Wednesday, January 21, 2009



Therefore thus saith the Lord GOD, Behold, I lay in Zion for a foundation a stone, a tried stone, a precious corner stone, a sure foundation: he that believeth shall not make haste.  (Isaiah 28:16)





Vying for truth is our goal in our lives. Unlike the many criticisms coming at me, I do cite sources. I call out names as well like Daryl Bradford Smith and Art Bell. There have been so many changes in my life. There are new people that I know of. New information about life and reality keep on coming and it must be discussed. A righteous life must possess a firm foundation. Foundations are good for perserving concepts and other things. A robust, righteous foundation is our aim. Years ago, I didn't know or care about many of the strange, yet true facts occuring the world. Now, things are different. I realize that conspiracies (i.e. simply 2 or more people planning an action to carry it out) existed throughout human history. I will show many basic facts that will show the evil in the world. This alone is justification for us to protest, act, and help improve the world. The First Amendment from  the Bill of Rights cites the freedom of religion, not the freedom from religion. A lot of medicines and chemicals are dangerous for human beings. For example, aluminum is dangerous for people to use, yet it does exist in antiperspirants and shampoos. Flouride is a known poison that is found in our water supply. Flouride can cause cancer, bone damage, and mental retardation. A 1992 New Jersey Department of Health Study proved the dangers of flouridation. Aspartame is a poison found in sodas and many other foods. Much of our freedoms are lost through Patriot Act I, RFID chips, National ID cards, and the Office of Homeland Security (once called the Information Awarenes Organization with the All Seeing Eye logo). John Pointdexter heads the group.


Although, John was convicted of conspiracy, lying to Congress, and destroyed evidence in the Iran Contra scandal. He was pardoned by the President. Why is a convicted criminal given a high post in government when many innocent people are convicted for crimes that they didn't commit? The Central Intelligence Agency (headed by at least one Freemason and Knights of Malta for decades) have been caught in drug smuggling. The late Gary Webb is one author that has proven that. Even CIA pilot Barry Seal shipped drugs from Colombia to America. He died under questionable circumstances. It's interesting to note that George W. Bush owned Seal's plane after he died.


Voting fraud is choatic in America and the 2006 Congressional Election is coming up. "The Best Democracy Money Can Buy" by Greg Palast records the voting problems in Florida during the 2000 election. This battle extends beyond voting rights, but unto eugenics and the evil of the population control agenda. You have Margaret Sanger, who is the founder of Planned Parenthood, into the mix. Sanger used the Negro Project by using birth control as an excuse to intentionally decrease the black population in America. Additionally, authors like George Grant have wrote about the sinister history of Planned Parenthood. Grant wrote of her quotes being in favor of eugenics and hating charity. The evil one child policy in China forces women to have forced sterilization and abortion if a second child exists. To this day, China still has death execution vans, torture, religious persecution, and political persuection. David J. Rothman and Bernard Schoenberg Professor of Social Medicine and History at Columbia University wrote of organ transplantation and harvesting as real inside of China. This dehumanization is just wrong and evil. Eugenics is still promoted today and overpopulation is proven to be a lie over and over again. In fact, Russia and Japan is decreasing their populations rapidly. The world's population can fit in the state of Texas if given 1,000 sqaure feet each. The Club of Rome and many in the radical Green Movement promote depopulation.






Sex trafficking is unjustified. Even though I disagree with her on some political issues, but Georgia Congresswomen Cynthia McKinney rightfully expose DynCorp's involvement in sex trafficking along with many United Nations officals. Kelly Patricia O Meara wrote of DynCorp's criminal activities in her article called "DynCorp Disgarce" This work was written in August 19, 2003. "Sex and Drugs at the UN" is an article written by the New York Post in June 1, 2004. It discussed about how U.N. fieldworkers were talking about corruption was present in U.N. field missions. The economy still have terrible problems. Enron is the perfect example of how money was laundered from citizens, then the executives tried to withdraw any responsibility from it. The Federal Reserve was invented in the early 1900's and it consolodated America's wealth into central banks based in foreign countries. That doesn't benefit most people, because the wealth is concentrated into the hands of the few.


The militarization of the police is all around, though it violates the 1878 law of Posse Comitatus. Recently, I just figured out about straight vegetable oil, hemp, solar energy, and other alternative energy can replace oil period. We must embrace that. A lot of diseases like SARS, bird flu, etc. are exaggerated by the media in their strength. A newer threat is the danger of genetically modified foods. For example, Monsanto's Bovine Growth Hormone tries to produce more milk, but puss forms as well that can kill cows. The mainstream media is blatantly owned by big corporations (like Viacom, AOL Time Warner, and others. Peter Phillips' article entitled "Big Media Interlocks with Corporate America" [which was published in June 24, 2005 by] mentioned the corporation link to the mainstream media also.) Many of the media send out a pro-Bush message. Even decades ago, a CIA program called Operation Mockingbird existed to control the U.S. media. Many media big wigs are in the Council on Foreign Relations, the Bilderberg Group, and other elite groups. So, it is a lie that big corporations have no sway in the presentation of the mainstream news. That's why the Big Media won't discuss the above information that I'm showing you. That's why many people are rightfully embacing Blogs and the alternative media through the Internet and other sources.



I will never forget the Katrina disaster as long as I live. FEMA restricted communication lines and much of the relief that should of been sent to people. Even Jefferson Parish President Aaron Broussard admitted to this on the Meet the Press show. New Orleans was a federal city and FEMA forced people into interment camps. Foreign mercancies from Mexico and Israel were there. Gun confiscation occured. Cynthia McKinney said these comments about Hurricane Katrina that I agree with it (on 2006): "...The American people were once again abandoned, they were abandoned by their own government and Secretary Michael Chertoff has gotten off scott free on this...They needed food and water and instead they were sent men with guns and Blackwater mercenaries were hired to patrol the streets of New Orleans. This is criminal! How can we have mercenaries patrolling the streets of America?..." It's interesting to note the esoteric, occult aspect of the event. Barbara Aho cited many of the Hurricanes in America possessing Merovingian (a prominent bloodline based in France during the early Middle Ages) related names. Cutting Edge Ministries cited Hurricane Katrina occuring with numerical, occult symbolism. It doesn't take rocket science to figure out the Masonic influences in New Orleans. Even Louisiana's State Capitol building looks like an obelisk. New Orleans itself was named after the city of Orleans, France and Philippe Duc d’Orleans. Philippe was a French Grand Orient Lodge Freemason who had involvement in the French Revolution. Louisiana has a long history with Freemasonry indeed as Barbara Aho mentioned that in her controversial work "Death of the Phoenix." I agree with some of the things that she says and disagree with her on other points.


New Orleans had its mostly black and Roman Catholic population suffering the most in that city. The Pro-Life, Roman Catholic Governor Kathleen Blanco (Watch Unto Prayer Ministries claims that she is an Merovingian) and the Black American Mayor Ray Nagin recieved tons of criticism. On the otherhand, 2 people can't be blamed for the destruction of a whole region. In the final analysis, not just the local level, but the state and federal level ought to recieve blame. I want to point out also that Alabama and Mississippi suffered damages, not just Louisiania. So, this isn't a one state deal. As human beings, we need to oppose all persecutions regardless of color, creed, or religion. I don't have fear. Though, the truth must be shown to inspire people have indignant anger and ACT. Well, if we place our foundation in the Lord, then we will preserve our integrity forever.





Judeo-Christian Foundations of America


This is one of most disputed and controversial points of history. Regardless of the spin from certain people, there was a firm Christian influence in early America. Yes, there were also Masonic, occultic, and pagan influences in America as well (I will show that later), but Christians did live and die in early America. Not all of early America was evil. A lot of these people rightfully expose the mistakes of many Americans as an excuse to deny any Christian influence in early America. That is wrong. Many of them hate nationalism, but the love of nation is one of the greatest love a man can have. First, let's show the Christian contributions to early America.




"Proclaim liberty throughout all the land unto all inhabitants thereof." (Leviticus 25:10)


Many Christians came to America like the Pilgrims (I disagree with some of them oppressing Native Americans) to support religious freedom and escape religious persecution. Many Christians praticipated in the Great Awakening. There was definitely a Christian influence in the Revolutionary War. Many of the Pastors were Christians during that time like Jonas Clark (who led and trained the militia at Lexington) and John Peter Gabriel Muhlenburg (who, as a colonel in the militia, led his Virginia regiment off to fight the British). One of the signers of the Declaration of Independence, Rev. John Witherspoon, was a Presbyterian minister. Witherspoon was James Madison's teacher. John Leland was a Baptist minister who influence the creation of the Bill of Rights, which encorporate many biblical principles like self-defense, freedom of religion, and national sovereignty. It's a fact that without the Baptists' support, the Bill of Rights wouldn't of have been created. Many early Baptists were lovers of God and Patriots like Obadiah Holmes. Holmes was whipped, because he disagreed with infant baptism. Although, it is true that a high number of the Founders were Freemasons and Diests.


Freemasonry is a famous organization whose members claim to solely want brotherhood of men and to improve society. On the other hand, underlining the majority of Masons (who are decieved according to Albert Pike), Freemasonry readily accepts esoteric information, occult symbols, death oaths, pagan rituals, and other concepts. For example, even many 33rd Degree Freemasons admit that Freemasonry is from the Ancient Mystery Religions and relates to the Kabbala. Albert Pike wrote in his Albert Morals and Dogma book on pg. 741 that "...Freemasonry is a search for Light.  That search leads us directly back, as you see, to the Kabalah..." 33rd Degree Freemason Foster Bailey wrote that "...Study of spiritual realities found in Masonry reveals that we have perpetuated and increasingly activated the essential principals of the ancient Mystery Schools which have existed from the very earliest times..."


The accusations against early Americans and the Founding Fathers about slavery has been overexaggerated. I don't agree with slavery obviously, but the vast majority of early Americans and the Founders didn't own slaves. Many of the Founding Fathers are quoted as disagreeing with slavery. For example, John Jay didn't agree with slavery along with New Jersey Governor William Livingstone. James Otis of Massachusetts said in 1764 that “The colonists are by the law of nature freeborn, as indeed all men are, white or black.” Benjamin Rush and even pro-Jesuit James Carrol (though I oppose the Jesuit Order) opposed slavery. The great Noah Webster disagreed with slavery and said that: "...Let every benevolent . . . pray for the glorious period when the last slave who fights for freedom shall be restored to the possession of that inestimable right..." (Noah Webster, Effect of Slavery on Morals and Industry (Hartford: Hudson and Goodwin, 1793), p. 48. In Barton, p. 4.) What does the Bible say about slavery? The Bible forbids the American form of slavery since the Bible forbids kidnapping another human being to enslave them. That's mentioned in the OT and NT.





Like 2 sides of a coin, Cutting Edge Ministries rightfully tells us that just as there was Christian heritage in early America, there was Masonic, pagan, and occult influence in early America. That's why it isn't a uncommon to witness many of the Presidents of the United States being members of Freemasonry and being closely related to one another (like in the Merovingian family tree and other bloodlines according to Fritz Springmeier. I know that not all Merovingians are evil for any Merovingian that is saved is not evil). First, it's time to go back centuries ago. Many explorers investigated America like rumored Jewish person Christopher Columbus and Henry St. Clair in 1398.


One of the men who mapped out the America that you see today was Francis Bacon, a Rosicrucian (a group with an obession of the Holy Grail) and occultist who wrote the book "The New Atlantis." It not only talked about America being a commonwealth, but it discussed about how America will have skyscrapers, underground vehicles, and other events. This was back in the early 1600's. Freemason Manly P. Hall envisioned America as having to arise a global democratic commonwealth and a shrine to Universal Truth in his book called "The Secret Destiny of America." Manly P. Hall wrote over 200 books and he knew about ancient philosophy and the occult. The Scottish Rite Journal praised him grealty. Many occultists came to America to enacted a New "Altantis" as America. As for more information about the Rosicrucians, William Schnoebelen's book called "Masonry:  Beyond The Light" on Page 258 wrote that the Rosicrucians had a colony in Pennslyvannia years before 1776. One of the easiest ways to see the occultism in early America was the design of Washington D.C. Pierre L'Enfant was one of the many planners of D.C. D.C. does have a pattern of an inverted Pentagram, a Square and Compass, and other occult symbols in it. David Ovason, a noted astrologer, has written a book publised in 1999 called "The Secret Architecture of our Nation's Capital: The Masons and the Building of Washington, D.C."  This book is not an anti-Mason book, because the book was praised by none other than 33rd Degree Freemason and Sovereign Grand Commander of the Southern Jurisdiction of the Scottish Rite in America supported the book. The book talks about how D.C. had designs related to the stars and other esoteric information.


Ovason wrote that when the Declaration of Independence was signed in July 4, 1776 (the 66th day after Beltaine) that the Sun was in the star Sirius. Albert Pike called Sirius as the Bright Star. According to occult writer, occult writer M. Temple Richmond's  book "Sirius" on p. 29, Sirius is the Keeper of Hell. That is a known code name for Satan. The Washington Monument looks exactly like the obelisk found in Ancient Egypt, the Vatican, and other locations. According to historians, theologians, and the obelisk represents the false sun god of Ra. To this day, Freemasonry accepts this symbols and places it on its gravestone. 





The Statue of Liberty is one pagan statue sent from French Grand Orient Freemasons in France to America in the late 1800's. The image from above is another image of the pagan Goddess that the ancients worshipped. It has been called the Goddess Isis and Semiramis in Egypt and Babylon. This looks strikely similar to the statue of Liberty, which was modeled after an actual French widow woman and she was married to an American industralist. The Statue of Liberty was designed by French Orient Lodge Freemasons Bartholdi (a French sculptor who designed it) and Gustave Eiffel (the French engineer plus actual builder of it). The Statue of Liberty  also has a likeness to the Colussus of Rhodes from the time of ancient Greece. The All Seeing Eye refers to the Egyptian god of Horus and is a Masonic symbol. It appears on the back on the One Dollar bill. David Allen Rivera's book talk about how many Freemasons were involved in the Great Seal's creation like Benjamin Franklin and Charles Thompson. It was placed in the One Dollar Bill in the 1930's. The word E Pluribus Unum on the Great Seal is a word of 13 letters, which is Latin for One out of many. Novus Ordo Seculorum appears on it meaning "new order of the ages" in Latin. is link explaining so much more symbolism surrounding the One Dollar Bill. Even the Jefferson Memorial was formed after the old Roman building of the Panthenon.





The image above is an early American medal from 1775. The women is from the Roman Goddess of Liberty. On top of the Capitol Building is not Mary, but the statue of the Goddess Persephone of the Underworld. Before closing on this subject, I want to say this. I disagree with Dominionism (and Reconstruction theology). The Dominion theology believes that the Church ought to dominate the government to herald in the coming of Christ. I don't agree with that, because I don't agree with forming a theocracy in America and Bible prophecy says that Christ will come after the Tribulation without anything that a person can do about it. Many people fear that the 5 Roman Catholics on the Supreme Court might go into a theocracy. Opus Dei (a Catholic secret order that performs bondage rituals and it was founded in the 1920's by a Spanish man) definitely has some influence with many of Justices. For example, According to Wikipedia, John Roberts was educated in a private Catholic school controlled by Opus Dei. Samuel Alito [nominated by Bush on the Druidic day of Halloween 2005] and other Justices are rumored of being members of the group. Alito is a member of the Federalist Society (a think than funded by multi-millionaire Richard Mellon Scaife, who funds liberal causes as well.) As must as we must oppose secular humanists in trying to eliminate religious expression from the public, we must equally oppose theocratic Dominionists as well. Kelly Mckinney even questioned Roy Moore as being inflitrated by saying that:


"“I ran his campaign in Mobile and have worked tirelessly for years for his cause.  My talk show and web page have dedicated much time and space for this issue... In the past six years of knowing and supporting Roy Moore, I have seen and visited with the big guns that are behind him. I have come to learn who they represent. What I have found is shocking. There are connections to the Council for National Policy, Dominionists, Rev. Sun Myung Moon and Masons.” Cutting Edge Ministries' & Pinto's Secret Mysteries of America's Beginnings: Volume One -- The New Atlantis is a film that I highly recommend to learn the truth about this subject. It's a classic.


What's the truth? The Christian heritage issue is a very controversial issue, even to this day. The truth is that there was a conflict between the occult and Christianity in early America. Therefore, America was founded with Christian and occult/pagan/Masonic infuences. There were Judeo-Christian foundations in America though.


By Timothy

Defending the Second Amendment

"Today, we need a nation of Minutemen, citizens who are not only prepared to take arms, but citizens who regard the preservation of freedom as the basic purpose of their daily life and who are willing to consciously work and sacrifice for that freedom."

—John F. Kennedy

"I am pleased to accept Life Membership in the National Rifle Association and extend to your organization every good wish for continued success."
-John F. Kennedy, March 20, 1961

"By calling attention to 'a well regulated militia', the 'security' of the nation, and the right of each citizen 'to keep and bear arms', our founding fathers recognized the essentially civilian nature of our economy. Although it is extremely unlikely that the fears of governmental tyranny which gave rise to the Second Amendment will ever be a major danger to our nation, the Amendment still remains an important declaration of our basic civilian-military relationships, in which every citizen must be ready to participate in the defense of his country. For that reason, I believe the Second Amendment will always be important."
John F. Kennedy, April 1960 (Guns, "Know Your Lawmakers", April 1960, Page 4)

Defending the Second Amendment

The humans who run the world (the extremely wealthy elite) can’t arise their utopia without outlawing the private ownership of firearms. It’s for the simple fact that God gives man the right of self-defense and the barrel of a gun is a form of self-defense to control the advance of a tyrannical government. In the instances of Adolf Hitler, Joseph Stalin, Mao Zedung, Fidel Castro, and other dictators who eliminated guns, destruction and death followed their paths. Millions of folks across the globe were murdered in the Twentieth Century alone as a product of Gun Control. One book that validates this conclusively is “Death by Gun Control: The Human Cost of Victim Disarmament” by Aaron Zelman and Richard W. Stevens. Today, microchips are embedded in police and firearms owners’ guns. An Associated Press article by Jill Balton at April 13, 2004 at 4:45 pm. EDT from Palm Beach reports that a new computer chip is here to promise to keep police guns from firing if they fall into the wrong hands by its proponents. It works like this: a tiny chip will match up with the officer’s hand and it will send a digital signal to let the officer fire it. If a child or criminal has it, it’s useless since the officer fire it.

If a child or criminal has it, it’s useless since their hands won’t match up to the gun’s signature. This is smart gun technology formed by Verichip Corporation. Verichip President Kieth Barton spoke of this technology as improving safety for the military and individuals gun owners. Smart guns need to be banned or at least voluntary (for the individual if they seek it and let Big Brother ruin their lives) not mandatory for all gun owners to have or inside all firearms. New Jersey has already passed legislation for all handguns sold to include smart gun technology. This is wrong. Big Brother is definitely here. Even the NRA opposed the legislation by its potential problems. Anti-Second Amendment advocates love it. It’s not hard to tell that an armed citizenry will lower crime and increase freedom for people to live their own lives. An arm can be used for hunting, collecting, and sports in marksmanship; so don’t think that elimination of all firearms would affect only guns used in self-defense. While Time continues along the universe, the constant, incorruptible power of truth still pierces through me. I will defend the Second Amendment wholeheartedly.

Companies that are Anti-Gun/Quick Facts

This is from

and it outlines the most powerful national corporations that either support gun control iniatives or support the fascist gun control agenda. I list 6 of these companies from the Website:
1). A&M Records
2). American Century Companies
3). Blue Cross Blue Shield
4). Site Oil Company
5). Southwestern Bell Telephone-St. Louis
6). Time Warner Inc.

Behold these quick facts:

1). Assault Weapons aren’t a serious problem in America since according to Gary Klueck’s “Targeting Guns” in 1997, a complication of 48 metropolitan police department from 1980-1994, shown that assault weapons were used in less than 2% of crimes involving in firearms and 0.25% of all violent crime. (All before the enactment of any national or state assault weapons ban). In 1998, at LA, out of the 538 documented gun incidents, only (0.2%) involved an assault weapon. In SF at 1998, only 2.2% of confiscated weapons were assault weapons.

2). Gun banning even in the UK increased crime. According to the British Home Office, reported by the BBC News, July 12, 2002 presented that street robberies soared 28% in 2001. Violent crime is up 11%, murders up 4%, and rapes up 14%. Even homicide rates are on an all time high in 2000 after a virtual ban on private handgun ownership. According to statistics by the British Home Office, 3,000 crimes involving handguns were recorded in 1999-2000, including the 42 homicides, 310 cases of attempted murder, 2561 robberies, and 204 burglaries as a result of the gun ban.

3). A Zogby/SA survey of 1,015 likely voters in June 2002 concluded that 75% of Americans believe the right to keep and bear arms is an individual right proven in
[Exodus On Line] plus the Second Amendment Foundation’s site of
ABC News determined the rate to be 77% according to ABC News on May 14, 2002.

4). The FBI Uniform Crime Statistics in 1994 mentioned that 2/3 of the people who die each year from gun fire are criminals being shot by other criminals.

5). Dr. Gary Kleck, University of Florida man using FBI Uniform Crime Statistics fin 1997, shown that among the 15 states with the highest homicide rates, 10 have restrictive or very restrictive gun control laws. Maryland has the toughest gun control laws in the nation and ranks #1 in robberies, and #3 in both in violent crime and murder. In the FBI Uniform Crime Reports (UCR) for 2000, p. 79, Table 5 “Index of Crime by State” presented that 20% of U.S. homicides occur in just 4 cities with just 6% of the population of the U.S.A. (in NYC, Chicago, Detriot, and D.C.) and each has a virtual prohibition on private handguns.

6). This information is from

Fact: Firearm misuse causes only a small number of accidental deaths in the U.S. (107) For
example, compared to accidental death from firearms, you are:
• Twice as likely to suffocate on a swallowed object
• Seven times more likely to be poisoned
• 10 times more likely to die falling
• And 31 times more likely to die in an automobile accident

Fact: In 1996, there were only 21 accidental gun deaths for children under age 15. About twice as many children under the age of ten die from drowning in bathtubs. (108)
Fact: In 1993, there were 1,334 drownings and 528 firearm-related accidental deaths from ages 0-19. Firearms outnumber pools by a factor of over 30:1. Thus, the risk of drowning in a pool is nearly 100 times higher than from a firearm-related accident for everyone, and nearly 500 times for ages 0-5. (109)

107 National Safety Council's 1997 Accident Fact Book
108 Centers for Disease Control
109 National Center for Health Statistics, and the National Spa and Pool Institute

Is Charleton Heston Pro-Gun Control?

Charleton Heston is admired for a lot of attributes like starring in The Ten Commandments (one of the greatest movies of all time) and a fighter for civil rights along side Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. He now developed Parkinson’s disease so I will give him due respect and his contributions to American society are acknowledged and commended. Well, recently evidence has Heston showing signs of pro-gun control tendencies.

Charleton Heston bravely proclaimed that anyone wanting to grab his gun should “Take it from my cold, dead hands.” Heston is not a fraud in my mind and I’m sure he loves the Second Amendment. Sadly, on several occasions, he wavered in his perceptions of gun rights. One such article displaying this was “Guns Make NRA President ‘Nervous’” by Angel Shamaya on April 6, 2002 from Angel mentions that ex-NRA President Charleton Heston said that AK-47s and guns like that make him nervous which was confirmed by the NRA. As early as 1997, Mr. Heston in a 1997 Radio Interview remarked that “private possession of AK-47s is extremely inappropriate.” AK-47s are arms and should be owned by anyone since that’s part of the 2nd Amendment despite the illegal Assault Weapons ban supported by King George W. Bush. Heston even advocated the Gun Control Act of 1968, which is related to Hitler’s Gun Control Act of 1938.

The NRA has lost their original salt and now the new leader of the NRA (Wayne LaPierre) is worse than Heston in agreeing to Project Exile and even its members admit to seek to register firearms. I’ve found this information out. H. L. Richardson is the foundation head of Gun Owners of America. Richardson started it with Larry Pratt working for him. H.L. Richardson also backed Robert O. Anderson for head of NRA’s Whittington. Robert O. Anderson is part of the Club of Rome, CFR, Trilateral Commission, and the Aspen Institute. H. L. Richardson is a member of the Council on National Policy. The reach of influence runs so deep I guess.

The Records on gun owners challenged

Here’s some good news for a change. “Records on gun owners assailed Florida Legislature” from the Miami Herald is the story from Wednesday, November 19, 2003. The scene is that a group of conservative lawmakers have filed a bill to “prohibit police from compiling gun owner to privacy and to our firearms.” The proposal is even embraced by the NRA who called the gun records unnecessary law enforcement tools and part of “a phony excuse to harass and abuse American citizens.” It’s controversial though since it sends immunity of guns ranging from environmental lawsuits concerning lead and arsenic poisoning from ammunition plus end the state’s Constitution’s right to privacy allow parent’s potential authority over an underage daughter’s abortion.

Common sense environmental laws to be promoted and the abomination of abortion ought to be condemned. This might be one of the first bills passed by the House of the Florida State Legislature in 2004. Records on guns might be eliminated in Florida. Representative Dennis Baxley, an Ocale Republican is troubled by police across Florida trackling people’s guns violating a right “enshrined in the state and U.S. Constitution.”

2011 Updates on Gun Rights

In this day and age, a man is truly naïve to put it lightly if he doesn’t want to protect his family or friends from what enemy may come. In the past 2 years, the anti-gun extremists have made another backlash against the Second Amendment. Some of these extremists want to ban all guns from citizens and we have their quotes to prove it. Pete Stark is an U.S. Representative from California that wanted to ban all handguns if a bill came his way to propose such an act. Now, the truth will still exist despite their lies. The truth is that law abiding citizens owning guns to protect themselves isn’t immoral nor a sin. One myth is that assault weapons are a serious problem in the USA. The reality is that assault weapons are only used in 1.4 percent of all violent crimes involving firearms and 0.25 percent of all violent crime before the enactment of any assault weapons ban (in the national or state level). The crime rate declined when the assault weapons ban was lifted in its first year. Mexico seizes most of its guns from non-U.S. nations even. Total federal gun registration doesn’t work necessarily. New Zealand’s police acknowledged its worthlessness. IN Australia, there is an extreme cost burden to the police. Even in Canada, thousands of people silently ignore the federal registration of their firearms. Tons of guns have been accounted for after the Federal Republic of Germany began comprehensive gun registration in 1972. Registration have led into confiscation of guns of innocent people in Australia in 1996 (over 660,000 guns were stolen from citizens), Nazi Germany, even in NYC in 1991, etc. Gun ownership is not necessarily linked with higher homicide rates either. There were high homicide rates in places where gun ownership was limited for decades in D.C., Chicago, Detroit, etc. Over 192,500 women have used guns in self defense to prevent sexual abuse as well. According to the 2000 National Crime Victimization Survey (from the BATF estimates on handgun supply in dealing with the Bureau of Justice Statistics) prove that every day 550 rapes, 1,100 murders, and 5,200 other violent crimes are prevented by showing a gun. In less than 0.9% of these instances is the gun ever actually fired. Most violent crimes in America don’t involve firearms of any type. We have people like President John F. Kennedy, Hubert Humphrey, and tons of other humans on our side that believed in the people to bear arms. Gun rights are a part of the Bill of Rights and Constitution. Criminals shouldn’t own a gun, but law abiding citizens definitely should own one if they desire to.


By TruthSeeker24



October 21, 2004

7 CITIES (aka Hampton Roads Area-757)



More Research:

lastswordfighter 3 days ago
No not all guns are semiautomatic. Bolt Action. Pump Action. Single shot muzzle loader. Lever Action.


lastswordfighter 3 days ago
Two automatic firearms have been illegal for decades in the US. The first ban on automatic firearms covered machine guns and submachine guns and was passed in the 1930s. Fully automatic rifles such as the M16, AK47s, and others were made illegal in the 1980s by President Regan.


lastswordfighter 3 days ago
Three semiautomatic rifles are legal because you pull the trigger once it and only fires one bullet as compared to full auto rifles where you hold down the trigger and it empties the rifle in seconds. To get a semiautomatic rifle to fire again you have to pull the trigger again each time.


lastswordfighter 3 days ago
Said rifles are not covered under the machine gun and assault rifle bans. Sniper rifles are just a false term used for any rifle that has been modified or intentionally produced for precision long range shooting. Semiautomatic rifles are not largely for close range but long range shooting as previously stated.


lastswordfighter 3 days ago
Four a ban on semiautomatic rifles such as the AR15 was put into place and had no effect overall on crime and expired on 2004. When the ban was put in place gun ownership went up drastically while crime overall decreased. the FBI's own crime report from 2011 revealed that was a 50 percent drop in crime. That same also revealed that 6000 murders were done with hand guns. More people that year were murdered with hand guns than they were with rifles


lastswordfighter 3 days ago
In addition said report also revealed that more people were bludgeoned to death by hammers, clubs, and other blunt objects than were killed with either shotguns or rifles. And the final one and this is the kicker there is category with 800 murders committed where it doesn't even list a murder weapon. It just says "other".



Rush Limbaugh

Rush Limbaugh

Bush Shill #1 is this guy. His talk radio show; despite the recent controversies circulate all across America. He’s a tool of the grand ‘ole boy Republican network. Limbaugh’s an ultimate traitor by classifying the Council on Foreign Relation, Trilateral Commission, and the Skulls and Bones as legitimate and holy groups. The Bohemian Grove to him is wholesome male bounding fun, which is a great lie.

The truth is that the Bohemian Grove incorporates black magic rituals. During the Cremation of Care ceremony (in the redwoods of Northern California near a 15ft. owl statue), a mock human sacrifice is performed along with the worship of the owl god Molech [this has been captured on videotape by Alex Jones]. How sick and both Bushes, Nixon, Reagan, Eisenhower, Cheney, etc. doing it and they are Satanist and occult practitioners.

His proclamations seem like a Democrat is President. Rush rightfully exposes Bill Clinton as anti-American, but he views Bush and his Republican cronies as almost divine. Actually, the leadership of the Dems. and the G.O.P. are working together to form the N.W.O. Only a few good Dems. and G.O.P. members are around in Congress and politics like Cynthia McKinney, Ron Paul, John Buchanan, etc. Rush hates the Conspiracy truth. Conspiracies have been with us all throughout time and even mentioned in the Holy Bible (Ezekiel 22:25-28, Jeremiah 11:9-10, and Psalms 2:1-4)

Destruction of the Bill of Rights by Patriot Acts I and II, Economic woes, Big Brother, Homeland SSecurity, and the Iraq War are adored by him. He even ascribed to the torture of Iraqi prisoners (some children) at Abu Ghraib prison [around October 2003], which is sick. He called it a “fraternity prank” and “blowing off steam.” These were intentional and premeditated acts even allowing a dog to bite a man causing him to bleed profusely.

Seymour Hersh, NY Times reporter, divulged that these war criminals from the Pentagon knew of this in January, but never responded publicly until months afterwards. Rush Limbaugh is a notorious racist speaking racist quotes for 30+ years on air. These are some:

“As a young broadcaster in the 1970s, Limbaugh once told a black caller: "Take that bone out of your nose and call me back." A decade ago, after becoming nationally syndicated, he mused on the air: "Have you ever noticed how all composite pictures of wanted criminals resemble Jesse Jackson?"

In 1992, on his now-defunct TV show, Limbaugh expressed his ire when Spike Lee urged that black schoolchildren get off from school to see his film Malcolm X: "Spike, if you're going to do that, let's complete the education experience. You should tell them that they should loot the theater, and then blow it up on their way out."

In a similar vein, here is Limbaugh's mocking take on the NAACP, a group with a ninety-year commitment to nonviolence: "The NAACP should have riot rehearsal. They should get a liquor store and practice robberies."
When Carol Moseley-Braun (D-IL) was in the U.S. Senate, the first black woman ever elected to that body, Limbaugh would play the "Movin' On Up" theme song from TV's "Jeffersons" when he mentioned her. Limbaugh sometimes still uses mock dialect -- substituting "ax" for "ask"-- when discussing black leaders. Such quotes and antics -- many compiled by Fairness & Accuracy In Reporting (FAIR) for our 1995 book -- offer a whiff of Limbaugh's racial sensibility. So does his claim that racism in America "is fueled primarily by the rantings and ravings" of people like Jesse Jackson. Or his ugly reference two years ago to the father of Madonna's first child, a Latino, as "a gang-member type guy" -- an individual with no gang background.

In 1994, Limbaugh mocked St. Louis for building a rail line to East St. Louis "where nobody goes." East St. Louis is home to roughly 40,000 residents -- 98 percent of whom are African-Americans. One of its 40,000 "nobodies" is star NFL linebacker Bryan Cox. Once, in response to a caller arguing that black people need to be heard, Limbaugh responded: "They are 12 percent of the population. Who the hell cares?" That's not an unusual response for a talk radio host playing to an audience of "angry white males." It may not play so well among National Football League players, 70 percent of whom are African American.” (From Limbaugh: A Color Man Who Has A Problem With Color? by Jeff Cohen and Steve Rendall on June 7, 2000)

Even recently, Limbaugh got into hot water [while on ESPN] over his utterances on the black quarterback Donovan McNabb from the Philadelphia Eagles who played at 2 NFC Championships, voted unto Pro-bowls, 1st Round draft pick, and is a great athlete. You can’t talk about Rush without discussing his drug scandal. Back in 1998, Limbaugh seek that people selling drugs are to be “convicted and they ought to sent up.”

So, he wants them to go to prison, but in 2004; he admitted use of oxycottin (an illegal drug for non-prescript users). His former house keeper [Wilma Cline] was utilized as a supplier. Cline said that Limbaugh’s lawyers gave her $80,000 in what he owe to her plus another $120,000 to ask her to destroy the computer that contained any Email records.

Now, Rush surmises a conspiracy of his enemies trying to get him. Roy Black his new lawyer. Black asserts that the West Palm Beach state attorney’s agents seized his medical records, which violated Limbaugh’s privacy (contrary to the 4th Amendment). According to the great Al Martin, Roy Black is one of the 6 major Republican attorneys in South Florida, a former CIA counsel, and even defended Carlos Lehder (the Colombian drug cartel leader).

In the 1980’s, Roy Black retained counsel of record of the Dade County Latin American Chamber of Commerce and the Dade Country Latin American Republican Club. [which Jeb Bush chaired and controlled by the CIA in the 1980s plus Jeb Bush played a prominent role in Iran Contra mischief making] Clear Channel, with ties to Bush, even objected to the investigation more than Roy Black. Rush is a hypocrite for desiring drug offenders to go to prison, yet when he’s accused of illegal drug use; he doesn’t want to go that route.

I don’t think he deserves prison time despite his hypocrisy. Black denies that Rush laundered money and purchased drugs from other parties which are lies. Limbaugh should be held accountable for the illegal drugs though. Rush Limbaugh manifests decreased impact over the yeas, but is still a neo-con threat to liberty.

By TruthSeeker24

October 14, 2004

12:35 pm. EST


Sunday, January 18, 2009



I've read the Koran and the Hadith before on the Internet. Let’s make things clear before I start discussing about Islam. I don’t hate people of Arabic descent or consider most Muslims as terrorists. Neither do I abhor Arabic culture that God blessed them with like calligraphy, architecture, language, trade, mathematics, history, etc., but I strongly dissent with the Islamic religion for many reasons. Islam means to submit to God not peace. In the Islamic view, you must submit to the Islamic version of God to have peace as mentioned in “The Joy of Sects” by Peter Occhigrosso in 1996 at pgs. 394-397. Islam actually means “Submission.” Only the word Salaam in the common greeting “as-Salaam-I’ Alaikum” [or Peace be upon you] means peace in Arabic. It is obvious that God blessed the Arabic people in numerous ways that I’ve mentioned above. The Arabic people came from the Saudi Arabian Peninsula. The Bible mentioned their progenitors as from Joktan (who lived in the South mainly from Eber) and Ishmael (meaning God had blessed) existing in central and Northern Arabia originally. God in Genesis blessed Ishmael with 12 nations, then Isaiah 60:6-7 called Ishmael’s descendants as living in peace with Israel during the Messiah’s Millennial Reign and then forever in the future.

Josephus [a Jewish historian] in his “The Works of Josephus,” Raphael Patai (another Jewish scholar wrote the “Seed of Abraham” on pg. 23), and countless scholars proved that the Ishmaelites make up the Arabs of today. Patai wrote 600 articles, 20 books, taught in Princeton, taught in Colombia, and the University of Pennsylvania. Arabic and Jewish scholars highly praised Patai, so he knows what he’s talking about. Allah is not the name of Almighty God for numerous reasons. Allah is divided into 2 syllables that are Al and –Ilah. Al means “the” in Arabic and “Ilah” means “the god” in a generic deity not the name of Almighty God of the Universe. In fact, Allah is never found in the Bible in Greek or Hebrew. Even the 1st Arabic translation of the Bible in the 9th century don’t have the word “Allah” in the Old Testament or New Testament. I don’t agree with Steve Van Nattan on everything, but his work exposing Islam called Allah as the solar diety.

The truth is that Muhammad chose Allah from among the 360+ false gods in the Kaaba. The origin of Allah was from Babel as the god of Enlil. The root LiL became –ih. There was also a goddess counterpart, which was Ham’illat. Allah was mentioned in pagan inscriptions in Babel, North Arabia, Jawf, Petra, Phoenicia, Palmarya, Assyria, and other places. The Quraysh tribe used Allah as Baal. Allah being equivalent to Baal (Satan) is mentioned by Dr. Cathy Burns and other researchers. James Hastings’ Encylcopedia. Here's some sources on this issue:

“All said 'Allah', but each one had its own deity in mind. The expression 'the god' (al-ilah), which became the only usage, became the bridge to the concept of an identical god which all tribes had in common” (J.Wellhausen, p. 218)

"In times of great stress, or pleadings, the Northern Arabs used the god-from, FHLH, which meant "so O Allah." The goddess from used just as often was FHLT meant ,"so, O Allat." This shows that Allah was well established in North Arabia and that he ahd a consort, or lady friend of high esteem, named Allat. ILAHA was used for god. This shows that Allah was the sun god figure and Allat was the moon goddess." (Hastings, James, Encylopedia of Religion and Ethics, Scribners, NY pg. 248).

*Allah just originated from Mesopotamia and caught on by Muhammad to devise his religion of Islam:

“We will now discuss the derivation process of the god's name from the beginning. We might have waited until the end for this revelation, but it seemed good to me to let you in on the plot so that you can follow the Hajj of Allah better. The root form of the name of the earth god in Sumer is found in Enlil, the primal god. If we drop the gender prefixes from Enlil and his consort Ninlil, we are left with the root, "LIL." This is reduced later in many cultures to "IL." (Some "scholars" have tried to say that IL is EL, but the root form of IL is LIL, so this notion just won't work. Of course these "scholars" have no respect for the Bible unless it supports their presuppositions.) The system of putting prefixes before the god names was used in the Hamatic cultures like Sumer. After the god / goddess moved on to Semitic cultures such as Assyria and Semitic Babylon, a suffix was attached after the "LIL" or "IL" root.

The most startling coincidence to me, of ancient Sumerian god names concurrently inscribed in the same epigraphs with much more recent god names, is in an inscription in stone from Al-Ula in Northern Arabia, circa 500 BC, just 1000 years before Muhammad. In the same Semitic language dialect, and in the same time frame, are two other names of the gods- Mar-Allah, meaning Lord-god, and Adar'IL, a Sardonic contraction using the root form of the name for god from Sumer, LIL.

This shows that the basic IL or LIL root form survived for 2500 years, appearing in both names in ancient and recent forms! In Jawf, in the same area and time frame, the feminine form for Allah is found commonly as in Ham'illat (ILAT is the goddess). Also, in inscriptions near oases, Allah and Allat (sometimes ILAT) appear with no descriptive attachments, either in appeals for help in travel, or as part of the signature of the suppliant (like Abdallah-- IL root in name!). What does this mean? This means that IL and Allah shared the reverence of the ancient Sumerians, circa 3000 BC, and the northern Arab tribes in 500 BC. Survival time-- 2500 years. (Winnett, F V, and Reed, W L, Ancient Records From North Arabia, Univ. of Toronto, 1970 [This is a key source for epigraphs.] pg. 79,126-127 / 245,253b. Winnett has done some of the best and most recent work in inscription interpretation.)

*The Answering Islam site says this : “This is not a pretty sight to the Muslim reader because it clearly shows that Allah descended from the original pagan god, Enlil, after the tower of Babel. The reason we can be sure of the connection between Babel (or Sumer) and Mecca is that Enlil, whose LIL root name would not go away, survived for 2500 years to be included in Northern Arabia in the Kaaba.”

“Muhammad cleansed the Kaaba of 360 pagan idols and gods, but he retained the resident god of choice, Al-ILAH, or Allah. If he was extending the heritage of EL or Elohim into the world, as he claimed he was, then why didn't Muhammad use one of the clearly biblical names extant in the Bible AND right there in Arabia? In fact, Allah and Elohim are mutually exclusive, so Allah is a pagan counterfeit.” (Van Netton, Steve, Allah Divine or Demonic, pg. 113-14, 1998)

“The Quraysh ADOPTED ALLAH AS BAAL, and added the goddesses to his cult the same way as Baal had three daughters in the Fertile Crescent. They venerated him and his three female companions in his new House, the Kaaba at Mecca.” (Bergsson, Snorri G., Goddesses and Wica worship,'Neo-paganism at its most deceptive form, Islam and Goddess Worship Chpt. IV, pg. 15, 1998-2000)

Islam is not related to Christianity at all. The Koran denies that God has a Son (Surah 4:171, Surah 19:92, Surah 23:91), but the Bible purely outlined that the Father has a Son (Psalms 2:7, Luke 22:70, Luke 1:35). Islam denies the divinity of Jesus Christ and calls him just a prophet. On the other hand, there are a lot of Bible verses to prove that Jesus Christ is God in the flesh being more than just a prophet (1 Timothy 3:16, Col. 2:9, John 4:26, Mt. 8:2, Mark 5:6).

Surah 4:154-158 even denies the crucifixion, death, and resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ. Christ rose from the dead (Romans 6:9, Philippians 2:8, Luke 18:33, etc.) In islam, you must fulfill 5 pillars to be saved, so you can go to Heaven. In reality, you can never be saved on what you do. You are saved by faith through grace by the Lord Jesus Christ alone. (Ephesians 2:8, 9, Romans 3:20, Romans 4:4). Heaven in Islam is persavive sex, drink, and other sexual perversion (Surah 56:15, Surah 56:54, 67-71). The Bible says that in heaven, we will be like angels to those who are saved, no death, suffering, no homosexuality, and no alcohol consumption readily.

Islam believed that the Koran is an inspired book along with the Torah, Zabr (the psalms), and the Injil (the NT Gospel). The truth is that with the book of Revelation, the canon of the Bible is Revelation. Since the Koran adds concepts contrary to the Holy Bible, it’s adds to the Word of God, therefore it’s forbidden to be placed equaled to the Scriptures (Deut. 4:2, 12:32, Revelation 22:18, Proverbs 30:6). Muslims claim that the Koran don’t have contradictions, but this is false because there are many apparent (ww). Muhammad wasn’t a perfect character as well. He had more than 4 wives (as many as 22), which violated the Koran of having 4 wives of one man. According to the Hadith, he married a 6th year old girl, so he was a pedophile. He owned many slaves, was a terrorist by killing a man and enslaving others in Nakhla Raid, and stole his son’s wife in Surah 33:36-38. He admitted to being sinner in Hadith vol. 1, no. 7111 and Surah 18:10. Hadith vol. 5, no. 266 have Muhammad not knowing what to do.

Robert Morey’s Islamic Invasion “Islamic Invasion” is fraudulent. Morey is an Arab basher, Hyper-Calvinists, Reconstructionists, and refuse explicit soul winner for Muslims, so he’s spewing false doctrine. He lies and said that Ishmael was absorbed into Midianite tribes and Arabic people today aren’t related to Arabic people. 1 Chronicles 27:30 called David’s camel keeper as an Ishmaelite 300 years after Morey classified Ishmael’s descendants gone. Even the Nabateans existed from North Arabia and historians deduced they were from Ishmael’s son Nabaetans in 500 B.C. to the time of Josephus. What needs to be done is peaceful conversion of all Muslims.

The origin of the crescent and the Moon

The star and the crescent of Islam were clearly based upon the moon goddess, Allat, and the astral goddess Al-Uzza. Allat and the Al-Uzza figure in Surah 53 is what is called “the Satanic verses” which Muhammad initially gave, but later deleted. The moon and Venus connection to Allat and Al-Uzza are one of the most embarrassing matters for the Mullahs of Islam. The star in ancient Babylon is known as the Isthar and Ashart, and was known in Saba as Atar. So, the moon goddess is Allat in Mecca, while the star was Al-Uzza, a very local lady and star. Thus, the origin of the star and crescent in Islam is apparent. It makes sense. Allat was the moon goddess and Allah was the sun god. Allah was the phallic symbol and Allat was the vaginal deity. This is from Steve van Nattan's research. I don't agree with Steve on everything, but his information on Islam is very documentated and his best work.

By TruthSeeker24 (Timothy)

October 4, 2005 Daniel

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Nostradamus, Etc.

Sometimes, I learn about controversial people. I first heard about Nostradamus in 1997. His supporters claim that he can predict the future. Films, books, and other devices involve him. Well, what was he and what methods did he used to write his literature? He live in France, whose grandfather was Jewish. His own family converted from Judaism to Roman Catholicism when he was 9 years old. He helped people during the plagues in France. He was educated in medicine. He also learned astronomy, astrology, and many other occult teachings. He knew Hebrew, Latin, Greece, and other languages, so he was very intelligent. Before going forward, his method in his "predictions" must be discovered first. The source of Erika Cheetham's book "The Prophecies of Nostradamus" published by G. P. Putnam’s Sons of New York, New York, copyrighted in 1973 (on pg. 20) accurately showed his method. The book says that Nostradamus would use a wand and put it in a dish to try to "predict" the future. Now, even Nostradamus admitted that when he did this "the god" sits by. Now, Erika Cheetham admitted that this was a form of divination and that Nostradamus used occult books like the De Mysteriis Egyptorum for inspiration. "The Nostradamus Encyclopedia" by Peter Lemesurier having even Nostradamus warning his son not to dabble in these methods:
"...he indicates how it is possible for the diviner to open the mind to divine inspiration not merely through the use of judicial astrology, but with the ritual aid of lymbe and exigue flamme ... Almost in the same breath, however, he beseeches his infant son never to dabble in such practices for, he says, they desiccate the body, disturb the mind, and send the soul to perdition. For that reason he has reduced to ashes the ancient books in which he first discovered the techniques involved. They burned, he says, with an unnatural brilliance (p. 64).
The Old Testament forbids the practice of the occult and divination: "Let no one be found among you who sacrifices his son or daughter in the fire, who practices divination or sorcery, interprets omens, engages in witchcraft, or casts spells, or who is a medium or spiritist or who consults the dead. Anyone who does these things is detestable to the LORD, and because of these detestable practices the LORD your God will drive out those nations before you. (Deut. 18:10-12)
Since Nostradamus acted in these manner, he violated the Holy Scriptures. His main work was his “Prophecies” They were organized into quatrains (a poem having 4 line that rhyme) that formed 12 Century (a century is one chapter of 100 quatrains). The languages he used in his literature were medieval French, Latin, Greek and Hebrew. He had written other literature like his epistle to King Henry, almanacs, and medical pamphlets so he’s very versed in the world and very intelligent. In Century I, quatrain 63, Nostradamus wrote about air and water travel, before wars began. This is confirmed in many peacetime areas in the world. Nostradamus' allies claim that Hitler, Napoleon, and others were predicted by him. Century VI, quatrain 97 is verse his proponents claim talking about 9/11. Most of his prophecies have too much anagrams and cryptic messages. Most of his quatrains also are so ambiguous that they can’t be fully explained unless given a whole wide range of opinions (usually false). The Bible says that God’s word isn’t hidden, but clear and apparent. The test of a true prophet is a belief of Jesus Christ as the Messiah and God (Nostradamus isn’t a Christian, but outwardly embraced Roman Catholicism to escape death), accuracy of the prophecies (some of his prophecies are indeed proven false and the rest are either a few true or too hard to tell), and edifying value of the prophecies (increase of occult usage, astrology, witchcraft in the world, etc. are the negative results of his information). THIS IS NOT OF GOD. Follow God and His word alone.
The Brotherhood Part 2
What's real in life is that international bankers (along with heads of the business and corporate world), royalty, Secret Societies, and other influential human beings having great power over world affairs (and the control of the political, religious, and economics spheres of the world). On many levels, this is unfair. The reason is that the common man rarely recieves the real truth and knowledge plus rights that the elite does. Folks have the right to know about the evil done by occult Secret Societies like Freemasonry, the Jesuits, O.T.O., Bohemian Grove, Skulls and Bones, and other groups. People want to find out the capstone of world power. My research leads me to believe that the capstone is in the Vatican (with groups like the Jesuits, Knights of Malta, Opus Dei, K of C, etc.), the area of the UK (headquarters of English Freemasonry, many international bankers, the Pilgrim Society, etc.), high level political groups (like the Bilderberg Group), European Royal Families & other powerful bloodlines (like the Windsor, which is the Germanic family called Saxe-Cothurg Gotha, Black Nobility, etc). In Freemasonry, the lower degree members are given intentionally lies admitted by Albert Pike. It's one thing to go into a group and it's another to be lied to in the lower levels. It's just wrong. Even many 32° Masons are given the real truth behind all of Masonry. Tons of the Masons do legitimate charity work, but they are still manipulated by the elite. Tons of elite have praticipated in the occult. Take a look at Ronald and Nancy Reagan using astrology as a means to chart their Presidential duties. Hillary Clinton, who claims to support Jesus, supports partial birth abortion. In the 1990's, Hillary consulted a medium to try to contact the "spirit" of Eleanor Roosevelt. Also, she done a shaman ritual with a Native American.
The image above show the double headed eagle. What does it mean? Well, the eagle was used for thousands of years in Babylon and Rome in reference for power. In Albert Pike's Morals and Dogma, the Eagle refers to the Egyptian god named Mendes. He is also related to the Vulture or the Scorpion. It's further about changing society and changing man's perception of things to accept a new form of tolerance (i.e. Universialism). Freemasonry is worldwide, even existing in many rites. They include the Scottish Rite, York Rite, Grand Orient Lodges, Mizraim Rite, etc. Masons are even in China. It doesn't take a genius to figure out that Freemasons have been in the U.S. court and police systes, military, NASA, the federal government, and other areas of life. Former Wiccan High Priest, Mormon, and 32nd Degree Freemason William Schnoebelen exposed the similarities between Witchcraft and Freemasonry. He said that: "The Masonic temple is a temple of Witchcraft! There can be little doubt about that. Veiled within its symbols are the deities and even the working tools of Witchcraft! The square and compasses are representations of the generative organs of the "sacred altar" of Witchcraft! The blazing star at the center of the Lodge is the Witch's pentagram, symbol of the god of Satanism."
Few people realize the Masonic connection to the Council on Foreign Relations. The RIIA, IPR and CFR originated from the Round Table group (one of its inventors was a Mason named Cecil Rhodes). Many of the original CFR founders were Freemasons. They include 33° England Grand Lodge Mason "Colonel" Edward Mandell House, 33° Scottish Rite Freemason Christian Herter, Scottish Rite Mason Averell Harriman, and 33° Grand Orient Mason Paul Warburg. Other 33° Freemasons who founded the Council on Foreign Relations include Jacob Schiff and Scottish Rite Mason Bernard Baruch. According to John Daniel, key members of the CFR include Freemasons now. The Masons are one of the architects of world events to chane the globe. Revolutions occur by Masons as well in the American, French, Turkish, Russian, and other Revolutions. I've just discovered this out. 33° Freemason Albert Lontaine sent a letter to the Pope in 1937 where he called himself a servant of Satan (later he called him a servant of Lucifer). This is the smoking gun proving that many high level Masons worship Lucifer (Satan). The words are found in the book "Blood on the Altar."
Brother Nicholas Rivera sent this image of Freemason A. Phillip Randolph shaking Master Mason Lyndon Johnson's hand. Well, this about the War on Poverty and the Civil Rights Movement. There is nothing wrong with civil rights protected by legitimate laws, but it doesn't take a rocket science that problems still reign in minority communities. This was in 1964 when  presented A. Philp Randolph with the Presidential Medal of Freedom. Today, prominent black Freemasons include 33° Freemason Jesse Jackson and Freemason Al Sharpton. One famous 32° Freemason was William L. Clark. He worked for Bell System and retired in 1963. He handled the company throughout Oregon. He was an elder in the Presbyterian Church proving the inflitration of many Mason into Protestant churches. Like many Masons, he's involved in charity, yet many Freemasonry is about Universialism and the embrace of the estoric. Many Freemasons are now supporting the biometric movement. talks about this. It's about some Freemasonry supporting the use of microchips to children. The program is called Comprehensive Masonic Chip. As for me, I don't agree with this because it devalues human life, strips individuality, and it depletes privacy from human beings.
They offer free of charge to people, yet to me it just isn't right. They would be satisfied if all children were microchiped, yet this is the agenda of the Elite and Globalists who want a controlled population. Thurl T.R. McClanahan is a 32nd degree Freemason and a person who recieved a Homeland Security related award from Knight of Columbus Thomas Ridge. Don't get me wrong, I don't hate Freemason people. I hate the evils in Freemasonry. Most low level Masons are readily decieved about the occult nature of Freemasonry. They are called "Porch bethren" in a degatory manner. So, all Freemasons don't have intentionally sinister motives. Some do have evil motives. We need to tell Masons that the Masonic Light is false, while the Light of God (Christ) is true.
It is vital to understand the Vatican role of power on Earth involving the Jesuits, Knights of Malta, Opus Dei, Knights of Columbus, and other groups. I don't hate Roman Catholic people, but I do hate the evil and unbiblical nature of the Roman Heirachy. Jesuits folks still have power in our lives. For example, Vice-Chair of the Homeland Security Advisory Board William H. Webster received an honorary degree from Jesuit Georgetown University. The Knights of Malta are descended from the Knights Hospitaller. The Knights Hospitaller were a rival to the Knights Templar who got the Knights Templar's wealth in the 1300's. The Knights of St. John of Jerusalem is also descended from the Knights Hospitaller. Andrew Bertie is the worldwide head of the Knights of Malta (aka sovereignty Military Order of Malta). King Juan Carlos of Spain is a SMOM, Order of Garter member, and the head of the Golden Fleece Order. Carlyle Group founder David Rubenstein was a close personal friend of pope John Paul II according to Mark Brewer. The head of the Carlyle Group (the largest defense contractor on Earth) now is SMOM Frank Carclucci. When you look deep into life, you will see that high level Freemasons, Knights of Malta, and Order of St. John of Jerusalem people head many of the prominent intelligence agencies, corporate businesses, political offices, and religious groups of the world. Just look at the many Masons as Presidents of the USA. Opus Dei Robert Philip Hanssen called himself a Soviet spy. According to Nicholas Rivera, he sold PROMIS software to Osama bin Laden.
There are other groups having tons of influential power as well. There is the Pilgrim Society. It's made up of very powerful people from the business, political, and religious world. It was invented in the early 20th century. Most of the people in it are from America and England. Edward B. Vreeland, was a Pilgrim, and he was in the Jeykl Island meeting, which led to the development of the Federal Reserve Bank (a bank control by private individuals). According to Joël van der Reijden, a high percentage of the CFR executive councils, JP Morgan leaders, Carniegie members, Skulls and Bones members, and other groups have Pilgrims as members. By this alone, Fritz Springmeier is correct to assume the the Pilgrims Society is more powerful than the Council on Foreign Relations. Even Pilgrims John J. McCloy and Allen Dulles are members of the Warren Commission. Gerald Ford, a future honorary Pilgrim, is a third member.  Lord Peter Inge is another Pilgrim Society person. He was in a five-member panel that looks into the gathered intelligence that was used to justify an invasion in Iraq the year before. All 5 are Privy Councillors and just as the panel's chairman, Lord Inge is a knight of the Order of the Garter.
Royalty still have power today. Queen Elizabeth II knighted Rudy Guiliani in February 13, 2002. Elizabeth herself is in the Order of the Garter and the Grand Patroness of World Patronness (according to Mick Oxley). Her cousin, the duke of Kent, became the Grand Master of English Freemasonry at its 250th celebration. Many Danish Kings were in Freemasonry according Fritz Springmeier.
Now, it's time to look again at secular Jewish people and an evil, secular form of Zionism. Rabbi Lapin opposes the secular humanism that has overtaken many Jews. Not all Jwish people are involved with this stuff. So, I want to make that clear. First, it's time to explain history. Now, these evil people existed primarily from the Babylonian Captivity. When the Jews went into Babylon, they apostatized further. They accepted false gods and believed that oral tradition was equal to the Torah. The Pharisees accepted this and it was called the Midrash. Jesus in the NT condemned the Pharisees who accepting their own tradition that contradicted the Torah. This apostacy went further into the development of the Talmud, which are numerous commentaries of the Old Testament. It's interesting to note that the Adin Steinsaltz edition of the Talmud on Ketubot 11b considers a grown man havign sex with a girl below the age of 3 as not a significant sexual act. This is support of pedophilia, which is morally wrong. The extension of apostacy continued into the Sabbeatean Movement (made up of people who wanted to destroy Torah Judaism and Christianity. Rabbi Antleman wrote a book about this issue eloquently). Sabbatai Zvi invented the Sabbaetean movement as a false Messiah. So, secular Masonic Jewish Zionism is a significant, yet secondary (they are under the Jesuits and high level Freemasonry) part of globalization because there always organizations more powerful than them. Also, there ideology originated from the Gentile Ancient Mystery Schools of Babylon and Egypt. Jacob Frank was a hater of the Torah who was in support of the Jesuit invented (Adam Weishaupt was a Jesuit priest) Illuminati.
The Sabbeateans and Labor Zionism have been at the forefront of radical liberalism, Reform Judaism, and anti-authentic Judaism and anti-Christianity ideologies. These include abortion rights and getting rid of the Ten Commandments plus other forms of religious expression by groups like B'nai B'rith Lodge invented ADL (headed by Abe Foxman, who bashed Christians recently). Even the Star of David according to O. J. Graham's research didn't exist from David. It was from the Caananites, Babylonians, and other pagan cultures. Even according to William F. Dankenbring, the Hexagram was utilized by the ancient Hindus. The Hexagram is used in Satanism to this day. A real symbol representing Jewish heritage is the menorah and the burning bush that is authentic for centuries. Barry Chamish have written extensively on how Labor Zionism colloborated with Nazis to make the Holocaust a reality and the Labor Askhenazi Jewish people murdering Sephradic Jewish people. Israel was created after the Holocaust. It's interesting to note the Secret Society connection to Israel. Webster Tarpley confirmed that Felix Warburg colloborated with Hitler through money during WWII. According to Barry Chamish, Warburg was allied to 33° Freemason Chaim Weizmann. After World War 2, Chaim colloborated with his brother 33° Harry Truman to support the establishment of the nation of Israel. In a sense, many of these Masons obess with Israel in an attempt to rebuild Solomon's Temple. To this day, most Israeli Prime Ministers have been involved with Freemasonry or Labor Zionism. Evil is present in Israel (i.e. oppression, discrimination, etc.), but I still believe that Israel has a right to exist. The reason is that there has always been a permanent presence of Hebrews (who today are in Yemen, Ethopia, Iran, India, N. Africa, and other places globally) in the land for 3,000+ years anyway. From the David, Solomon, Babylonian Captivity, Persians, Greeks, Romans, ByzantiumEmpire, Arab Empire, The Ottoman Turks, the Brits, and today. People talk about the Neo Cons, but most the PNAC Neo Cons are Gentiles and in the CFR not mostly Jewish, which was explained by Stan Monolieth.
Muslim radicalism is also a threat. I've talked about that for many months and years. We do know that Muslim radicals worked with the Nazis to kill Serbs and Jews. One man involved with this was al-Husseini, who was the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem.  Mark Brewer has mentioned tons of information about Islam and the Vatican connection. For example, he wrote that "...Michel Sabbah, the Latin Patriarch of Jerusalem and preacher of jihad, congratulated Hamas when they won the election in Palestine. I suspect that this man will have a large role uniting all Muslims with the Vatican...." What is the connection? Well, most Muslim leaders in the Middle East support the Vatican and are uniting with the Vatican to allow ecumencialism to reign. There are similarities of course between both religions like the reverence of Mary, hostility toward Jews, the use of rosary beads, the unscriptural practice of repeating prayers, etc. We must support the God fearing, patriotic Jews and Arabs in the Middle East, not evil people. The leadership of Muslim, Islamic nations and Israel (both funded by American and European companies-many of them headed by Knights of Malta) keep its citizens in division, so solutions aren't created among both sides.

One of the essences of the Brotherhood of Secret Societies, many international bankers, royalty, and high level political group is the usage of many symbols and concepts. I've just learned new things. According to Michael A. Hoffman II, Anglican apostate John Dee was one of the founders of the British Israel agenda and the idea of a British Empire. John Dee was an astrologer to Queen Elizabeth I. The whole plan of many Secret Societies then and now is to create a "New Atlantis" in the world. One DVD movie that I've seen and I do recommend it is called "Secret Mysteries of America’s Beginnings: Volume I" The movie not only talks about Freemasonry, but it talks about Sir Francis Bacon's utopian dream and other issues.
The Ordo Templi Orientis or OTO is an occult group with more influence than the general public realizes. The OTO was founded between 1895 and 1900 by a pair of powerful Freemasons, Karl Kellner and Theodor Reuss. Craig Heimbichner (though pro-Roman Catholic) rightfully expose the OTO in his book called "Blood on the Altar." Aliester Crowley is a famous member of the OTO. Crowley is a total representation of the OTO since he wanted love of self and self gratification to replace the love of God. His followers included famous people like John Lennon, Timothy Leary, and otherss who supported the 1960's cultural revolution. Even L. Ron Hubbard was a friend of Crowley and found the cult of Scientology. The good news is that a lot of the younger generation reject this relativism and love socially conservative values like me. I'm in my 20's. According to John Daniel's Scralet and the Beast series, hardcore Irish Roman Catholic William Donovan (who recieved a St. Slyvester award from the Vatican for his intelligence work for the Vatican) is not only a Knight of Malta (many heads of the CIA are in the Knights of Malta) and a 33°  Freemason, but a member of the OTO. It's isn't just Left Wing New Agers involved in the OTO. OTO member James Wasserman is trying to be "Right Wing", but he refuses to expose Freemasonry, Jesuits, and other things. He endorses the John Birch Society, which had many Freemasons in it.
By Timothy


More words on Mormonism:

Professor Anton of Columbia University studied the characters on the golden plates and found it isn't authentic. He even says "The whole story (The Book of Mormon) is perfectly false." He also states that the whole Mormon claim is a scheme to get people's money. To disregard Professor Anton is irrational. The Book of Mormon says that the Old World Before the 600's B.C. used steel weapons and tools. Also, the New World Also, the New World used steel weapons before 399 B.C. in it.

That's false, because steel wasn't invented or processed until 1856. This is blatantly false of the Mormons. According to Esign, Magazine on April 1981 on pg. 18, they say that Jesus atoned for our sins in the garden of Gethsemane, but the Bible says he did it on the cross. The Book of Mormons mentions civilizations in the Old World as having:

-land covered with buildings as the sand of the sea. (Mormon 1:7)
-silks, elephants, horses, goats, sheep, oxen, cows, swine, asses, linen (Ester 9:17-19, Alma 1:29)
-2 million men plus their wives and children are killed (Ether 16:2).
-houses and chariots. (Alma 18:9, 20:6, 3 Nephi 3:22, 21:84).

It's all false by the reason of:
1).No remains of Jewish temples or anything similar to Semitic civilization as mentioned in the Book of Mormons with temples and synagogues.

2).Bows and arrows were not in America until after 1000 A.D. The Book of Mormons gives them to Indians 600 years to early.

3). The Reformed Egyptian language didn't exist at that time in that region.

4). There were no elephants, cows, pigs, goats, horses, chariots, silk, etc. in America before the 1000's or 1492. Ancient elephants and mammoths existed thousands of years before the 'Jaredites', etc. came to America if they ever did at all (which they didn't).

5). Native Americans are Mongoloid racially, not white or black in skin pigmentation. The Book of Mormon is false.

6). A 7-day week is used in Mosiah 13:18, but many Ancient Native Americans in the pre-Columban era used different calendars like the Mayas have a 260-day cycle divided into 13 months of 20 days each used of most Meso-Americans.

The source of the Journal of Discourse 5:332, Brigham Young said "those who fall away from Mormonism would become gray-haired, wrinkled, and black like the Devil" also in Journal of Discourses 7:336, he said "You may inquire of the intelligent of the world whether they can tell why the ignorant, and sunken into the depths of degradation."

Here's another by Young
"You see some classes of the human family that are black, uncouth, uncomely, disagreeable, sad, low in their habits, wild, ad seemingly without the blessings of the intelligence that is generally bestowed upon mankind. The first man that committed the odious crime of killing one of his brethren will be cursed the longest of any one of the children of Adam. Cain slew his brother. Cain might have been killed, and that would have put termination to that line of human beings. This was not to be and the Lord put a mark on him, which is the flat nose and black skin. Trace mankind down to after the flood, and then other curse is pronounced upon the same race - that they would be the "servant of servants;" and they will be, until that curse is removed; and the Abolitionists cannot help it, nor in the least alter that decree." Journal of Discourses, Volume 7, pages 290 291

(They are many other sources, but Brigham Young is definitely racist against blacks and Native Americans and Native Americans created great civilizations despite Young's stupid, blind bigotry. Great civilizations include;

-Inca (ca. 1438-1532 AD.)
-Olmec (ca. 1200-400 B.C.)
-Maya (ca. 200 B.C.-800 A.D.)
-Toltec (ca. 900-1200 A.D.)
-Aztec (ca. 1325-1521 A.D.)
-Chavin (ca. 1200-300 B.C.)

and tons of others.

More scientific, geographic, etc. problems:

Foods known to America in ancient times like chocolate, lima, beans, squash, potatoes, tomatoes, manioc, etc. aren't included in the Book of Mormon.

Names of Lachmaes, Timothy, James, Alpha, Omega, etc. are mentioned in that book but it should have no Greek influence supposedly describing pre-Columbian America.