Saturday, March 20, 2010

Why the Archangel Michael isn't the Messiah

I devised of this information because of the Jehovah Witness, Hashev, and other groups of individuals who maintain the perception that Michael is the Messiah and thats just false. This expose is short obviously and cuts to the chase. Enjoy:

Why the Archangel Michael is not the Messiah:

1). Micah 5:2 is a prophecy describing the Messiah. Its the Messiah that will exist on Earth from Bethlehem Ephratah. Michael is an angel who is from heaven and has never came down to Earth as a man. It also says that he (Messiah) is the ruler in Israel and whose goings is from of old, from Israel and whom going is from of old, from everlasting. Michael isnt from everlasting since hes a created being. The Messiah (Jesus Christ) is from and to everlasting making Christ divine being God not a created being. John 1:1,4 confirms the deity and pre-existence of Christ. Psalm 90:2 say that only God is from everlasting to everlasting.

2). Micah 1:3-4 The Bible says the Lord cometh forth out of his place (heaven) and comes to Earth. How can Michael do this when he isnt God? This is a reference to the Messiah of his 2nd coming by the context because the temple is mentioned in Micah 1:1-2. Michael doesnt have the power or biblical authority to be the Messiah.

3). Revelation 22:8-9 says to worship God alone not an angel. Only God who is the Messiah fulfils the fundamental prophecies, which are over 300 describing him. (Jesus Christ). The angel Michael is therefore not to be worshipped or bowed to; therefore, Michael having extreme glory or being bowed to is breaking Gods commandments.

4). Isaiah 9:6-7 A child is born being called Wonderful, Counselor, The Mighty God, the everlasting Father, and the Prince of Peace. None of these qualities define the archangel Michael. To call Michael by these names, which are Gods names, is blasphemous since Michael isnt everlasting, or the Mighty God. Michael means in Hebrew means godlike or who is like unto God not Mighty God or Almighty God. Mighty God in the Hebrew language mean Gibbowr Elohim and that has never been denoted to any other being in the OT and NT except Almighty God not the archangel Michael. No verse in the OT and NT defines it as such. The terms Mighty God declares the Messiah only since it says he sits on the throne of David, etc. Michael is an angel and has no lineage to David. The Messiah is the Lord Jesus Christ not an angel.

5). Angel in Hebrew means malakh meaning messenger. Their primary duties are to send messages, deliver, do miracles, and other actions not being a Savior, Messiah, or deliverer. Only God is the Savior (Isaiah 43:11, Jude 1:12, Titus 2:10), the only redeemer (Isaiah 63:16), the only Holy One (Psalm 71:22, Psalm 78:41, Psalm 89:18), and the only Judge (Psalm 94:1-2, Genesis 18:25). If God acquires solely these characteristics, why cant he be the Messiah when the Messiah is the deliver, Savior, and judge for all men outlined in the OT and NT. An angel cant deliverer people from sin, redeem, or save souls. Only God can make him the Messiah not Michael.

6). Ex. 20:1-7 The Bible forbids anyone worshipping anything other than God and thats also exhorted in the NT. To assume Archangel Michael is the anointed one or the Messiah is close to worship. Only glory is given unto God who is the Messiah (Christ). I will give no glory to an angel called Michael.
-Mt. 4:10/Luke 4:8 Christ said worship God only. How can we assume an angel is the Messiah when the Bible in the OT has no identification of the Savior as an angel. Apologists say that the Talmud, Midrash, and even the Koran say that Michael is the Messiah, but those works are false, bias, anti-Jewish, and anti-Christians in some of its verses. Its biblical to assume that the Messiah is God since he has the power, influence, prophecy, and the only ability to bring about a lasting end-time peace worldwide. No one angel can do that alone or make an everlasting rule forever. \

7). Jesus Christ throughout Revelation was called:
1). Alpha and Omega, the beginning and ending (Revelation 1:8) and also the Almighty
2). The son of man (Rev. 1:13)
3). The first and the last (Rev. 1:17)
4). Son of God (Rev. 2:18)
5). The faith and true witness (Rev. 3:14)
6). Creator (Rev. 4:11)
7). Lion of the tribe of Judah (Rev. 5:5). Also, the root of David.
8). Lamb (Rev. 5:6)
9). Christ (Rev. 12:10)
10). Faithful and True (Rev. 19:11)
11). The Word of God (Rev. 19:13)
12). King of Kings and Lord of Lords (Rev. 19:16)
13). The Bright and Morning Star (Rev. 22:16)

**13 titles are describing Christ, the Messiah. Anyone cant find within the Bible such enormous or grandiose declarations about the Archangel Michael. To assume so or call Michael the Messiah or Savior is just blasphemy. God is the only Redeemer, Savior, and Messiah, who is Jesus Christ and none other. **

By Timothy

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