Monday, October 9, 2023

Numbers Much Higher Than a Trillion.

 There are tons of numbers much higher than a trillion in the Universe. There are 8 planets in the solar system and 26 letters in the English alphabet. There are about 50,000 aircraft on Earth. When you get higher, you know that there about 500,000 movies in existence. There are about 8.3 million people in New York City. There are over 42,000,000 heartbeats of a human being in one year.  There are about 400 billion stars in our galaxy or the Milky Way Galaxy. There are about 3 trillion trees on Earth. There are over 37 trillion items of physical money being circulated on Earth. There are about 100 trillion cells in the human body. What is beyond a trillion. A quadrillion is beyond one trillion. There are 1.2 quadrillion dollars of financial assets on Earth. There are 10 quadrillion ants on Earth, there are about 260 quadrillion humanbearts of all humans on Earth in a single year, and there are about 7 quintillion grains of sand in an average sized beach. There are 10 quintillion insects on Earth. There are about 100 quintillion data bytes created by human beings. It's time to go bigger. There is about 1 sextillion grains of sand on Earth. There are about 36 sextillion DNA base pairs in the human body. There are about 600 sextillion atoms in one mole of substance. There are about 1 septillion stars in the observable Universe. That is the Universe that we know as the Universe can be much bigger than we know as light can travel only so far. There are 7 X 10 to the 27th power of all atoms in the human body (or 7 octillion atoms). There are 5 nonillion bacteria on Earth. There are about 1.3 X 10 to the 50th power of all atoms on Earth. The total mass of grams in the Observable Universe is 6 X 10 to the 55th power. Planck Time since the Big Bang is 8 novemdecillion. There are 1 vigintillion amount of grains of sand to fill the whole cosmos. Googlol is beyond these numbers as 10 to the 100th power. Beyond that, you have the Googolplex. Then, you have Googolplex to the Googolplex Power and to the Googolplex Power again. Then you go up to more numbers to SSCG (5), and then to Rayo's Number. Beyond that you have Countable Infinity (even beyond Graham's Number). Later, you have Uncountable Infinity and goes higher to Replacement Inaccessible Infinity, Indescrible Infinity, Impredicative Infinity, and finally to Absolute Infinity. Absolute Infinity is the final level of all numbers of all Creation. That is the end of the number system.

By Timothy

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