Friday, July 19, 2024

The 2024 Republican National Convention Analyzed


The first day of the Republican nomination is happening in Milwaukee. Protesters are out there, and massive security is enacted, especially after the attempted assassination of Donald Trump. This event comes 60 years after the 1964 Republican National Convention when the Republicans nominated the far-right candidate Barry Goldwater for the GOP ticket. Today in 2024, the Republicans Party and many even Democratic moderates are heavily funded by reactionary, big wealthy corporate interests. In these events, the Republican nominee officially named Donald Trump as the 2024 Republican nominee after all of the state delegates voted for him. J.D. Vance is chosen as the Vice Presidential candidate for the Republican ticket too. J.D. Vance has been officially chosen as the running mate of Donald Trump. This ticket is not surprising. Donald Trump was not going to picket a moderate candidate. J.D. Vance once called Trump an idiot and changed his mind. He has been an Ohio Senator for years. Vance has publicly said that he wouldn't accept electors to make Biden President in 2020. Vance is part of the more isolationist younger generation of Republicans who would rather see Ukraine to be a vassal of Russia than an independent nation, who supports the CPAC agenda than the agenda of truth, and who believes widespread voter fraud caused Trump to lose the 2020 Presidential election which is a lie. J.D. Vance made millions as a venture capitalist in the Silicon Valley firm Mithrill Capital Management, founded by former PayPal CEO and Trump supporter Peter Thiel. His book of Hillbilly Elegy promotes individualism and free enterprise. He believes that poverty is not caused by governments and corporations which is not true. Vance held fundraisers for the fascists who were arrested for the January 6, 2021, insurrection. Charlie Kirk, Tucker Carlson, and Steven Bannon (all Trump supporting far right people) support Vance as a Vice Presidential GOP candidate. 

Many people spoke at the convention rally On Monday. South Dakota Governor Kristi Noe wanted to have no business restrictions during the height of the coronavirus pandemic. Virginia Governor Glenn Youngkin wanted to talk about Virginia to be the number one state to do business, but he omits that the Virginia state legislature is dominated by Virginian Democrats. Majorie Taylor Greene gave a rant against immigrants and globalists. Charlie Kirk made antisemitic and racist comments for years and talked about how the separation of church and state is a fabrication. Florida Rep. Byron Donalds talked about how his single other got him into a private school. Senator Tim Scott gave a religious speech to say that God still saves and Trump being an American lion who got back on his feet and roared. Amber Rose defended Trump and lied and said that Trump is not a racist. Trump wanted the Central Park Five to be executed even after they were proven to be innocent, he said that a Mexican judge can't judge an immigration case fairly because of his Mexican heritage, he called any Jewish people who oppose him as "disloyal," he called mostly black countries a slur, and he made misogynistic comments too. 

Amber Rose said that under Trump American families were safer, wealthier, and stronger. That's a lie as under Biden, unemployment is lower, the crime rates in America are going down, black businesses have grown at record levels, and jobs have increased in the millions. Amber Rose once was in close proximity to Blackness but ran away from it for political reasons. Rose isn't black (and uses the n word and demonized black people of Philadelphia years ago) but multiracial, but her tactics represent how she uses hip-hop culture for profit but supports Trump whose anti-democratic views are against the culture for real. There were many Black Republicans at the RNC who gave remarks like Byron Donalds, John James, Wesley Hunt, and other people. Van Jones believes that Van Jones is a threat to Democrat showing Van Jones's extremism. Rep. John James made the ignorant comment that if you don't vote for Donald Trump, you are not black. Republicans hypocritically claim to oppose identity politics (which is nothing more than BIPOC people and other minorities to have freedom and justice), but they brag about having some black supporters. Sean O'Brien, the International Brotherhood of Teaster President supported Trump when the Republicans have had an anti-labor record for generations. Ron Johnson said that the Democratic policies are a clear and present danger to the country which is offensive and provocative. Donald Trump came to the RNC Convention being emotional along with his son, because Trump survived an evil assassination attempt by a murdering coward. This is the first time I have seen Trump in public being emotional on television. The Trump campaign strategy to get to the voters of the Democratic coalition (of black people, Latino people, independents, etc.) in order to try to win the 2024 election.

Kari Lake's speech is not a unifying message. Steve Scalise talked about the economy and the other issues but omit that America is now a major energy export with the strongest economy on Earth presently. Thousands of protesters are in Milwaukee, Wisconsin right now. On the 2nd day of the Republican National Convention, Re. Tom Emmer talked about standing with the people and the people, but Donald Trump has promised to pardon the criminals and rioters (or insurrectionist traitors) who viciously assaulted 140 men and women who were police officers on January 6, 2021. One police officer in the U.S. Capitol was called the n word, and another officer was almost crushed to death in a door. Many folks want people to forget the evils committed on that day, but I won't. Nikki Haley gave her speech to defend Donald Trump along with Governor Ron DeSantis. DeSantis's ignorant self-use the ageist comment that Biden is similar to a Weekends at Bernie's movie when Biden has enacted some of the greatest legislation in American history since the days of LBJ and FDR. Marco Rubio gave a speech in the convention too which represents a total capitulation to the agenda of MAGA. What the Republicans forget is that with President Biden, we have lower crime, lower inflation, border crossings are even down, record high market results, and record low black unemployment rates. 

There were many events at the Republican National Convention on its third day. This time saw Donald Trump's running mate J.D. Vance giving his speech to the general public. Vance introduced himself showing a right-wing populist message. The Republicans in the convention criticized Biden's foreign policy from his handling of the 2021 Afghanistan withdrawal (with Gold Star families and kidnapping victims of Hamas). Trump's 17-year-old granddaughter gave remarks. Vance criticized Biden saying that a rural area in Ohio is a place that is forgotten by America's ruling class in Washington. Vance forgets that he is part of the Silicon Valley wealthy crew and funded by them. Vance criticized Biden for supporting the Iraq War. The Iraq War was an unjust war obviously for a litany of reasons, but Ukrainians gave the God given right to defend their lands from Russian military invasion. Vance is blatantly isolationist. His wife Usha gave words too on the stage. Vance blamed Biden for giving China a few passes when tariffs against China could cause a trade war increasing prices of American goods and harming the American economy directly. Tennessee Senator Marsha Blackburn shouted at Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheatle accusing her of not giving real answers to the public about what took place involving the assassination attempt against Donald Trump. North Dakota Governor Doug Burgum gave his speech that the war on energy hurts people, but massive pollution hurts all people from increased diseases, increased community destruction, and lead pipes. We should have energy, but it must be developed in the right fashion, and clean energy is energy too especially in the rise of climate change in our world. What we see here is that the agenda of fascism is alive in America, and the corporate media (from CNN, FOX, and even some in MSNBC) care more to criticize Biden than to criticize the real threat of Trumpism is a profound double standard (like they or some in the corporate media did to Bernie Sanders years ago).

J.D. Vance claims to ally with the interests of the poor and working-class people, but he grew up in a 4-bedroom suburban home in Ohio. His family earned almost $200,000 a year in today's dollars and the family paid for his golf lessons. J.D. Vance's book of Hillbilly Elegy represents his views. The book showed that Vance grew up in Jackson, Kentucky, and Middletown, Ohio. By the end of the book, Vance shows hostility to the working class and the poor. In his book, he blames those in poverty for spending giant TVs, IPads, nice clothes for kids, and other loans that leave people in poverty. He believes that hard work can cure laziness and poverty. We know that doesn't work all of the time, because poverty is systematic, and the poor are amongst many of the hardest working people in the world.

The 2024 RNC guests include many 2020 election deniers. The Republican Party is now not the Party of Lincoln. It is the Party of Trump filled with extremists and being unapologetically xenophobic. Fascist movements always hated socialism, promotes extreme nationalism, advances the subordination of the will of the people to one person, and expresses a hatred of a separation of church and state. Campaign signs in the RNC have the message of "Mass Deportations Now" which means they want 10-20 million people to be rounded out and leave America by force (sending them into camps and splitting up tons of families in a vindictive fashion). These actions don't represent true unity but hating one's neighbor. Such an act would be impossible to accomplish unless an authoritarian state existed. Back decades ago, the Nazis and Hitler promoted Jewish people being vilified. In our time, the modern-day neo-fascists demonize black people, Jewish people, immigrants (especially undocumented immigrants, many of whom qualify for legal asylum), women, and other minorities. The GOP promotes a perversion of Christianity that view Trump as a Messianic figure who can save the soul of America (Many Evangelicals have been deceived to unconditionally support him when he has been found legally liable of rape, convicted of many felonies, sells Bible for tons of money, and advances hatred against those who disagree with his repugnant views). Tax cuts for the super-wealthy are the agenda of the RNC that refutes the claim that the Republican Party is a populist party. Senator Ted Cruz, Senator Marco Rubio, and former UN Ambassador Nikki Haley including Florida Governor Ron DeSantis all align with the Trump agenda. Hulk Hogan joining Trump in the RNC Convention is not shocking. Hogan is something else.

We will always oppose fascism and injustice. Republican Governor Jim Justice of West Virginia said that wild comment that they will become unhinged if Trump loses the 2024 election by November. One important point is to see how Robert Kennedy Jr. is talking and collaborating verbally with Donald Trump. This can't be understated. Both of these people are extremists, expressed skepticism about vaccines, and are dangerous to our way of life. Trump wanted RFK Jr. to support him when Robert Kennedy Sr. was the opposite of both men. Robert Kennedy Sr. back in the 1960's opposed apartheid, supported civil rights, wanted gun control, endorsed international cooperation to solve complicated foreign policy issues, and believed in ending the Vietnam War. President Joe Biden wants major Supreme Court reforms. It could include term limits for Justice and an enforceable code of ethics. Ex-Trump aide Peter Navarro spoke at the Republican National Convention hours after leaving jail for refusing to submit to a legal subpoena.

After the notorious sellout, Hulk Hogan, spoke in favor of Trump at the RNC, Donald Trump gave his nomination speech in Milwaukee, Wisconsin on the fourth and last day of the convention.  Many people questioned whether Trump would go forward and give a conciliatory speech or a more divisive one. Well, the latter is true. Trump at first gave an account of the assassination attempt against him in somber terms. He at first gave a message of unity, and then he was giving the same old divisive, hateful, and habitually lying speech. Trump claimed to want to be President for all of America, not half of America. Yet, he has called his opponents vermin, promised mass detention camps, and claimed that undocumented immigrants and migrants are "poisoning the blood of our country." Trump claimed in his speech that he will not criminalize dissent or demonize disagreement, but he said that he will prosecute his political opponents in a June 2024 interview with Sean Hannity. Trump said that he is the one saving democracy, but he has promised to be a dictator on day one. Trump was indicted by many grand juries, all made up of regular Americans. Trump attacked Pelosi, Biden, and the UAW President. Trump claims that massive crime is in America when crime rates have declined in the past 2 years. Trump claimed that Biden wants to raise your taxes four times. The truth is that President Joe Biden has no plans to raise taxes on Americans earning less than $400,000. Trump has spoken for 90 minutes being the longest Republican National Convention speech in American history. Trump claimed to want to lower prices, but Trump has proposed blanket tariffs on goods that will cost families an estimated $2,500 extra per year. Many people in the billionaire class could care less about democracy but profit and control. That is why at least 63 billionaires have publicly endorsed Trump, hosted a fundraiser for him, and contributed to Trump-aligned PACs. Donald Trump said that he did a great job as President in dealing with COVID-19 which isn't the case. He said that people should inject bleach while over a million Americans died from the pandemic. Donald said that he would bring the biggest tax cuts ever to his wealthy friends. Donald said that he would end the electric vehicle mandate on day one when there is no electric car mandate. American manufacturing is growing during the Biden Presidency with nearly 800,000 new jobs. Donald Trump has praised Hannibal Lecter when that is a fictional character. 

At the end of the day, the Republican National Convention is not about promoting a softer, more moderate tone. It is about bashing immigrants, scapegoating progressives, declaring political opponents the enemies of the state, and denigrating other minorities.

By Timothy


A Debate with a MAGA Republican:

Kim Brand DeVito

Just wondering, what do you think Trump lied about at convention? I didn't hear any lies.

My Response: Trump lied and said that America's crime is going up when crime rates are declining since 2020. Trump lied and called Biden the worst President in American history which is not the case. There are other lies. No one on this Earth will cause me to support Trump on every issue.

Kim Brand DeVito:  crime is going up, every week you hear who was murdered, beat up, sexually abused. Biden is the worst, food prices crazy high, gas prices higher, rent, mtg rates, illegals illegally crossing into our country, not stopping Putin, he had knowledge of him going to attack Ukraine. Israeli going

war with Hamas, Iran, Hezbolla. Not getting our American hostages back from Gaza. Giving free healthcare, places to live, $$$ in credit cards,food kicking out our American veterans and putting in Illegals in hotels, etc. Canceling student debt, which is Illegal. Using our federal taxes to pay for all that. Only congress can authorize use of our federal taxes. Americans work our butts off to pay for rent, mtg, food, schools, healthcare. I beleive America is weak now. I want more money in my paycheck, lower gas prices, lower food, lower everything. And to finish building the wall. We both see America as we do. It's good to compare our differences. We both lived through presidents we dont agree with, thats the American way. 🙂Thank you!🇺🇲

My Response: You have been deceived. FBI statistics and other sources show that overall crime is going down. Crime rates are lower now in America than in the 1980's obviously. People being beaten and murdered (which is wrong) doesn't mean we have a record of overall crime in America. Crime is caused by multiple factors and one man can't influence all crime. Biden is not the worst President in history. Andrew Johnson, Herbert Hoover, and other Presidents are much worse than Biden. You talk about sexually abuse when a legal court found Trump guilty of sexually abusing a woman and Trump is caught saying perverted comments about his own daughter. Prices have gone up and inflation have slowed down, gas prices aren't higher, and Biden is proposing a solution to housing. Immigration issues have existed for decades. Biden proposed a bipartisan immigration reform bill that your friend opposed. Israel attacking Hamas was caused by Hamas not Biden. Hamas, Hezbollah, and other forces have attacked Israel regardless of who is President. Many American hostages (not all) have returned. 

There is nothing wrong with health care, and there is no evidence that every undocumented immigrant is a murderous degenerate seeking to ruin America. There should be fairness shown to citizens and undocumented immigrants deserve fair treatment too. The only solution is comprehensive immigration policies that use border security and a process where undocumented immigrants have to go through a plan (not treated better than American citizens or worse) to live their own lives. Congress can authorize money. Canceling student loan debt is not illegal if that policy is done by Congress. Canceling student loan debt is moral. The wall won't solve any problem. I don't agree with you on many issues. Biden's relative was a veteran and used policies to help veterans. Trump in the RNC speech lied and said that Democrats used COVID-19 to steal the election. Biden's policies cut childhood poverty in half, caused record low black unemployment, increased the growth of black owned businesses, and invested in HBCUs. You desire more money in your paycheck, but Trump wants tariffs and tax cuts for the super wealthy that will not cause more money to your paycheck (if you are not rich). We have a long way to go, but 2024 is much better than 2020 (2020 had COVID, mass unemployment, and other issues).

Kim Brand DeVito

On the news now, DC passes grim milestone with over 100 homicides this year.

My Response: News shows that in March 2024, the overall crime rate has declined by 5 percent compared to March 2023. Murders and burglaries have been down in NYC too. Murder in D.C. or in any place is wrong. Yet, progress has been made in America. Also, according to Axios D.C., the authors Cuney Dill and Russell Contreras wrote that D.C. homicides are declining in 2024 after last year's violent crime spike. They wrote that homicides have dropped 25 percent so far this year compared to 2023. D.C. has a general decline in crime rates. Carjackings are down 23 percent and violent crime in total is down 22 percent. 

By Timothy

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