Monday, October 12, 2009


The Truth on Al-Qaeda

Al-Qaeda is nothing more than a government creation sent as a boogeyman to scare people, so submission to the governments policies would be easy to achieve. The Ancient Mystery Religions of Egypt, Babylon, India, and other Gentile nations were the presecucors of all Secret Societies including the Masonic Muslim Brotherhood. Many Muslim Secret Societies existed from the Middle Ages like the Assassins, Sufis, and Ismalis. All of them used concepts related to the Illuminati. Napoleon invaded Egypt and the Masons in his army contacted the remnants of the Ismali Grand Lodge and set up the Egyptian Rite Freemasonry when they returned to Europe.

Freemasonry have a firm tie with Muslim extremist groups. Jamal al-Din al-Afghani was living in Egypt and is known as the founder of the Salafiyya movement to end British imperialismto end British imperialism plus called for modernization for the Muslim world. Mohammed Adbhuh was his most famous disciple and was another Freemason. Hasan al-Banna created the Muslim Brotherhood and it is Masonic by its pyramidal structure, secrecy, charity, etc. but it was exclusively for Muslims to join. Sayed Qutb, another Freemason, joined the Brotherhood. Dr. John Coleman and other scholars said that the British globalists exploitated and also controlled the Muslim Brotherhood to control the Middle East, oppress Arab citizens, and exploit their resources like oil. Osama in the late 1970's-1990's was a CIA asset and the CIA funded him to fight Soviet Communists and other groups.

Osama's teacher was Muhammad Qutb, another member of the Masonic Muslim Brotherhood. al-Qaeda's role is a executioner of globalist policies to stir the people in fighting this fake "war on terror" like the fake "Cold War." [since both the U.S. and the U.S.S.R. back then were funded by Rockefeller and othe industrailists] Leonid Shebarshin, ex-chief of the Soviet Foreign Intelligence Service, who heads the Russian National Economic Security Service consulting company said that al-Qaeda is a myth. In fact, a Congressional report had the U.S. funding al-Qaeda-related groups in battling against the Serbs during the 1990s.

The PhD. Henry Makow is a hero in explaining the al-Qaeda myth so greatly. Ive emailed him before and hes a nice man from Canada fighting against the New World Order. Peter Goodgame, another expert says that Osama is a product of the Muslim Brotherhood controlled by British globalists. The hierarchy of al-Qaeda has cells with a capstone on the top similar to Freemasonry. Frank Morales have shown thats its a known historical fact that the Pentagon used P2OG to instigate terror attacks, then fight to defeat the terrorists.

By Timothy

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