Thursday, September 10, 2020

My Views on the Nick Cannon Controversy.


I knew by intuition that I would write on this subject. It is a subject that has been on the minds of many people for a long time. Nick Cannon made comments with Professor Griff that so angered many people that Nick Cannon later apologized and even talked with a rabbi on his podcast. His words go into many issues. Some people are scared and silent on this issue, because people fear consequences. Yet, we fear nothing but the Most High God. We have to stand on truth. I feel the need to divide my feelings on it in 4 parts. The first part would be my overall thinking of Nick Cannon, the 2nd part deals with the history of black and Jewish relations, the 3rd part deals with exposing the evils of anti-black racism and anti-Semitism, and the 4th part is about the continued call for black liberation. Like always, I do believe that all people should be treated with dignity and respect. We believe in justice for all. 

1. My overall impression of Nick Cannon's words is that he was over analyzing situations, and then he did made the mistake of showing erroneous views. He said that by virtue of lesser melanin, then that genetically will cause white people to be savage or act like a barbarian by nature. It is a scientific fact that black people like me having more melanin increases the protection of us from the sun's UV rays. That is a fact. It is also a fact that white racism has been involved in the genocide of millions of our people and others from Leopold's genocide in the Congo, Native American genocide, the Maafa, the harm gone to the Australian Aboriginal people, and other evils. White racists involved in these atrocities are savages and murderers. Yet, every white person on Earth aren't complicit in these atrocities. Nick Cannon failed to make distinctions on these things, which gave an opening for his haters, including far right people, to attack him. Now, he is genuflecting and going into the other extreme by not being readily apt to question the status quo on many issues. 

His views on Jewish people are embraced by numerous Hebrew Israelites. The common stereotype of a Hebrew Israelite is a person on the corner screaming profanities. Yet, the vast majority of Hebrew Israelites are peaceful people. I know Hebrew Israelites in real life. Hebrew Israelites believe that us, who are African Americans, are descendants of ancient Hebrews (via the Bantu people as most African Americans are descended from the Bantu people. I am genetically related to the Bantu people of Western and Central Africa). People have the right to believe that if they want to. Griff believes that Jewish people control the media when the corporate media is dominated by many people (among many backgrounds. Many media leaders have links to the CFR, the Pilgrim Society, and the Bilderberg Group). For example, the CEOs of Comcast, AT&T, Vivendi, Sony, Bertelsmann, FOX Corporation, and other media conglomerates aren't Jewish people. Some Jewish people are leaders in the media, but that doesn't mean that Jewish people collectively want to harm and ruin the world. Also, DNA evidence proves that the Sephardi, Mizrahi, the Ashkenazim, Romaniote, Yemeni, Bukharan, Cochin, etc. are descended from people from the Middle East (i.e. ancient Hebrews). Cannon is incorrect to say that our people are solely the true Hebrews. It is true that black people are the original people of humanity though. In other words, Hebrews ultimately came from us black people (as us black people are the first people on Earth), but Hebrews found in Sephradim and Yemeni plus other groups of Jewish people are Hebrews too. Their Jewishness shouldn't be minimized or ignored. 

2. The common myth is that Jewish people collectively dominated the slave trade, therefore Jewish people are irredeemably evil. We know that the vast majority of people involved in the Transatlantic slave trade are the British, French, Portuguese, Spanish, and other European non-Jewish people. There were some Jewish people who were slave owners in Rhode Island, South Carolina, and other places not the vast majority of Jewish people. Many Jewish people were allies of us black people in the abolitionist and Civil Rights Movements. Some conflicts have occurred among some members of both communities by the time of the Six Day Year. 

Back in the day, 99 percent of all Americans supported Israel unconditionally. After the Six Day War in 1967, many black nationalists condemned Israel as a colonialist, racist state against Palestinian people. This debate has caused a division. The truth is that both the Israelis and Palestinian people deserve equality and peace. We condemn terrorism, and Palestinians should never live in permanent occupation. Occupation is not freedom. Likewise, terrorism harming Israeli or Palestinian human lives is wrong too. For the record, promoting liberation for Palestinian people is not anti-Semitism. I feel like understanding nuisance is important. Also, some minimize anti-black racism in Israel, and others minimize anti-black racism found in mostly Arabic nations of the Middle East too. Today, there are many progressive black and Jewish people fighting for real change in the Middle East and worldwide. 

3. Anti-black racism is in epidemic levels in America. The fact that the killers of Breonna Taylor not being arrested is a disgrace. The fact of black people being harassed and falsely accused of crimes by racists (caught on video) is a disgrace too. Anti-Semitism has also increased worldwide since 2016 from hate crimes to other vile acts. Both evils (i.e. anti-black racism and anti-Semitism) are wrong and evil period. Anti-black racism is found in slavery, the peonage system, the pogroms during Red Summer, redlining, police brutality (as many white racist groups have infiltrated  many policing organizations), mass gentrification, etc. We know of anti-Semitism during the days of the Maccabees, during the time of the Roman Empire, the Middle Ages, the Shoah, and in modern times. Those anti-Jewish atrocities are deplorable. Many people need to realize that Hitler hated black people too. Many black people were victims of the Holocaust. The same people (who are racists) who hate us as black people, hate Jewish people too. The Klan lynched thousands of black people, and they have destroyed synagogues too. In fact, white racist serial killers readily have gone into synagogues to murder Jewish people. 

4. We should be about the prize of black liberation. There are those who exploit the Nick Cannon controversy as an excuse for them to unjustly condemn any talk about black conscious issues. That is not us. It is our responsibility to promote black liberation worldwide. I will not apologize for being black. I will not apologize for condemning white racism. I will not apologize for standing up for my Brothers and my Sisters. I will not apologize for loving Africa, and I will never apologize for loving and being attracted to black women. I'm always pro-Black and pro-Black Love. Therefore, Nick Cannon's situation is a test for us to be stronger in studying our facts and promoting the truth. 

Also, we see the double standard of Viacom. Viacom claims that they want to fight against bigotry, but they fund reality TV shows and other shows that show some of the most degrading anti-black stereotypes around. They make money off of black pain and sad fights among black people, but they have the nerve to lecture others on their supposed "compassion" for us black people. I find that ironic. Viacom is silent on the reprehensible views shown by Eminem, Howard Stern, and other people who made vile commentaries. Many large Wall Street corporations benefit from income inequality. Nick Cannon is a man on the move, and I feel like he should apologize to the black community for his previous colorist remarks (as no black person should view white people or non-black people as aesthetically superior to black people. Black is always Beautiful). Cannon should definitely apologize to the black community for blaming us for his controversy. Black folks didn't fire him from his corporate jobs. Also, I feel that Nick Cannon should have the opportunity to grow and to be better. Malcolm X was once a pimp, a drug abuser, and a total criminal before he changed to be one of the greatest leaders of all time. A long time ago, we didn't know about these things about ancient black civilizations or other conscious information. Now, we do. It is certainly our right to help our people grow into their highest potentials as black Brothers and black Sisters. 

Like always,

Black Lives Matter.


By Timothy


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