Roman Catholicisms Criminal Record:
I.In the 700s, Charlemagne became emperor of the so-called holy Roman empire. During his reign, he declared paganism illegal, but many thousands of people were killed as a result of that. In fact Charlemagne slaughtered 4.5 K to 5K pagan Saxon prisoners in 782.
II.In 1010, the bishop of Limoges, France ordered Jews to be converted to Catholicism or be expelled or killed.
III.In the 1st Crusade, 12K Jews were slaughtered.
IV.In 1147 (2nd Crusade), Jews and Muslims from Portugal were killed.
V.In the 2nd Crusade also on 1147, several hundred Jews were killed in France (cities of Ham, Sully, Carenton, and Rameru).
VI.The Inquisition came. It might of existed as early as 1179 A.D. Later in 1184, the Inquisition fully went under way by the Council of Verona.
By 1254, Pope Alexander IV established the Office of the Inquisition within Italy. Pope Innocent IV, in his instruction for the guidance of the Inquisition in Tuscany and Lombardy, ordered the civil magistrates to force a confession of guilt from all heretics by torture, and a betrayal of all their accomplishes, Papal Bull Ad Extripanda de Medio Populi Christiani Pravtiatis Zizana which was dated in May 15, 1252. This torture was reinforced by Popes Alexandris IV, Clement IV, Nicholas IV, Boniface VIII, and others from 1254-1303.
The Inquisition was a Catholic institution whose purpose was to exterminate everyone in Europe who dissented against Roman Catholicism. It spread to Poland in the 14th century and then to Bohemia and Rome by 1543.
VII.At 1215, the Children Crusade killed or captured 100K kids.
VIII.A crusade came against the Waldensians and Albigenses which was called by Pope Innocent III in 1208. Its one of the bloodiest in history.
IX.At Beziers, France, it was besieged by Innocent III to exterminate Albigensian heretics and an estimated 60K were slaughtered.
X.In 1235, 34 Jewish men and women were slain at Fulda, Germany.
XI.Also , at Minerve, 14K Christians were put to death in flames. The ears, noses, and lips of the heretics were cut off by the faithful (not-so faithful actually).
XII.At 1377, Jews were slaughtered in Beggendord at Bavaria.
XIII.From 1487-1488, a crusade was waged against Bible-believing Waldensians.
XIV.Burning of Cathari came at Minerve (140 killed)
XV.Massarce of Cathari also came at Beziers which killed 20K people.
XVI.In the late 1400s, Columbus had 2K San Salvadorian Native Americans killed for telling him they didn't know where the gold was. Even an esteemed biographer of the murderer Columbus, Samuel Eliot Morrison said that 1/3 of 300K natives were killed off between 1494-1495.
XVII.In 1506, the monks of Lisbon killed 2K Jews on 2 days even on Easter.
XVIII.Many conquistadors, all Catholics, killed many Native American tribes especially in W. U.S.A., C. America like Coronado, Almagro, Codez, Pizzaro, Valverde, de Meza, Gregory, Sepulveda, Valega, etc from 1519-1540s.
XIX.From 1540-1570, no less than 900K Protestants were killed in different areas of Eupore by Papists.
XX.During the reign of Pope Paul IV (1555-59), the Inquistion killed 150K individuals.
XXI.Queen Mary of England (a Catholic) known as Bloody Mary at 1553 executes about 300 Protestants.
XXII.The Bartholomew Day Massacre killed at least 30K Protestants(Huguenots) in 1572 at Pope Puis Vs command. Some sources say as high as 101K Huguenots were murdered.
XXIII.In the 16th century alone, 900K people were killed in Europe.
XXIV.In 1685 came the slaughter again of the French Huguenots under King Louis XIV. The Edict of Toleration, giving religious freedom to Protestants, etc, was revoked.
XXV.From 1790-1792, even Jean Antione Llorente, a Catholic secretary to the Spanish Inquisition admits to 300K Jews and Moors killed.
XXVI.During WWII (1939-1945), the Catholic Ustasha killed 487K Orthodox Serbs, 27K Gypsies, and 30K Jews making a total of about 544K human beings murdered at least. The main perpetrator of these heinous actions was a Croat named Ante Pavelic in which many Catholic bishop accepted is actions.
XXVII.100K Albigenses were massacred in one day in 1211, then burned in heaps.
XXVIII.Pope Puis IV sent the Italian army to massacre many women and children at Orange in 1562.
XXIX.The 30 Year War in Germany saw the population of that region drop from 15 million to 5 million due to Catholic invading armies killing 900K Protestants.
XXX.Catholics massacre 30K Protestants in Ulster, Ireland at 1641.
XXXI.The Roman Catholic clergy in the 1970s lead the Dirty War in Argentina with @ 30K people killed.
XXXII.Even more recently in the 1990s, a civil war in the region of S.E. involving Catholics, Orthodox, and Muslims. Its not all of the Catholics entirely in that situation, but many Catholics are involved in it. About 200K killed.
XXXIII.Many Jewish people were killed by Catholics between 1348-1349 for being blamed for the Black Death.
XXXIV.Roman Catholics from the 10th century waged war against pagan Slavs, Balts, and Lithuanians to force conversions. (Slav became synonymous with prisoner, i.e. slave.) wars against Slavic, Baltic pagans officially became crusades in the 12th century.
XXXV.In 1191, Richard the Lionhearted captured Acre and ordered 3K captives, many of them women and children taken outside the city and killed.
XXXVI.Begun the international slave trade encompassing Africa, S. America, N. America, Asia, the Pacific, etc.
Martyrs who died for dissenting with Catholicism.
1).Henry of Laussane (d. 114
2). Arnold of Brescia (d. 114
3). John Huss and Jerome of Prague (d. 1415-1415)
4). Sir John Oldcastle (d. 141
5). Jerome Savanorola of Italy, a Catholic (d. May 23, 149
6). Thomas Granter, a Lollard (d. 147
7). Thomas Norris, a Lollard (d. 1507)
9).Ulrich Zwingle (d. 1529)
10). John Rogers
11). John Molius (d. 1553)
12). Anthony Ricetti of Venice (d. 1542)
13). Nicholas Ridley (Bishop of London) and Hugh Latimer (Bishop of Worchester) (d. Oct. 17,1555)
14). Archbishop Thomas Cranner, a Lollard (d. Oct. 17, 1555)
15). Peter de Bruys (d. 1126)
16). Pastor Louis Pashale of Calabria (d. Sept. 9, 1560)
17). Derrick Carver
19). Michael Sattler, an Anabaptist (d. May 21, 1527)
20). William Sweeting: burned in England, on 18 October, 1511
21). Anthony Peerson: burned at Windsor, England, in 1543
22). David Straton: burned in Scotland, circa 1531
23). John Hooper: burned at Gloucester, England, on 9 February, 1555
24). William of Orange: murdered at Delft, Holland, on 10 July, 1584
25). John Oldcastle: burned at St. Giles Field, England, on 14 December, 1418
By TruthSeeker.(Timothy)
10:52 am. EST
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