Glass Steagall act (another regulation) being repealed from 1999 contributed to the recession too. Austrian economics is about ending Social Security, cutting nearly all of the social safety, cutting nearly all regulations, etc. in order to grow the economy. How do you cut services, cut even necessary spending in our infrastructure plus educational system, and promote some gold standard to grow the economy? It doens't. The FED is a privitaized system that issues currency. This privatized system have caused economic havoc.

Brother, this is 2 strikes and a half. This is Varsarity stuff here. Not, JV. Don't get brought to field and get a safety.

Also, it's a shame that the IMF and the World Bank support corruption in Africa. I support real Africans wanting reforms not sellout Africans sucking up to the IMF or the World bank at all.

By Timothy


Here's responses that I've made to a person bashing Black women (He isn't Kashta. I believe now that this person is a troll, because of his language. Trolls are used more in the net to try to divide BM and BW, yet this isn't going to work):

You don't know what game recognize game means?

I meant in that instance that some brothers use psychological tactics of pity (in a form of game) in order to go out with females. I recognize that game for what it is, hence game recognize game.

I don't believe in using force to prevent dating options. I'm not a hater. Yet, all of us as BM should at least have a positive repport with females of our own race. A man is a disagrace if he paints a broad, stereotypical brush against his own people. All BW aren't monolithic. The stereotype that BW are all monolithic (in hating smart brothers, being overly aggressive, etc.) is the old lie and slander that is utilized to disrupt BM and BW Unity. I've seen this lie over and over again. People are tired of it. If a man shows confidence, assertiveness, and a sense of direction in lie, believe me, the women will come. As a man, we should always respect a woman saying No. A woman saying No isn't the end of the world. It's a stereotype that you promote again that black women don't like intelligent, eccletic interests having brothers when many black women like a vareity of BM (in various forms of personalities, appearances, and outlooks in life).

Attractive? So-called beauty in a woman is in many things. Just because a woman isn't looking a Eurocentric looking Barbie doll, doesn't mean that a woman isn't attractive. I rather go out with a sister with strong African features (with a dark skin complextion) with a heart of gold than a person looking like a fake Barbie doll with a bad personality. If a person hates you, you should strive to not let others dictate your life choices. If a person tries to mess with you, you have every right to stand up for yourself. You should be unshamed of your tastes, interests, etc. Gravitate that personality to the world in a socially mature way and sisters will respect you. Sisters respect honesty and they are intuitive. If you fake the funk and promote some phony tough guy image, then the sisters detect that in an instance. Yet, if you are honest about yourself (and not care about what others percieve you as in a negative way), you develop your soical skills in an advanced way, and you are active to hang out with sisters with similar interests that you have, then a relationship has a higher chance of working.

There are millions of sisters worldwide, so there are plenty of sisters with dynamic personalities, intellectual maturity, strength, and wisdom that brothers can accept. It's not about changing to fit to the world's standards. It's about appreciating what skin you're in and to stand up for yourself. Our race stood up for us. We have every right to stand up, be strong, and never let the world get us down. As I've mentioned, you shouldn't be disrespected in an unfair fashion. Yet, you can't expect every AA women to be attracted to you. Some AA women will be attracted to you and some will not. That's life.

By Timothy



Why is this hard to understand. We BM need to go out more with around the way women or the so-called average woman. We should never be too shallow to kick it with a regular sister. I rather go out with a regular sister than dream of some fantasy woman.

YOu've got grown men whining on the NEt. People are tired of it. If you're a grown man, then be a man and handle your business. I don't care what people think about me. I just handle my business and I never demonize black women or blame black women for my own issues.

I'm accountable for my own errors and the things that I've did correct in my life. Also, millions of black women exist worldwide with a multiple array of personalities, interests, etc. Simply, if a man (regardless of appearance) that has confidence, stands up for himself, has social skills, is trustworthy, is outgoing, etc. then that person wouldn't have serious issues going out with a woman.

We should treat each other with respect, but we can't set up unrealistic expectations for romance. It's best to go out with people with similar interests, similar career choices, or similar personalities. As for those males going out with non-BW for selfish reasons, that's not right. I'm not doing that stuff. I'll stick with my own people for romance. Also, not all non-BW act like some Cinderella queens. Look at Tiger Woods, Toomer, Montell Williams, Michael Strahan (he's with a decent sister now), etc. to see the files. They have gotten took to the cleaners and these non-BW wanted Greenbacks from these brothers. If a black man prop up non-BW above BW (from a social or cultural standpoint), then there is something wrong with that person.

By Timothy



I do believe if you are a grown man especially, I wouldn't scapegoat women for nothing in my life.

There are non-black women that hate ecceltic interesting black men and I've known some of them. Just because some people may have mistreated you back in the day, doesn't mean that black women collectively are one way. In my life experience, I've met tons of black women that have treated me with dignity and respect. Also, I've seen white and Hispanic women act stuck up, arrogant, mean spirited, and down right disrespectful.

The answer to this problem is both respecting people's legitimate preference for attractions and promote more respect among the black community. A black woman has the right to go out with who she wants (and a man too), but all black people should learn to respect each other even if some people aren't attracted to you.

You can still unite with a woman for black causes and black unity even if a woman isn't romantically attracted to you.

See, the problem among some BM is that some of us feel that we are entitled to a woman by birthright (and nothing else). We aren't entitled to dominate a woman. We give our respect and give our best foot forward to honor a woman. I would not lay up with a non-BW to prove some point nor to seek vengeance (since some of those non-BW checking out low self esteem brothers see them as a charity case or a social pet not as an equal member of the human race).

For me, I'll still go out with Black Queens for a relationship. I don't agree with anyone whether male or female being disrespected or mistreated in life. Yet, as men, we will have to learn confidence building techniques to improve our own lives without throwing BW under the bus.

By Timothy


Once again I've refuted you before and you still act in a stereotypical mode.

Now, Tiger is with some of his people when it's convenient. When the media put pressure on him (when the matter is just a personal matter), he was scared and sucked up to the establishment to try to preserve his trophy relationship. I really don't know if they loved each other. You don't either conclusively. What went on behind closed doors is still not totally known. Tiger married that woman for obvious reasons and you and I know the reason. Tiger did control the much of the relationship and he thought that she was just another ignorant woman (that would do nothing about his adulteries).
As for you words about your experiences, I will take you word for it. Also, you made the error that you assume that I believe all people in your position are self hating traitors. NO, I said some people like you not every single person like you. A person who is a little overweight can be attractive in many instances. One simple example is that both Tocarra and Jennifer Hudson (before their weight losses) were attractive. They are attractive now too. Queen Latifah isn't ugly. Kim Coles, Kimberly Locke, Chaka Khan, and Monique aren't ugly. You must be tripping. As for you saying you don't place all black women into a box, I can respect that. I don't hate non-blacks. I just place trust in my own people and I don't place non-blacks as culturally or socially superior to my own race. That is all. I have solidarity with my race. You have a right to disagree with my views and that's fine. I have a right to disagree with your views too (like most black women hate intellectual black men when you haven't met every single black woman worldwide). I never said that every black male dating IR is a self hater, but some are. That's the truth.

Stop worrying about the past? I knew that were your agenda all along now isn't it. You don't want us to worry about the past, using the past in a constructive framework can ascend our people into a better future. YOu learn about the past, so you have a geniune cultural linkage with your own black race. You have the right to look for romantic love everywhere and I have the right to respect everybody as an equal, but have a special romantic bond with black sisters. I don't need to lay up with a non-black person to prove my equality or be politically correct. I'm equal since conception period. As for the can't relate part, my meaning is transparent. I meant to write that a BW knows more about my struggles, my life, my culture, my history, my lifestyle, and my thinking much more than a non-BW can. That's the whole truth. Being from the Chi area, you ought to know better.

By Timothy


This is my last response to you on this issue since we will agree on some issues and not on others.

Now, I've refuted much of what you have said. I've refuted your lie that most black women hate blacks who are intellectual, that blacks who are like you must date outside of their race to find happiness, etc. Now, you place silly lies and demonize sisters like Toccara, etc. as ugly. That's your view and I disagree with that assumption. You offer no evidence how or why Toccara, Kim Coles, etc. are ugly. I wonder why? You must think that beauty is very limited to a low size or a limited perspective. Beauty is diverse in many sizes and that is a fact.

You offer no real solutions for blacks for low self esteem (except for date IR or find a needle in a haystack). Real solutions among blacks is for black men with trouble dating women is for black men to gain confidence, learn social skills, communicate with sisters in a wide spectrum of locations, and learn about their own history with a positive insight. That isn't hard to ask. As for Tiger Woods, it's obvious why he married her. He married her because he's attracted mostly to white women and he is rich. That's true since the vast majority of women going out with him were white from childhood. Celebrities guard their images and that is feasible, but Tiger admitted (you realize this) that he felt entitled and arrogant as a motivation for the acts of adultery by his hands. I don't know if Tiger or his wife loved each other since I don't understand their romantic business like that. Tiger cracked under pressure since he's a punk and an adulterer. He should of handled his business behind closed doors.

I realize you are not a stereotypical person that hates all black women. Yet, you use your observation as a sole determining factor in assigning a generalization on the majority of black women. That is precisely a futile observation on your part since you haven't met or known every single BW in the USA or worldwide. Tons of BW in America have a diversity of interests, personalities, are intellectually mature, fun to be around, etc. Also, real AA women aren't neddles in a haystack. They exist in the malls, educational places, parks, restaurants, business locations, rural places, in the streets, and other locations plainly speaking. I don't lump you with other guys blaming all black women for this or that. I didn't say that all BM struggle harshly. I have mentioned that BW know more about BM, black culture & the black historical experience than non-BW, which is true.

You have the right to date who you want to and I have my right to love who I want to (which are sisters alone).

By Timothy


My new words in April of 2011 about this issue:

Not every AA woman have sex with thugs. It's kind of ironic that the same people claiming to be so nice and good use some of the most wicked invective against AA women. Black people among both genders have issues and problems. That can't be denied or obfuscated. The solution for our problems as a people isn't bomb throwing or throwing AA women under the bus. The solution is for all black people to communicate with each other, we must love each other, we must fight against the evils in our community, and we must unite to make our Black people rise up into the next level of cultural & moral growth. We have to have a sense of the arts and intellectual growth too (like math, science, technology, etc.).

See, I view a woman basher and a thug as equal threats or enemies in our community. The thug is wrong for promoting nihilism and other forms of wickedness. The women basher (who lies and claims to be the "nice guy") is wrong since this person over exaggerates incidents and project false stereotypes against all AA women. Some of them use these stereotypes as an excuse to go IR. Many of them are consumed with low self-esteem.

As men, we can't excessively whine about women. That action isn't a definition of real manhood. Real manhood is taking responsibility, standing up for ourselves, and being able to help those that need help in an altrustic way. For if we whine in an immoral fashion about women, we disrespect ourselves since we came from women via birth. So, the reasonable solutions are to be active in our communities to help our people, to fight against evils, and to confront thugs, women haters, and bullies (in inspiring these people to change their own ways). You can't say I'm the nice guy and do nothing to help out your own community when the going gets tough. We as men have to live by our words and show no fear of any human by being strong (to stand up for legitimate black liberation). We have to love AA women like we love ourselves. Just because some AA people have problems, doesn't mean we gloat over our own people. We be active to confront evil and form plans to build up Black people.

By Timothy


The notion of decent black men doesn't need to be redefined. If a BM or a BW stays in the sidelines and doesn't do a thing to solve problems among their own people, they aren't decent to begin with. Most people have always agreed with that for a long time.

It's that certain people use that reality (of some black people being co-conspirators to the ills in our community) as an excuse to demonize all BM (and BW too) in a slick fashion. If one thing needs to be redefined or eliminated is the stereotypes made against any black persons (both males and females) doing the right thing as being soft or weak. That stereotype should be scrapped. Evil black men are a problem, but it's more than them. Historically, many BM caught up in a bad lifestyle have changed their lives and developed into righteous people just like tons of BW doing the right thing.

It's a system that promotes corporate corruption, economic disparities, and other damaging influences in our community. I believe in personal responsibility like the next man, but not personal denial of corporate evils in the world that contribute to the evils in Western society. If you want things solved, you have to be comprehensive in dealing with building up self confidence among outcasts & the poor, creating radical programs, protesting, and working toward more dialogue so solutions can be made.

Without black men and black women uniting in trying to find solutions, nothing changes.

Certain people (especially among sellout blacks that don't want to deal with their own people or have hatred agaisnt BM or BW) want permanent tensions among BM and BW in order for the status quo to remain.

We should end tensions and develop real resolutions (like gang intervention, promotion of health & fitness, programs to fight against violence, creating avenues to develop intellectual pursuits, promote real forms of the arts & music among our own people, develop financial security and assistance toward our own people, create radical acts now to fight back against evil, and have outlets for blacks especially with ecclectic tastes to feel at home with tolerance) in our lives for the the sake of our ancestors.

-By Timothy