It's especilay important to expose the Godless New World Order. The New World Order is a one-world totalarian, socialist, and communist government enforced worldwide by the Illuminati using the Beast System. Now, its time to renew the essence and basic reasons to oppose it.
I). It's Unconstitutional
The N.W.O. is not in the U.S. Constitution. The Constitution solely represents and enforces total law unto the United States. No one world government is to be enforced unto the people of America since its strips of our soverignty and infringes on the law of the land. The world should only consist in this era of nations or countries. I believe in nationism where those who compose of a country should rule their own country wihtout no interference with basic exceptions of war, basic help in moral necessity, and business cooperation.
II). Consolidation
It leads to too much consolidation of industries and property. If one man (the Antichrist) rules the whole world, private property and all property will be bounded to the one world government infastructure. That will cause many middle class/small businesses to expire, less economic freedom, and free enterprise. It gives man no leave waay to be independent and productive outside of an established order. Also, communities or even "collectiveness" will be under the microscope and scrunity of a Big Brother as well so independent and community work is done.
III). It's Morally Wrong
Human beings don't necessarily need basic peace by merging into an one worldwide state. I believe as the majority of the world feels that we should maintain our God-given independence as nations and deals with problems with other nations at the same time without resorting to an one world Beast system. I have to say this: WE ARE FREEMEN AND FREEWOMEN NOT FREEMASONS. WE ARE THE CREATION OF ALMIGHTY GOD NOT CLOGS THAT REVOLVE AROUND THE STATE TO BE MANIPULATED TO SUIT ITS AGENDA. THE POWER BELONGS TO THE PEOPLE NOT TO OLIGARCHICAL, MONARHICAL, TOTALATARIAN, COMMUNIST, PLUTOCRATIC, OR SOCIAIST GOVERNMENT. We love the love and equality of every human being on Earth. We enjoy the freedom we have, yet we must in this limited time while we breath on this Earth to do our part and our best in this generation to contribute and be magnificient in this society, this time, and this world.
That is all.
By Timothy
October 3, 2003
8:18 am. EST
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Nikola Tesla
Here's a summary on this man:
He was an Orthodox Christian [enemy of the Catholic Church] born in Croatia in the 1800's. He migrated to America to try to recieve a better life. His gift from God lies in invention creation so immediately he was on the pace. His first main contributions dealt with the AC current which he conclusively proved was superior to the DC current.
The DC current was promoted by his arch-rival which was Thomas Edison. Tesla also created generators which would not use any coal for usage. He created devices of free-energy that the USA government still copies today. He is the greatest inventor of the 19th and 20th centuries for he invented the helicopter, TV, UFO's , Radio, light bulb, etc.
All of his work was credited to other people who copied his work. J. P. Morgan [an Illuminist] once payed then betrayed his work. He was planning wireless devices for electricity and once in the 1800's theorized that man can show images from one location and that can be seen in many other locations. He use tall electronic towers for wave transmissions which the government used in HAARP technology for weather control, weapon usage, and mental manipulation.
You can he pretty much made the technology of this modern era.
By Timothy
You can find more information from
He was an Orthodox Christian [enemy of the Catholic Church] born in Croatia in the 1800's. He migrated to America to try to recieve a better life. His gift from God lies in invention creation so immediately he was on the pace. His first main contributions dealt with the AC current which he conclusively proved was superior to the DC current.
The DC current was promoted by his arch-rival which was Thomas Edison. Tesla also created generators which would not use any coal for usage. He created devices of free-energy that the USA government still copies today. He is the greatest inventor of the 19th and 20th centuries for he invented the helicopter, TV, UFO's , Radio, light bulb, etc.
All of his work was credited to other people who copied his work. J. P. Morgan [an Illuminist] once payed then betrayed his work. He was planning wireless devices for electricity and once in the 1800's theorized that man can show images from one location and that can be seen in many other locations. He use tall electronic towers for wave transmissions which the government used in HAARP technology for weather control, weapon usage, and mental manipulation.
You can he pretty much made the technology of this modern era.
By Timothy
You can find more information from
Thursday, February 19, 2009
The Genocide of Sudan
African Americans struggled for independence from genocide and slavery for centuries; yet slavery is still a foot in Africa. Sudan is the largest country inside the Motherland of Africa with over 31 million people. Sudan is the Arabic word for black. Well, how did this genocide begin? In the 1800s, the Turks and Egyptians subdued Sudan then the nationalist Mahdist revolt existed in 1881.
By 1898, Anglo-Egyptian rule reigned supreme and gravitated a policy of preventing Southern Sudan off limits to Arab-Islamic influence. Sudan finally reached independence in January 1, 1955, but civil war immediately commenced between Arab Muslims and my black brothers and sisters. The first civil war ended by 1972 with a federation proposal.
It fell apart by the mid-1980s with human rights violations continuing on both sides, but the Arab Muslim extremists are obviously much worse. In a span of 20 years from 1983-2003, 2 million black Sudanese Christians and animists (those are blacks who follow traditional, pagan religions) died by the radicals from Northern Sudan. One of the mean of this occurring is by Sharia Islamic law implemented by President Nineiri of Sudan in 1983.
Sharia law orders all non-Muslims to convert to Islam or die. At 1989, Lt. General Omar Hassin Bashir and the Sudanese Peoples Armed Forces overthrew Sudans democratic government. The new government has a Popular Defense Fund (PDF), which is controlled by the National Islamic Front, a fundamentalist Islamic group. Theyve dissolved all political institutions. As a result, John Garang (a Dinka resister) headed the Sudanese People Liberation Army (SPLA) to fight for Southern Sudan.
Tons of raids have transpired to force northern Sudanese economic, cultural, and religious expansion onto the citizens of the South. Louis Farrakhan, who meets with the National Islamic front dictator General Al Bashir in Sudan years ago, denied that slavery even exists in Sudan, which is a total lie.
There is tons of proof of slavery in Sudan. Francois van Deventer, vice President of United Christian Action, in a press release admitted to slavery on Christian black people. According to the London Economist at January 6, 1990, in 1989, a woman or child could be brought for $90 and in 1990 it was $15 for raid increases. In April 1996, U.N. Special Representative for Sudan, Gaspar Biro reported that an alarming increasein cases of slavery, servitude, slave trade, and forced labor.
Two reporters in June 1996 illegally visited Sudan. Theyve produced Witness to Slavery, a series of articles that documented slavery in Sudan plus they brought tow young slaves and set them free. Jacobs (Director of Researcher of AASG) and Athie also exposed folks in bondage.
Dr. Peter Harmonds Christian Organization, Anti-Slavery International, Christian groups, African American groups, congressmen, and others have exposed slavery within Sudan for many years. Why is there little outcry from the media and the majority of America? Its for 2 main reasons.
One is about a bias against the problems of Africa (i.e. little radical help is given to Africa because of the mindset of the leaders of America having not interest that they need except for oil and natural resources not freedom).
Wherefore millions are dying by madmen with no mighty U.S. intervention, yet in the Middle East, we send thousands of troops to a country in an illegal war and its genocide cause by U.S. given WMDs plus American/U.N. sanctions. The other is fear that the truth will be shown of Arab racism against black people.
In the 1990s even the Black Caucus criticized a relief groups at March 25 when relief groups called for stepped up pressure to the Sudanese government. Black congressman Floyd Flake (D-NY), Congressman Barney Frank, Frank Torricelli (D-NJ) all proposed hearings on the slave trade and improvements to the Sudan.
By 2003, a treaty is in the works to end the violence, but only time will tell if a real peace is authentic and carry forward. Freedom, the abolition of slavery, and Religious Freedom must subsist in Sudan if true peace prevails. More African Americans are awoke to this immorality, uncovering it, and helping out the Sudanese now, which is a good thing to do.
Just because slavery is gone from this country, doesnt mean its extinct worldwide and this oppression is alive and well in Africa.
Black slavery still flourishes in Mauritania as well. The slave raiders are Arabs and Berbers (known as beydanes=whites) against the black ethnic communities of the South (most sedentary farmers of the Tukulor, the Fulani, and the Wolof tribes brought over to the North by Arab/Berber tribes).
After Newsweek conducted a year long, 4 continent investigation of slavery; it exposed the fact that More than 100,000 descendants of Africans conquered by Arabs during the 12th century are still thought to be living as old-fashioned chattel slavery in Mauritania.
Fr. Jacobs is on the trail again agreeing to the U.S. State Department estimate of 92,000 black slaves under the Berbers as a conservative estimate. Mauritania even outlawed slavery in 1905, then at 1960 when it had its independence, and most recently in 1980.
All of these edicts were lip service to consolidate economic and political power in the hands of beydanes. Africa Watch also exposed torture unto blacks like using camels to tear apart slaves, burning coals, and genital mutilation. There is even a psychological plan of racism against blacks.
In 1992, Newsweek spoke to a slave named Doba Ould Mbarek in Mauritania who said that A master is a master and a slave is a slave. Masters are white, slaves are black. Is this just? Naturally, we blacks should be the slaves of whites. This manifests the effects of psychological hurt to convince them of the lie of blacks being inferior to whites.
Gaspar Biro, Frank Kiehre, the Black Caucus, and others condemned the oppression in Mauritania for many years, which is great. Muslims and groups like Dr. Ushari Ahmad Mahmud, Dr. Suleyman Ali Baldo, etc. have condemned both the immoral behavior in Sudan and Mauritania despite the fact the Muhammad owned numerous black slaves.
Just recently in January 2004, the U.S. government had tried to beef up the border in Mauritania. The purpose is to enhance the military industrial complex and promote the major oil companies and drilling operations like Kerr McGhee across West Africa.
The U.S. is even sending troops and defense contractors to the Sahara Desert as a new front on the war on terror in a $100 million plan to bolster the security forces and border controls of Mauritania, Mali, Chad, and Niger.
Yeah, while people are enslaved, women oppressed, child labor abused, and dictatorial rule reigns in Mauritania, the U.S. government supports them to this day. This is not anti-America.
Its true that America has gone and gave grand help to aid the Third World and other nations in health, standard of living, the starving and the sick, but we still have a continued struggle to let the oppressed go free indeed.
By Timothy
African Americans struggled for independence from genocide and slavery for centuries; yet slavery is still a foot in Africa. Sudan is the largest country inside the Motherland of Africa with over 31 million people. Sudan is the Arabic word for black. Well, how did this genocide begin? In the 1800s, the Turks and Egyptians subdued Sudan then the nationalist Mahdist revolt existed in 1881.
By 1898, Anglo-Egyptian rule reigned supreme and gravitated a policy of preventing Southern Sudan off limits to Arab-Islamic influence. Sudan finally reached independence in January 1, 1955, but civil war immediately commenced between Arab Muslims and my black brothers and sisters. The first civil war ended by 1972 with a federation proposal.
It fell apart by the mid-1980s with human rights violations continuing on both sides, but the Arab Muslim extremists are obviously much worse. In a span of 20 years from 1983-2003, 2 million black Sudanese Christians and animists (those are blacks who follow traditional, pagan religions) died by the radicals from Northern Sudan. One of the mean of this occurring is by Sharia Islamic law implemented by President Nineiri of Sudan in 1983.
Sharia law orders all non-Muslims to convert to Islam or die. At 1989, Lt. General Omar Hassin Bashir and the Sudanese Peoples Armed Forces overthrew Sudans democratic government. The new government has a Popular Defense Fund (PDF), which is controlled by the National Islamic Front, a fundamentalist Islamic group. Theyve dissolved all political institutions. As a result, John Garang (a Dinka resister) headed the Sudanese People Liberation Army (SPLA) to fight for Southern Sudan.
Tons of raids have transpired to force northern Sudanese economic, cultural, and religious expansion onto the citizens of the South. Louis Farrakhan, who meets with the National Islamic front dictator General Al Bashir in Sudan years ago, denied that slavery even exists in Sudan, which is a total lie.
There is tons of proof of slavery in Sudan. Francois van Deventer, vice President of United Christian Action, in a press release admitted to slavery on Christian black people. According to the London Economist at January 6, 1990, in 1989, a woman or child could be brought for $90 and in 1990 it was $15 for raid increases. In April 1996, U.N. Special Representative for Sudan, Gaspar Biro reported that an alarming increasein cases of slavery, servitude, slave trade, and forced labor.
Two reporters in June 1996 illegally visited Sudan. Theyve produced Witness to Slavery, a series of articles that documented slavery in Sudan plus they brought tow young slaves and set them free. Jacobs (Director of Researcher of AASG) and Athie also exposed folks in bondage.
Dr. Peter Harmonds Christian Organization, Anti-Slavery International, Christian groups, African American groups, congressmen, and others have exposed slavery within Sudan for many years. Why is there little outcry from the media and the majority of America? Its for 2 main reasons.
One is about a bias against the problems of Africa (i.e. little radical help is given to Africa because of the mindset of the leaders of America having not interest that they need except for oil and natural resources not freedom).
Wherefore millions are dying by madmen with no mighty U.S. intervention, yet in the Middle East, we send thousands of troops to a country in an illegal war and its genocide cause by U.S. given WMDs plus American/U.N. sanctions. The other is fear that the truth will be shown of Arab racism against black people.
In the 1990s even the Black Caucus criticized a relief groups at March 25 when relief groups called for stepped up pressure to the Sudanese government. Black congressman Floyd Flake (D-NY), Congressman Barney Frank, Frank Torricelli (D-NJ) all proposed hearings on the slave trade and improvements to the Sudan.
By 2003, a treaty is in the works to end the violence, but only time will tell if a real peace is authentic and carry forward. Freedom, the abolition of slavery, and Religious Freedom must subsist in Sudan if true peace prevails. More African Americans are awoke to this immorality, uncovering it, and helping out the Sudanese now, which is a good thing to do.
Just because slavery is gone from this country, doesnt mean its extinct worldwide and this oppression is alive and well in Africa.
Black slavery still flourishes in Mauritania as well. The slave raiders are Arabs and Berbers (known as beydanes=whites) against the black ethnic communities of the South (most sedentary farmers of the Tukulor, the Fulani, and the Wolof tribes brought over to the North by Arab/Berber tribes).
After Newsweek conducted a year long, 4 continent investigation of slavery; it exposed the fact that More than 100,000 descendants of Africans conquered by Arabs during the 12th century are still thought to be living as old-fashioned chattel slavery in Mauritania.
Fr. Jacobs is on the trail again agreeing to the U.S. State Department estimate of 92,000 black slaves under the Berbers as a conservative estimate. Mauritania even outlawed slavery in 1905, then at 1960 when it had its independence, and most recently in 1980.
All of these edicts were lip service to consolidate economic and political power in the hands of beydanes. Africa Watch also exposed torture unto blacks like using camels to tear apart slaves, burning coals, and genital mutilation. There is even a psychological plan of racism against blacks.
In 1992, Newsweek spoke to a slave named Doba Ould Mbarek in Mauritania who said that A master is a master and a slave is a slave. Masters are white, slaves are black. Is this just? Naturally, we blacks should be the slaves of whites. This manifests the effects of psychological hurt to convince them of the lie of blacks being inferior to whites.
Gaspar Biro, Frank Kiehre, the Black Caucus, and others condemned the oppression in Mauritania for many years, which is great. Muslims and groups like Dr. Ushari Ahmad Mahmud, Dr. Suleyman Ali Baldo, etc. have condemned both the immoral behavior in Sudan and Mauritania despite the fact the Muhammad owned numerous black slaves.
Just recently in January 2004, the U.S. government had tried to beef up the border in Mauritania. The purpose is to enhance the military industrial complex and promote the major oil companies and drilling operations like Kerr McGhee across West Africa.
The U.S. is even sending troops and defense contractors to the Sahara Desert as a new front on the war on terror in a $100 million plan to bolster the security forces and border controls of Mauritania, Mali, Chad, and Niger.
Yeah, while people are enslaved, women oppressed, child labor abused, and dictatorial rule reigns in Mauritania, the U.S. government supports them to this day. This is not anti-America.
Its true that America has gone and gave grand help to aid the Third World and other nations in health, standard of living, the starving and the sick, but we still have a continued struggle to let the oppressed go free indeed.
By Timothy
Thursday, February 12, 2009
More Information
Christian Persecution
Christianity had martyrs for thousands of years. The Romans murdered Christians. The Waldensians were persecuted by the Roman Catholic Church for translating the Bible in their own language and for their doctrines. John Wycliffes own bones were burned (and thrown into the Swift River) 41 years after his death in December 31, 1484 for Wycliffe translating the Bible into English, disagreed with auricular confession, opposed the evil of the friars, and denying transubstantiation. John Wycliffe was an excellent scholar from Oxford University. Walter Brute, Walter Lollard, and others died for believing in God in the 1300s. William Tyndale and John Rogers help create the Bible into English in a peaceful way, but were murdered as well by Catholics. Many holy Baptists were even persecuted in America like Dr. John Clarke, Elder Obadiah Holmes, both pastors of the Baptist Church at Newport, Rhode Island founded in 1638. Foxes The Blood of the Martyrs is a great book describing Christian blood that was shed for their beliefs.
Christian persecution is global. Rev. Nyguyen Hong Quang and evangelist Phom Ngoc Thoch were Memmonites who were sentenced in November 12, 2004 for resisting person doing official duty. Both are held in the Chiltoa Prison in Ho Chi Minh City. The Vietnam government claims it had nothing to do with religion, but the police raided their home and their church 5 times and some said that they wanted to end illegal religious activity on videotape. The church heads their appeal on February 2, 2005. Ms. Le Thi Hong Lien is a women teacher and Christian who was tortured and abused in prison causing a 100% mental and physical breakdown. She was arrested in June 30, 2004.
In June 2005, Protestant Christians were tortured in Uzbekistan. The Bos News Life in June 30, 2005 reported that a teenager Christian was tortured. One Uzbekistan pastor is facing 8 years in prison for having an unregistered church. World Net reported this in June 22, 2005. 2 member of the Bethany Protestant Church in Tashkent have been punished for illegally teaching their faith already. In June 10, Nail Kalinkin was sent to 15 days in prison. Her wife, Marina, was fined $68 equivalent to U.S. dollars for expounding the meaning of biblical texts. In Bos News Life on June 29, 2005, China is executing a campaign to get unregistered churches nationally. They are house church and hundreds of them were raided. Some pastors are still jailed like Pastor Chen, Donggming, Pastor Wei, and Pastor Jin. Persecution of Christians in America is not on the scale globally, but its subtler with stereotypes, discrimination, and demonization by the Elite and its puppet media. Many in the media label Bible-Believing Christians as ignorant and hateful, but this isnt true for real scholars, PhDs, holy people, and tons of other heroes are Bible-Believers. They are not terrorists or criminals or theocrats.
The Serbs
The Serbs suffered a lot of configuration, so thats why Ive expounded information more about them. They are mostly Orthodox. During WWII, in Yugoslavia at 1941, Hitler brought Roman Catholic Ante Pavelic with his mostly Papal terrorist Ustashi to rule over Croatia. The Ustasha wanted to wipe out the Orthodox Church with a policy of converting to Roman Catholicism or face execution. Roman Catholic Archbishop Stepinac of Croatia signed the Croatian circular # 11.530 on August 1941 giving Jewish people no option of conversion whatsoever. Its a known historical fact that Roman Catholic priests (mainly Franciscans) led persecutions of Catholic priests in Croatia during the war. Some Bosnian Muslims worked with the Ustashi to kill Jews. It was Arafats uncle al-Husseini, who trained Muslims to kill Jews in Yugoslavia. Al-Hussieni is pictured shaking hands with a Nazi leader and pictured in a meeting with Adolf Hitler. People had eyes gorged, nose cut off, ears cut off, beatings, breaking bones, and severed limbs. Abbot Dionis, head of the Religious Department said in Satza that it was no crime to kill a child of 7 if he interferes with the Ustashi government.
Pavelic even met with Pope Pius XII and the Pope took no adequate steps to avert this tragedy or excommunicate Pavelic. Stane Kukavic was one such Franciscan monk who was part of the killer squads overseen by vicar Archbishop Alojzije Stepinac. Jasenovac was the main concentration camp in the Yugoslavian region and the 3rd largest concentration camp during WWII where at least over 800,000 Serbs, Jews, and Gypsies were butchered. Kurt Waldheim, Arnolds ally, worked with the Ustashi and Kurt killed American G.I.s in Serbia. Jack Chick, Vladimir Dedijers The Yugoslav Auschwitz and the Vatican, and Christopher Simpsons Blowback all document this, so this is real history that many people dont want you to know. Some Catholics protested these terrorist acts correctly like Catholic Bishop of Mostar, Alois Misic, and Catholic priest from Zagreb named J. Lancar.
In February 1942, the Yugoslav chapter of the International Red Cross sent a courier who handed documentation at Catholic involvement in the Serb/Jewish/Gypsy genocide to Pope Pius XII himself, so he knew about it. The Vatican not only sent Nazi war criminals out of Europe, but also Ustashi criminals. The Vatican sent Pavelic to Buenos Aires in November 1942 and Pope John XIII did his benediction at December 1959 when Ante died. Father Krunolav Dragnovic even admitted that some of the gold looted from the Serbs and Jews were sent to the Vatican (starting in May 7, 1945 with 288 kg. of gold). By 1945, the Allies kicked the Nazis and Ustasha out from continuing their murder program. The conflicts between Serbs, Croats, and other groups caused conflicts mightily in the 1990s. In 1991, Clinton put the Ustasha back in power in Croatia.
The Dayton Peace Accord, agreed by Clinton, forced the Serbs to be disarmed in a fire free zone. Yes, Milosevic may have done bad acts, but Clinton also allowed Serbs to be unjustly killed. In fact, many graves dont exist and the U.S. funded the Albanian KLA Separatists to kill Serbs. The KLA were drug smugglers. The Republican Party Committee of the U.S. Congress in 1997 proved that the U.S. military collaborated with al-Qaeda operatives to fight his illegal war in Bosnia and the KLA also was supported by al-Qaeda (from the 1990s). NATO with Clark being the supreme NATO commander in Yugoslavia allowed went to bomb civilian targets, use depleted uranium, and other crimes admitted by Spanish NATO pilot Captain Martin de la Hoz and Mitch Cohen. Human Rights Watch condemned this action of the 78-day NATO air. Bombings happened in Bosnia and Kosovo. Hospitals, business buildings, schools, factories, etc. were hit in Belgrade alone.
Evidence for a Global Conspiracy
Scoffers still are here with us as has been prophesized in the Bible. They proclaim that there is no evidence of occult secret societies, no one promotes an one world government, and there is no global conspiracy. The fact is that they are wrong and we are right. I will expose all 3 of those lies scoffers use to intimidate us into complacency and doubt. No doubt will entrap my mind, but pure rejuvenation to write, to show, and to act in this society. These are all my desires. A conspiracy is simply more than one person planning act, then acting it out. There, conspiracies existed throughout human history. The most famous conspiracy is from the Bible where Lucifer tries to be like God, and God sent him unto Earth. Lucifer takes 1/3 of all angels with him to plot to overthrow all mankind in the world with sin, but in the end; God will lose the war by Almighty God. Thats a global conspiracy.
Also, to prove a global conspiracy, I must use simple language to define what a global conspiracy is. A global conspiracy is a group of individuals in Secret Societies and other elitist institutions who advocate an one world government, an one world religion, and an one world economy. All of these individuals and organizations collaborate with each other plotting those plans as well. Its a historical fact that select, super rich elite people control the vast majority of the wealth in the world. So it isnt abnormal to assume that a select group of people exist to promote an unified global government to run things. This is evil for an One World Government violates our Constitutional rights, our sovereignty, and our right to be free from large, centralized global bodies. The New World Order as mentioned by books, dictionaries, experts, and other sources for decades is similar with an one world government. Many people are quoted as to endorse the one world government aka the New World Order. Others mention the N.W.O. conspiracy fact and denounce the one world government plan:
Today, America would be outraged if U.N. troops entered Los Angeles to restore order [referring to the 1991 LA Riot]. Tomorrow they will be grateful! This is especially true if they were told that there were an outside threat from beyond [i.e., an "extraterrestrial" invasion], whether real or *promulgated* [emphasis mine], that threatened our very existence. It is then that all peoples of the world will plead to deliver them from this evil. The one thing every man fears is the unknown. When presented with this *scenario*, individual rights will be willingly relinquished for the guarantee of their well-being granted to them by the World Government." (Dr. Henry Kissinger, Bilderberger Conference, Evians, France, 1991)
The drive of the Rockefellers and their allies is to create a one-world government combining super capitalism and Communism under the same tent, all under their control.... Do I mean conspiracy? Yes I do. I am convinced there is such a plot, international in scope, generations old in planning, and incredibly evil in intent." (Congressman Larry P. McDonald, 1976, killed in the Korean Airlines 747 that was shot down by the Soviets)
"We are grateful to The Washington Post, The New York Times, Time Magazine and other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected their promises of discretion for almost forty years. It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subject to the bright lights of publicity during those years. But, the work is now much more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a world government. The supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national auto-determination practiced in past centuries." David Rockefeller, founder of the Trilateral Commission, in an address to a meeting of The Trilateral Commission, in June, 1991.
"No one will enter the New World Order unless he or she will make a pledge to worship Lucifer. No one will enter the New Age unless he will take a LUCIFERIAN Initiation." David Spangler, Director of Planetary Initiative, United Nations
One World Government
There is in existence of many people wanting to unify all nations into one. There is an Earth Charter trying to use its Universal Law to unite all people on Earth to save the Earth. It actually includes stealing wealth and letting one authority to come in to rule all countries. The Constitution for the Federation Earth exists now with plans for World Capitols, World Police, World Supreme Court, and World Government. The World Criminal Court existed in July 2002. NATO even wants to be the worlds army and I heard this in a class at college before. The World Heritage Protection program gives the United Nations authority of running millions of acres now in America. These areas are the Statue of Liberty, Grand Canyon, Yellowstone National Park, and the Yosemite Valley. The World Summit comments on our world crops and live stocks on what we can eat today. The State of the World Forum meets in August 2000 to promote Global Governance. Even by 2015, The World Summits goal is to reduce half the number of undernourished people by population control and other methods.
One World Religion
Its a known fact, even among doubters, that the Ecumenical Movement wants people to compromise their core religious convictions to create an One World Religion. The Interfaithism of that movement is apparent. As early as 1893, the First Parliament of Religions was held. The World Council of Churches was formed in 1948 to unify all Christian sects (even false ones) into one. The Vatican in 1986 called a prayer meeting for world peace for numerous reasons.
One World Economy
Its obvious the cashless society agenda is part of the One World Economy Agenda. Just look at the Euro. By the early part of the 21st century, numerous European countries have the one single currency of the Euro. The World Bank exists to handle global transactions. The WTO and IMF also are global institutions handling the economic systems of the world. The Federal Reserve in America are handling the banking of America by private people, when the Constitution only requires Constitution to handle the coins of America in Article I, not by Banks. The Bilderberg Group has called for a Global Tax for years and the Pan-American Union is proposed by the CFR to merge all countries and currencies in the Northern Hemisphere into one. So, the one world economy system is proposed, some of its policies exist, and it is growing.
By TruthSeeker24 (Timothy)
October 27, 2005
Christian Persecution
Christianity had martyrs for thousands of years. The Romans murdered Christians. The Waldensians were persecuted by the Roman Catholic Church for translating the Bible in their own language and for their doctrines. John Wycliffes own bones were burned (and thrown into the Swift River) 41 years after his death in December 31, 1484 for Wycliffe translating the Bible into English, disagreed with auricular confession, opposed the evil of the friars, and denying transubstantiation. John Wycliffe was an excellent scholar from Oxford University. Walter Brute, Walter Lollard, and others died for believing in God in the 1300s. William Tyndale and John Rogers help create the Bible into English in a peaceful way, but were murdered as well by Catholics. Many holy Baptists were even persecuted in America like Dr. John Clarke, Elder Obadiah Holmes, both pastors of the Baptist Church at Newport, Rhode Island founded in 1638. Foxes The Blood of the Martyrs is a great book describing Christian blood that was shed for their beliefs.
Christian persecution is global. Rev. Nyguyen Hong Quang and evangelist Phom Ngoc Thoch were Memmonites who were sentenced in November 12, 2004 for resisting person doing official duty. Both are held in the Chiltoa Prison in Ho Chi Minh City. The Vietnam government claims it had nothing to do with religion, but the police raided their home and their church 5 times and some said that they wanted to end illegal religious activity on videotape. The church heads their appeal on February 2, 2005. Ms. Le Thi Hong Lien is a women teacher and Christian who was tortured and abused in prison causing a 100% mental and physical breakdown. She was arrested in June 30, 2004.
In June 2005, Protestant Christians were tortured in Uzbekistan. The Bos News Life in June 30, 2005 reported that a teenager Christian was tortured. One Uzbekistan pastor is facing 8 years in prison for having an unregistered church. World Net reported this in June 22, 2005. 2 member of the Bethany Protestant Church in Tashkent have been punished for illegally teaching their faith already. In June 10, Nail Kalinkin was sent to 15 days in prison. Her wife, Marina, was fined $68 equivalent to U.S. dollars for expounding the meaning of biblical texts. In Bos News Life on June 29, 2005, China is executing a campaign to get unregistered churches nationally. They are house church and hundreds of them were raided. Some pastors are still jailed like Pastor Chen, Donggming, Pastor Wei, and Pastor Jin. Persecution of Christians in America is not on the scale globally, but its subtler with stereotypes, discrimination, and demonization by the Elite and its puppet media. Many in the media label Bible-Believing Christians as ignorant and hateful, but this isnt true for real scholars, PhDs, holy people, and tons of other heroes are Bible-Believers. They are not terrorists or criminals or theocrats.
The Serbs
The Serbs suffered a lot of configuration, so thats why Ive expounded information more about them. They are mostly Orthodox. During WWII, in Yugoslavia at 1941, Hitler brought Roman Catholic Ante Pavelic with his mostly Papal terrorist Ustashi to rule over Croatia. The Ustasha wanted to wipe out the Orthodox Church with a policy of converting to Roman Catholicism or face execution. Roman Catholic Archbishop Stepinac of Croatia signed the Croatian circular # 11.530 on August 1941 giving Jewish people no option of conversion whatsoever. Its a known historical fact that Roman Catholic priests (mainly Franciscans) led persecutions of Catholic priests in Croatia during the war. Some Bosnian Muslims worked with the Ustashi to kill Jews. It was Arafats uncle al-Husseini, who trained Muslims to kill Jews in Yugoslavia. Al-Hussieni is pictured shaking hands with a Nazi leader and pictured in a meeting with Adolf Hitler. People had eyes gorged, nose cut off, ears cut off, beatings, breaking bones, and severed limbs. Abbot Dionis, head of the Religious Department said in Satza that it was no crime to kill a child of 7 if he interferes with the Ustashi government.
Pavelic even met with Pope Pius XII and the Pope took no adequate steps to avert this tragedy or excommunicate Pavelic. Stane Kukavic was one such Franciscan monk who was part of the killer squads overseen by vicar Archbishop Alojzije Stepinac. Jasenovac was the main concentration camp in the Yugoslavian region and the 3rd largest concentration camp during WWII where at least over 800,000 Serbs, Jews, and Gypsies were butchered. Kurt Waldheim, Arnolds ally, worked with the Ustashi and Kurt killed American G.I.s in Serbia. Jack Chick, Vladimir Dedijers The Yugoslav Auschwitz and the Vatican, and Christopher Simpsons Blowback all document this, so this is real history that many people dont want you to know. Some Catholics protested these terrorist acts correctly like Catholic Bishop of Mostar, Alois Misic, and Catholic priest from Zagreb named J. Lancar.
In February 1942, the Yugoslav chapter of the International Red Cross sent a courier who handed documentation at Catholic involvement in the Serb/Jewish/Gypsy genocide to Pope Pius XII himself, so he knew about it. The Vatican not only sent Nazi war criminals out of Europe, but also Ustashi criminals. The Vatican sent Pavelic to Buenos Aires in November 1942 and Pope John XIII did his benediction at December 1959 when Ante died. Father Krunolav Dragnovic even admitted that some of the gold looted from the Serbs and Jews were sent to the Vatican (starting in May 7, 1945 with 288 kg. of gold). By 1945, the Allies kicked the Nazis and Ustasha out from continuing their murder program. The conflicts between Serbs, Croats, and other groups caused conflicts mightily in the 1990s. In 1991, Clinton put the Ustasha back in power in Croatia.
The Dayton Peace Accord, agreed by Clinton, forced the Serbs to be disarmed in a fire free zone. Yes, Milosevic may have done bad acts, but Clinton also allowed Serbs to be unjustly killed. In fact, many graves dont exist and the U.S. funded the Albanian KLA Separatists to kill Serbs. The KLA were drug smugglers. The Republican Party Committee of the U.S. Congress in 1997 proved that the U.S. military collaborated with al-Qaeda operatives to fight his illegal war in Bosnia and the KLA also was supported by al-Qaeda (from the 1990s). NATO with Clark being the supreme NATO commander in Yugoslavia allowed went to bomb civilian targets, use depleted uranium, and other crimes admitted by Spanish NATO pilot Captain Martin de la Hoz and Mitch Cohen. Human Rights Watch condemned this action of the 78-day NATO air. Bombings happened in Bosnia and Kosovo. Hospitals, business buildings, schools, factories, etc. were hit in Belgrade alone.
Evidence for a Global Conspiracy
Scoffers still are here with us as has been prophesized in the Bible. They proclaim that there is no evidence of occult secret societies, no one promotes an one world government, and there is no global conspiracy. The fact is that they are wrong and we are right. I will expose all 3 of those lies scoffers use to intimidate us into complacency and doubt. No doubt will entrap my mind, but pure rejuvenation to write, to show, and to act in this society. These are all my desires. A conspiracy is simply more than one person planning act, then acting it out. There, conspiracies existed throughout human history. The most famous conspiracy is from the Bible where Lucifer tries to be like God, and God sent him unto Earth. Lucifer takes 1/3 of all angels with him to plot to overthrow all mankind in the world with sin, but in the end; God will lose the war by Almighty God. Thats a global conspiracy.
Also, to prove a global conspiracy, I must use simple language to define what a global conspiracy is. A global conspiracy is a group of individuals in Secret Societies and other elitist institutions who advocate an one world government, an one world religion, and an one world economy. All of these individuals and organizations collaborate with each other plotting those plans as well. Its a historical fact that select, super rich elite people control the vast majority of the wealth in the world. So it isnt abnormal to assume that a select group of people exist to promote an unified global government to run things. This is evil for an One World Government violates our Constitutional rights, our sovereignty, and our right to be free from large, centralized global bodies. The New World Order as mentioned by books, dictionaries, experts, and other sources for decades is similar with an one world government. Many people are quoted as to endorse the one world government aka the New World Order. Others mention the N.W.O. conspiracy fact and denounce the one world government plan:
Today, America would be outraged if U.N. troops entered Los Angeles to restore order [referring to the 1991 LA Riot]. Tomorrow they will be grateful! This is especially true if they were told that there were an outside threat from beyond [i.e., an "extraterrestrial" invasion], whether real or *promulgated* [emphasis mine], that threatened our very existence. It is then that all peoples of the world will plead to deliver them from this evil. The one thing every man fears is the unknown. When presented with this *scenario*, individual rights will be willingly relinquished for the guarantee of their well-being granted to them by the World Government." (Dr. Henry Kissinger, Bilderberger Conference, Evians, France, 1991)
The drive of the Rockefellers and their allies is to create a one-world government combining super capitalism and Communism under the same tent, all under their control.... Do I mean conspiracy? Yes I do. I am convinced there is such a plot, international in scope, generations old in planning, and incredibly evil in intent." (Congressman Larry P. McDonald, 1976, killed in the Korean Airlines 747 that was shot down by the Soviets)
"We are grateful to The Washington Post, The New York Times, Time Magazine and other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected their promises of discretion for almost forty years. It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subject to the bright lights of publicity during those years. But, the work is now much more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a world government. The supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national auto-determination practiced in past centuries." David Rockefeller, founder of the Trilateral Commission, in an address to a meeting of The Trilateral Commission, in June, 1991.
"No one will enter the New World Order unless he or she will make a pledge to worship Lucifer. No one will enter the New Age unless he will take a LUCIFERIAN Initiation." David Spangler, Director of Planetary Initiative, United Nations
One World Government
There is in existence of many people wanting to unify all nations into one. There is an Earth Charter trying to use its Universal Law to unite all people on Earth to save the Earth. It actually includes stealing wealth and letting one authority to come in to rule all countries. The Constitution for the Federation Earth exists now with plans for World Capitols, World Police, World Supreme Court, and World Government. The World Criminal Court existed in July 2002. NATO even wants to be the worlds army and I heard this in a class at college before. The World Heritage Protection program gives the United Nations authority of running millions of acres now in America. These areas are the Statue of Liberty, Grand Canyon, Yellowstone National Park, and the Yosemite Valley. The World Summit comments on our world crops and live stocks on what we can eat today. The State of the World Forum meets in August 2000 to promote Global Governance. Even by 2015, The World Summits goal is to reduce half the number of undernourished people by population control and other methods.
One World Religion
Its a known fact, even among doubters, that the Ecumenical Movement wants people to compromise their core religious convictions to create an One World Religion. The Interfaithism of that movement is apparent. As early as 1893, the First Parliament of Religions was held. The World Council of Churches was formed in 1948 to unify all Christian sects (even false ones) into one. The Vatican in 1986 called a prayer meeting for world peace for numerous reasons.
One World Economy
Its obvious the cashless society agenda is part of the One World Economy Agenda. Just look at the Euro. By the early part of the 21st century, numerous European countries have the one single currency of the Euro. The World Bank exists to handle global transactions. The WTO and IMF also are global institutions handling the economic systems of the world. The Federal Reserve in America are handling the banking of America by private people, when the Constitution only requires Constitution to handle the coins of America in Article I, not by Banks. The Bilderberg Group has called for a Global Tax for years and the Pan-American Union is proposed by the CFR to merge all countries and currencies in the Northern Hemisphere into one. So, the one world economy system is proposed, some of its policies exist, and it is growing.
By TruthSeeker24 (Timothy)
October 27, 2005
Saturday, February 7, 2009
Other Links
Note by Me:
Bill Bennett's comments about abortion.
You know how I feel about Bill Bennett's comments already. His comments were stupid and racist. Crime is not defined by race per se. It is true that many blacks commit crime in a higher disaproportional level than our population in certain instances, but scholars have proven that urban residence and poverty are stronger factors that can increase crime beyond race. Bill is not even a conservative, but a NeoCon supporter of the Project for A New American Century Document. "Rev." Jesse Lee Peterson is something else. He's right on many social issues and exposing the mistakes of many people like Prince Hall Mason Jesse Jackson and Louis Farrakhan, but he said that blacks in the Superdome turned it into a ghetto when the reports of murder and rape have been exaggerated. Also, Peterson won't hire blacks with so-called "African" sounding names. Peterson haven't discussed real black history about Egypt, Olmecs, Nok, Ghana, Songhai, etc. to black youth to strengthen their resolve. I guess this guy forgotten about the theft of votes during the 2000 Election and how Bush's family tree aided Hitler and the Nazis. Plus, Prescott Bush was friends with many of the racist, eugenic robber barron industrialists. In 1969, George H. W. Bush and others supported the population control of black people when the population rate of blacks were stable in that period. If there was any man who is a hater of his own people, Peterson is the one. Me and my little brother call him a hater of his own people and he is that whether he likes it or not. I have no problem with Peterson's help with many blacks in the West Coast, but I do have a problem with his unfair stereotypes against most black people. Most black people aren't living as savages or lack moral character as Peterson lyingly assumes. I have an interesting term to call Peterson. I know you know what it is. I've got to be real.
Peterson is acting like an Uncle Tom here. To presume that infants are pre-disposed for violence is not only unintelligent, but racist and pro-eugenics. Have Bennett factored that these infants can have a possibility for radical positive change in America? He hasn't, but Bennett is known for committing the unbiblical practice of gambling. He can say obscene things about blacks, but can gamble greatly. He should of exposed that gambling problem in his "Book of Virtues." You know me and I will bring it as usual. The fact is that blacks were 20-22% of the population in the 1800's. From the 1940's-present, we stand around 12-14% of the population with the usual fluctuations of crime. Most people who commit crime, hate crimes, or even are in poverty aren't even blacks. The only thing that I agree with Bennett is that aborting every black child is morally reprehensible, but to suggest that solely aborting black infants will decrease crime is faulty since much more factors other than race account for crime. I also respect the real conservative website for exposing Bill Bennett as well.
In 2002, blacks committed ca. 2 million violent crimes and whites committed a little more than 3 million violent crimes. (U.S. Department of Justice, Bureau of Justice Statistics, Criminal Victiminization in the United States, 2002, Statistical Tables). Whites have been involved in the majority of the Hate crimes. Time Wise recorded government figures that from 1995-2000, blacks were 65% of racial/ethnic hate-crime victims. Whites were 21% of the victims. In 2001, there were 4.6 times more white on black crime than black on white hate crime. Criminologists estimate that 70% of all crimes are committed by only 7% of the offenders. Crimes are more done intraracial among blacks and whites than interracial. Whites victimized 2.9 million whites in 2002, while blacks only victimized whites 614,000 times. So, whites are more likely to be victimized by white people than a black person. The smoking gun is that abortion is already in a disproportional high level among black Americans, while the crime rate hasn’t radically decreased in America. More than 500,000 unborn black babies die each year and about 1,500 babies are aborted each day in the United States. 36% of all abortions are blacks when blacks are only 12% of the U.S. population. Totally, 14 million black children died since 1973.
Margaret Sanger is known to advocate the decrease of the black population for improvement of society. Margaret Sanger’s “Negro Project” promoted the lie that a decreased black population will raise the standard of living for blacks in general. The fact is that struggle and effort will increase of our population. Groups like LEARN (Life Education Resource Network), the African American Pro-Life group and others have documented abortions’ killing of black people today.
The truth is that increases in population can stabilize a community and the black population is not growing rapidly. Rev. Luke Robinson, a black pastor in Frederick, Maryland even said that the black birth rate is only 0.9, while whites have 2.2, and Hispanics have 3.2. We aren’t even replacing our own population. To even hypothesize that black people are the sole factor in the reason for crime is not only stupid and unintelligent, but racist and pro-eugenics. Plus, no black infants are criminals now, so there’s always that possibility that they can make a positive impact in the world. All humans are creations of the image of Almighty God.
By TruthSeeker24 (Timothy)
By TruthSeeker24
*Of course the link is being sarcastic and aborting a white child is just as evil and wrong as aborting a black child.
Abort Every White Baby!
by Justin Felux
October 01, 2005
Printer Friendly Version
EMail Article to a Friend
Bill Bennett, a prominent right-wing blowhard, has recently come under intense fire for remarks made on his radio show, in which he stated, "I do know that it's true that if you wanted to reduce crime, you could ... abort every black baby in this country." He quickly backed away from the proposition, saying "That would be an impossible, ridiculous, and morally reprehensible thing to do, but your crime rate would go down." It's unfortunate that Bennett chose to be so politically correct, because I think he may be onto something here. He's just wrong about the target. If we really wanna get tough on crime, it's the white babies who should start getting the coat hanger treatment.
Consider the fact that whites commit three times as many violent crimes as blacks every year, just in raw numbers. This is just for ordinary "street crimes" such as assault. The numbers become skewed out of this world when you consider "white-collar" crimes (typically, the collar isn't the only thing that's white).
For instance, job-related accidents and illnesses claimed the lives of 70,000 Americans in 1992, a significant portion of which can be chalked up to white employers neglecting to comply with occupational health and safety laws. According to studies, up to 64,000 die every year due to pollution and other environmental hazards produced by industry. Another 21,700 die due to consumer product deaths, costing the nation $200 billion a year. Another $200 billion is lost annually due to white-collar embezzlement. These two statistics alone add up to over 26 times the amount of all the robberies and petty thefts committed every year combined!
We should also not forget the ravages of the white-owned health care system and insurance industry. Around 18,000 adults are killed every year as a result of a lack of medical coverage. Over 25 thousand die as a result of unnecessary prescriptions and surgeries performed by mostly white doctors. All in all, corporate criminals take about ten times as many lives as street criminals. And I haven't even mentioned the white men who control the apparatus of state, which through war, sanctions, and other means kills hundreds of thousands, if not millions more. Over 100,000 civilians have died in Iraq alone, for example.
I don't know about you, but every time I see a white man in a suit I find a place to hide. Once I feel safe, I call the Department of Homeland Security to report his suspicious activity. I simply don't feel safe knowing that all these savage, white thugs are out walking the streets. After all, from Bob Chambliss to Timothy McVeigh to Eric Rudolph, by far most of the terrorist attacks in America have been committed by whites.
Which brings me to my next point: even if a white guy isn't wearing a suit, you still shouldn't assume that he isn't dangerous. One can find a plethora of deadly and pathological behaviors uniquely prevalent among whites who look just as ordinary as you and me. Most notable among them are spree killing, serial murder, and cannibalism. About 90% of all serial killers are white men. Some other white pastimes include animal torture, vampirism, Satan worship, witchcraft, self-mutilation, eating disorders, and child sexual molestation. White men engage in child sexual abuse at twice the rate of black men. By aborting all the white babies, we will be protecting a great many children from the horror of enduring abuse at the hands of white male sex perverts (pardon the redundancy), in addition to preventing the creation of new white molesters in the future.
Alas, even if we allowed white fetuses to continue living, and they manage to avoid the pitfalls of vampirism, corporate employment, and serial murder, the odds are still pretty good that they will turn out to be hopeless drunks. Whites are 74% more likely than blacks to binge drink regularly. In fact, there are more binge drinking whites than there are blacks in the entire population of the country! Naturally, whites are twice as likely as blacks to drive drunk, resulting in over ten thousand deaths every year. The same trend can be seen when considering drug use in general, contrary to popular belief. Whites make up 74% of illegal drug users, whereas only 14% are black. Whites make up a majority of drug dealers as well.
Given all of these facts, can there be any doubt that aborting every white baby would not only reduce the crime rate, but would also result in a much safer, cleaner, and happier existence for all Americans? I can already hear some of you sissy liberals whining about "human rights" or some other nonsense. In reality, you are soft on crime and lack the rugged individualism necessary to get things done. At the very least, we should start forcibly sterilizing white males, much in the same way we did to Latinas and black women up until the 1970s.
I think the most interesting debate will be over the question of what to do with mixed race babies. Should we apply the "one drop" rule, whereby one drop of white blood marks the fetus for termination? I doubt we'll need to take it to that extreme. If the baby is say, 1/8 white, then its more destructive tendencies should be sufficiently diluted. Nevertheless, police and homeland security should still apply increased scrutiny to individuals whose skin looks suspiciously pale. I'm sure Bill Bennett wouldn't mind taking a little harassment from the cops if it results in a safer America for everyone.
Justin Felux is a writer and activist based in San Antonio, Texas. He can be contacted at
P.S. Here's some links that validate my position on this issue:
Note by Me:
Bill Bennett's comments about abortion.
You know how I feel about Bill Bennett's comments already. His comments were stupid and racist. Crime is not defined by race per se. It is true that many blacks commit crime in a higher disaproportional level than our population in certain instances, but scholars have proven that urban residence and poverty are stronger factors that can increase crime beyond race. Bill is not even a conservative, but a NeoCon supporter of the Project for A New American Century Document. "Rev." Jesse Lee Peterson is something else. He's right on many social issues and exposing the mistakes of many people like Prince Hall Mason Jesse Jackson and Louis Farrakhan, but he said that blacks in the Superdome turned it into a ghetto when the reports of murder and rape have been exaggerated. Also, Peterson won't hire blacks with so-called "African" sounding names. Peterson haven't discussed real black history about Egypt, Olmecs, Nok, Ghana, Songhai, etc. to black youth to strengthen their resolve. I guess this guy forgotten about the theft of votes during the 2000 Election and how Bush's family tree aided Hitler and the Nazis. Plus, Prescott Bush was friends with many of the racist, eugenic robber barron industrialists. In 1969, George H. W. Bush and others supported the population control of black people when the population rate of blacks were stable in that period. If there was any man who is a hater of his own people, Peterson is the one. Me and my little brother call him a hater of his own people and he is that whether he likes it or not. I have no problem with Peterson's help with many blacks in the West Coast, but I do have a problem with his unfair stereotypes against most black people. Most black people aren't living as savages or lack moral character as Peterson lyingly assumes. I have an interesting term to call Peterson. I know you know what it is. I've got to be real.
Peterson is acting like an Uncle Tom here. To presume that infants are pre-disposed for violence is not only unintelligent, but racist and pro-eugenics. Have Bennett factored that these infants can have a possibility for radical positive change in America? He hasn't, but Bennett is known for committing the unbiblical practice of gambling. He can say obscene things about blacks, but can gamble greatly. He should of exposed that gambling problem in his "Book of Virtues." You know me and I will bring it as usual. The fact is that blacks were 20-22% of the population in the 1800's. From the 1940's-present, we stand around 12-14% of the population with the usual fluctuations of crime. Most people who commit crime, hate crimes, or even are in poverty aren't even blacks. The only thing that I agree with Bennett is that aborting every black child is morally reprehensible, but to suggest that solely aborting black infants will decrease crime is faulty since much more factors other than race account for crime. I also respect the real conservative website for exposing Bill Bennett as well.
In 2002, blacks committed ca. 2 million violent crimes and whites committed a little more than 3 million violent crimes. (U.S. Department of Justice, Bureau of Justice Statistics, Criminal Victiminization in the United States, 2002, Statistical Tables). Whites have been involved in the majority of the Hate crimes. Time Wise recorded government figures that from 1995-2000, blacks were 65% of racial/ethnic hate-crime victims. Whites were 21% of the victims. In 2001, there were 4.6 times more white on black crime than black on white hate crime. Criminologists estimate that 70% of all crimes are committed by only 7% of the offenders. Crimes are more done intraracial among blacks and whites than interracial. Whites victimized 2.9 million whites in 2002, while blacks only victimized whites 614,000 times. So, whites are more likely to be victimized by white people than a black person. The smoking gun is that abortion is already in a disproportional high level among black Americans, while the crime rate hasn’t radically decreased in America. More than 500,000 unborn black babies die each year and about 1,500 babies are aborted each day in the United States. 36% of all abortions are blacks when blacks are only 12% of the U.S. population. Totally, 14 million black children died since 1973.
Margaret Sanger is known to advocate the decrease of the black population for improvement of society. Margaret Sanger’s “Negro Project” promoted the lie that a decreased black population will raise the standard of living for blacks in general. The fact is that struggle and effort will increase of our population. Groups like LEARN (Life Education Resource Network), the African American Pro-Life group and others have documented abortions’ killing of black people today.
The truth is that increases in population can stabilize a community and the black population is not growing rapidly. Rev. Luke Robinson, a black pastor in Frederick, Maryland even said that the black birth rate is only 0.9, while whites have 2.2, and Hispanics have 3.2. We aren’t even replacing our own population. To even hypothesize that black people are the sole factor in the reason for crime is not only stupid and unintelligent, but racist and pro-eugenics. Plus, no black infants are criminals now, so there’s always that possibility that they can make a positive impact in the world. All humans are creations of the image of Almighty God.
By TruthSeeker24 (Timothy)
By TruthSeeker24
*Of course the link is being sarcastic and aborting a white child is just as evil and wrong as aborting a black child.
Abort Every White Baby!
by Justin Felux
October 01, 2005
Printer Friendly Version
EMail Article to a Friend
Bill Bennett, a prominent right-wing blowhard, has recently come under intense fire for remarks made on his radio show, in which he stated, "I do know that it's true that if you wanted to reduce crime, you could ... abort every black baby in this country." He quickly backed away from the proposition, saying "That would be an impossible, ridiculous, and morally reprehensible thing to do, but your crime rate would go down." It's unfortunate that Bennett chose to be so politically correct, because I think he may be onto something here. He's just wrong about the target. If we really wanna get tough on crime, it's the white babies who should start getting the coat hanger treatment.
Consider the fact that whites commit three times as many violent crimes as blacks every year, just in raw numbers. This is just for ordinary "street crimes" such as assault. The numbers become skewed out of this world when you consider "white-collar" crimes (typically, the collar isn't the only thing that's white).
For instance, job-related accidents and illnesses claimed the lives of 70,000 Americans in 1992, a significant portion of which can be chalked up to white employers neglecting to comply with occupational health and safety laws. According to studies, up to 64,000 die every year due to pollution and other environmental hazards produced by industry. Another 21,700 die due to consumer product deaths, costing the nation $200 billion a year. Another $200 billion is lost annually due to white-collar embezzlement. These two statistics alone add up to over 26 times the amount of all the robberies and petty thefts committed every year combined!
We should also not forget the ravages of the white-owned health care system and insurance industry. Around 18,000 adults are killed every year as a result of a lack of medical coverage. Over 25 thousand die as a result of unnecessary prescriptions and surgeries performed by mostly white doctors. All in all, corporate criminals take about ten times as many lives as street criminals. And I haven't even mentioned the white men who control the apparatus of state, which through war, sanctions, and other means kills hundreds of thousands, if not millions more. Over 100,000 civilians have died in Iraq alone, for example.
I don't know about you, but every time I see a white man in a suit I find a place to hide. Once I feel safe, I call the Department of Homeland Security to report his suspicious activity. I simply don't feel safe knowing that all these savage, white thugs are out walking the streets. After all, from Bob Chambliss to Timothy McVeigh to Eric Rudolph, by far most of the terrorist attacks in America have been committed by whites.
Which brings me to my next point: even if a white guy isn't wearing a suit, you still shouldn't assume that he isn't dangerous. One can find a plethora of deadly and pathological behaviors uniquely prevalent among whites who look just as ordinary as you and me. Most notable among them are spree killing, serial murder, and cannibalism. About 90% of all serial killers are white men. Some other white pastimes include animal torture, vampirism, Satan worship, witchcraft, self-mutilation, eating disorders, and child sexual molestation. White men engage in child sexual abuse at twice the rate of black men. By aborting all the white babies, we will be protecting a great many children from the horror of enduring abuse at the hands of white male sex perverts (pardon the redundancy), in addition to preventing the creation of new white molesters in the future.
Alas, even if we allowed white fetuses to continue living, and they manage to avoid the pitfalls of vampirism, corporate employment, and serial murder, the odds are still pretty good that they will turn out to be hopeless drunks. Whites are 74% more likely than blacks to binge drink regularly. In fact, there are more binge drinking whites than there are blacks in the entire population of the country! Naturally, whites are twice as likely as blacks to drive drunk, resulting in over ten thousand deaths every year. The same trend can be seen when considering drug use in general, contrary to popular belief. Whites make up 74% of illegal drug users, whereas only 14% are black. Whites make up a majority of drug dealers as well.
Given all of these facts, can there be any doubt that aborting every white baby would not only reduce the crime rate, but would also result in a much safer, cleaner, and happier existence for all Americans? I can already hear some of you sissy liberals whining about "human rights" or some other nonsense. In reality, you are soft on crime and lack the rugged individualism necessary to get things done. At the very least, we should start forcibly sterilizing white males, much in the same way we did to Latinas and black women up until the 1970s.
I think the most interesting debate will be over the question of what to do with mixed race babies. Should we apply the "one drop" rule, whereby one drop of white blood marks the fetus for termination? I doubt we'll need to take it to that extreme. If the baby is say, 1/8 white, then its more destructive tendencies should be sufficiently diluted. Nevertheless, police and homeland security should still apply increased scrutiny to individuals whose skin looks suspiciously pale. I'm sure Bill Bennett wouldn't mind taking a little harassment from the cops if it results in a safer America for everyone.
Justin Felux is a writer and activist based in San Antonio, Texas. He can be contacted at
P.S. Here's some links that validate my position on this issue: