Tuesday, March 30, 2010

My Dialogue with another Christian Part 2 and More


Me: hello

t: i try to apply in our US embassy

since im an american studies major

Me: Why so?

t: hopefully i can

say to the hr

what i learned from you

america is awesome i wonder


made their names in the US

Me: What does hr mean?
t: human resource

Me: America has a lot of freedom, but the materialism here is out of control.

Even in the rural areas, it's abundant.

t: i love the dow jobes history

do u like julius caesar is he great

hopefully ill be like him

great leader

Me: ha aha

JUlius Caesar was a great dictator.

He was an imperialist that harmed the Celts in Gaul and other places in Europe.

You do know this right.

t: iknew

he defeated


Me: The Celts wanted their freedom absent Roman imperialism.

Vercingetorix was captured and exploited by Julius Caesar's forces.

t: they just get squashed

Me: He ended the Roman Republic.


t: so thats the reason of his murder

is caesar also


Me: He was murdered for numerous reasons.

The Senators were jealous of his power being in an authoritarian fashion.

So, they decided to assassinate him.

t: they should talk to him first

through diplomacy

than murder him\

Me: They should at a bare minimum have a trial than just kill him.


t: but you think caesar

is all about



\diplomacy and peaceful means

cant convince him?

Me: I think the Caesar concept is a distortion of a true free society.

That concept is based in authoritianism and unjustified control over the common people.

The Caesar is a fascist wanting unitary power that restricts power given unto the people.

The government is by and for the people as Lincoln said.

t: rome tht time is chaotic

Me: Yes
t: so caesar has no choice but to

calm the people

Me: I disagree with you on that since alternatives are certainly necessary to solve the tramatic time.

t: so there are still other choices than


Me: Yes

A Republic.

Me: Yes

t: whats the source

of roman's violence?

bec of pagan religion

Me: Rome had violence because of political disagreements among their many factions.

this is similar to the Civil War that we had in the USA.

t: whats your take if you want a solution?

Me: A solution would be radical reforms in the ancient Roman world and a revitization of the Republican form of government.
t: america does hate dictators

thats why you defeated the british

Me: Yes

We hate tyranny.

t: so america defeated the british courtesy of benjamin's diplomacy in france for support?

Me: Not exactly.

America relied on French support.

Also, similar to Vietnam, the British were extend thousands of miles of resources.

The Americans knew their own territory better than the British to defeat them in guerilla warfare tactics.

t: so i cannot say

it is by france's help

you toppled


Me: The US did have France's help though.

That is true

t: hope china

became a superpower

Me: Why so?

t: bec they are rising

economically and

Me: China should reform its religious and political liberty policies.
t: their influence are

becoming bigger

Me: Then, I will very happy.
t: market factor

cultural factor

Me: We should wish the best for China since China is apart of the human family.
t: olympics

Me: China has great blessings.

t: america will be over

as a superpower

Me: Nothing is set in stone.

Once people said that America would be defeated by the British.

That didn't occur.

So, in 3-4 decades, America could radically improve its economic state.


Me: Jesus Christ is God, so he would handle a M16.

t: my atheist friend

ridiculed me

of crucifizion the most humilating


he even mentioned

gas chamber


are worse form of death



medieval inquisiton


all are worst than crucifixion\


did jesus really died through a worst form of death ever known?

Me: It's hard to say.

He bared the burden of the whole sins of the whole world.

So, that experience consists of the most heavy emotional burden in human history.

He survived, resurrected, and seats at the right hand of God the Father.

t: why are the julian claudian emperoe were all psychopaths?

Me: I don't know about that.
t: caligula claudius nero

Me: Some of them of the Julio-Claudian bloodline were evil.

t: are all very evil dictators

Me: That's true.

Nero married a horse.

t: i love nero as a ruler

too brutal

Me: ?

Nero killed Christians after the Christians were falsely blamed for the fire in Rome.

t: nero is one of a uman incarnation of a demon




why he married a horse

whats up on his mind that time?

Me: He's a sick person.
t: is it possible to lead him to christ?

Me: Now, no since he's dead.
t: when hes alive?

is it?

Me: Yes

t: thutmosis is the pharaoh of exodus


i believe so

or amenhotep


lee wrote:
slavery is not blacks.asian and southeast poor peopole have it worse than anyone today.if blacks are slves it high majority in africa or middle east.check history.slavery wasd short lived in this country compared to rest of the world.english stopped id with war.only country to do so.i am not englich.i am slav,that is where the word came from.try 600 years,plus nazism and worst of the three communism.the spanish and free blacks were in on slavery.as were free slaves bought slaves..u are free to say what u want,but get your facts straight before u get into anything but yourself.
you do not need to live in color blind country.why do everyone who comes here make it if they tire.u are the only one holding u back.my family was slaves 600years and some died to free yours. so i do not feel sorry for any man with a black panther attitude.
No one said a single word that slavery was explicitly experienced by blacks. So, I don't know where you get that inaccurate assumption from. Also, people realize that other ethnic groups experienced. My explanation is that people have a clear, transparent right to show the truth on black people experiencing slavery as motivation to improve society in general. Also, I didn't say no one has hope in the world. I just mentioned that mentioning evil in the world has nothing to do with with promoting stagnation among people. Also, my people have been in a while too. I have the right to say that and that's apart of the First Amendment. Many free blacks tried to stop slavery, so you need to cut that revisionist stuff out (there were traitors among blacks of course that supported it, but that's only telling some of the story not all of it). Also, just because blacks were slavery in the Middle East or Africa doesn't diminish the evil nature of slavery in America. See, your ilk's tactic now is trying to diminish the treatment of blacks in America to support neo-fascist/austerity measures (and to promote the ultimate elimination of the black identity long term). The problem is that we are on to your game and we're calling you out on it. I've got my facts straight, so don't patronize me.

Also, black slavery have existed for 1400 years under some Islamic extremists (not all Muslims) Blacks made it for centuries in America, so you need to get your facts straight. I'm not holding a single thing back. I just show my past. That isn't illegitimate. That's reality. Holding someone back is spewing lies to make people ignore history. I accept history in order to make conditions better in the future. Why do you say a "black panther" which is playing the race card. A man not being ashamed of being black (and not regreting it) isn't about being pro-Black panther. It's about being pro-human. That's the issue of you people you know. You don't want strong black people saying that they are BLACK in a strong fashion. You want docile, cooperative mental black slaves in order to accept corporatism, imperialism, and neo conservative ideology. Sorry, we real blacks aren't following that stuff.

-By Timothy

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