Thursday, February 26, 2009

Why I am against the New World Order

It's especilay important to expose the Godless New World Order. The New World Order is a one-world totalarian, socialist, and communist government enforced worldwide by the Illuminati using the Beast System. Now, its time to renew the essence and basic reasons to oppose it.

I). It's Unconstitutional

The N.W.O. is not in the U.S. Constitution. The Constitution solely represents and enforces total law unto the United States. No one world government is to be enforced unto the people of America since its strips of our soverignty and infringes on the law of the land. The world should only consist in this era of nations or countries. I believe in nationism where those who compose of a country should rule their own country wihtout no interference with basic exceptions of war, basic help in moral necessity, and business cooperation.

II). Consolidation

It leads to too much consolidation of industries and property. If one man (the Antichrist) rules the whole world, private property and all property will be bounded to the one world government infastructure. That will cause many middle class/small businesses to expire, less economic freedom, and free enterprise. It gives man no leave waay to be independent and productive outside of an established order. Also, communities or even "collectiveness" will be under the microscope and scrunity of a Big Brother as well so independent and community work is done.

III). It's Morally Wrong

Human beings don't necessarily need basic peace by merging into an one worldwide state. I believe as the majority of the world feels that we should maintain our God-given independence as nations and deals with problems with other nations at the same time without resorting to an one world Beast system. I have to say this: WE ARE FREEMEN AND FREEWOMEN NOT FREEMASONS. WE ARE THE CREATION OF ALMIGHTY GOD NOT CLOGS THAT REVOLVE AROUND THE STATE TO BE MANIPULATED TO SUIT ITS AGENDA. THE POWER BELONGS TO THE PEOPLE NOT TO OLIGARCHICAL, MONARHICAL, TOTALATARIAN, COMMUNIST, PLUTOCRATIC, OR SOCIAIST GOVERNMENT. We love the love and equality of every human being on Earth. We enjoy the freedom we have, yet we must in this limited time while we breath on this Earth to do our part and our best in this generation to contribute and be magnificient in this society, this time, and this world.

That is all.

By Timothy



October 3, 2003
8:18 am. EST

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