Sunday, October 20, 2024

Why Lord Jamar is Wrong on Being a Trump Supporter

 The hip-hop artist Lord Jamar recently supported Trump and promoted the lie that Trump is not a racist. Not only is Jamar a liar, but he is a traitor to black people. He is the worst type of traitor by hypocritically claiming to be for black people but allying with the anti-black fascist Donald Trump. Let's look at the facts. Trump said that the Central Park Five should have the death penalty, even after DNA evidence proved their innocence. Trump said that a Mexican American judge can't judge a case fairly because of his Mexican heritage. That is racism. Trump slandered the city of Detroit recently in October of 2024. Trump called many black women politicians as having low IQ. Trump made sexist remarks against Kamala Harris for months, and Trump said that there were good people on both sides in the events of Charlottesville, Virginia back in 2017. The other side included Nazis and far-right terrorists. Jamar hypocritically criticizes Dj Vlad for his antics (which is true as Vlad is a deceptive person), but he supports Trump and sugarcoats his antics. Lord Jamar wants to be part of the house of Trump so badly, because he loves his master, Donald Trump. He is worse than Jesse Lee Peterson (as Peterson never claims to be pro-black). Jamar said that Kamala Harris isn't black. The truth is that Kamala Harris is Black and Indian American, and she called herself black and African American plenty of times. 


Vice President Kamala Harris is not perfect, but she is not Trump. Trump was found liable legally of raping a woman, but Kamala Harris was a prosecutor who targeted corrupt Wall Street interests and sexual predators. Trump wants camps to house migrants (he wants to end birthright citizenship and he wants a Muslim ban), but Kamala Harris wants billions of dollars in federal investments to build new housing in America. Trump has promoted divisive rhetoric for decades, and Kamala Harris promotes unity and justice. Jamar talks about Tupac and collard greens, but Kamala's misspoken words are nowhere near Trump agitating an insurrection against the USA government on January 6, 2021 (Trump called terrorists and traitors on that day patriots and wants to pardon these criminals). Republicans in Alabama are being sued by Assistant Attorney General Kristen Clark of the Civil Rights Division at the U.S. Department of Justice and the rest of the Justice Department for having a program that is aimed at removing voters form its election roles. Many GOP members are trying to suppress the vote now. So, Lord Jamar is a Hotep (as many Hoteps are allied with the MAGA cult) who made sexist remarks for years. Jamar said the lie that only 500,000 Jewish people died in the Holocaust in 2020. That is offensive as six million Jewish people died in the Shoah. This is the same person who said that women hip-hop artists are not part of real hip-hop. He has to nerve to call Sha-Rock an anomaly when Sequence, Lauryn Hill, Queen Latifah, MC Lyte, and other women hip hop artists have made contributions in hip hop since the 1970s. This liar Jamar said that Harris did nothing specific to black people. Amber Rose lied and said that eating cats is part of Haitian culture. Amber Rose is a sick person like Jamar is too. Harris funded HBCUs, helped to cut poverty in half, talked to black men as men to promote her views, and went about promoting infrastructure development in our nation. Black unemployment is much lower now than in Trump's Presidency. She has detailed policy positions on her campaign site too. That is the truth. Kamala Harris is proposing a new plan for Medicare to cover the costs of health care aides for seniors. Yet, Trump has no plan whatsoever on dealing with national health care issues. Trump stands for fascism and bigotry, and Kamala Harris stands for democracy. It is as simple as that. 

By Timothy

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