Saturday, April 24, 2010

An article I wrote in September 2006

Tensions arise atwixt (or between) Muslims and Pope Benedict XVI. Benedict quoted a 14th century Byzantine Emperor saying that Muhammad spread his religion by the sword. As a result of the Pope's words, radical Muslims bombed churches, a nun was killed, and an effigy of the Pope (Popes for centuries passed councils and decress denying religious freedom and they've oppressed religious dissidents) was burned. The Pope later said that he regreted for the reaction of the Muslims, but didn't explicitly apologize for his words. The truth is that after Muhammad's death, Islam did spread by the sword (not to mention that the Koran's Surah 2:228 calls men as superior to women). The Muslims conquered many lands by the early 700's beyond the Saudi Arabian peninsula. I would say that the Muslim protestors are right to condemn the obvious superstitious and false doctrines of the Roman Church like the Rosary beads, the Pope is called the "Holy Father," or a cookie is Jesus.

Never forget that Pope Benedict XVI was ordained to the priesthood by Archbishop Michael Cardinal von Faulhaber in 1951. He was also in Hitler's Youth as a child. All of these circumstances are effects of this "war on terror" where the CFR-influenced U.S. government is fighting against Muslim nations (that collectively have nothing to do with all aspects of 9/11). I do find it hypocritical for the Pope to cite Muslim errors, yet won't expose the Roman Catholic Crusades (this has nothing to do with real Bible believers), the Vatican support for the Nazis, and the other policies that were justified by much of Roman canon law (for example, the 1302 decree of Unam Sanctam made by Pope Boniface VIII claimed universal power over all the leaders of the world. Also, Thomas Aquinas wrote literature advocating killing heretics. There are other examples). I forgot that Pope Benedict publiclly called for a new world order. People want to unite the Crescent and the cross (a pagan symbol relating to Tau). I say forget the crescent and forget the sun symbol cross. Even though I disagree with John Hagee's fronting for the Bush agenda, he's 100% right to exposing the criminal acts of the Roman false Church.

Patriots (like Darryl Ebehart, Gary & Lisa Ruby, Eric Jon Phelps, Greg Szymanski, those in the Unhived Mind Forum, and many others) have truthfully outlined that the keystone of global geopolitical power are the Jesuits (Luther77 from the Unhived Forum recently discovered that Jesuit trained Christopher T. Rogers was a co-founder of Nextel and the present CEO is Timothy Donahue, trained at Jesuit John Carrol University), the Sovereign Military Order of Malta (SMOM or the Knights of Malta), and high level Freemasonry. Their influence extends from universities plus religious bodies to corporations (i.e. Knight of Malta Geoffrey T. Boisi is in the Carnegie Corporation of NYC and Knight of Malta/CFR member Dr. John J. DeGioia is the President of Georgetown plus a member of the World Economic Forum. The late Albert Vincent Carone was a Knight of Malta with Mob ties and ties with CIA agent William Casey).

I can't forget about the Knights of Columbus, the Bilderberg Group, Le Cerle, the Trilateral Comission, Opus Dei, and other groups with global impact as well. I've encountered pro-Bush neo-cons jabbering the same talking points. In actuality, grave problems fester in the U.S.A. whether from our civil liberties being threatened to voting technology errors. I don't have an undying alleigance to the Democratic or Republican parties. I enjoy the tenets residing from the Bill of Rights and Constitution like the freedom of religion and the right to bear arms. I will never cover up the many heinous atrocities of history from the Jesuit-trained Joseph Stalin's GULAGs (using NKGB killers such as Poskrebyshev and Vlasik) to the genocide of Darfur (done by Sunni, pro-Wahhabi Muslims). Therefore, most Americans aren't experiencing plight among the same level as numerous human beings in the Third World countries or the Middle East.

The torture controversy is on again. There is much spin by Bill O'Reilly and their ilk about it, so here's some truth. The U.S. government has been torturing people for centuries including the slave trade, evil experiments, forced eugenics (which states like North Carolina & VA had to apologize for), etc. The Knight of Malta/Masonic CIA tortured people in Operation Phoenix where many innocent men, women, and children (at least 40,000 human beings) were murdered for just being supposedly allied with the "Vietcong." Now, we have torture did occur among Western government (including the U.S.) The 3rd Article of the Geneva Convention give the right of humane treatment not only to POWs, but armed militias and volunteer corps. The Attorney General, Lord Goldsmith (of the UK) agrees that even those caught in the battlefield ought to receive some humane treatment. A PBS documentary discussed how General Baccus resigned in his refusal to torture people in Gitmo. Torture did exist in Abu Ghraib prison. General Janis Karpinsky even claimed that Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld (it's interesting to note that writer SEYMOUR M. HERSH believes that Rumsfeld approved of the Copper Green program, which endorsed Breaking chemical lights and pouring the phosphoric liquid on detainees, etc. according to Hersh) was an architect of the torture policy. Whether if that is true or not, we do know that Alberto Gonzalez supported torture memos that harming detainees close to death is Ok. Also, Bush offical John Yoo commented on December 1, 2005 meeting at Chicago that sexually torturing children by harming their testicles was ok.

Even Collin Powell (a Bohemian Grove praticipant and a member of the Pilgrim Society), John McCain, and Lindsay Graham oppose the administration goal of making "coercive interrogation" as part of the law. There is the case of Maher Arar, who holds Canadian and Syrian nationality.

Maher was tortured in a foreign land at Damascus, Syria and the judge found him innocent of his crime. If a simple example like this proved recent torture by Western governments, how can O'Reilly and others claim that Americans have never secretly torture anyone. So, to say that the U.S. never tortures is a lie. This is not to say that all military people or everyone in the American government torturers. Not everyone in government are evil, but a powerful minority. If torture was wrong for the Inquistion, it's wrong today.

Another lesson I will follow is not to embrace fear mongering. Once in the 1970's, folks believed that we had only a 12 year oil reserve supply, yet now we have found new oil in the Gulf of Mexico. The deciever Paul R. Ehrlich believed that our population would be unsustainable, but today the world's population growth has decreased since the 1960's (Columbia, Kenya, and Ethiopia have less than 100 people per square mile). America's population growth annually is not even 1% and many European countries have underpopulation. MARCUS WOHLSEN from AP on September 19, 2006 discuss how people are using a certain type of fish to fight against "terror." The fish are called bluegills - also known as sunfish or bream. The fish detect toxins in the water by changes in the fishes' breathing or other bodily functions. There have been riots in Hungary. The whole configation revolves around socialist prime minister Ferenc Gyurcsany's admission that he lied to win his election. London Evening Standard on September 19, 2006 reported on how Ferenc cut benefits and raised taxes. Budaprest was the epicenter of the violence by over 10,000 demonstrators. Fidesz (an opposition candidate) called on Ferenc to resign. This was similar to the failed 1956 Hungary revolt against the Communists.

You always have egomanaics in the world that are ignorant of history. I wouldn't encorporate a huge ego in my life. Instead, I will still witness encouragement from my peers and real Patriots. I'm going to believe in what I believe in. I won't become dismayed or compromise my core message. Also, I don't fall into deception. I realize that George W. Bush is not a real conservative Christian by his membership in occult Secret societies (the Skulls and Bones and the Bohemian Grove), being pro-abortion, etc. Many of the same people thinking Bush is a real conservative are the far left crowd and neo-evangelicals (some of them are scared of committting on real issues for fear of being called a "bigot.") Of course, I don't accept neo-con Christianity by worshipping Bush. Real Christians like David J. Stewart have exposed Bush. I will encourage others in exposing the agenda of an one world government to be active in helping others.

By Timothy

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