George Hilbert
Let's see, we have a teacher who violated the "sacred cow" rule by making disparaging remarks about a government-protected and fostered group, the "gays." What if he had made remarks of a similar tenor against Nazis? Not a govt-protected group? Then, no backlash.
Then, we have a disparaging remark against a member of the country's royalty, Queen Obama. What if he had made remarks of a similar tenor against Ann Coulter? Not of royal blood? Then, no backlash.
We have questions of:
Academic freedom denied
The government's right to run the country's schools, since they are highly partisan, but more importantly, they do a notoriously bad job of educating the country's young people.
Stifling of opposing views (and the quenching of non-institutional lines of thinking of students from fear of sanctions; they see what can happen to those who "think outside of the box
My Response:
This is not about agreement or disagreement with a orientation in a peaceful tone. It is about an educator acting in a proficiently bad behavior. Private and public educational facilities have specifically concrete code of conduct rules. What he said was wrong and a lie since the First Lady is beautiful and she is not overweight. He is a teacher spewing immature commentary and he set a bad example for the students in the classroom. Your anti-government radical fetish doesn't work here since the government doesn't rule over all schools. We have private schools in America too. Also, all Americans are protected under the federal Bill of Rights and federal Constitution (which were established by the people. The government is made by and for the people. We don't need tyrannical government of course, but real, efficient government that can promote the general welfare of all Americans). States rights are never superior to human rights. In other words, Human rights are superior to anything that state authorities can execute. He would of gotten the same treatment if he supported the Nazis via harmful terms. Also, the Nazis were terrorists and criticizing them in reasonable terms is not immoral at all. No one is calling Michelle Obama royalty or that she can do whatever she wants to. He would be still wrong if he said such comments about the reactionary Ann Coulter as well.
We are saying that she is a beautiful Black Sister deserving of dignity and respect regardless if you agree with her policies or not. All real Black Women are Queens anyway, so reactionary rhetoric doesn't move me. There should be reforms in education without condemning all public schools as this monolithic block of only struggling institutions. Some public schools are working and some need radical improvements. This has nothing to do with academic freedom. It has to with a violation of a school's code of conduct and another person outlining a slur against the First Lady as well. That was wrong too. It is about bigotry having no place in the school house whether in public or private locations. Firm debate among many ideological viewpoints ought to be cherished in schools not demonizing remarks about human beings in a cowardly fashion. Not to mention as a black man, I will never ally with an ignorant man demonizing a black woman at any circumstance.
-By Timothy (Me)
My Response:
You use the conservative argument that we must improve cultural dynamics in society. You are correct in the sense that we must advance more intellectualism and more morality in our community as one part of the overall solution to the issue of the black community. Yet, not all blacks are monolithic. Most blacks are not criminals, rapists, thieves, and felonious villains. Many black Americans are in the libraries, they are studying, and they fighting for a better life. It is just that the mainstream media rarely reports on these things. Much of our suffering comes not only by family breakups, cultural issues, and other things. It also does come from socioeconomic factors, discrimination, lax education, lax health care, other forms of racism, and corporate exploitation too (which the liberals are right on). So, you are correct that a more strong male influence should be in the black community (in favor of balance not male supremacy though. Male supremacy is an Eurocentric, white supremacy model. It is an anti-African cultural theme. Males and females are created equal and should have equality in the household indeed), but we must abolish institutionalized racism and white supremacy too as the progressives are right about.
The conservatives are right in that males should have a more active, balanced role in the family and the progressives are right in that we should defeat white supremacy once and for all (and many social programs and the social safety net has done a lot of good for society. The destruction of much of the social safety net by the reactionary extremists has contributed to the economic problems that we witness today). The culture of poverty is a systematic agenda of reactionaries and I will not blame the victim for their own oppression totally at all. It is not in my genes or in my soul to do so. Many Asian ethnic groups have higher family incomes and lower poverty rates than many whites. The reason is that many Asian, Iranian, Arabic, and African immigrants coming to America already have a high income and educational attainment rates than many whites before immigrating to the States. That is one reason on why they have high income levels. It is not because of affirmative action that they are able to “jump ahead” of anyone or that they are superior genetically to African Americans (which they are not). Many immigrants have not suffered like Brothers and Sisters in America have suffered in terms of Jim Crow, poverty, the Maafa, scapegoating, racial profiling, etc. Although, many immigrants have suffered discrimination though. I will admit to that.
So, because Asians are concentrated in a handful of states (Hawaii, California, New York, etc.) then they have higher incomes than the national average. Also, the higher costs of living, aggregate Asian income will be higher than the same for whites, who are spread throughout the United States. But when whites and Asians are in the same state or in the same community, then they are compared; whites earn far higher incomes and have lower rates of poverty. Indeed, within the same cities, Asian poverty rates tend to be double the rate for whites. Likewise, when we compare whites and Asians with comparable educations, whites earn anywhere from 14-28 percent more than their Asian American counterparts. This reality deals with discrimination and the system of white supremacy not because racial inferiority among anyone (since all humans are created equal). If the Homestead Act, the New Deal, the GI Bill, etc. were given to folks, then black human beings deserve real justice as well. There is nothing wrong with great families, great culture, and great education (We all need that). Yet, you can have all of that and nothing will change massively without economic & social justice. That is the point. There are numerous strong families with strong culture, but they live in poverty or homelessness. Some are in poverty by no fault of their own. So, the solution to this issue is a comprehensive holistic approach where individual and collective power is needed to end this scourge of poverty and racial discrimination (including white supremacy, which is the ultimate origin of this oppressive system in the first place).
By Timothy (Me)
Sandy Jones: Lol, you figured it all out all by yourself there Dr. Hater racist. You sound just like a Professor teaching at a real University. Most white people and black people don't understand why a white women is wanted so badly by the black men that seek them out. But you figured out. WOW. HEHEHEHEHE LOL
My Response: I can respond in a million different ways. Here is one. Now, black human beings (among both genders) have displayed great intellectual curiosity since the dawn of black human existence, so your words are typical of folks like you. I do not hate you. I choose not to date folks like you. I choose not to marry folks like you. I choose not to worship folks like you or grovel at your feet. I worship God and I romantically love Black Women with all of my heart. So, all humans should be treated with dignity and respect, but as a Black Man I will love Black Women with a great Love beyond apage LOVE. Black Men and Black Women in history refuted folks like you intellectually. Now, what I have mentioned details specific black human beings with self hatred. It is accurate and you have not outlined why my words are racist at all. See, these words are not racist, because it is a reality is that some black human beings date or marry white women for purposes of self hatred and low self esteem (including not realizing the greatness of their BLACKNESS). That is a documented fact. I never outlined the proposition that I have all answers or that I deciphered all knowledge. Also, Sandy, most Black Men love Black Women. Most Black Women love Black Men. Nice try though. So, most black men do not seek white women at all. Many white women seek out black men in real life. Therefore, Black Unity and Black Love are superior to your rhetoric.
What I do mention is that Black Love and Black Power are legitimate actions that black human beings can do as a means to develop further the Black Community. When Black Men and Black Women ally, struggle together for justice, use almsgiving, and humanely advance their interests, then these legitimate activities can benefit all black people, especially in the long one. So, I will be thankful of my black skin melanin. I will be thankful of the strength, intellect,and beauty of Black Women. I will be thankful of the strength, intellect, and integrity of Black Men. I will be thankful of my ancestors including real Brothers & real Sisters then including now that fought for black liberation. I will continue in my life to inspire humanity and to fight for justice for my people point, blank, period, and exclamation point. I with respect the Creator. It is what it is. It is always RBG4Life.
By Timothy (Me)
Me: There is nothing wrong with real economic development. Our goal should be for black human beings to totally run, control, and influence their own resources (without no hands running these resources except for us. That is the real definition of Real Power). The growth of independent infrastructure in the black community is always a great goal to aspire today.
Jamal (the white racist): How is that working you for you in Rhodesia (Zimbabwe), South Africa, Haiti and Somalia? Liberia? Blacks destroy any country the infest, period. Being able to speak English and having an education would be a start. But average 65 IQ left of the bell curve savages will never be able to compete with Humans. Sorry! The TRUTH hurts.
Me: You are a racist piece of work. You can never make me angry, but your cowardly self constantly harasses black human beings all of the time. See, there is not a single piece of evidence that black humanity in the world have an average IQ of 65 collectively at all. Many scholars have refuted the claims of the Bell Curve. Black human beings are not savages. We as black human beings are humans created in the image of God. Many African nations suffer via imperialism, neo-imperialism from the West, and other issues not because black human beings in Africa are less than human you liar. If European imperialism never existed in Africa, Africa would be in much better condition today. Your lying self ignores how UN agents and Western imperialists have harmed Haiti with sanctions and other evil policies. Black human beings are human. There are many black communities in the world that are doing the right thing. You conveniently ignore the growth found in Kenya, Nigeria, Namibia, Sierra Leone, and other African nations (which are highly successful nations) since you embrace a distorted, false narrative.
Since you love to throw numbers around. Here are some more. Among black teenagers, 15-19 (almost all of whom are unmarried), birth rates have plummeted since 1991, from 118.2 births for every 1000 such women to only 51.5 births per 1000 women in 2010. And even with the weak economy, black folks are almost 40 percent less likely to be dependent on government benefits now than they were in 1993. Currently, only 1 in 9 African Americans are dependent on various forms of cash or SNAP benefits throughout the course of a given year, down from about 1 in 6 in the early 90s. According to the stats, the same one that points out the 72 percent figure for the share of black births out of wedlock — the birth rate for unmarried black women fell by nearly a third between 1970-2010, from 95.5 births per 1000 unmarried black women at the beginning of that period, to only 65.3 births per 1000 such women by the end of the period. In terms of achievement itself, while white reading scores for 9-year olds on the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) have increased about 6 percent since 1971, black scores have risen by 20 percent; among 13-year olds, reading scores barely budged for whites from 1971 to 2008, while rising 12 percent for blacks; and for 17-year olds, white scores remained flat while black scores rose by 11 percent. Likewise, math achievement scores for black 9, 13 and 17-year olds have risen faster since 1971 than scores for whites. These stats are accurate.
The reality is that Africa is not monolithic. Africa has a lot of strong, independent, and honorable human beings. Africa has issues, but Africa still is filled with technology, highways, and other great domestic services. Some of the most beautiful fauna and flora are in America and especially in the Motherland of Africa. Beautiful black women are found in Africa too. That is why I would not mind it if I marry a Black American woman or a Black woman from Africa either.
2BDetermined (A Brother): There you go again! Never educate your enemy. Leave him and his kind in the dark my brother. You and I know the whites got everything through theft and dishonesty. Not to mention they skip out on taxes and swindle other peoples wealth. Each one teach one but, not him.
Me: It is what it is Brother. I rarely respond directly to him. Yet, on this instance I wanted to as a means to show this racist that if I wanted to, I could refute him badly and I did. We can all refute him badly. Your words are correct. Their modern empire was created by conquest, theft, subterfuge including religious deception. Therefore, they have no moral right to lecture any real human about anything. So, we as Brothers and Sisters should continue to fight for global black pan Africanist liberation indeed. Also, After this, I will never respond to him again.
By Timothy (Me)
Then, we have a disparaging remark against a member of the country's royalty, Queen Obama. What if he had made remarks of a similar tenor against Ann Coulter? Not of royal blood? Then, no backlash.
We have questions of:
Academic freedom denied
The government's right to run the country's schools, since they are highly partisan, but more importantly, they do a notoriously bad job of educating the country's young people.
Stifling of opposing views (and the quenching of non-institutional lines of thinking of students from fear of sanctions; they see what can happen to those who "think outside of the box
My Response:
This is not about agreement or disagreement with a orientation in a peaceful tone. It is about an educator acting in a proficiently bad behavior. Private and public educational facilities have specifically concrete code of conduct rules. What he said was wrong and a lie since the First Lady is beautiful and she is not overweight. He is a teacher spewing immature commentary and he set a bad example for the students in the classroom. Your anti-government radical fetish doesn't work here since the government doesn't rule over all schools. We have private schools in America too. Also, all Americans are protected under the federal Bill of Rights and federal Constitution (which were established by the people. The government is made by and for the people. We don't need tyrannical government of course, but real, efficient government that can promote the general welfare of all Americans). States rights are never superior to human rights. In other words, Human rights are superior to anything that state authorities can execute. He would of gotten the same treatment if he supported the Nazis via harmful terms. Also, the Nazis were terrorists and criticizing them in reasonable terms is not immoral at all. No one is calling Michelle Obama royalty or that she can do whatever she wants to. He would be still wrong if he said such comments about the reactionary Ann Coulter as well.
We are saying that she is a beautiful Black Sister deserving of dignity and respect regardless if you agree with her policies or not. All real Black Women are Queens anyway, so reactionary rhetoric doesn't move me. There should be reforms in education without condemning all public schools as this monolithic block of only struggling institutions. Some public schools are working and some need radical improvements. This has nothing to do with academic freedom. It has to with a violation of a school's code of conduct and another person outlining a slur against the First Lady as well. That was wrong too. It is about bigotry having no place in the school house whether in public or private locations. Firm debate among many ideological viewpoints ought to be cherished in schools not demonizing remarks about human beings in a cowardly fashion. Not to mention as a black man, I will never ally with an ignorant man demonizing a black woman at any circumstance.
-By Timothy (Me)
You are definitely correct that fatherless families and even those who did not finish high school can succeed, but the statistics are never in their favor (regardless of race).
Cultural dynamics also play a big factor. A friend of mine (non-white) who teaches school in a culturally mixed neighborhood in a major US City, told me that after school when black and Hispanic children are outside playing on the school grounds, he finds mostly Asian kids in the library studying.
These statistics are a few years old: Chinese-, Filipino-, Indian-, Vietnamese-, Korean- and Japanese-Americans median household income is $66,000 for Asian Americans, compared to $49,800 for Americans as a whole; median household wealth is $83,500 vs. $68,529. Nearly half of all Asian American adults (49%) have a college degree, compared to 28% of adults in the country as a whole. And Asian Americans are more satisfied with their lives overall (82% vs. 75%), their personal finances (51% vs. 35%) and the general direction of the country (43% vs. 21%).
Over $60,000 a year annual income for Arab Americans and Iranian Americans, 20% higher than average American income. Why are they statistically doing better than American and European white counter parts? Just like with Jews, the difference is in education, family values, and cultural dynamics.
Cultural dynamics also play a big factor. A friend of mine (non-white) who teaches school in a culturally mixed neighborhood in a major US City, told me that after school when black and Hispanic children are outside playing on the school grounds, he finds mostly Asian kids in the library studying.
These statistics are a few years old: Chinese-, Filipino-, Indian-, Vietnamese-, Korean- and Japanese-Americans median household income is $66,000 for Asian Americans, compared to $49,800 for Americans as a whole; median household wealth is $83,500 vs. $68,529. Nearly half of all Asian American adults (49%) have a college degree, compared to 28% of adults in the country as a whole. And Asian Americans are more satisfied with their lives overall (82% vs. 75%), their personal finances (51% vs. 35%) and the general direction of the country (43% vs. 21%).
Over $60,000 a year annual income for Arab Americans and Iranian Americans, 20% higher than average American income. Why are they statistically doing better than American and European white counter parts? Just like with Jews, the difference is in education, family values, and cultural dynamics.
My Response:
You use the conservative argument that we must improve cultural dynamics in society. You are correct in the sense that we must advance more intellectualism and more morality in our community as one part of the overall solution to the issue of the black community. Yet, not all blacks are monolithic. Most blacks are not criminals, rapists, thieves, and felonious villains. Many black Americans are in the libraries, they are studying, and they fighting for a better life. It is just that the mainstream media rarely reports on these things. Much of our suffering comes not only by family breakups, cultural issues, and other things. It also does come from socioeconomic factors, discrimination, lax education, lax health care, other forms of racism, and corporate exploitation too (which the liberals are right on). So, you are correct that a more strong male influence should be in the black community (in favor of balance not male supremacy though. Male supremacy is an Eurocentric, white supremacy model. It is an anti-African cultural theme. Males and females are created equal and should have equality in the household indeed), but we must abolish institutionalized racism and white supremacy too as the progressives are right about.
The conservatives are right in that males should have a more active, balanced role in the family and the progressives are right in that we should defeat white supremacy once and for all (and many social programs and the social safety net has done a lot of good for society. The destruction of much of the social safety net by the reactionary extremists has contributed to the economic problems that we witness today). The culture of poverty is a systematic agenda of reactionaries and I will not blame the victim for their own oppression totally at all. It is not in my genes or in my soul to do so. Many Asian ethnic groups have higher family incomes and lower poverty rates than many whites. The reason is that many Asian, Iranian, Arabic, and African immigrants coming to America already have a high income and educational attainment rates than many whites before immigrating to the States. That is one reason on why they have high income levels. It is not because of affirmative action that they are able to “jump ahead” of anyone or that they are superior genetically to African Americans (which they are not). Many immigrants have not suffered like Brothers and Sisters in America have suffered in terms of Jim Crow, poverty, the Maafa, scapegoating, racial profiling, etc. Although, many immigrants have suffered discrimination though. I will admit to that.
So, because Asians are concentrated in a handful of states (Hawaii, California, New York, etc.) then they have higher incomes than the national average. Also, the higher costs of living, aggregate Asian income will be higher than the same for whites, who are spread throughout the United States. But when whites and Asians are in the same state or in the same community, then they are compared; whites earn far higher incomes and have lower rates of poverty. Indeed, within the same cities, Asian poverty rates tend to be double the rate for whites. Likewise, when we compare whites and Asians with comparable educations, whites earn anywhere from 14-28 percent more than their Asian American counterparts. This reality deals with discrimination and the system of white supremacy not because racial inferiority among anyone (since all humans are created equal). If the Homestead Act, the New Deal, the GI Bill, etc. were given to folks, then black human beings deserve real justice as well. There is nothing wrong with great families, great culture, and great education (We all need that). Yet, you can have all of that and nothing will change massively without economic & social justice. That is the point. There are numerous strong families with strong culture, but they live in poverty or homelessness. Some are in poverty by no fault of their own. So, the solution to this issue is a comprehensive holistic approach where individual and collective power is needed to end this scourge of poverty and racial discrimination (including white supremacy, which is the ultimate origin of this oppressive system in the first place).
By Timothy (Me)
Sandy Jones: Lol, you figured it all out all by yourself there Dr. Hater racist. You sound just like a Professor teaching at a real University. Most white people and black people don't understand why a white women is wanted so badly by the black men that seek them out. But you figured out. WOW. HEHEHEHEHE LOL
My Response: I can respond in a million different ways. Here is one. Now, black human beings (among both genders) have displayed great intellectual curiosity since the dawn of black human existence, so your words are typical of folks like you. I do not hate you. I choose not to date folks like you. I choose not to marry folks like you. I choose not to worship folks like you or grovel at your feet. I worship God and I romantically love Black Women with all of my heart. So, all humans should be treated with dignity and respect, but as a Black Man I will love Black Women with a great Love beyond apage LOVE. Black Men and Black Women in history refuted folks like you intellectually. Now, what I have mentioned details specific black human beings with self hatred. It is accurate and you have not outlined why my words are racist at all. See, these words are not racist, because it is a reality is that some black human beings date or marry white women for purposes of self hatred and low self esteem (including not realizing the greatness of their BLACKNESS). That is a documented fact. I never outlined the proposition that I have all answers or that I deciphered all knowledge. Also, Sandy, most Black Men love Black Women. Most Black Women love Black Men. Nice try though. So, most black men do not seek white women at all. Many white women seek out black men in real life. Therefore, Black Unity and Black Love are superior to your rhetoric.
What I do mention is that Black Love and Black Power are legitimate actions that black human beings can do as a means to develop further the Black Community. When Black Men and Black Women ally, struggle together for justice, use almsgiving, and humanely advance their interests, then these legitimate activities can benefit all black people, especially in the long one. So, I will be thankful of my black skin melanin. I will be thankful of the strength, intellect,and beauty of Black Women. I will be thankful of the strength, intellect, and integrity of Black Men. I will be thankful of my ancestors including real Brothers & real Sisters then including now that fought for black liberation. I will continue in my life to inspire humanity and to fight for justice for my people point, blank, period, and exclamation point. I with respect the Creator. It is what it is. It is always RBG4Life.
By Timothy (Me)
Me: There is nothing wrong with real economic development. Our goal should be for black human beings to totally run, control, and influence their own resources (without no hands running these resources except for us. That is the real definition of Real Power). The growth of independent infrastructure in the black community is always a great goal to aspire today.
Jamal (the white racist): How is that working you for you in Rhodesia (Zimbabwe), South Africa, Haiti and Somalia? Liberia? Blacks destroy any country the infest, period. Being able to speak English and having an education would be a start. But average 65 IQ left of the bell curve savages will never be able to compete with Humans. Sorry! The TRUTH hurts.
Me: You are a racist piece of work. You can never make me angry, but your cowardly self constantly harasses black human beings all of the time. See, there is not a single piece of evidence that black humanity in the world have an average IQ of 65 collectively at all. Many scholars have refuted the claims of the Bell Curve. Black human beings are not savages. We as black human beings are humans created in the image of God. Many African nations suffer via imperialism, neo-imperialism from the West, and other issues not because black human beings in Africa are less than human you liar. If European imperialism never existed in Africa, Africa would be in much better condition today. Your lying self ignores how UN agents and Western imperialists have harmed Haiti with sanctions and other evil policies. Black human beings are human. There are many black communities in the world that are doing the right thing. You conveniently ignore the growth found in Kenya, Nigeria, Namibia, Sierra Leone, and other African nations (which are highly successful nations) since you embrace a distorted, false narrative.
Since you love to throw numbers around. Here are some more. Among black teenagers, 15-19 (almost all of whom are unmarried), birth rates have plummeted since 1991, from 118.2 births for every 1000 such women to only 51.5 births per 1000 women in 2010. And even with the weak economy, black folks are almost 40 percent less likely to be dependent on government benefits now than they were in 1993. Currently, only 1 in 9 African Americans are dependent on various forms of cash or SNAP benefits throughout the course of a given year, down from about 1 in 6 in the early 90s. According to the stats, the same one that points out the 72 percent figure for the share of black births out of wedlock — the birth rate for unmarried black women fell by nearly a third between 1970-2010, from 95.5 births per 1000 unmarried black women at the beginning of that period, to only 65.3 births per 1000 such women by the end of the period. In terms of achievement itself, while white reading scores for 9-year olds on the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) have increased about 6 percent since 1971, black scores have risen by 20 percent; among 13-year olds, reading scores barely budged for whites from 1971 to 2008, while rising 12 percent for blacks; and for 17-year olds, white scores remained flat while black scores rose by 11 percent. Likewise, math achievement scores for black 9, 13 and 17-year olds have risen faster since 1971 than scores for whites. These stats are accurate.
The reality is that Africa is not monolithic. Africa has a lot of strong, independent, and honorable human beings. Africa has issues, but Africa still is filled with technology, highways, and other great domestic services. Some of the most beautiful fauna and flora are in America and especially in the Motherland of Africa. Beautiful black women are found in Africa too. That is why I would not mind it if I marry a Black American woman or a Black woman from Africa either.
2BDetermined (A Brother): There you go again! Never educate your enemy. Leave him and his kind in the dark my brother. You and I know the whites got everything through theft and dishonesty. Not to mention they skip out on taxes and swindle other peoples wealth. Each one teach one but, not him.
Me: It is what it is Brother. I rarely respond directly to him. Yet, on this instance I wanted to as a means to show this racist that if I wanted to, I could refute him badly and I did. We can all refute him badly. Your words are correct. Their modern empire was created by conquest, theft, subterfuge including religious deception. Therefore, they have no moral right to lecture any real human about anything. So, we as Brothers and Sisters should continue to fight for global black pan Africanist liberation indeed. Also, After this, I will never respond to him again.
By Timothy (Me)
I'm confused. All "real" black women are queens anyway? Hm.
I actually question that statement (intellectually) for two reasons.
A) To the reader, it appears that you're glorifying one race above others and even potentially to the exclusion of some black women who may not be deemed "real"? Odd wording.
And that brings me to my second question about this statement.
B) What constitutes a "real" black woman and why do you claim that all of them are "queens" anyway, as if this is a well known fact that can't be disputed?
I'm not black myself but having married a black man, I have absolutely nothing against the race in the general sense. On an individual basis, I know many black people who are anything but respectable, male and female alike. Likewise, I've been blessed to know some wonderful black people that I have the utmost respect for but none of them are royalty and I would never call one a queen or a king.. just as I'd never call -anyone- in America a King or a Queen.
I am Native American and Lebanese by ancestry, but in today's America, we are all simply Americans. America purposefully avoided and rejected the idea of creating a government ruled by "royalty" because in the end, it is counter-productive to their goals for establishing a free country of free men who answer first and foremost to God and conscience.
I've enjoyed reading much of your writings and respect your boldness and opinions, but I was shocked to run across this statement. When it comes to race issues, the true anti-racist is impartial to race. The true anti-racist rejects all hints of bias towards one person or another based on skin color or genetic heritage.
These are just some of the things that jumped into my mind as I read this post. I welcome any response (or lack thereof). :)
I use to believe in some of that post racial rhetoric, so here is my response to you:
My term that all real black women are Queens is an accurate statement. I am a black man, so I place my people in a great deal of dignity and respect. It is not odd wordings. Some human beings are real and some are fake. Real in the sense of having great character, doing the right thing, and fighting for truth. Real and fake human beings of both genders have existed throughout human history. A fake human beings wants chaos, evil, and other bad things to happen in the world. That is a simple definition. I do not glorify one race above others in unjust domination. I glorify my own people as being the first humans on Earth deserving of real respect since black human beings readily are not treated with real respect in the world. Also, a black human beings has every right to identify with their black heritage, love BLACK LOVE among black men and black women, and seek to have a stronger black community. That is common sense.
Your other words signify to me that you need definition to concepts. A real black human being is a person who identified with their black African heritage or has lineage from black African heritage that they identify with. A real black woman is a black woman that identifies with her black heritage, is real, and strives to the best that she can be.
In the black African conscious communities, many of us who are blacks regularly call ourselves Kings and Queens since our ancestors were once Kings and Queens. Also, these title outline respect and gives dignity to us as human beings (since the system of white supremacy readily degrades the black image). In other words, these titles are a cultural designation among black folks not as a means to outline disrespect to others.
In today's America, we have discrimination, unjust policies, police brutality, economic inequality, and other evils. We have the right to not put our head in the sand and to just say we are Americans. I was born here in America, but I am of black African descent. I am an African. Real and fake human beings existed in both genders, so I was never meant to offend anybody.
America was overtly created as a means to reject the notion of an unjust monarchy, but the titles among some blacks have nothing to do with the white supremacist led monarchies of Europe. It has to do with affirming our heritage and giving titles of respect among our own people.
In having a discourse about race, any human being should not be blind to racial oppression. That human being should be knowledgeable about wanting racial justice. A true anti-racist wants to end the system of white supremacy since that system encourages anti-black oppression and seeks to be bias in denying the suffering of black human beings. The real anti-racist is not bias in denying black suffering either.
So, the truth is that being colorblind to reality is being biased against the truth. The truth is in full color, anti-racism means to fight for truth, and these titles used in the right context can be positive.
Also, I believe that all human beings are created equal. I do not believe that black people should sugarcoat their issues though as a means to worship America. America is not God. Your romantic life is none of my business. You have the right to be married to who you want to. I do believe in black love though and I believe in black families. Black Love strengthens black communities period. Black Love is superior to the system of white supremacy.
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