Saturday, March 20, 2010

Some Wisdom

Some Wisdom

It so obvious that these neo-cons criminals are on the run. This is from my original thought here and I just expressing the truth. I'm focused now. It's seemed like time passed so fast. From the debates at to debating Freemasons and now here. There is this phony 9/11 Commission which is nothing more than the 21st century version of the Warren Commission investigation JFK's assassination. Kean has business ties to Bin Laden's brother in law.

Their findings will probably be that the Clinton and Bush administration committed intelligence mistakes prior to 9/11 and never intensively focused on the al-Qaeda. No one will be charged with treason against America or being involved in the death of 3,000 people unless a miracle happens.

One of the most hilarious occurence was Condy Rice, a CFR agent. We love you Condy, but you are brainwashed sheeple who needs to wake up. Condy, if you claim to have a Christian experience what you need to d o is to rebuke and get out of the CFR, inspire Bush to repent for his alliegance to Skulls and Bones plus Bohemian Grove, and clean up the White House and society. That's what you need to do. Condy says that she didn't realize of hijacking warning yet the Bush White House was repeated warned about a 9/11-like event months before it transpired. Whose telling the truth, Condy or mainstream new sources. I pick those news sources.

I feel like the doubters are jealous of us. If they were secure in their beliefs about George W. Bush being a traitor, Satanist, murderer, pro-abortion, anti-gun, anti-freedom socialist enemy, then they wouldn't be worried. They are worried and you know why? Because tons of Americans and individuals around the world are beginning to awaken from their sleep.

People are critically anazyling these situations and figuring out the Bush killed 3,000 people in 9/11, Arnold is a Nazi extremist, that the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq is a starting poi nt of exploitation of natural resources, the institutions of puppett headship, and a continued overstretching of our great military.

The U.S. military is in 70% of the world's countries and nearly 50,000 is in Germany. What is that for? What we need to do is to send those troops home. Especially in Iraq, it's so obvious that he lied to America and the world. Also, how is the USA going to fully accomodate the Shia, Kurds, and Sunnis within Iraq especially in the Sunni Triangle where the majority of the fighting is taking place. What is next? You want Chalibi who's an embezzler, no bid contracts restricting a free enterprise system, $1 billion cost per week in Iraq, or a Iraqi interim Constitution that prohibits the right to bear arms (A God given right).

This traitor General Tommy Franks even seeked to get rid of the U.S. Constitution if another terror attacks existed in America. I wonder why the controlled mainstream media hasn't report these facts? Why are they s o blind as to not realize that Bush is ruining our jobs, our land, our guns, and our rights.

YOu got phony liberals like Alan Desowitz, Choamsky. Then you fake neo-cons like O'Reilly, Rush Limbaugh, and Scraborough. Well, at least Joe Scraborough has the most hope but even he subscribes to imperialism, the illegal Patriot Act, and the pagan movie of the Passion. Now we have some "election" between 2 men that are members of the Skulls and Bones (Bush and Kerry). Both men have blood related to British Royalty, both are anti-gun, pro-choice, pro-globalization, consents with this fake government created war on terrorism, etc.

There is no difference between the 2 except Kerry's opinion on the ecomony and environment. This is like a Repubicrat system of lackies and corporate criminals in crony capitalism. It's so apparent of what these guys are doing and we have no choice but to ACT.

That's some wisdom you can carry on with you......

Good luck allies..... ...........

By TruthSeeker24

April 1, 2004

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