Tuesday, October 13, 2009


Updates on New Orelans & Huricane Katrina plus Hurricane Rita

Katrina was the most destructive hurricane in American history. At around 500 people were found dead and possibly thousands may have been deceased as well. Now is the time for the truth to be known. The truth is that the majority of the responsibility lies with FEMA and the federal government. I know that we can't rely on the federal government to save us, but the government committed crimes that must be exposed. James McCanney and other researchers view Katrina as a weather modification program (perfectly by Nikola Tesla and used by the U.S. government for decades), which seems more possible as more evidence comes in. Jim McCanney is one expert who recorded the government’s power to control the weather. The purpose of all this is for the Globalists to use New Orleans and the Gulf Coast region as an excuse to allow foreign troops in, have gun confiscation, further federalized the region, create martial law, and make more government control of this nation in trying to create the New World Order. FEMA is not even an elected body and it wasn’t even created under Constitutional law by Congress. It does have the power to suspend laws, more entire population, transportation control, and suspend the Constitution in certain times.

The truth is that the New Orleans district of the U.S. Amry Corps of Engineers had a $17.2 million reduction in federal funding for fiscal year 2006. The Army Corps sought $105 million for hurricane and flood programs in New Orleans, while the White House cut the request to $40 million (the Congress only approved $42.2 million less than half of the agency’s request). Bush cut funding for federal disaster relief funds. FEMA reported that a hurricane was one of the 3 most likely disasters in the U.S. at early 2001 including a terror attack inside New York City. Walter Maestri, emergency management chief for Jefferson Parish, LA, said that the money was moved unto the President’s budget to handle Homeland SSecuity and the war on terror (New Orleans Times-Picaynue reported this in June 8, 2004). FEMA ran the Army Corps of Engineers and 15 other agencies (confirmed by Lt. General Carl A. Strock, commander of the corps).

William Jefferson Clinton cut 98 flood control projects and he cut a $120 million hurricane project approved by the Army Corps of Engineers. Bob Sheets, a meteorologists warned of a catasphoric storm sent to New Orelans since the 1970’s. When the hurricane hit, FEMA made tons of mistakes. FEMA cut communication lines, restricted food and aid, didn’t activate their Hurricane Plan when Katrina struck, had inspectors who had poor training (reported by the Florida Sun Sentinel), had criminals on its staff, and other problems. With adequate funding and a more stable leeve system, the tradegy can be averted. Locals and other witnesses report that a barge broke the levee or even explosives destroyed the leeves on purpose (as was done in the 1927 Mississippi disaster). National Guard troops are in Louisiana and martial law was declared in New Orleans at August 30, 2005, Tuesday. The troops were given shoot to kill orders against those deemed “criminals” when most of the people there weren’t looting (Col. David Hunt confirmed that a lot of the looting was done by out of state agent provacteur street gangs). Even some police were looting proven by MSNBC.

Advanced technology like unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) have thermal imaging technology to detect the body heat of storm survivors. New Orleans also allowed gun confiscation of even law-abiding citizens in the first time of American history. This is violation of the Second Amendment and the Posse Comitatus Act of 1878 forbidding the military to engage in civilian activity unto American citizens. Some troops forced people out of their homes and this anti-Bill of Rights atmosphere is treason. The mayor and governor have made mistakes (i.e. buses, etc.), but they can’t be totally blamed. Even the governor asked the National Gaurd to be activated before Katrina hit landfall. New Orleans was already a federalized city, so the buck stops at FEMA and the feds.

Some police have a shirt with a flaming skull, representing death. Some of the military treat the citizens as “insurgents” and “refuges” not citizens, which is immoral. The first 3 organizations on the government recommended donation list were the American Red Cross, Pat Robertson, and the B’nai B’rith. FEMA treat the evacuees negativity in terms of by registering them, giving them ID cards, and preventing them from leaving internment camps. As for race, we need to becareful to embrace extremists. One set of extremists want to lie and blame black people totally for all of the looting and rioting occuring placing blacks (not all black people were looting in N.O.) in general as inferior. The other set of extremists want to blame white people for everything. It's obvious that Bush and his cronies could care less about the poor. They are in the Elite and most of the real Elite consider the poor less than human and "useless eaters."

I've thought about Kanye West's comments for a while and I agree with a lot of what he has to say. Many in the media never made a distinction between a few roiting people (some were black and some were not black) and the majority of black people not being involved in that madness. The Bush family tree is known to have colloborated with the Rockefellers, Harrimans, DuPonts, Fords, etc. for decades (all known for their racist population control, racist segregation, and eugenics policies. Many folks in those families aided the Nazis. Prescott Bush was a member of Planned Parenthood, a terrorist, murderous organization) As for George W. Bush not caring for black people, Bush certainly cares for black people that agree with him like Condy Rice and many others.

He certainly doesn't agree or could care less about real black interests in general. Take a look at the 2000 election where 58,000 votes were cancelled out in Florida. Greg Palast in his research has proven that and the Bush/bin Laden family connection, so that isn't a conspiracy theory. It is a conspiracy fact indeed. Henry Kissinger support a document in the 1970's in support of eliminating populations in the Third World and the PNAC document list the use of biological/chemical weapons against genotypes (which can be interpretated as races). It's no secret that the real Elite hate the black race and wants us dead literally. Not all black people or all white people are racists and we need to love one another. We need to develop new, real solutions to solve the continual racial problems in this country. Bush Sr. prides himself as giving money to the UNCF, but most people don't realize that in 1969, George H. W. Bush was on a panel in support of the decrease of the black population when the black population never grew into high levels in the 20th-21st centuries at all. Barbara Bush yet again is bashing the poor saying that they are better off after the storm than before when people drown and disease are infested in the water with many toxic chemicals. What planet is she from?

With a Nazi supporting grandfather of Bush 41, Prescott Bush, and a man who loves population control efforts on people of color like George H. W. Bush, what can you expect from a corrupt family tree. I wouldn't support the Red Cross, because Alex Jones, Conspiracy Planet, WINGTV and other sources haved exposed their money restriction unto the people. That doesn’t mean that the low-level Red Cross workers are all evil, but it does mean that the people running it are acting in corruption. Scholar Len Horowitz exposed Red Cross were aware of the Nazis atrocities in WWII. The Jewish Virtual Library website goes as far as saying that the Red Cross betrayed them during WWII. Freemason Jean Henri Dunant created the Red Cross in 1864. The Red Cross is a symbol of the Rose Croix (a degree in Scottish Rite Freemasonry and related to the Rosicurcians and Prieure de Sion). You can give aid to local areas in churches and organization that will directly send money and supplies to the people affected. Rita is another hurricane headed for the Texas coastline (within the range of Galvenston and Houston). Rita is a Category 5 Hurricane now. A Number of oil referines are in that region and I heard from CNBC that a man said that 25% of American oil capacity could be destroyed if the Hurricane destroyed those oil referinies in the Texas area. 2tuff from the Unhived Forum showed me something new. If Rita hits land on Saturday (as the Weathermen say), then the date is 9/24/2005=9+24=33. 33 is the highest degree of Scottish Rite Freemasonry. 9+2+4+2+0+0+5=22 (11*2=22. 11 is one of the Master Numbers of 11, 22, 33). We need to be viligant not fear mongering about "terrorists."

By Timothy


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