Friday, January 22, 2010

My Response to Racism


Now, it’s time for me to respond. NewTestamentChristian, you really don’t impress me with your lies and half truths. Let’s have a real response shall we. Now, many of the Egyptians are black as this is evident on archaeological images and works from classical historians. Black/African people aren’t descendants from Canaan, which is a lie. Canaan biblically speaking descend the Phoenicians, Canaanites, etc. They are Hamitic, but speak with a Semitic tongue. Sub-Saharan Africans are not descended from the Phoenicians. The Arkites, Sinites, Arvadites, and Zemarites either died off or became integrated with the Arabic populations in the Middle East and Northern Africa. Mizraim relates to Egypt as found in Genesis 12:10 as you say. These are the sons of Ham, yet they aren’t curse regardless of what Eric says except Canaan. Now, biblically speaking black Africans are descendants of Cush and Phut plus Mizraim. Also, most historians say that Black Africans came from Ham (in his other sons) not from Canaan. Canaanites were heavily wiped out, yet the New Testament ends the curse of the Law, so that old curse doesn’t apply today in 2010. Jewish people aren’t Arabic people, but both are related. They are Semitic ethnically and linguistically. Many ancient Europeans copied cultures from Africa to develop their governmental/religious system. That’s a fact. Ausar-Khepera is right on that point. There are other great civilizations like the Mayans and others. NewTestamentChristian, you are arrogant in trying to mock someone’s intellect just because they are black. Let it be know, that tons of blacks have strong intelligence with a resilient spirit to overcome grave challenges in the society the world over. Zimbabwe even by mainstream historians are proven to be an advanced civilization mostly inhabited by black Africans. There advanced buildings were created by black African peoples. I will never ever let racists and liars deny the great contributions of black people in human history. You cite inventions from other people and that’s fine. Yet, you ignore the complex contributions of black Africans in ancient times. The Songhai Empire (which existed in AD 11th-17th) was an Empire larger than Mali that was renowned for its scholarly culture and complex government. One person said of it that:

"(Surpassed) all other Negroes in wit, civility, and industry."-Leo Africanuas, who was16th Century Spanish Moor

Now, There was the Meriotic alphabet found in Nubia. This script was formed during the Napatan Period in ca. 700-300 B.C. It was deciphered in modern times by British Egyptologist Francis Llewellyn Griffith in 1909. The Meriotic language have yet to be translated completely. There were 23 letters in the Meroitic alphabet, including four vowels. There are tons of ancient architecture in Africa like the Temple in Aksum Kingdom in Ethiopia. The Tichitt Walata is found in ancient Ghana. It’s an ancient architectural location. It was built by the Soninke people and is thought to be the precursor of the Ghana empire. It was being settled around 2000 B.C. One finds well laid out streets and fortified compounds all made out of skilled stone masonry. In all, there were 500 settlements. The famous University in Timbuktu exist and the Great Mosque of Djenne in Mali. It was constructed in the 1200’s. It was reconstructed in 1906 to 1909 to be the largest clay building in the world today. Berki, writing in 1067 about the City of Aoudaghast in Ghana recorded that it is, "A very large city with several markets, many date palms and henna trees as big as olives, filled with fine houses and solid buildings." Ashanti architecture was especially famous in the world as well. So, complex architecture and inventions definitely existed all over Africa in ancient times and today in the 21st century. Even scholars acknowledged the great architecture of sub-Saharan Africa. The person who talked about Haiti and Katrina obviously don’t realize that Haiti was colonized illegally for centuries, Haiti was exploited by unfair loans made by the IMF plus others, illegal occupation came against Haiti by American forces during the early 20th century, and now we are witnessing a military occupation of the nation. Haiti experienced a more complex history than is being witnessed by the mainstream media. As for Katrina, people have been exploited and problems exists there beyond ethnicity (not to mention that FEMA have been exposed as causing corruption over there). There are problems in the black community. No one denies that, yet instead of whining about it in stereotypical terms, people should fight these problems head on. It’s easy to stereotype and scapegoat a whole race of people in an evil fashion. Yet, this isn’t the way I would go in how to conduct my life at all. Blacks should owe nothing to Europeans and Asians technologically, economically, religiously, etc. Blacks owe everything to God alone for it’s God that gave all humans life and inspiration to build up the civilization of mankind. With faith in God, blacks left alone can easily create a massive, stabilizing influence in the world stage of trade, technology, real science, and political development. All things are possible through Christ. Black people have always been great in terms of their history for thousands of years. Black people made technology, science, astronomy, literature, a written language (like the Meriotic script), and other tools of civilization for thousands of years indeed. It takes a human being to realize that all of humanity have value, all humans are born equal (this isn’t related to communism regardless of Eric says since Communism is about forcing people to have equal property rights. Equality isn’t done by force. It’s something your born with by the hand of God), and all believers in Jesus Christ are one. No man should be subservient to no man except to God. You need to repent for embracing bigotry against your fellow human beings. See, I respect the real people who any race including black people who are teachers, scientists, lawyers, athletes, musicians, scholars, blue collar job workers, and others who are making a real difference in the communities of the world. Don’t get it misconstrued. I still disagree with Secret Societies, the Jesuits, etc. Yet, I won’t let my opposition to them to scapegoat a whole group of people. This isn’t over since I will defend the dynamic nature and unique value of all human beings of all backgrounds forever. I thank God that people like me are around to set the record straight on this issue.

By Timothy


It's not New Age to say that all races are equal. That's false. Equality doesn't everyone is identical. Equality means all people have equal worth, equal value, and have a chance to achieve great contributions in society via intervention. See, the New Age Movement believes in evolution and a distinction of inferior and superior classes. This philosophy was embraced by the Nazis along with genocide like many New Agers want (via population control). Hitler was a radical New Ager and believed in white Aryan superiority myths as it relates to the story of Atlantis. High level Freemason C. William Smith believes that the Nordic race is superior and wants a new world order.

This New Age supremacist lie is embraced by many leading figures of the new world order and the eugenics crowd ironically. The New Age teaches that there are higher levels of beings and lower levels of beings in the scale of consciousness. That is why in the late 1960's, Big Foundations funded Bush-allied eugenics to promote racist ideologies. This is documented in "The Unauthorized Biography of George H. W. Bush." Not to mention that there is not a single view that bans misgencation among God-fearing people at all in the OT and NT. God isntituted nations, but that doesn't mean that you restrict people from living in those nation based on their physical appearance. See, God doesn't judge us by our outward appearance, but by our actions. Also, in human history, people of color (and all people) then and now have been great intellectual leaders, scientists, theologians, etc. That proves that any human has a chance to achieve great cognitive ability if they are given the right intervention and assistance.

Therefore, all humans are equal. You will never make me think otherwise. Even when I'm old, I will still have the same views on this issue. I don't like to talk about this issue since I've debated people on this issue for years here, but when something slick is mentioned, I have no choice but to put my 2 cents in.

By Timothy

LInks on this subject (since I do have backup on this issue):

(New Age /Nazi links)

New Agers don't believe that all people are equal:

The smoking gun:

Just because this controversy I might expose the racism, New Age, Hitler connection.


God didn't seperate the races after the FLood. He seperated people by their nations. There is a difference. Difference languages exist and people of different ethnic groups can speak the same language. Throughout human history, many ethnic groups were in one nation. Even the OT mentioned non-Hebrews accepted in the Hebrew nation if they were believers in God. The Bible explicitly doesn't define race at all. Like I've mentioned, equality doesn't mean identity. Feminism accept the later. I don't. Communism is not equality. Communism is stripping individual liberty and binding up a person's rights under the cog of the state. In fact, Communism doesn't promote equality. It promotes a poorer class and a rich elite in a feudal system. It deny equality of people based on their class. No one says that males and females are interchangeable. What is true that males and females have equal worth and value. Women have a right to work or be housewifes if they want to. I don't want radical feminists running my life or women being treated like they live in Iran. Also, Communism is about an authoritarianism wherefore your wealth is stolen illegally to benefit the collective (even if you are innocent). Communism is theft not true spiritual equality at all. Stealing wealth and stripping individual liberties (which is a definition of Communism) isn't about true equality at all. The Bible is clear for us to judge not by a person's appearance, but by their actions and doctrines. You can't show me a single Bible verse that misgenceation is banned among believers in God at all. Also, homosexuality and gay marriage are actions that can be judged. Those living in a homosexual lifestyles are sinners that can be saved and change just like an adulterer or a heterosexual sex addict. A sin is a sin. Even those living in a different lifestyle than me have equal value to any other human being. That issue has nothing to do with the justification of certain social controversies.Folks are waking up and the games are over. If you want to seperate, that's fine with me. It's a free country. Yet, we have a right also to reject stereotypes and demonization of people of color as well. As for me, I rather visit in rural and urban areas as a man who can get along with people of different backgrounds.By Timothy God I don't believe what you believe in. Also, outlining our contributions and exposing evil isn't gribbing. That's being real to yourself. See, trying to equate legitimate speech with whining is silly. Not to mention that no one here is accusing you of being a racist. It has nothing to do with being PC to expose racists. It's being PC to deny that racism exists in the world. It's really PC to deny that any human can achieve great thing irrespective of their condition in life. Difference in intellect (or a relative being in special education) has nothing to do with the concept of equality. Equality means equal value not being identical. No human is identical to another human being. You know what. It was real gripping that caused our independence from the UK, it was real gripping that ended the Civil War, it was that real gripping that created changed in society to give women the right to vote and people of color many legitimate civil liberties. So, I'm thankful for the First Amendment to allow people like me and others to gripe and whine to endorse liberty in the world and to fight against evil. Sorry, I'm not being P.C. neither a compromiser and dance to the tune of stereotypes.

By Timothy


Jared Taylor's racist views have been exposed by people from across the political spectrum. Race is a social construct. Not to mention that many groups of people are made up of many so-called "races" like Hispanic people. Differences in skin color, hair, etc. do exist. Yet, these physical differences are a small percentage in the total part of human DNA. Differences in gender do exist, but this doesn't mean that females have less value than males. I have a right to my views and people have a right to agree or disagree with me. Some people believe in the improvement of humans and other don't. Some deny the great contributions of people of color, but I refuse to do so. Some people accept lame, false stereotypes about their fellow man and others don't. Some believe that forced segregration can solve our sin condition and I don't. Some believe in demonizing their fellow man and others don't. Some try to talk about Detriot (which has economic issues. Common sense would dictate that crime rates are high in economically distressed locations) and deny a peaceful rural area of mostly African Americans in Southhampton, Virginia. While some talk about Detriot, I might talk about record achievements of people of color in education in Hampton Roads. It's hilarious to see grown men and women falsely call Barack Obama a Muslim (which is disinformation and a distaction) without seeing the real picture that he's just another puppet of the establishment. Lynn didn't prove that he is a Muslim. She proved that Barack Obama is pro-Muslim. See, there's a difference between being pro-Muslim (yet you don't practice the faith) and being a real Muslim. There is no evidence that he does the 5 pillars of the faith, the zadat, or the Hajj. So, unless you can provide me that evidence, to me Barack Obama isn't a Muslim. Also, I've been in gifted classes before and I've seen people of color of there. I'm from a younger generation than you, so this is more common among my time. Also, some ancient Egyptians being black (not all) is a historical fact and I have mainstream sources to prove it. That outlines history not the question of human equality necessarily. The Israelites were olive skinned to dark skinned as any scholar would tell you since they are originally Semitic.

Affirmative action? Some people were denied of rights via 400 years of discrimination and second class citizenship. I don't believe in quotas, but when you are deny oppurutnities for centuries, it's common to see programs to help minorites (who lack oppurtunities and the poor). That isn't affirmative action. That's compassion. Now, I don't believe in quotas, but I do believe in scholarships and other programs to help those disadvantaged. Also, you did omit country club rules, restrictive laws, grandfather clauses, and in the past these things were called the LAW. That's reverse affirmative action.

Only someone really decieved would you solely use their personal experiences as an excuse to prejudge a whole group of people (many of whom they don't even know or had contact with). That's irony. I agree with Eric on exposing the Jesuits, etc. but not on all of his views on race:

(Jared Taylor getting destroyed in a debate with Tim Wise)


Thankyou, Timothy, atleast someones talking some sense on this issue here, but anyway there's no point arguing at the end of the day people will believe what they want to believe. I'm just here for the good information by Phelps, Craig and others on who the controllers of this conspiracy are, I'd rather they left there racial and religious opinions to themselves though.

One other thing I wanted to say about this is that this white race is superior thing is also part of the new age occult stuff and eugenics that Hitler was into and how he was into the white Aryan race thing and stuff. This is exactly the same ideas that they propagate.


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