Thursday, July 28, 2011

A Discussion with a Christian again in 2011.

t: tim

are palestinians on the way to statehood?

Me: hello

It is possible. It is not certain in now obviously.

All human beings have the right to be treated with dignity and respect, both Israelis and Palestinians.

t: its just the plo are unleashing hell

is it true that there is no such thing as palestinian nation?

Me: The PLO isn't perfect just like some elites in Israel.

There is not Palestinian nation from the past.

Yet, Arabic people lived in the region for thousands of years just like some Jewish people.

Nations rise and fall all of the time. There was no American nation before the 1700's also.

t: eh

why are many christians



Me: It is for many reasons.

t: rob well

john mc arthur mc nanus mc laren

Me: One is that some Christians want to compromise in order to appear politically correct and with the in crowd with the world.

Another is that some Christians accuminate doctrinal errors in their lives.

t: not very good situation

Me: Right.

t: so its more of attracting membership?

more worldly

Me: You are correct about that.

t: and they are not easily slandered by people

Me: They are nearly untouchable unless they experience an extreme scandal.

t: they reject eternl hell what do u say about that

Me: Who rejects eternal Hell?

Eternal Hell in the end is the Lake of Fire where unrepentant sinners will suffer forever and ever.

t: is raegan christian like some say

why do some americans think the founding fathers are like christian caliber apostles

Me: He professed to be a Christian.

He was an apostate in my opinion. Many Americans believe that all Founding Fathers were Christians because of disinformation.

That's one of the primary reasons for it.

t: thomas jefferson rejected sola scriptura?

washington is portrayed as zeus?

Me: Jefferson was an anti-Christian that viewed Jesus as a philosopher and moral teacher not the Messiah.

Washington is protrayed as Zeus in D.C. via a statue.

Pagan images are all throughout D.C.

t: what do u think that will lead to the end times?

Me: The end times are here since Israel is a nation, technology is forming rapidly, apostasy is on the rise, and other prophecies are being fulfilled.

These events now are the signs of the times.

t: what will truly lead to the so called raptures?

palestine related?

Me: I'm Post-Trib, so the Tribulation in my view ought to come first then the Rapture.

Palestine in the end will be temporarily ruled by the Antichrist according to prophecies and then it will be the future headquarters of the new Kingdom of God on Earth.

t: post tribulation is indeed more challenging and darker

what will make us go into ribulation?

Me: The Bible says that God's children will suffer tribulation and believers in God will be beheaded for refusal of taking the Mark of the Beast in the book of Revelation.

Saints being beheaded means that some saints will see the Tribulation period.

Also, the NT mentions that God will come back to Earth after the 7th trump.

t: you want that time now?

Me: What do you mean?

Events comes and go in life.

The thing is that we should be prepared for events.

t: you know tokugawa ieyasu?

Me: I don't. Who is this person?

t: tokugawa shogun in japan

is stalin more brutal than hitler?

Me: Technically, Yes.

He killed more people and had secret concentration camps.

Hitler is shown more, because he destroyed much of inner Europe, while Stalin's crimes were directed in Russia and Eurasia.

including Eastern Europe.

Stereotypically, W. Europe is seen as civilized and E. Europe is falsely seen as barbaric.

t: is it true that the new heaven s as big as the US only lik the cube thing?

Me: It could be true because of the measurements.

Yet, the cube is the New Jerusalem not the new Heaven on Earth.

t: huh?

God's kingdom is as small as america

Me: The cube shaped building in the book of Revelation describes the New Jerusalem.

t: what kind of kingdom is that

some pastors dont detail it much

Me: God's Kingdom is worldwide in the future.

t: they say new jerusalem is heaven?

Me: Jerusalem is just the capital.

t: God is as small as america?

since it is God's throne

Me: The New Jerusalem is prepared in Heaven and will fall on Earth after the Mellennium

t: how abou the galaxies?

Me: God isn't small.

t: can we explore the outer reaches?

Me: The galaxies will remain.

t: these things are also flwed

Me: Well, you will have to wait and find out after you pass away.


t: lol

maybe is it the whole universe will become the new heaven?

Me: I don't know about that, but that's an interesting view.

t: do u think there are multiverse?

Me: No I don't since the Universe has a finite reach being a creation.

I have to go now.


t: have you watched history channel the last days of ww2?

Me: Some of it.

t: what do u say of history channel

Me: Some of it shows accurate information and some of the shows omits key information pertaining to historical times.

t: ahhh

how abou the last days would you recoommmend that for me?

how about megiddo movie bias?

Me: Megiddo is more pro-Christian.

t: but is it accurate and objective?

there is such thing as pro to something bec its objective

Me: It's accurate.

t: even though its bias

its what it is

history as it is

Me: Being accurate is all that matters.

t: td jakes ok pastor?

Me: TD jakes is a worldy pastor.



The vast majority of poor people do not pay taxes sir. They can't afford a car!!! The amount of money they would pay in gas taxes would be tiny even if they had a car. The vast majority of poor people do not pay property taxes either because they cannot afford a house!!! Where are you getting your information from??? It is incorrect. The rich (top 25 percent) pay 87 percent of income taxes. They also pay substantially more in property taxes because more expensive homes have astronomically higher property taxes. My statement that half of the people are paying for the other half is without a doubt true.

It most certainly does border on eugenics. I am not saying that poor people cannot reproduce though. I am saying that we should have incentives to keep them from reproducing. We should give incentives to those who are most capable of successfully raising children also. To be against this is to be for the present system where we are allowing slag to reproduce and rewarding them for their sloth. It is completely immoral and wrong what we are doing.

One percent of the population owns a great amount in every country my lord. What does that have to do with attempting to make poor people accountable just like everybody else???



Here is my response to you:

The vast majority of the poor and the middle class pay more taxes than the super rich. That’s a fact (as in both middle class and the poor not the poor alone). The poor may less taxes in the federal income level since they can’t afford those taxes simply put. Some of the poor have cars and some don’t Even people in low income neighborhoods have cars. We have a progressive tax system since a regressive tax system will harshly harm the poor and increase the risk of a higher poverty rate. In the past, there were much higher tax rates on the super rich. In that time ironically, economic prosperity came about from 1945 to 1980. Like I’ve said, federal income taxes are not all of total federal taxes. All federal taxes for the top 1 percent at 22.7 percent according to the Urban Institute/Brookings Institute Tax Policy Center for 2010 (or the top 1 percent of income earner pay about 40 percent of all taxes into the federal government). For instance, the top 20 percent paid 86 percent of the income tax, but 42.9 percent of the payroll tax. Also, the Social Security portion of payroll tax applies only up to $106,800 in income. Meanwhile, the middle 20 percent of earners paid 4.6 percent of federal income taxes in 2007, but 16.6 percent of payroll taxes. Also, the payroll tax applies only up to $106,800 in income, with no tax on earnings above that limit.

So, federal income taxes doesn’t equate into all taxes in the federal level or even all taxes in the state or local levels either. It should have noted that the income limit applies only to Social Security taxes. Some rich folks pay more in homes since we have a progressive system. That when those who have more wealth have great economic responsibility.

Also, you omit tax loopholes, some super rich paying no taxes, subsidies, and other economic kickbacks. Having incentives to the poor to not produce children is borderline eugenics. We both agree on that. A better solution would be to have unique programs to fight against poverty not the incentive plan. Also, historically many poor human beings have risen from poverty to contribute greatly to society (and we can have a jobs plan, radical solutions, and other means to fight against poverty without borderline eugenics incentives). Also, welfare should be reformed to give it to those who need it. Not everyone on it acquires sloth, but they are suffering. Poor scapegoating in our time is futile in developing a real solution. I know about immorality. It’s immoral to have illegal wars, it’s immoral for bankers to hoard bailout money, it’s immoral to have the crimes from super rich Wall Street, and it’s immoral for the super rich to cause the recession too. That’s immoral. Poor people are made accountable for their acts, but they are also made scapegoats for the crimes of the super rich. The crimes of the super rich include the recession, various wars, economic plunder, IMF corruption, spying, and various other scandals.

-By Timothy



The problem is you can't "organize" an economy, quack. A centrally-planned economy for hundreds of millions or even one million can't work, nontruthseeker.
The very premise of planning an economy that works for hundreds of millions of people is absurd. It's not even possible to do right by all 30 kids in a classroom.
Have Ben Bernanke print the $ for whatever latest central planning idea you're enthralled with, delusionseeker, like he does for QE.
I don't want to pay any more taxes for another failed government program. I look at welfare and the public schools and i don't see the point of giving Uncle Scam any more $.
Government is just human beings, not the angels you describe, ditto for humanity.
"If you put the government in charge of the desert, it would run out of sand."

My Response:

Your ad hominem attacks are getting played out. Reasonable solutions economically have worked wonders in Singaphore (they have universal health care that isn't totally privatized at all), parts of Europe, and other nations of the world. Your reactionary rhetoric is silly since immigration is moral and our neighbor ought to be treated as an equal not as an alien from outerspace. Fair immigration reform is fine and it can be fair with fairness shown unto African Americans. You will never call me a quack to my face since I will handle my business. Just state your views without being an keyboard gangster. You are all talk, because libertarian propaganda failed in Chile (with the dictator Pinochet that tried your economic views. It failed. He harmed the rights of labor). It failed in other nations of the world. It definitely failed during the Gilded Age where children even were beng oppressed and exploited by oligarchs. Ellen Brown and others are not quacks. They realize and understand economic history. I have a failure to believe in your Glen Beck interpretation of immigration policy. I will not sell out to reactionaries for 40 pieces of silver. Privatization has harmed societies and America for a long time. Economic populism is the way to go. I did not say that government is made up angels since it has been infilitrated by corporate interests. You cartel capitalists are all the same. You take profit above the needs of the people. Government should be by and for the people not by and for the corporations. Free market is never God no matter what you say. Socioeconomic problems including poverty have contributed to the harm of public schools. A guaranteed annual income and other solutions can fight poverty as Dr. King said. Economic growth from 1945 to 1975 was created by progressive taxation, investments, and government interventions (like Medicare, Social Security, and yes the Civil Rights Act of 1964). Poverty was cut in half from 1960 to 1970 via the war on poverty. Men lie, women lie, but accurate numbers an historical facts don't. Now, we have record low taxation among the super rich. Some of the super rich pay no income tax, yet your Tea Party view of no new taxes hasn't worked in American history. Economic solutions can work as long as it is radical and comprehensive. It worked in Sweden and it can work here in the States. Even a mixed economy is better than a total privatized system. See, when you provoke me, I show facts back at you quick, fast, and in a hurry. You do not have to utilize ad hominem attacks against me. Just be a man and state your views in dissent.


The vast majority of poor people and middle class people pay more taxes than the super rich? I will need documentation on that one.
By your own account, the top 20 percent pay 86 percent of the income taxes. Then you go on to talk about Social Security tax??? Social Security??? My God Social Security? Social Security is a retirement fund. The reason people making over 106,000 don't pay any more into the fund is that their Social Security checks will be more than sufficient already. LOL. You think there is something wrong with that? You think they should pay Social Security tax on all of their earnings?? WHY? So they can have even bigger Social Security checks??? Or do you think they should pay those payroll taxes and then get a smaller check so that other people can get the difference? LOL.
Progressive taxation is unfair. Everyone should pay the exact same percentage period. Your contention that people from poverty have risen to great heights proves what??? Nothing. Most do not and most live in squalor. There is nothing wrong with paying them to not have children. In fact, I consider it a moral imperative. Both for the childrens sake and for the future of humanity's sake.
I am not scapegoating the poor. I am trying to help them. They are not well equipped to raise children in a technological age, and we must as a compassionate and caring society do all that we can to eliminate human suffering. A very easy way to do this is to give incentives for poor people to not have children and to give incentives to wealthier people who can afford to have children. Good day to you chairman.



My response to bonzino:

Ok, I do believe that the poor and middle class pay more taxes than the rich. When I mean taxes, I mean taxes from the federal, local, and state levels put together (more than income taxes, which isn’t a majority of all federal taxes anyway). The truth is transparent on that issue. Social Security is a retirement fund. As for the payroll tax issue and the Social Security tax issue, I’ve just made the point that people who aren’t rich pay taxes in a sufficient manner (even in the Social Security tax realm without issuing policies changes in dealing with those specific taxes). Progressive taxation has brought much economic boon in U.S. history as history proves. Even your view of like a flat tax system is much better than a regressive system. Anything is better than a regressive tax system. We have progressive taxation now since loopholes exist among the super rich and we have globalization with the outsourcing of jobs overseas. This causes the super rich to escape much of their necessary taxation including offshore banking accounts. The progressive tax system allows the poor to not be excessively burden with taxes since they are in poverty. The poor have fewer resources than the super rich, so the poor are given compassionate policies. Some economic populists believe that a flat tax will benefit the wealthy. You don’t have extremely high taxes on the poor and expect poverty to cease. People rising from poverty prove a lot. It proves that not all poor people are inferior and tons of poverty has value in the essence of humanity. Bribery for the poor to not produce children is borderline eugenics, it’s morally wrong, and it’s a slick form of economic exploitation. Poor people have the right to produce children.

Not to mention that you conveniently omit alternatives to fight poverty like a jobs plan, a guaranteed annual income, infrastructure development, and other solutions without these incentives. You can even promote real incentives to promote corporations to build jobs here in the USA. The poor have raised children before you were born for thousands of years. They just need unique programs to improve their socioeconomic condition. Neoliberalism caused the recession and it can’t bring us out of it.

-By Timothy


Debate with a demonic, Austrian economics lover:


We already have a libertarian movement against imperialism, dummy. Paul Craig Roberts, Lew Rockwell, and Ron Paul are working to spread this message every day, dummy. Ron Paul has started a foundation to promote peace already, dummy. Stop pretending no one's offered an alternative, you lying scum. The military industrialist complex and imperialism whither away under a sound money regime, dummy, because there's no money for it, dummy.
man up and call for the government to take full control of the economy instead of being sly about it, you phony lefty corporatist agent. As I said, you either work for diq-sus or this site or somebody's agenda.

My Response:

Your ad hominem attacks are silly and shows your ideological insecurities. If you were comfortable in your own skin as a man, you would peacefully disagree with me without immature behavior (and your non-threatening bravado. You hate it when a real Brother can respond to your lies, anytime). See, this is a new generation and Brothers and Sisters are not following some white supremacist, archaic, and slave trading economic views at all. Ron Paul never repudiated being funded by white supremacists for years and he believes in other erroneous doctrines. Ron Paul claims to be for peace, but he voted for the Afghanistan War and wants the suppression of much of the Voting Rights Act (as documented by his own words. Ron hates certain sections of the Civil Rights Act too). Ron Paul has xenophobic views on immigration (he even hates birthright citizenship when that is purely constitutional), yet he claims to be anti-imperialism. Ron Paul is a slick, sly reactionary not a revolutionary (with his racist newsletters). Even Paul Craig Roberts has woken up on some things and now believes in environmental protection via the government and an increase of the minimum wage. Folks from across the political spectrum have created peace foundations for decades. Just because Ron is right on some issues, doesn't mean he is God or he is right on all of his viewpoints at all.

Also, it is a fact that cutting back on many regulations like Glass Stegall in 1999 influenced the development of the modern 21st century recession. I never mention that all regulations are good. I said that some regulations are fine and others are not. Not to mention that I do not believe in all of the ACA. A single payer system (which is eliminate the profit motive in health care and stop Big Pharma from totally ruling our health care system) is even superior to the corporate-influence ACA law. We have record low illegal immigration and record deportation, so saying that illegal immigration is worse than years ago is a lie. Our minimum wage has increased slowly in good times and in bad economic times. Even conservatives like Ron Unz want an increase of the minimum wage as a means to further lower illegal immigration. According to Ralph Nader, adjusted for inflation, the 1968 minimum wage today would be a little above $10 per hour. The values of minimum wage change over the years and decades. While businesses like Walmart and McDonalds have been raising their prices and executive compensation since 1968, these companies have received a windfall from a diminishing real minimum wage paid to their workers. That is why bills are being made in Congress to change such a reality. Yeah, and the super rich caused more wars, ecological disasters, economic harm, and genocide (indirectly or directly) than any class in human history.

Brothers and Sisters have advocated peace, anti-imperialism, and moral security before Ron Paul and that neo-confederate Lew Rockwell were born in the Earth. You are following a neo-confederate like Lew Rockwell. If you are black, you are a traitor by loving the neo-Confederate views of Rockwell. Lew Rockwell defends the existence of the Confederacy when its leadership wanted to continue the evil system of slavery. Rockwell loves the Confederacy. I never denied that folks offered economic alternatives, but these alternatives are different than what you present (as found from Ellen Brown, Webster Tarpley, Livergood, and others. I am not against sound money, just not goldbug false dogma). I am not an agent. You are an emotional liar. I advocate an end to imperialism and the establishment of economic populist solutions (filled with progressive policies) for years. I am not a corporatist since I do not want select corporations to control all aspects of the economy. I am a political independent. You are just angry since many don't agree with your libertarianism. Just because a human being is more progressive than you doesn't mean that human being is some communist. This discussion is about Christie not libertarianism. Folks have the right to disagree with you. I work for no one. I am an independent man.

-By Timothy (Me)



I read Paul Craig Roberts articles daily, he's never advocated increasing the minimum wage. You have zero integrity or honor to lie so blatantly. you spend a lot of energy painting people who offer alternatives to debt slavery as racist, agent scum. What are you talking about??? Do you have any spine at all??? Ron Paul, an Austrian Schooler, raise the minimum wage? Minimum wage is central planning, dummy. No such article, never was said. you're just making ish up. Grow a pair and call for a complete gubmint takeover of the economy, fraud. Stop brushing up against it. That's all a lie, he did not vote for war in Afghanistan and just wrote 2 new articles on it this week that were carried at dailybell and infow. Who do u work for 2 spread these lies, gutless scum? Gubmint or diq-sus?
Besides, gutless scum, even if what you said was true, I'm not going to turn down an ally because he doesn't want me marrying his daughter, agent. Who says I want him marrying mine, agent?
I'll take freedom from debt slavery over kumbaya in it any day, you lying, gutless, bankster agent scum. No central bank and free markets makes racism a nonfactor, DUMMY, just like the imperialism you decry. Not possible with sound money, DUMMY. I don't have a man, clown, because I DON'T HAVE A NEED TO BE LED.
What happened to Cynthia McKinney? Mark Grayson? Dennis Kucinich? Dylan Ratigan?
There's 4 from the LEFT, DUMMY!

My Response:

His or Paul Craig Roberts' article entitled, "How Ron Paul Could Win" has it. Who is the liar now? It is not me. I am not a racist. Advancing black interests cogently and legitimately is not racism. Nguvu nyeusi bado ni halisi.

Ron Paul voted with the majority for the original Authorization for Use of Military Force Against Terrorists in Afghanistan. You are once again a liar. He once supported it or the wicked war in Afghanistan and then he was against it like other politicians. I am not lying on that point at all. The rest of your words are immature and you act like a stalker. A creepy one at that. You have to face the fact that folks have the right to disagree with you. Your main man is not God. I have not seen any evidence that regulated markets and legitimate regulations in society were immoral. Never did I advocate bankers controlling everything in society (or advancing some bankster agenda), which is a lie on your part again. The rest of your sick words are things that you will never say to my face as a man. You are not a secure man by the unnecessary anger. You intimidate no one in this site at all. You are a vicious liar. It was the free markets and libertarianism in Chile decades ago that harmed workers' rights and other freedoms in that nation (whose economic advisors were the Austrians Milton Friedman and the rest of the Chicago crew). In the 1970s Friedman and his “Chicago Boys” notoriously served as economic advisers to the bloody CIA-backed Chilean dictatorship of Augusto Pinochet that massacred 30,000 workers, peasants and leftists and imprisoned and tortured thousands more. You are being very disrespectful and you ought to be ashamed of yourself. You hate it when a black man or a black woman strongly shows that they are not ashamed of their black African heritage. That is never racism. That is reality.

You have no rational discussion here. Folks are not required to agree with all of your economic views at all. Human beings have the right to have a diversity of views. I am not scum and I am moving on. Cynthia McKinney is still here fighting for the cause of justice worldwide. She traveled into Libya to protest NATO war crimes when Ron Paul was in his Congressional desk. Cynthia McKinney came about to advance real pan Africanism in public while Ron Paul was receiving checks from the white supremacist Don Black (when Ron was caught, he refused to give the money back to Don Black). Cynthia McKinney stood up against police brutality and stood up for justice when Ron Paul allowed racist newsletters to come up in his watch. So, you have no place and justification to slander the Sister McKinney at any way whatsoever. It is a historical fact that government intervention has caused a massive economic boon from 1945 to 1975.

Cynthia McKinney is a very strong, intelligent Black Sister. I am independent politically. There are many human beings from across the political spectrum that are helping folks all over the world. I am moving on from you since I not stupid and I will ignore trolls like you from now on (since your thrive on ad hominem attacks not on a real discussion). The real point from this article is that Chris Christie is a hypocrite politician. Chris Christie has Presidential aspirations for 2016. You just want to harass those that disagree with your Austrian Economic views (and slander folks when Ellen Brown, Stephen Zarlenga, and others who have actually talked about specific actions to help society for years. These folks have shown alternatives to your ideologies completely and thoroughly). The American Monetary Institute have shown real solutions economically that I advocate for a long time. You demonic, profane laced anger, you allying with white supremacist funded politicians like Ron Paul (He cannot deny being the only member of the House of Representatives to vote against honoring Rosa Parks in 1999. He is a hypocrite for supporting the pro neo-con and pro-bailout politician named Lamar Smith by his own words. His anti-immigration outlines that Ron Paul is not a true libertarian or a true progressive at all) & Confederate lovers like Lew Rockwell, and you calling human beings leeches in a bigoted fashion represents you allying with the racist agenda of white supremacy. You need some help. Folks have the right to disagree with your views.
So, I am moving on from you.
-By Timothy (Me)

My Debate with a misguided man:

Well if it isn't the seed of satan (majority of black women and wh!te men). See, you black women don't have a problem buck dancin around with your wh!te daddy but how dare a black man run outside of his race, yes these are your words and thoughts Mizz Hypocrisy 2k13 aka black woman. Black women and white men joined forces LONNNNG time ago to destroy black men. The fact that this wh!te man has a dark history with African American men on his resume, was the most appealing to her. Black women will date or marry anyone or anything as long as they can spit out cash at their disposal. If the majority of black women aren't dreaming of someday being with their wh!te daddy, they're dreaming of being with another woman. One day you brothers will take heed to my warnings and stop simpin out to a woman who only has her own best interest at heart. When brothers go outside of their race, black women are quick to remind you that "YO MAMA BLACK".....Well, Adele Joy Cobbs mama is black too....I guess she is mimicking her black mama. Black men we have been taught by our black mothers to put black women on a pedestal and to date and marry a woman which has no loyalty to black men. This is why I dont take the majority of black women serious and I don't mind stories like this. Thank you Richard Daley, now put a ring on it because I don't care. Next.......PS..I could care less if you simps and hair hatted hooligans disagree. The truth hurts doesn't it.

My Response:

Enjoy your hate. If loving black women makes me a so-called simp, then I wear the cape, scepter, crown, the shield, and the sword of truth proudly. I do agree with that Richard Daley is a wicked piece of work that contributed to the harm to our community in Chicago. Daley is an enemy just like his father. You speak nothing but gospel on that point. I disagree with you on your views on black women like I always have, because most black women love black men (and most black men love black women). In fact, among both black genders, black males are involved in more interracial dating and marriage rates than black females according to the statistics. So, this demonic hatred against most black women benefits no one in our community. We can have constructive dialogue among both genders, but this gender war silliness is tired and played out. We want solutions as a people. Black Women are the strongest allies of our people as black men. Black Women are dynamic, smart, and real. They are the most beautiful women on the face of Earth. There is no woman that moves me like a Sista does. A Sista's soul, her walk, her talk, her intellect, and her passion for life is unparalleled. A black woman gave me my life. A black woman birthed me, so as a man I owe my life to a black woman. In my highest joys and lowest lows, a black female assisted me and comforted me as a man. Also, I assisted black females and comforted black women throughout my life out of the kindness of my heart.
Black Women are forever Queens in my eyes. We Black Men are Kings and many of us need to act like it and not let one interracial relationship cause us to have a visceral reaction. We ought to use our energy to build up our families without us as black people obsessing with interracial relationships. As for me, I will never participate in an interracial relationship, but I do not hate black women at all. They are an apple in my eyes. Additionally, they have encouraged me and inspired me to be a better man (including the wonderful Sisters that comment here like Sweet Courtney, EjErica, Soultry Soul, Vanity, Evette, Dandelion, and so many others).

Signal7: You enjoy your hate. I guess not speaking out against the evil in the majority of black women, means you love them. Your logic explains why African Americans keep moving backwards. Instead of talking about issues that are crippling us, we rather sweep it under the rug and condemn those who bring it to the table. By your logic, parents who discipline (not abuse or kill) their kids, don't love them. I understand you want to dawn a cape for them but if you truly love them like you say you do, you would call them out on their bs. They can't fix anything if all you want to do is glorify them and ignore the evil.

My Response: Once again, you embrace delusion. See, you allow your past experiences to cloud your judgment. I have not seen a black woman alive prevent me from getting a job. No black woman invented Jim Crow. No black woman authorized Africom. No black woman followed me in a sense of trying to harm me physically. Therefore, black women collectively are our allies and they are our blood. I have talked about issues in my communities for decades even when I was a child. So, you obviously do not know everything in my life or all my perspectives. This gender war distraction is not what we need right now. What we need is constructive dialogue among both genders, so we can create real solutions for our people. I opposed your demonic views then and I opposed them now. You seem to omit that no gender in our community has been perfect. We all have made mistakes. I sweep nothing under the rug, but you sweep those stats that I gave you under the rug. You sweep entertainers disrespecting black women constantly in lyrics under the rug. You sweep the necessity of black men to defend real black women under the rug. The real question is how do we go forward. I will forever defend black men and black women who want reconciliation not silly tensions and justice not scapegoating. Once again, you can enjoy your hate. I will embrace real LOVE for Sistas that gave me my life, cared for me, and are joys in my life.

Signal7: Your response has nothing to do with the issue at hand. You're going off course. Focus. Calling a black woman out for her wrong doings doesn't suggest anything about past experiences. If you can praise her, you can tell her when she is wrong. When I say nice things about black women, I don't hear from you. When I call a murderer, a murderer, you show up in full riot gear.

My Response: Call it what you want. I focus all of the time. Me mentioning IR stats, IR relationships, etc. have everything to do with issue. You just ignore these facts as a means to advance some sick agenda. I decline membership in your He man woman's hater club. I decline the membership offer. You just focus your energy on blaming black women most of the time when both genders have made errors. That is the point that you ignore. Most black women are not murderers, are not in IRs, are not morally inferior, and are not involved in imperialism. Black women collectively have been great opponents of the system of white supremacy. So, you can easily want a dialogue as a means to get issues discussed and solved. You calling most black women the seed of Satan is hardly focusing on the issue at the hand. That is a perverted ad hominem attack and you know it.

Signal7: Well I won't go back and forth with you on this issue. We will just agree to disagree and move on. We've agreed and disagreed on many articles before. This debate is done.....Until our next debate take care.

My Response: You are not my enemy my Brother. All of us want the best for you and all black people. We can agree to disagree on some issues in a cordial fashion as men. We agree on Richard Daley's character though. Most importantly, the enemy is not black men nor black women. The enemy is white supremacists in the world.

By Timothy (Me)


Indy Syder: How in the hell would you have a constructive dialouge with a group of MFs who can't even admit when they're wrong? How in the hell can you have a constructive dialouge with a pack of females who can't take lightly-laid, suggestive, constructive criticism? How in the hell can you have a dialogue with a coup of women who have been nothing but praised in the community and never have been held collectively responsible and accountable for their crap?

It's funny this person didn't say black women need to act like "queens."

My Response:

You know me. Cowards never win. I always bring jewels. This is fun. I am a very strong intellectually and physically and folks like you can never intimidate me or real Sistas at all. I am not on some CB4 swag. I am my own man. Therefore, I never need to curse women out in the Net to be a REAL MAN AT ALL. Your allies are the certain type males (not real Men) who will never find respect from me by calling women (or cosigning males) that curse women out and call them all sorts of names. So, I will respond to you since you mentioned me and I feel like responding. You do not know a single thing about my life, so you can not question my manhood at any circumstance. Many of you types will never say those words in the faces of real black men and real black woman. You just use the Internet as an excuse to outline your hatred and extreme rhetoric. Now, to the point at hand. The reality is that many women here in this forum and in real life want to have a constructive dialogue about this issue. EjErica admitted that both genders have made mistakes and have been wrong on a number of issues. I agree with her. So, both black males and black females have made errors in situations of our community. No one denies that fact.

The difference is that I do no curse out females or make extreme generalizations against black men or black women as a means to have a discussion. So, you saying that females do not admit their errors is a lie since many females do (beyond the stuff you see on television). Males have made errors including females. No one denies that. The comments in this forum are not laid back, suggestive criticisms. It has been filled with ad hominem attacks, profanity, slander, and anger utilized by many folks in this forum. Real black women and real black men will always be praised in the black community whether you like it or not. If you do not like it, get out then. I do not praise traitors whether they are male or female (like the African American female conservative slandering the great family of Trayvon Martin). Collectively blaming black females for white supremacy, our current state of affairs, and the Maafa is historically inaccurate, so that lie is erroneous. Some folks like you are tougher on black females than white supremacists killing and harming our people in cold blood worldwide. I never criticized black men who are real (from Kwame Ture to Dr. John Henrik Clarke), so that is your other lie. The rest of your statements are filled with anger and immaturity. The real truth is that some black human beings (among both genders) have morality issues. This doesn’t mean that most black women are extreme degenerates or murderers. It means that we must work together with women in finding solutions and we need constructive dialogue, which many black women desire. Miracles can happen as history attests. Also, I know many black women who act like Queens like my mother, co-workers, acquaintances, Sweet Sisters in this forum, other relatives, business associates, Sisters I know from stores, previous classmates, and other human beings. Therefore, the truth is known about these things. Black Women are always Queens and Black Men are always Kings. I decline membership in your brotherhood. I prefer respecting Black Women (the most beautiful humans of God's Creation) as the Mothers of human civilization. Checkmate and Game Over. That is all She Wrote. El Final.

-By Timothy (Me)


see the light wrote:
What about all the tax payers who are being charged for illegals from MEXICO-BRINGING THEIR KIDS FOR FREE EDUCATION, FOOD STAMPS,MEDICAL BILLS AND ALL THE OTHER WELFARE PROGRAMS. Being in Texas that's all you see.
This is what I hear in Texas is a lot of hostility from some people toward illegal immigrants. Illegal immigration is morally wrong. Everyone knows that. The solution is either between 2 major paths in my opinion. Either we form the approach of deporting every single illegal immigrant from America and cut all taxpayer resources sent to them. The other path is a reform system that deals with border enforcement, develop ways to better protect our borders, and have illegal immigrants who are here to compensate for their actions (and if they desire to be citizens, they need to pay a fine, get at the back of the line, face real punishments, and then apply for citizenship). Yet, I don't agree with punishing a child born from an illegal immigrant if that child is born in America. I don't believe in punishing a child like that like Huckabee said. Neither do I believe in revising the 14th Amendment to promote anti-immigrant rhetoric.

There is an increased deportation rate in America under Obama. That's a reality, yet you are right that it's wrong to arbitrarily give out cash and welfare to illegal immigrants. They shouldn't get any resources unless in exceptional cases (like emergencies or things of that nature) since human compassion is human compassion. Many illegal immigrants don't have malice intent (even though illegal immigration is still wrong); they just believe that they want to enrich the lives of their families. This issue is complicated and a one size fit all solution isn't go to cut, because if you say immediately deport all illegal immigrants, and then you will have serious problems in this country.

Also, I do believe in immediately deporting any illegal immigrant convicted of felonies though.

I see where you are coming from though.

-By Timothy


A Debate with a Slanderer:

jasonevanina: The government signed off on the creation of a central bank which induced folks off their family farms and into the cities with paper debt-money in exchange for their farmland, then started paying women to have children out of wedlock, then sent all the good manufacturing jobs way. But that central planning and social engineering wasn't ruinous enough for you, I guess. You call for MOAR government action. Wow. We used to be a land-owning community of hardworking, intact families before we went communist, but 40% unemployment and 75% out of wedlock births ain't enough for you, I guess. DC needs our economic activity to survive and be the wealthiest part of America, but we don't need DC at all.

My Response: This is my final response to you for real. You are such a liar. Never do I advocate some monolithic central bank to dictate all policies in America (filled with debt free money. Ellen Brown, Stephan Zarlenga, Michael Hudson, Bill Still, and others have great economic populist ideas that I like). I believe in legitimate government action. The government protecting civil rights workers, trying to advance equal pay among both genders, maintaining National Forests, and the government fighting against discrimination are legitimate actions that it can take. Using your logic, there should be no Voting Rights Act, no Civil Rights Act, and no federal laws that guarantee the human rights of Black Americans. Using your logic, flooding in multiple states require no federal government help since it is the federal government. That is irrational, sick, and cruel. If there is a national emergency in a state or multiple states, the federal government should have a helping hand in assisting human life (if the state in question needs it or the state requests it). So, the reality is that some regulation is good (and some regulation is bad) and some government action can be good and some can be bad. The federal government sent to help end Jim Crow was a good thing. Never do I advocate that the government should act tyrannical, control all aspects of human life, violate human rights, or to act in an authoritarian fashion. I do wish the government would be eliminated of corruption and radically changed to benefit the people not Wall Street interests. You ignore the fact of the corruption found in Wall Street and the big banks. While I expose the corruption found in Wall Street, the FED, and corrupt big banks. I do advocate that individuals and the community should have vital roles to play in solving problems (not just the government). The government should not control all things. It should be used as a tool to promote the general welfare of society.

Also, many manufacturing jobs were shipped overseas by corporate corruption (including by bad trade deals, deindustrialization, and economic exploitation by select corporations). The government has been infiltrated by corporate interests. Human rights are superior to states’ rights. This country is not even communist. The country is ruled by select interests, which is more oligarchical not communist. It is an oligarchy. When you have select corporations running a lot of our political power and funding corrupt policies, then that has nothing to do with communism at all. Massively low wages and war profiteering by some corporate interests is not Communism either. I am not a Communist, so you need to end that noise. Our economic system in the States is mostly run by a select few wealthy interests not in common. You fail to address economic inequality since you are an conscious agent of Wall Street and the super-rich. You fail to address the evils of austerity since that refutes your lie that every social service is evil. You do not address real environmental degradation since you are an agent that refuses to talk about pollution (and many corporations and some businesses have been involved in pollution including other evils like Monsanto). My views are aligned with Malcolm X, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., Fannie Lou Hamer, Fred Hampton, Kwame Ture, the Black Panthers and other Brothers and Sisters that wanted economic justice, gender equality, revolutionary changes in the world, an opposition to imperialism including an opposition to unjust wars (that is why I oppose a Western military strike in Syria), the rejection of reactionary thinking, workers' rights, racial justice, and true freedom. I will not be intimidated by you. Your racism is exposed when we know that teen pregnancy rates have gone down and even so-called out of wedlock rates have gone down too since 1991. I will not back down from a misogynist reactionary like you. The unemployment rate is not 40 percent in Chicago or nationwide (among the black community or any other community) you racist liar. The deficit is going down as proven by the CBO. I will fight for my dignity, fight for freedom, and more importantly fight for the truth. I am a strong black man and I will continue to defend black men and especially black women. I will always love black women with a social and a romantic love.

After this, I will not respond to you since you have no rational
discussion, but to harass me and to try to slander me when you have no evidence of your lying claims at all. I will always agree with equality and justice for black human beings forever and ever.

-By Timothy (Me)


Another racist Refuted:

Jamal: How is that working you for you in Rhodesia (Zimbabwe), South Africa, Haiti and Somalia? Liberia? Blacks destroy any country the infest, period. Being able to speak English and having an education would be a start. But average 65 IQ left of the bell curve savages will never be able to compete with Humans. Sorry! The TRUTH hurts.

My Response: You are a racist piece of work. You can never make me angry, but your cowardly self constantly harasses black human beings all of the time. See, there is not a single piece of evidence that black humanity in the world have an average IQ of 65 collectively at all. Many scholars have refuted the claims of the Bell Curve. Black human beings are not savages. We as black human beings are humans created in the image of God. Many African nations suffer via imperialism, neo-imperialism from the West, and other issues not because black human beings in Africa are less than human you liar. If European imperialism never existed in Africa, Africa would be in much better condition today. Your lying self ignores how UN agents and Western imperialists have harmed Haiti with sanctions and other evil policies. Black human beings are human. There are many black communities in the world that are doing the right thing. You conveniently ignore the growth found in Kenya, Nigeria, Namibia, Sierra Leone, and other African nations (which are highly successful nations) since you embrace a distorted, false narrative.

Since you love to throw numbers around. Here are some more. Among black teenagers, 15-19 (almost all of whom are unmarried), birth rates have plummeted since 1991, from 118.2 births for every 1000 such women to only 51.5 births per 1000 women in 2010. And even with the weak economy, black folks are almost 40 percent less likely to be dependent on government benefits now than they were in 1993. Currently, only 1 in 9 African Americans are dependent on various forms of cash or SNAP benefits throughout the course of a given year, down from about 1 in 6 in the early 90s. According to the stats, the same one that points out the 72 percent figure for the share of black births out of wedlock — the birth rate for unmarried black women fell by nearly a third between 1970-2010, from 95.5 births per 1000 unmarried black women at the beginning of that period, to only 65.3 births per 1000 such women by the end of the period. In terms of achievement itself, while white reading scores for 9-year olds on the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) have increased about 6 percent since 1971, black scores have risen by 20 percent; among 13-year olds, reading scores barely budged for whites from 1971 to 2008, while rising 12 percent for blacks; and for 17-year olds, white scores remained flat while black scores rose by 11 percent. Likewise, math achievement scores for black 9, 13 and 17-year olds have risen faster since 1971 than scores for whites. These stats are accurate.

The reality is that Africa is not monolithic. Africa has a lot of strong, independent, and honorable human beings. Africa has issues, but Africa still is filled with technology, highways, and other great domestic services. Some of the most beautiful fauna and flora are in America and especially in the Motherland of Africa. Beautiful black women are found in Africa too. That is why I would not mind it if I marry a Black American woman or a Black woman from Africa either.

-By Timothy (Me)


My Debate with a Racist:

Jim: This is so pathetic that Afro-Americans call these 2 men names because they don't bow down to "pity poor me because I'm an Afro-American". Martin was a thug following his father's foot steps. He chose the wrong man to attack. By the way, GZ isn't a white man but Hispanic. These men chose to get an education, work for the position they hold without blaming the white men for any missed opportunities. I mean Hell if had all of the Government programs that give me jobs based on my skin color and laws that protect gangs when they attack one individual. I wouldn't complain about nothing. Afro-American men can't fight a single white man or woman without a gang therefore that tells me that they're cowards & boys not men.

Me: Black Men fought one on one for ages you racist (from Muhammad Ali to Brothers in certain situations). That is why you say this garbage on the Net, but we as blacks say what we feel about you in the Net and out of the Net.

Jim: Apparently, you don't follow some news channels that report non-bias news. It's never 2-3 guys of the caucasion or hispanic race attacking a single person it's always Afro-Americans. By the way, I could care less about what people thinks of me because I know I'm NOT racist. My comments will always be the same either in person or on the net. I don't have false friendships with anyone or ethnic groups. I have been discriminated by Afro-Americans more than any other group including the Uber-Rich white folks.

Me: I do listen to the news. So, you trying to be intellectual is not warranted. See, this Brother is very intellectual. I know my stuff. I realize that select corporate interests advance stereotypes about blacks via the news media. I know that the news have lied about the Iraq War and other events in history. So, the news is a tool. It is not infallible at all. Apparently, you mention news accounts as the sole basis to create your irrational opinions of black human beings. There are tons of accounts in real life that outline black men fighting one on one in martial arts tournaments, boxing activities, and self defense actions for a long time. Also, whites have been involved in jumping blacks for centuries from James Byrd Jr. to the old riots in the 20th century where groups of whites jumped innocent black human beings.

So, you need to know history. The vast majority of Black Americans are not murderers, rapists, or imperialists. The most degenerate imperialists, pedophiles, meth addicts, murderers, rapists, and liars in modern history has been one ethnic group. It is not mine. We as blacks are the ones who have the blessed dark melanin. We are the ones who are the first humans on Earth. We are the ones with the genetics of the origin of human race. You came from us not the other way around. You ought to give us the respect that we deserve (especially in this forum) or we can just move on. Also, any unjust violence made by anyone towards innocent human life is immoral irrespective of race.
You cite no evidence that you have been restricted of a job, restricted to go on the Net, restricted to own a home, restricted to eat at a shop, restricted to make a loan, restricted to own a car, or restricted on how to live your life day by day solely by so-called black discrimination. You are a racist by assuming that blacks can not fight non blacks one on one outlining your embrace of the lie of black inferiority. Obviously, blacks are not physically inferior and can fight one on one via MMA fighters, boxers, regular folks, etc.

Jim: I don't make irrational opinions about no one from news stories but from facts.. Seriously though, the Afro-Americans need to get over the PAST because that's exactly what it is: Past. Not one, Afro-American in 21st century has been a slave or owned by anyone. Apparently, you don't hear about Chicage with black on black murderers on a daily basis. Someone is the first humans according to what scientist you want to listen to.

Me: LOL. I will never get over a single thing. That is my right. You have the right to ignore the past. See, the events of Sean Bell, Oscar Grant, Trayvon Martin, and Aiyanna Jones did not occur in the long distance past. These events occurred in our generation in the 21st century. For the sake of my God, my ancestors, and my people, I will get over nothing. I will advance Justice though. I want the end of the system of white supremacy. Native Americans being slaughtered by white racists have been over, but they have received reparations centuries later. Black slavery is still here in many nations of the world. Also, what does African Americans not being slaves now have to do with Justice. Justice is done in many forms. There should be economic justice and racial justice since oppression in many forms currently is still a reality. Also, I know about Chicago and you are a slick racist by citing racist talking points. The murder rate in Chicago has declined in the past months. The situation in Chicago has to do with socioeconomic factors, illegal gun trafficking, and poverty not black genetics at all. Also, my community has talked about black on black violence for decades. Also, most mainstream scientists have proved that blacks are the first human beings on Earth conclusively. You are grasping at straws here. In the final analysis, there is nothing immoral about Black Power and Black Equality.

By Timothy (Me)

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