Thursday, February 12, 2009

More Information

Christian Persecution

Christianity had martyrs for thousands of years. The Romans murdered Christians. The Waldensians were persecuted by the Roman Catholic Church for translating the Bible in their own language and for their doctrines. John Wycliffes own bones were burned (and thrown into the Swift River) 41 years after his death in December 31, 1484 for Wycliffe translating the Bible into English, disagreed with auricular confession, opposed the evil of the friars, and denying transubstantiation. John Wycliffe was an excellent scholar from Oxford University. Walter Brute, Walter Lollard, and others died for believing in God in the 1300s. William Tyndale and John Rogers help create the Bible into English in a peaceful way, but were murdered as well by Catholics. Many holy Baptists were even persecuted in America like Dr. John Clarke, Elder Obadiah Holmes, both pastors of the Baptist Church at Newport, Rhode Island founded in 1638. Foxes The Blood of the Martyrs is a great book describing Christian blood that was shed for their beliefs.

Christian persecution is global. Rev. Nyguyen Hong Quang and evangelist Phom Ngoc Thoch were Memmonites who were sentenced in November 12, 2004 for resisting person doing official duty. Both are held in the Chiltoa Prison in Ho Chi Minh City. The Vietnam government claims it had nothing to do with religion, but the police raided their home and their church 5 times and some said that they wanted to end illegal religious activity on videotape. The church heads their appeal on February 2, 2005. Ms. Le Thi Hong Lien is a women teacher and Christian who was tortured and abused in prison causing a 100% mental and physical breakdown. She was arrested in June 30, 2004.

In June 2005, Protestant Christians were tortured in Uzbekistan. The Bos News Life in June 30, 2005 reported that a teenager Christian was tortured. One Uzbekistan pastor is facing 8 years in prison for having an unregistered church. World Net reported this in June 22, 2005. 2 member of the Bethany Protestant Church in Tashkent have been punished for illegally teaching their faith already. In June 10, Nail Kalinkin was sent to 15 days in prison. Her wife, Marina, was fined $68 equivalent to U.S. dollars for expounding the meaning of biblical texts. In Bos News Life on June 29, 2005, China is executing a campaign to get unregistered churches nationally. They are house church and hundreds of them were raided. Some pastors are still jailed like Pastor Chen, Donggming, Pastor Wei, and Pastor Jin. Persecution of Christians in America is not on the scale globally, but its subtler with stereotypes, discrimination, and demonization by the Elite and its puppet media. Many in the media label Bible-Believing Christians as ignorant and hateful, but this isnt true for real scholars, PhDs, holy people, and tons of other heroes are Bible-Believers. They are not terrorists or criminals or theocrats.

The Serbs

The Serbs suffered a lot of configuration, so thats why Ive expounded information more about them. They are mostly Orthodox. During WWII, in Yugoslavia at 1941, Hitler brought Roman Catholic Ante Pavelic with his mostly Papal terrorist Ustashi to rule over Croatia. The Ustasha wanted to wipe out the Orthodox Church with a policy of converting to Roman Catholicism or face execution. Roman Catholic Archbishop Stepinac of Croatia signed the Croatian circular # 11.530 on August 1941 giving Jewish people no option of conversion whatsoever. Its a known historical fact that Roman Catholic priests (mainly Franciscans) led persecutions of Catholic priests in Croatia during the war. Some Bosnian Muslims worked with the Ustashi to kill Jews. It was Arafats uncle al-Husseini, who trained Muslims to kill Jews in Yugoslavia. Al-Hussieni is pictured shaking hands with a Nazi leader and pictured in a meeting with Adolf Hitler. People had eyes gorged, nose cut off, ears cut off, beatings, breaking bones, and severed limbs. Abbot Dionis, head of the Religious Department said in Satza that it was no crime to kill a child of 7 if he interferes with the Ustashi government.

Pavelic even met with Pope Pius XII and the Pope took no adequate steps to avert this tragedy or excommunicate Pavelic. Stane Kukavic was one such Franciscan monk who was part of the killer squads overseen by vicar Archbishop Alojzije Stepinac. Jasenovac was the main concentration camp in the Yugoslavian region and the 3rd largest concentration camp during WWII where at least over 800,000 Serbs, Jews, and Gypsies were butchered. Kurt Waldheim, Arnolds ally, worked with the Ustashi and Kurt killed American G.I.s in Serbia. Jack Chick, Vladimir Dedijers The Yugoslav Auschwitz and the Vatican, and Christopher Simpsons Blowback all document this, so this is real history that many people dont want you to know. Some Catholics protested these terrorist acts correctly like Catholic Bishop of Mostar, Alois Misic, and Catholic priest from Zagreb named J. Lancar.

In February 1942, the Yugoslav chapter of the International Red Cross sent a courier who handed documentation at Catholic involvement in the Serb/Jewish/Gypsy genocide to Pope Pius XII himself, so he knew about it. The Vatican not only sent Nazi war criminals out of Europe, but also Ustashi criminals. The Vatican sent Pavelic to Buenos Aires in November 1942 and Pope John XIII did his benediction at December 1959 when Ante died. Father Krunolav Dragnovic even admitted that some of the gold looted from the Serbs and Jews were sent to the Vatican (starting in May 7, 1945 with 288 kg. of gold). By 1945, the Allies kicked the Nazis and Ustasha out from continuing their murder program. The conflicts between Serbs, Croats, and other groups caused conflicts mightily in the 1990s. In 1991, Clinton put the Ustasha back in power in Croatia.

The Dayton Peace Accord, agreed by Clinton, forced the Serbs to be disarmed in a fire free zone. Yes, Milosevic may have done bad acts, but Clinton also allowed Serbs to be unjustly killed. In fact, many graves dont exist and the U.S. funded the Albanian KLA Separatists to kill Serbs. The KLA were drug smugglers. The Republican Party Committee of the U.S. Congress in 1997 proved that the U.S. military collaborated with al-Qaeda operatives to fight his illegal war in Bosnia and the KLA also was supported by al-Qaeda (from the 1990s). NATO with Clark being the supreme NATO commander in Yugoslavia allowed went to bomb civilian targets, use depleted uranium, and other crimes admitted by Spanish NATO pilot Captain Martin de la Hoz and Mitch Cohen. Human Rights Watch condemned this action of the 78-day NATO air. Bombings happened in Bosnia and Kosovo. Hospitals, business buildings, schools, factories, etc. were hit in Belgrade alone.

Evidence for a Global Conspiracy

Scoffers still are here with us as has been prophesized in the Bible. They proclaim that there is no evidence of occult secret societies, no one promotes an one world government, and there is no global conspiracy. The fact is that they are wrong and we are right. I will expose all 3 of those lies scoffers use to intimidate us into complacency and doubt. No doubt will entrap my mind, but pure rejuvenation to write, to show, and to act in this society. These are all my desires. A conspiracy is simply more than one person planning act, then acting it out. There, conspiracies existed throughout human history. The most famous conspiracy is from the Bible where Lucifer tries to be like God, and God sent him unto Earth. Lucifer takes 1/3 of all angels with him to plot to overthrow all mankind in the world with sin, but in the end; God will lose the war by Almighty God. Thats a global conspiracy.

Also, to prove a global conspiracy, I must use simple language to define what a global conspiracy is. A global conspiracy is a group of individuals in Secret Societies and other elitist institutions who advocate an one world government, an one world religion, and an one world economy. All of these individuals and organizations collaborate with each other plotting those plans as well. Its a historical fact that select, super rich elite people control the vast majority of the wealth in the world. So it isnt abnormal to assume that a select group of people exist to promote an unified global government to run things. This is evil for an One World Government violates our Constitutional rights, our sovereignty, and our right to be free from large, centralized global bodies. The New World Order as mentioned by books, dictionaries, experts, and other sources for decades is similar with an one world government. Many people are quoted as to endorse the one world government aka the New World Order. Others mention the N.W.O. conspiracy fact and denounce the one world government plan:

Today, America would be outraged if U.N. troops entered Los Angeles to restore order [referring to the 1991 LA Riot]. Tomorrow they will be grateful! This is especially true if they were told that there were an outside threat from beyond [i.e., an "extraterrestrial" invasion], whether real or *promulgated* [emphasis mine], that threatened our very existence. It is then that all peoples of the world will plead to deliver them from this evil. The one thing every man fears is the unknown. When presented with this *scenario*, individual rights will be willingly relinquished for the guarantee of their well-being granted to them by the World Government." (Dr. Henry Kissinger, Bilderberger Conference, Evians, France, 1991)

The drive of the Rockefellers and their allies is to create a one-world government combining super capitalism and Communism under the same tent, all under their control.... Do I mean conspiracy? Yes I do. I am convinced there is such a plot, international in scope, generations old in planning, and incredibly evil in intent." (Congressman Larry P. McDonald, 1976, killed in the Korean Airlines 747 that was shot down by the Soviets)

"We are grateful to The Washington Post, The New York Times, Time Magazine and other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected their promises of discretion for almost forty years. It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subject to the bright lights of publicity during those years. But, the work is now much more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a world government. The supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national auto-determination practiced in past centuries." David Rockefeller, founder of the Trilateral Commission, in an address to a meeting of The Trilateral Commission, in June, 1991.

"No one will enter the New World Order unless he or she will make a pledge to worship Lucifer. No one will enter the New Age unless he will take a LUCIFERIAN Initiation." David Spangler, Director of Planetary Initiative, United Nations

One World Government

There is in existence of many people wanting to unify all nations into one. There is an Earth Charter trying to use its Universal Law to unite all people on Earth to save the Earth. It actually includes stealing wealth and letting one authority to come in to rule all countries. The Constitution for the Federation Earth exists now with plans for World Capitols, World Police, World Supreme Court, and World Government. The World Criminal Court existed in July 2002. NATO even wants to be the worlds army and I heard this in a class at college before. The World Heritage Protection program gives the United Nations authority of running millions of acres now in America. These areas are the Statue of Liberty, Grand Canyon, Yellowstone National Park, and the Yosemite Valley. The World Summit comments on our world crops and live stocks on what we can eat today. The State of the World Forum meets in August 2000 to promote Global Governance. Even by 2015, The World Summits goal is to reduce half the number of undernourished people by population control and other methods.

One World Religion

Its a known fact, even among doubters, that the Ecumenical Movement wants people to compromise their core religious convictions to create an One World Religion. The Interfaithism of that movement is apparent. As early as 1893, the First Parliament of Religions was held. The World Council of Churches was formed in 1948 to unify all Christian sects (even false ones) into one. The Vatican in 1986 called a prayer meeting for world peace for numerous reasons.

One World Economy

Its obvious the cashless society agenda is part of the One World Economy Agenda. Just look at the Euro. By the early part of the 21st century, numerous European countries have the one single currency of the Euro. The World Bank exists to handle global transactions. The WTO and IMF also are global institutions handling the economic systems of the world. The Federal Reserve in America are handling the banking of America by private people, when the Constitution only requires Constitution to handle the coins of America in Article I, not by Banks. The Bilderberg Group has called for a Global Tax for years and the Pan-American Union is proposed by the CFR to merge all countries and currencies in the Northern Hemisphere into one. So, the one world economy system is proposed, some of its policies exist, and it is growing.

By TruthSeeker24 (Timothy)

October 27, 2005

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