Wednesday, April 3, 2024

Why I Won't Vote for Donald Trump in November 2024.


I will not vote for Donald Trump in November 2024 for these various reasons. All of these reasons are documented facts:

1. Donald Trump called the January 6th insurrection terrorists hostages. These insurrectionists harmed police officers with pepper spray, poles, and other weapons. Many of them waved Confederate and Neo-Nazi flags. They terrorized innocent people, vandalized innocent property, and some threatened to hang former Vice President Mike Pence.

2. Donald Trump has attacked judges, a judge's daughter, and President Biden in offensive, inappropriate terms.

3. Donald Trump has made overtly racist, sexist, and xenophobic comments. For example, Trump called the wife of Senator Mitch McConnell a racist slur, but McConnell cowardly supports Trump, Trump called COVID-19 a racist slur, he called migrants "vermin," and he called a black judge "an animal.' 

4. Donald Trump is known for habitual lying, even documented by mainstream sources. 

5. I don't agree with Trump's domestic and foreign policy views. Trump has praised dictators and authoritarians like Orban, the President of Argentina, and Putin. He has glorified Chairman Xi, when Xi censors the Internet at draconian levels, suppresses religious liberty rights, and suppresses domestic dissent against his regime. 

6. Trump has said that he wants to be a dictator on Day one of his Presidency in January of 2025 if he is elected President. 

7. Donald Trump is an existential threat to democracy, because of his threats of retribution against his political opponents, wanting Georgia officials to illegally steal votes in the 2020 election involving Georgia, and his threats against press reporters who criticize his extremism.

By Timothy.

Thursday, October 26, 2023

My Views on Cynthia G's Youtube Channel being demonetized.

This story proves that evil people don't care about other evil people. The establishment is getting rid of some of their most deranged, evil voices like Charleston White, Tommy Sotomayor, and now Cynthia G in YT. Among evil people, disarray and chaos are abundant. Cynthia G made it clear on tape that her intention, until her passing, is to cause division among BM and BW (without unity). Cynthia G, for years, has spewed hate speech and anti-black rhetoric. She called Fantasia ugly (which is a lie). blamed dark-skinned black people for colorism (which isn't true), called Stevie Wonder the c word, called most black men trash, and follows the occult Tarot including astrology (and she showed hatred against believers in God). These are some of her fruits, and it's clear that she is anti-black woman too, because some of her most vicious vitriol has been against black women (she called black women defending Black Love racist slurs and disrespected black women who disagree with her views). She doesn't even cite great, inspiring information about black women inventors, black women fitness heroes, and other solutions to help black women. Her information is limited basically to describe one subject (hating black people of the opposite sex). A BW basher and a BM basher are 2 sides of the same fruit of anti-blackness. There is a difference between calling out sellout BM and sellout BW (which we do. We won't ally with those who hate on black human beings of the opposite sex in a wicked fashion) and planting a broad brush against all BM and all BW (which we don't do). The manosphere is wrong for their hatred of black women too. Corporate money funds both sides in order to restrict solutions from the people. With all that, as a black man, I can't hate her. I don't hate Cynthia G (and I know her story from Seattle, her relatives, and other things that many folks don't know), but I have overt disagreements with her views. With so much hatred and hurt, it's a shame that she decided to be on the wrong side of history. This is part of the censorship agenda too as we have been censored on YT too. The lesson about Cynthia G is that we not only should expose evil but promote solutions. We should promote solutions to ending this gender war nonsense and confront the evils of radiation too. 

By Timothy

Monday, October 9, 2023

Numbers Much Higher Than a Trillion.

 There are tons of numbers much higher than a trillion in the Universe. There are 8 planets in the solar system and 26 letters in the English alphabet. There are about 50,000 aircraft on Earth. When you get higher, you know that there about 500,000 movies in existence. There are about 8.3 million people in New York City. There are over 42,000,000 heartbeats of a human being in one year.  There are about 400 billion stars in our galaxy or the Milky Way Galaxy. There are about 3 trillion trees on Earth. There are over 37 trillion items of physical money being circulated on Earth. There are about 100 trillion cells in the human body. What is beyond a trillion. A quadrillion is beyond one trillion. There are 1.2 quadrillion dollars of financial assets on Earth. There are 10 quadrillion ants on Earth, there are about 260 quadrillion humanbearts of all humans on Earth in a single year, and there are about 7 quintillion grains of sand in an average sized beach. There are 10 quintillion insects on Earth. There are about 100 quintillion data bytes created by human beings. It's time to go bigger. There is about 1 sextillion grains of sand on Earth. There are about 36 sextillion DNA base pairs in the human body. There are about 600 sextillion atoms in one mole of substance. There are about 1 septillion stars in the observable Universe. That is the Universe that we know as the Universe can be much bigger than we know as light can travel only so far. There are 7 X 10 to the 27th power of all atoms in the human body (or 7 octillion atoms). There are 5 nonillion bacteria on Earth. There are about 1.3 X 10 to the 50th power of all atoms on Earth. The total mass of grams in the Observable Universe is 6 X 10 to the 55th power. Planck Time since the Big Bang is 8 novemdecillion. There are 1 vigintillion amount of grains of sand to fill the whole cosmos. Googlol is beyond these numbers as 10 to the 100th power. Beyond that, you have the Googolplex. Then, you have Googolplex to the Googolplex Power and to the Googolplex Power again. Then you go up to more numbers to SSCG (5), and then to Rayo's Number. Beyond that you have Countable Infinity (even beyond Graham's Number). Later, you have Uncountable Infinity and goes higher to Replacement Inaccessible Infinity, Indescrible Infinity, Impredicative Infinity, and finally to Absolute Infinity. Absolute Infinity is the final level of all numbers of all Creation. That is the end of the number system.

By Timothy

Monday, September 11, 2023

Words on Relationships.

At first, I didn't want to mention anything about this topic (because this topic has been shown on the Internet constantly), but it has been about 10 years since I made an in-depth commentary on the topic on relationships and the gender war scam harming both men and women worldwide. Something in my subconscious mind inspired me to write on this subject. I dedicate these words to my black ancestors, my friends, and my community including all freedom loving people of the world (who are of every color and background). I want to make this information as a way to reflect my views on this issue in 2023. The gender war situation is a lie that believes that humans of the opposite sex are eternal enemies that must be scapegoated, scorned, dehumanized, and rejected as equal human beings (perpetual conflict is promoted instead of rational solutions in unifying the human family in love, community, and togetherness). I still have the same views back then of rejecting gender war misinformation and propaganda. Over 10 years ago, I refuted sexists on the Internet on relationship topics, and I will continue to do so. When did this nonsense start? Thousands of years ago, human beings existed in the world fighting for survival. Civilizations grew rapidly in the four corners of the Earth. By the time of the Holocene epoch (or the start of our modern era of world history), the Ice Age ended, and the rising sea temperature grew. When civilizations grew in the Africa, Asia, Europe, the Americas, and Australia (like ancient Egypt, ancient Sumeria, ancient China, ancient Olmec culture, ancient Nubia, ancient Greece, etc.). There were similarities in these cultures from temples, language, and societal roles, because we humans have the same origin. Back in the ancient times, there were righteous people who treated men and women as equals, but even back then there was massive oppression against men and women. The minimization of the power and importance of women always causes harm to civilization because no one is free until all people are free to achieve their destinies as human beings. That is why I believe that women collectively suffer more oppression than men collectively because of the dynamics of sexism (and other factors) which has existed throughout human history. In modern times, we have an epidemic of rape in America, Europe, India, and worldwide. Statistics back this up. 

For example, according to the CDC, over half of all women and almost 1 in 3 men experienced sexual violence involving physical contact during their lifetimes. One in 4 women and about 1 in 26 men according to the CDC have experienced rape or attempted rape in America. 1 in 3 women and about 1 in 9 men experienced sexual harassment in a public place. These are the just the cases being reported, so the statistics are much higher among women and men. This doesn't mean that men don't experience rape, but statistics document how women suffer more rape than men. No man and no woman should be raped, abused, or oppressed period. Laws made to prevent equality among the sexes existed long before America was a nation. In ancient Rome, women couldn't vote or hold political office. During the Medieval times in Europe, many women were unfairly treated as a vassal. There was many equal status given to women in many pre-agricultural societies. In U.S. law, American women were not legally defined as "persons" until 1875 (in Minor v. Happersett, 88 U.S. 162). This reality doesn't mean that men suffered nothing, but it does mean that history proves that misogyny and patriarchal capitalist supremacist systems have harmed societies for centuries and thousands of years. Nothing is new under the sun. 

Social movements for human equality stood up for centuries and thousands of years. Rational people agree with women having the right to vote, but that never existed in America until the 20th century. Rational people agree with women owning homes and having jobs with equal pay, but tons of women didn't have those opportunities as late as the early to mid 20th century, especially black women. Some women don't have true equal pay now in 2023. Feminism got incels, manosphere types, and other sexists so angry that that word is like the most offensive word to them. They believe in the lie that feminism itself is responsible to all problems men deal with and all things under the sun. The truth is that feminism is very diverse, and the concept of feminism just means equality among all sexes and backgrounds. The common lie promoted by manosphere types is that since white racist feminists and suffragettes exist in the world (or agents like former CIA agent Gloria Steinem and even Susan Brownmiller lied about Emmett Till as a potential rapist), so feminism falls apart as a social ideology. The truth is that white racist suffragettes have abhorrent views and should not be respected, but many women supported the right to vote and equality from Ida B. Wells (who exposed white racist suffragettes) to Fannie Lou Hamer. Feminism doesn't mean hatred of men, but it does acknowledge male privilege and the role of some men (not every man) in the oppression of women. I think nuisance is omitted by the sexist crowd. Later, by the end of the 20th century and the 21st century, sexism has been promoted by corporations, shock jocks, YouTube personalities, and other controversial people. Tom Leykis is one of the old school sexists who used his radio platform to promote sexism and stereotypes about women. Red pill advocates, MGTOW advocates (which is a hate group that seeks to end relationships among men and women. MGTOW stands for Men Going Their Own Way), and others in that crew have differences, but they are similar in having hostility towards women, embracing negative stereotypes of women (which has lied that women don't know STEM, every woman is selfish, every woman hates a righteous man, etc.), and seeks men to be Machiavellian in having advancement. 

The reality is that men and women should be themselves and have a sense of power and altruism in making the world better by their own merit. The MGOTW movement is wrong, because they embrace the most negative views about women without realizing the diverse personalities of women. Also, there is no benefit in permanent isolation as the improve of humanity can come by connection, development, and a sense of purpose in helping people. Women aren't machines in a slot machine that you can push a button to make wishes come true. Women are human beings with intellects, feelings, and value that ought to be respected. These characteristics define men too. Many women haters and misogynists are popular among a certain segment of the world's population like Andrew Tate and even the late Kevin Samuels advocated domestic discipline against women (which is domestic violence. Kevin Samuels also disrespected women's physical appearances and implied that black women are less attractive which is a lie. Black women are the most beautiful women on Earth in my view). Recently Andrew Tate has been accused of sex trafficking in Europe. The pickup artist propaganda (in advancing nefarious principles) is known to ruin many relationships. There are many red flags for sexists who lecture women on how to be women (when women are perfectly qualified on speaking about womanhood by themelves by birth), on talking about high and low value people (when all people are created equal) and promote colorism (when beauty is diverse found in all hues, especially in black people. Eurocentric beauty standards is antithetical to truth). Many sexists are promoted by YouTube and corporate power from DJ Akademiks (who disrespected SZA and claims to be the "prize." He is a Trump supporter too who sometimes gets drunk and curses anyone out who disagrees with him), Charleston White, etc. 

As for black people, black women and black men aren't responsible for the Maafa, the War on Drugs, and other evils in our communities. In recent decades, many sexists promote the lie that black single mothers are responsible for family dysfunction and all problems in the black community in general. That is false as black single mothers are victims of a white racist system that harms both black men and black women in similar plus different ways. Misogyny harms men too. In fact, misogyny (which spreads by capitalist exploitation) causes the crisis of many men, because some men believe in the myth that they must be brutes, aggressive in a toxic way, and intolerable to be a "real man." Many in the manosphere are right that there is a crisis among men, but they are wrong on the origin and solution of this problem. Authors like Scott Galloway, Annie Lowrey, and Christine Emba wrote on this crisis in men in articles and books. These men and women are scholars and experts who have done their research. For example, boys start school less prepared than girls and less likely to graduate from high school and attend or graduate from college. 

One in seven men reports having no friends. Three of every four deaths of despair in America are men dying from suicides and drug overdoses. Boys have fewer male role models. The prison industrial complex has harmed men, including black men, for decades in America alone. The prison system is filled with rape, abuse, exploitation, corruption, and psychological trauma inflicted on human life. Toxic masculinity is not true masculinity. True masculinity is about developing power, integrity, and positive influences to help, protect, and advocate for human beings not oppressing anyone. The crisis among men caused many men to have trouble expressing communication cogently with people, and many men fall prey to incels, xenophobes, and other extremists like Andrew Tate, Anton Daniels, Tariq Nasheed, Charleston White, etc. This crisis is not caused by women but by a cutthroat system that focuses on dehumanization instead of respect for all human life. What is the solution to end this crisis? There must be investments in apprenticeships and trade schools for men and women, there must be investments in more male positive role models to help boys, there must be a progressive promotion of mental health programs for men and boys, economic progressive policies must exist, and there must be education in social conduct among boys and men (in forming relationships, cultural groups, religious groups, and meeting people in general). There are many scholars who want human being to reduce stress, get adequate sleep, use table manner, improve hygiene, improve grammar or vocabulary, improve health, be honest, take reasonable risks, accept accountability, promote respect, and treat people right. These people are right. 

I don't agree with Olivia Alexa on every issue (I disagree with her in saying most women will never respect men, and she saying that the majority of women not knowing what a good man is), but she is right on saying these following jewels: attraction is not a negotiation (i.e. if a woman if not interested in you as a man, don't waste your time and keep it moving to date women who are attracted to you), men should carve their own path to be the men that they want to be (by improving your personality, economics, health and character), sex by itself is not enough to keep someone, men should keep their honor intact, and having success of men dating women has no shortcuts (it takes work). Olivia Alexa is right that people should show your worth by communication in an effective way by using action and words. The truth is that a woman can't love a man she doesn't respect. So, a woman or a man who dates someone who respects him or her. I do believe that Olivia Alexa sincerely wants to help men in the dating situation by her vibe, her insights, and her energy. The beauty of the situation is that we don't have to agree with everyone to appreciate legitimate insights on relationships shown by a human being like Olivia Alexia. She is also right to mention that, "A woman can always tell if a man loves her by how much time he is willing to invest. Money spent is meaningless, but time spent is priceless." In other words, the money will come, but what lasts for a lifetime is time spent to your lover. 

Education about intellectual growth, health development, and emotional strength is key in inspiring men and women to reach their highest potentials as human beings. We are human, we are bio-chemical beings, we have a prefrontal cortex filled with intellectual power, and we are born to be social. 

The incel crew falsely blame women or feminism for relationship problems and their solutions are further entrenchment of misogyny. We know about divorce and how many men, and many women struggle after divorce financially or emotionally. We all agree that tons of divorce settlements aren't 50-50. The incel/manosphere/red pill crew exploit the existence of divorce to say that any woman would benefit from a divorce by virtue of the court system being biased on gender. That is not the case. The truth is that men and women have diverse experiences from divorce. Some men suffer a bad deal from a divorce, and some women suffer a bad deal from a divorce. Many studies like the study from Thomas Leopold entitled, "Gender Differences in the Consequences of Divorce: A Study of Multiple Outcomes" back in 2018 from the Demography magazine found that findings suggest that, "'s disproportionate strain of divorce is transient, whereas women's is chronic." According to the U.S. Government Accountability Office to the Senate, "Women's household income fell by an average of 41 percent with divorce, almost twice the size of the decline that men experienced." The U.S. Census mentioned that 20 percent of women all into poverty after a divorce compared ot 11 percent of men. About 25 percent lose their health insurance temporarily. Some incels have gone beyond spewing hateful words to do rape, assault, and murder against women for decades now. That is why people who are liberals, conservatives, etc. agree that the corporate divorce industry is not working, and an alternative is necessary (like before marriage, a contract of responsibilities is established so the couple can have equitable rights and benefits from raising children to financial growth). Another problem with the Red pill/manosphere movement is that it has a hostility toward marriage, towards a man loving a woman (a man loving a woman is not a simp), and relations between humans in general. The truth is that studies show that healthy marriages have financial, health, and emotional benefits for men and women. Therefore, marriage is a blessing in the eyes of God, and there is nothing wrong for people being married for the right reasons. 

The truth is that we have a crisis among men and women in an evolving world. Women suffer oppression too from rape, pay inequality, lax maternity leave for mothers, sexual harassment, and degradation in media and other forms of entertainment. With automation and deindustrialization, many people lost their jobs or went into new jobs in a changing capitalistic economy. After World War II, veterans came back to America from Europe, Africa, and America. Families grown and the suburbs grew, but racial oppression and sexual exploitation existed. The Bible of the manosphere and sexists is the Moynihan Report of 1965. I prefer the Kerner Commission report of 1967 than the Moynihan Report (which promoted the lie that single black women and black culture from the legacy of slavery, not the system of racism and economic oppression are responsible for many of the social problems in black families. Many scholars have debunked the report for years and decades). Dnaiel Patrick Moynihan is wrong, because racial inequality is not caused by a specific family structure (as both nuclear and single families can raise amazing children into great men and women) but in the political economy and institutional racism. African American activists like Pauli Murray criticized the report as promoting increasing economic opportunities for black men at the expense of getting rid of jobs to black women. The truth is that black men and black women deserve jobs and economic opportunities. The Moynihan Report made the misogynoir myth that tons of black women have it made in 1965 when that isn't the case at all. Merrillee A. Dolan and other scholars have refuted the report too. The policies of the War on Drugs, redlining, discrimination, welfare reform, and other actions harmed black communities for decades and centuries not black women collectively or black men collectively. Men and women aren't monolithic. There are evil men and evil women from Candace Owens to Jesse Lee Peterson. Yet, evil people existing doesn't mean that men and women can never change. You have to give people the chance to change and be better human beings despite the past. According to black feminist scholar and activist Frances Beal in her work Double Jeopardy in 1969, this shows the dynamics of oppression against black men and black women: 

"...Certain black men are maintaining that they have been castrated by society but that black women somehow escaped this persecution and even contributed to this emasculation. Let me state here and now that the black woman in America can justly be described as a "slave of a slave." By reducing the black man in America to such abject oppression, the black woman had no protector and was used, and is still being used in some cases, as the scapegoat for the evils that this horrendous system has perpetrated on black men. Her physical image has been maliciously maligned; she has been sexually molested and abused by the white colonizer; she has suffered the worst kind of economic exploitation, having been forced to serve as the white woman's maid and wet nurse for white offspring while her own children were more often than not, starving and neglected. It is the depth of degradation to be socially manipulated, physically raped, used to undermine your own household, and to be powerless to reverse this syndrome.

It is true that our husbands, fathers, brothers and sons have been emasculated, lynched and brutalized. They have suffered from the cruellest assault on mankind that the world has ever known. However, it is a gross distortion of fact to state that black women have oppressed black men. The capitalist system found it expedient to enslave and oppress them and proceeded to do so without signing any agreements with black women.

It must also be pointed out at this time, that black women are not resentful of the rise to power of black men. We welcome it. We see in it the eventual liberation of all black people from this corrupt system under which we suffer. Nevertheless, this does not mean that you have to negate one for the other. This kind of thinking is a product of miseducation; that it's either X or it's Y. It is fallacious reasoning that in order the black man to be strong, the black woman has to be weak.

Those who are exerting their "manhood" by telling black women to step back into a domestic, submissive role are assuming a counter-revolutionary position. Black women likewise have been abused by the system and we must begin talking about the elimination of all kinds of oppression. If we are talking about building a strong nation, capable of throwing off the yoke of capitalist oppression, then we are talking about the total involvement of every man, woman, and child, each with a highly developed political consciousness. We need our whole army out there dealing with the enemy and not half an army...."

The common argument by sexists is that since unmarried birth rates increasing because single mothers are to blame. Sexists believe in the old lie by any single mother by definition will promote dysfunction in society. The truth is that according to Ta-Nehisi Coates's article, "Understanding Out of Wedlock Births in Black America," there is a high number of children born by unmarried mothers, the birthrate for black women has declined, and married women of every color are going down by percentage (since 1970). So, the trend is that less people are getting married (among every color in America) because of conscious choices not because of a conspiracy of single mothers to ruin the black community. If we want more marriage rates in America, then we have to change the policies that invest in growing marriages not using force to make people get married if they don't want to. Likewise, children need parents. Mothers and fathers are important, so mothers and fathers should always be given just tools in raising their children. The large corporations causing wealth inequality and gentrification didn't originate from black single mothers or feminists but the corporate 1 percent. When you see a person blaming black men or black women collectively for every problem in the black community, that person is an agent like Tommy Sotomayor (who sexualized the death of black people and made outrageous sexist comments for over 10 years now) and Cynthia G (who called Fantasia ugly and said 90 percent of all black men are trash, and Cynthia G has a hatred of those who believe in God. For the record, Fantasia is a very beautiful black woman). There are those who claim to defend men but use anti-women rhetoric to justify their views. You don't have to defend the dignity of men to bash women. Bashing women is anti-men, and bashing men is anti-women, because we all are human beings coming from the same origin as people. Promoting self-accountability, giving advice, and promoting growth aren't bashing, but dehumanization, false generalizations, hatred, and outright lies are examples of bashing. Crimson cure is a woman who bashes women (She is disappointing as she knows full well of tons of black women about the life of building, caring, and honoring black liberation). Justpearlythings is another white racist woman who bashes women too via redpill propaganda.  The elite-engineered gender war nonsense is headed not only by white racist men, but white racist women too. Racist white women try to tickle the ears of sellout black people in order to be part of the program of self-hatred, nihilism, and in the end the destruction of their souls. Therefore, we have to know who the enemy is (which is the racist & corporate, international power structure), we can't underestimate evil people, and we will promote the truth of Black Love. What does a divestor mean? Divestors are different from most people involved in an interracial relationship or non-interracial relationships because they have love for a human being. Divestors are people who date and marry the opposite sex of another race, because they believe in the myth that a black person of the opposite sex collectively is inferior intellectually or socially to non-black people. To many divestors and many manosphere types, white folks (and non-black people in general) are infallible culturally and socially which is blatantly part of self-hatred. 

They have a hostility to not only Black Love but the black community in general. Divestors, MGTOW, and passport bros (who are wrong to stereotype American black women as collectively inconsiderate, aggressive, not progressive enough to date a gentleman, and disrespectful so they date women overseas with a passport) have differences, but they are similar in having stereotypes about black Americans of the opposite sex, having no concern of promoting black liberation (they don't talk about the need to help black women with maternity disparities, and they don't talk about the need to deal with many black men and mental health issues), and some don't care if the black community becomes extinct. Divestors and Manosphere agents don't talk about black women heroes, black men heroes, or making solutions to uplift the black community by legitimate means. This is extreme madness, but we don't have to follow the path of extinction. We want black people to grow and flourish in future generations and part of that is by building up black families including the growth of the black population in general. 

Now, we know the problems and what are the solutions? The solution is multifaceted. First, it's our responsibility as adults to do the right thing and to teach boys and girls the basics about responsibility, accountability, ethics, autonomy, consent, integrity, and positive social conduct that helps communities. We have to teach them when they are young that human autonomy and consent will always be important to live by and promote. Second, a holistic culture must be advanced where men and women have the right to pursue their dreams without oppression, without discrimination, and without bigotry or racism of any kind. It is important to note that it is not your responsibility to involuntarily redeem the soul of a struggling person. It is that person's responsibility to heal and be a better person for themselves. You can give people advice, encouragement, stand with that person when they ask for help, and give that person resources voluntarily, but ultimately, that person has to make that conscious decision to heal and improve their own lives. In the final analysis empathy and coddling aren't identical. We have to advocate for laws and policies to eliminate structures of oppression and discrimination. The more evil systems are gone, the more all humans benefit, regardless of sex. Mentorships and programs of uplift must be available for boys, girls, men, and women to cater to their needs and aspirations. Historically, many role models have saved the lives of men and women for centuries and thousands of years. Role models matter. Also, more men have to be allies to women and other oppressed groups not only by words but by deeds. Those deeds are about mentoring a young woman in a job or a young black person (or young person of any background), standing up against sexist speech in public and in private (whether in Internet forums or in the street), showing respect to any human being, and investing time to cultivate a culture of tolerance, excellence, and human dignity. We want any human being to be free and express their talents to the world safely. 

Consent matters. No one is entitled to a relationship. No one is entitled to sex. People have the right to be attracted and date who they want. No one is entitled to any human's body. We are entitled to liberty, justice, equality, and the pursuit of happiness. That principle and the Golden Rule must always be lived on a daily basis. Building better relationships does require self-reflection, learning how to undue pass trauma (even going to therapy if necessary), and building yourself up emotionally. One major solution in ending gender war nonsense is honest communication among men and women about our issues, aspirations, and dreams without personal attacks. Honest dialogue forming common ground will go a long way than WWE fake ad hominem attack nonsense. We need to further invest in programs helping girls and women to pursue STEM Fields, other jobs, and other methods for them to reach their goals in life. Improving oneself should be about you doing it, not to fulfill some fantasy of revenge or egoism. Being better (emotionally, health-wise, intellectually, financially, socially, and spiritually) makes you feel better in every aspect of human living. It is important to note that numerous evil people exploit the legitimate issue of love and relationships to dehumanize or disrespect people who are of different physical appearances. We don't do that for we believe that beauty is diverse, not monolithic. We all oppose colorism, lookism, and featurism period. We don't believe in disrespecting and dehumanizing anyone of a different physical appearance, color, sex, or background. All people are born equal and are entitled to respect, dignity, life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Relationships should be about mutual respect and mutual love not a case of letting negative baggage toxify a relationship. Relationships reflect commonality and dating people with similar interests and personalities can work. It's cliche but being yourself matters. Most people will respect you more if you're authentically you than if you fake an image to the world. Life is never easy, but life is not impossible to live a better life than the past. Treating people with dignity and respects shines a great light from Almighty God on you. 






By Timothy

Thursday, August 31, 2023

The March on Washington (60 Years Later)


The 60th anniversary of the March on Washington took place in Washington, D.C. Organizers of the march included Martin Luther King III, his wife and Drum Major Institue President Arndrea Waters King, daughter Yolanda (or Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.'s granddaughter), and National Action Network leader Rev. Al Sharpton. We see a right-wing backlash so vicious that far-right MAGA extremists want to revert to the 1950's instead of going forward in the 21st century. Jealous people in Georgia desire to target Fulton DA Fani Willis because she is fulfilling her duty to make sure that Trump and 18 other indicted people face accountability. The 60th anniversary is a continuation, not a commemoration. Many of the speakers in the rally spoke up for justice and equality for all people in the human race. They spoke out against gun violence, against racism, against sexism, and against anti-Semitsm. It's our duty to not only speak up against evil. We have to be active in constructive actions in helping society to grow. We have to expose liars like Ramaswamy who called Presley and Kendi as the "Modern KKK." The KKK murdered people, raped people, and burned down black churches to the ground. This stuff from Ramaswamy shows his racism and ignorance of history. Constructive actions must be done by us. These actions can be going on in city councils, working in the school system, registering people to vote, running for office, volunteering, mentoring kids, defending democratic rights, building up communities, working in STEM to help humanity, and being a light of wisdom for people. Each of us has a gift, and it is very important to be inspired by our audacious ancestors in making sure that the Dream in the future will develop into total fruition.

A lot has changed since August 28, 1963, when the March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom began. Technology has massively evolved to include iPhones, Netflix, Meta, and artificial intelligence. Yet, victory for liberty and justice is not a reality yet. When voting rights are less now in 2023 than in 1965, then we have a serious problem. Our outrage at the status quo is justified. Many human beings today face police brutality, poverty, sexism, poverty (and other forms of economic oppression), xenophobia, and other forms of bigotry. The 1963 March on Washington and the overall civil rights movement was about bringing diverse people together in order to bring the federal government to fulfill its responsibilities to the people. The federal government has the responsibility to ensure the general welfare and promote justice for all in an indivisible fashion. That is not our reality now when states ban books, restrict voting rights, and seek to harm the free speech rights of peaceful protesters. 

The criminal justice system, the wealth gap, and health care disparities will not be solved by moderate prescriptions or MAGA rhetoric. These evils can only be solved by structural and revolutionary change among all levels of government. The deaths of Breonna Taylor, George Floyd, and the 3 black people in Jacksonville, Florida show the epidemic of hate crimes in America. It shows that racism is a reality that seeks to destroy black lives literally. It's our just right to stand up for black lives from the poor and the homeless to others of every background. It is important to realize that the 1963 March on Washington (which was organized by tons of people like John Lewis, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., Cleveland Robinson, Bayard Rusin, Daisy Bates, Ann Arnold Hedgeman, A. Philip Randolph, etc.) wasn't just about the fight to end legalized Jim Crow apartheid. The march was about ending poverty, advancing a living wage, developing workers' rights, having fair education, developing housing, ending police brutality, and desiring full citizenship among black people. 

Grassroots organizing is one major avenue where solutions are enacted, and the black freedom struggle overall has been always inspirational. Reactionary politicians like Florida Governor Ron DeSantis (who advanced a shoot-on-sight policy against undocumented immigrants which is abhorrent) and four times indictment Donald Trump may want to have a vendetta against progressives, but we seek the opposite in promoting progressive values. It is not enough to end Jim Crow apartheid which should be gone. We have to also promote egalitarianism in making sure that economic and racial equality is real via a radical redistribution of economic and political power. It's the reality that when Dr. King promoted these aims including opposing imperialism (and the Vietnam War) via his Poor People's Campaign, that he would be assassinated in 1968. So, we have to be clear to unite with like-minded people to defend democratic freedoms wholeheartedly.

By Timothy

Sunday, August 27, 2023

Track and Field Results from the 2023 Championships.


Some great news is that Sha'Cari Richardson won the 2023 World Track and Championships today. We knew it was coming. We knew when she would get the torch, and she got it by her own merit. She refuted the haters, overcame obstacles, and is now the fastest woman this year. She won in a record time of 10.65 seconds. She knew that she had to run the race of her life, and she did just that. She won against the greatest competition of women's track and field 100m athletes in human history. It's that important. Sha'Cari Richardson gave an interview after the victory outlining the point that hard work does pay off. Sha'Cari Richardson won gold, Shericka Jackson of Jamaica won silver, and Shelly-Ann Fraser-Pryce won bronze from Jamaica. In the 100m hurdles of men, Grant Holloway won gold from America with a time of 12.96 seconds, Hansle Parchment from Jamaica won silver with a time of 13.07, and Daniel Roberts of America won bronze with a time of 13.07.

There are more results from the 2023 World Track and Field Championships. For the 200 m, Shericka Jackson won gold from Jamaica (almost reaching Flo Jo's record from 1988), Gabrielle Thomas from America won silver, and Sha'Carri Richardson won bronze from America.  For the men's 200m race, Noah Lyles won gold for America, Erriyon Knighton won silver, and Letsile Tebogo from Botswana won bronze. For the men's 400m, Antonio Watson won gold from Jamaica, Matthew Hudson-Smith won silver from the UK, and Quincy Hall won bronze from America.

There are more results from Thursday's 2023 World Athletics Championships in Budapest, Hungary. For the men's 400 m race, Antonio Watson of Jamaica won gold, Matthew Hudson-Smith won silver, and Quincy Hall of America won bronze. For the 400m hurdles, Karsten Warholm of Norway won gold, Kyrion McMaster of the British Virgin Islands won silver, and Rai Benjamin of America won bronze. For the men's long jump, Miltiadis Tentoglou won gold from Greece, Wayne Pinnock won silver from Jamaica, and Tajay Gayle won bronze from Jamaica. For the 400m women's race, Marileidy Paulino won gold from the Dominican Republic, Natali Kaczmarek from Poland won silver, and Sada Williams from Barbados won bronze. For the 100m hurdles of women, Danielle Williams of Jamaica won gold, Jasmine Camacho-Quinn of Puerto Rico won silver, and the American Kendra Harrison won bronze. For the 400m hurdles for women, Femke Bol of the Netherlands won gold, Shamier Little from America won silver, and Rushell Clayton from Jamaica won bronze. From the women's hammer throw, Camyrn Rogers from Canada won gold, Janee' Kassanvoid from America won silver, and DeAnna Price from America won bronze.

Involving the 2023 World Track and Field Championships in Budapest, Hungary, new developments are here. Soufiane El Bakkali won gold in the 3000 m men's steeplechase from Morocco, Lamecha Girma from Ethiopia won silver, and Abraham Kibiwot won bronze in Kenya. Part of the men's high jump, Gianmarco Tamberi won gold from Italy, JuVaughn Harrison won silver from America, and Mutaz Essa Barshim won bronze from Qatar. As for the women's 1500 meters, Faith Kipyegon won gold from Kenya, Diribe Welteji from Ethiopia won silver, and Sifan Hassan from the Netherlands won bronze. As for the women's discus throw, Laulauga Tausaga-Collins won gold from America, Valerie Allman won silver from America, and Feng Bin from China won bronze.

There have been a lot of results in the 2023 World Track and Field Championships in Budapest, Hungary. The winners of the Women's 10,000 m race are Gudaf Tsegay of Ethiopia winning gold, Letesenbet Gidy of Ethiopia winning silver, and Ejgayehu Taye from Ethiopia winning bronze. For the 20km race walk, Alvaro won gold from Spain, Perseus Karlstrom from Sweden won silver, and Caio Bonfim from Brazil won bronze. For the men's shot put, Ryan Crouser from America won gold, Leonardo Fabbri from Italy won silver, and Joe Kovacs won bronze from America. For the 4 X 400 m mixed relay (meaning including men and women), America won gold in the world record time of 3:08:80, Great Britain won silver with the time of 3:11:06, and the Czech Republic won bronze with the time of 3:11:98.

By Timothy

The Nicene Council and The Holy Trinity.

 The Nicene Council story is one of the most important stories in Christianity and in spirituality in general. It is about a heroic young bishop against heretics like Arius and Constantine who wanted control and power. The lie is that the Nicene Council invented the Trinity, but the Trinity doctrine existed in the early church centuries before the Nicene Council. Jehovah's Witnesses, Gnostics, and other people in various faiths are anti-Trinitarian, but I do believe in the Trinity.  Constantine was once a pagan, and he never invented the doctrine of the Trinity. The term Trinitas was used by Theophilus, Bishop of Antioch in ca. 180 A.D. The term of Trinity was also used by Tertullian almost 100 years before the Nicene council. Athenagoras said the Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit simultaneously exist as one God. Praxeas promoted the heresy of Monarchianism or that the Father became the Son, and the Son became the Spirit. This is modalism or what the Oneness teaches now. The Trinity was resisted by Gnostics and Arians. Modalism was promoted in Rome. Roman Catholicism as we know it today never existed in the early church as the early church never embraced purgatory, Mary being the Ever Virgin, or the Pope being the head of the church. Even the apostle Peter was married and had children. The early church had bishops and institutions functioning in equal space as Cyprian said no man is a bishop among bishops. It would be after the 300's A.D. when the Catholic Church formed claiming falsely that the Bishop of Rome has primacy over all churches of the world. By 312 A.D., Emperor Constantine of Rome claimed to have witnessed a vision of God of seeing the shape of a cross in front of the sun. Then, he saw the Greek words of toutoi nika or in this sign conquer. Constantine then put his soldiers with the X on their shields to defeat his enemies. He told his friend Eusebius this story. Constantine allowed the end of the persecution of Christians that existed since the edict of the Roman Emperor Diocletian. Constantine unified church and state which is against what Yeshua said of renders things to God things belong to God and render things to Caesar separately. Then, we saw a paganism infiltrate certain churches. Soon, icon, relics, veneration of images, and other heresies came into the apostate church (not the true church). Constantine didn't care about theological issues that much. 

Many future popes called themselves the Vicar of Church is blasphemous as God needs no representative on Earth. Arius was a bishop who opposed the bishop Alexander. Bishop Alexander of Alexandria, Egypt believed in the Trinity, but Arius was a heretic who thought that Jesus Christ was a created being. Bishop Alexander had a synod and denounced Arius's views. Arius forgets that Jesus in the NT is called the only Begotten Son of God and other views show Jesus Christ's existence before Creation. Arius believed that Yeshua was a created being not the eternal God in the flesh. Arius's friend Eusebius knew of Constantine and his family, so Constantine wanted this piece. Constantine convened the Nicene Council to deal with theological questions. It ended by Juen of 325 A.D. Arius debated Alexander. Alexander believed that Jesus Christ was the of the same substance (or homoousia) being God. Bishop Alexander and the young deacon Athanasius worked hard to debate and defend the Trinity. Athanasius said that the Scriptures prove that Jesus Christ was the same substance of nature as God. Eusebius, bishop of Nicomedia believed that Christ was a created being. At first, Constantine banished Arius. By 333 A.D., Constantine agreed with Arius not being banished with the help of his friend Eusebius. Constantine was baptized on his death bed in 337 A.D. Arius suddenly died on his way to visit Constantinople where his friend Eusebius lived at. Constantine's son Constantius was a total Arian. He bashed Athanasius from Alexandria. Athanasius was attacked during his church service by Arians who brought 5,000 Roman soldiers with them in 353 A.D. Other creeds like in Constantinople would disavow the term substance. This would change after Constantius death in 361. Arians split apart. Athanasius passed away in 373 A.D. after writing books to refute the Arian heresy. His other important works include his Letters to Serapion, which defends the divinity of the Holy Spirit. Therefore, you know the truth. 

By Timothy