"Today, we need a nation of Minutemen, citizens who are not only prepared to take arms, but citizens who regard the preservation of freedom as the basic purpose of their daily life and who are willing to consciously work and sacrifice for that freedom."
—John F. Kennedy
-John F. Kennedy, March 20, 1961
John F. Kennedy, April 1960 (Guns, "Know Your Lawmakers", April 1960, Page 4)
Defending the Second Amendment
The humans who run the world (the extremely wealthy elite) can’t arise their utopia without outlawing the private ownership of firearms. It’s for the simple fact that God gives man the right of self-defense and the barrel of a gun is a form of self-defense to control the advance of a tyrannical government. In the instances of Adolf Hitler, Joseph Stalin, Mao Zedung, Fidel Castro, and other dictators who eliminated guns, destruction and death followed their paths. Millions of folks across the globe were murdered in the Twentieth Century alone as a product of Gun Control. One book that validates this conclusively is “Death by Gun Control: The Human Cost of Victim Disarmament” by Aaron Zelman and Richard W. Stevens. Today, microchips are embedded in police and firearms owners’ guns. An Associated Press article by Jill Balton at April 13, 2004 at 4:45 pm. EDT from Palm Beach reports that a new computer chip is here to promise to keep police guns from firing if they fall into the wrong hands by its proponents. It works like this: a tiny chip will match up with the officer’s hand and it will send a digital signal to let the officer fire it. If a child or criminal has it, it’s useless since the officer fire it.
If a child or criminal has it, it’s useless since their hands won’t match up to the gun’s signature. This is smart gun technology formed by Verichip Corporation. Verichip President Kieth Barton spoke of this technology as improving safety for the military and individuals gun owners. Smart guns need to be banned or at least voluntary (for the individual if they seek it and let Big Brother ruin their lives) not mandatory for all gun owners to have or inside all firearms. New Jersey has already passed legislation for all handguns sold to include smart gun technology. This is wrong. Big Brother is definitely here. Even the NRA opposed the legislation by its potential problems. Anti-Second Amendment advocates love it. It’s not hard to tell that an armed citizenry will lower crime and increase freedom for people to live their own lives. An arm can be used for hunting, collecting, and sports in marksmanship; so don’t think that elimination of all firearms would affect only guns used in self-defense. While Time continues along the universe, the constant, incorruptible power of truth still pierces through me. I will defend the Second Amendment wholeheartedly.
Companies that are Anti-Gun/Quick Facts
This is from www.infowars.com/gungrabbers.html
and it outlines the most powerful national corporations that either support gun control iniatives or support the fascist gun control agenda. I list 6 of these companies from the Website:
1). A&M Records
2). American Century Companies
3). Blue Cross Blue Shield
4). Site Oil Company
5). Southwestern Bell Telephone-St. Louis
6). Time Warner Inc.
Behold these quick facts:
1). Assault Weapons aren’t a serious problem in America since according to Gary Klueck’s “Targeting Guns” in 1997, a complication of 48 metropolitan police department from 1980-1994, shown that assault weapons were used in less than 2% of crimes involving in firearms and 0.25% of all violent crime. (All before the enactment of any national or state assault weapons ban). In 1998, at LA, out of the 538 documented gun incidents, only (0.2%) involved an assault weapon. In SF at 1998, only 2.2% of confiscated weapons were assault weapons.
2). Gun banning even in the UK increased crime. According to the British Home Office, reported by the BBC News, July 12, 2002 presented that street robberies soared 28% in 2001. Violent crime is up 11%, murders up 4%, and rapes up 14%. Even homicide rates are on an all time high in 2000 after a virtual ban on private handgun ownership. According to statistics by the British Home Office, 3,000 crimes involving handguns were recorded in 1999-2000, including the 42 homicides, 310 cases of attempted murder, 2561 robberies, and 204 burglaries as a result of the gun ban.
3). A Zogby/SA survey of 1,015 likely voters in June 2002 concluded that 75% of Americans believe the right to keep and bear arms is an individual right proven in
[Exodus On Line] plus the Second Amendment Foundation’s site of
ABC News determined the rate to be 77% according to ABC News on May 14, 2002.
4). The FBI Uniform Crime Statistics in 1994 mentioned that 2/3 of the people who die each year from gun fire are criminals being shot by other criminals.
5). Dr. Gary Kleck, University of Florida man using FBI Uniform Crime Statistics fin 1997, shown that among the 15 states with the highest homicide rates, 10 have restrictive or very restrictive gun control laws. Maryland has the toughest gun control laws in the nation and ranks #1 in robberies, and #3 in both in violent crime and murder. In the FBI Uniform Crime Reports (UCR) for 2000, p. 79, Table 5 “Index of Crime by State” presented that 20% of U.S. homicides occur in just 4 cities with just 6% of the population of the U.S.A. (in NYC, Chicago, Detriot, and D.C.) and each has a virtual prohibition on private handguns.
6). This information is from http://keepandbeararms.com/downloads/GunFacts_v3.2.pdf
Fact: Firearm misuse causes only a small number of accidental deaths in the U.S. (107) For
example, compared to accidental death from firearms, you are:
• Twice as likely to suffocate on a swallowed object
• Seven times more likely to be poisoned
• 10 times more likely to die falling
• And 31 times more likely to die in an automobile accident
Fact: In 1996, there were only 21 accidental gun deaths for children under age 15. About twice as many children under the age of ten die from drowning in bathtubs. (108)
Fact: In 1993, there were 1,334 drownings and 528 firearm-related accidental deaths from ages 0-19. Firearms outnumber pools by a factor of over 30:1. Thus, the risk of drowning in a pool is nearly 100 times higher than from a firearm-related accident for everyone, and nearly 500 times for ages 0-5. (109)
107 National Safety Council's 1997 Accident Fact Book
108 Centers for Disease Control
109 National Center for Health Statistics, and the National Spa and Pool Institute
Is Charleton Heston Pro-Gun Control?
Charleton Heston is admired for a lot of attributes like starring in The Ten Commandments (one of the greatest movies of all time) and a fighter for civil rights along side Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. He now developed Parkinson’s disease so I will give him due respect and his contributions to American society are acknowledged and commended. Well, recently evidence has Heston showing signs of pro-gun control tendencies.
Charleton Heston bravely proclaimed that anyone wanting to grab his gun should “Take it from my cold, dead hands.” Heston is not a fraud in my mind and I’m sure he loves the Second Amendment. Sadly, on several occasions, he wavered in his perceptions of gun rights. One such article displaying this was “Guns Make NRA President ‘Nervous’” by Angel Shamaya on April 6, 2002 from http://www.keepandbeararms.com/information/XcIBViewItem.asp?ID=3283 Angel mentions that ex-NRA President Charleton Heston said that AK-47s and guns like that make him nervous which was confirmed by the NRA. As early as 1997, Mr. Heston in a 1997 Radio Interview remarked that “private possession of AK-47s is extremely inappropriate.” AK-47s are arms and should be owned by anyone since that’s part of the 2nd Amendment despite the illegal Assault Weapons ban supported by King George W. Bush. Heston even advocated the Gun Control Act of 1968, which is related to Hitler’s Gun Control Act of 1938.
The NRA has lost their original salt and now the new leader of the NRA (Wayne LaPierre) is worse than Heston in agreeing to Project Exile and even its members admit to seek to register firearms. I’ve found this information out. H. L. Richardson is the foundation head of Gun Owners of America. Richardson started it with Larry Pratt working for him. H.L. Richardson also backed Robert O. Anderson for head of NRA’s Whittington. Robert O. Anderson is part of the Club of Rome, CFR, Trilateral Commission, and the Aspen Institute. H. L. Richardson is a member of the Council on National Policy. The reach of influence runs so deep I guess.
The Records on gun owners challenged
Here’s some good news for a change. “Records on gun owners assailed Florida Legislature” from the Miami Herald is the story from Wednesday, November 19, 2003. The scene is that a group of conservative lawmakers have filed a bill to “prohibit police from compiling gun owner to privacy and to our firearms.” The proposal is even embraced by the NRA who called the gun records unnecessary law enforcement tools and part of “a phony excuse to harass and abuse American citizens.” It’s controversial though since it sends immunity of guns ranging from environmental lawsuits concerning lead and arsenic poisoning from ammunition plus end the state’s Constitution’s right to privacy allow parent’s potential authority over an underage daughter’s abortion.
Common sense environmental laws to be promoted and the abomination of abortion ought to be condemned. This might be one of the first bills passed by the House of the Florida State Legislature in 2004. Records on guns might be eliminated in Florida. Representative Dennis Baxley, an Ocale Republican is troubled by police across Florida trackling people’s guns violating a right “enshrined in the state and U.S. Constitution.”
2011 Updates on Gun Rights
In this day and age, a man is truly naïve to put it lightly if he doesn’t want to protect his family or friends from what enemy may come. In the past 2 years, the anti-gun extremists have made another backlash against the Second Amendment. Some of these extremists want to ban all guns from citizens and we have their quotes to prove it. Pete Stark is an U.S. Representative from California that wanted to ban all handguns if a bill came his way to propose such an act. Now, the truth will still exist despite their lies. The truth is that law abiding citizens owning guns to protect themselves isn’t immoral nor a sin. One myth is that assault weapons are a serious problem in the USA. The reality is that assault weapons are only used in 1.4 percent of all violent crimes involving firearms and 0.25 percent of all violent crime before the enactment of any assault weapons ban (in the national or state level). The crime rate declined when the assault weapons ban was lifted in its first year. Mexico seizes most of its guns from non-U.S. nations even. Total federal gun registration doesn’t work necessarily. New Zealand’s police acknowledged its worthlessness. IN Australia, there is an extreme cost burden to the police. Even in Canada, thousands of people silently ignore the federal registration of their firearms. Tons of guns have been accounted for after the Federal Republic of Germany began comprehensive gun registration in 1972. Registration have led into confiscation of guns of innocent people in Australia in 1996 (over 660,000 guns were stolen from citizens), Nazi Germany, even in NYC in 1991, etc. Gun ownership is not necessarily linked with higher homicide rates either. There were high homicide rates in places where gun ownership was limited for decades in D.C., Chicago, Detroit, etc. Over 192,500 women have used guns in self defense to prevent sexual abuse as well. According to the 2000 National Crime Victimization Survey (from the BATF estimates on handgun supply in dealing with the Bureau of Justice Statistics) prove that every day 550 rapes, 1,100 murders, and 5,200 other violent crimes are prevented by showing a gun. In less than 0.9% of these instances is the gun ever actually fired. Most violent crimes in America don’t involve firearms of any type. We have people like President John F. Kennedy, Hubert Humphrey, and tons of other humans on our side that believed in the people to bear arms. Gun rights are a part of the Bill of Rights and Constitution. Criminals shouldn’t own a gun, but law abiding citizens definitely should own one if they desire to.
By TruthSeeker24
October 21, 2004
7 CITIES (aka Hampton Roads Area-757)
More Research:
lastswordfighter 3 days ago
No not all guns are semiautomatic. Bolt Action. Pump Action. Single shot muzzle loader. Lever Action.
lastswordfighter 3 days ago
Two automatic firearms have been illegal for decades in the US. The first ban on automatic firearms covered machine guns and submachine guns and was passed in the 1930s. Fully automatic rifles such as the M16, AK47s, and others were made illegal in the 1980s by President Regan.
lastswordfighter 3 days ago
lastswordfighter 3 days ago
Three semiautomatic rifles are legal because you pull the trigger once it and only fires one bullet as compared to full auto rifles where you hold down the trigger and it empties the rifle in seconds. To get a semiautomatic rifle to fire again you have to pull the trigger again each time.
lastswordfighter 3 days ago
lastswordfighter 3 days ago
Said rifles are not covered under the machine gun and assault rifle bans. Sniper rifles are just a false term used for any rifle that has been modified or intentionally produced for precision long range shooting. Semiautomatic rifles are not largely for close range but long range shooting as previously stated.
lastswordfighter 3 days ago
lastswordfighter 3 days ago
Four a ban on semiautomatic rifles such as the AR15 was put into place and had no effect overall on crime and expired on 2004. When the ban was put in place gun ownership went up drastically while crime overall decreased. the FBI's own crime report from 2011 revealed that was a 50 percent drop in crime. That same also revealed that 6000 murders were done with hand guns. More people that year were murdered with hand guns than they were with rifles
lastswordfighter 3 days ago
lastswordfighter 3 days ago
In addition said report also revealed that more people were bludgeoned to death by hammers, clubs, and other blunt objects than were killed with either shotguns or rifles. And the final one and this is the kicker there is category with 800 murders committed where it doesn't even list a murder weapon. It just says "other".
You've gotta get accurate data to have a chance at persuading others to change their position. The statement in quotes below, appearing near the top of your webpage, is not true, just a rumor that was made up and subsequently copied-and-pasted on numerous websites of gun-toting enthusiasts. The National Crime Victimization Survey is an annual publication that doesn't measure prevented murders or rapes.
ReplyDelete"According to the 2000 National Crime Victimization Survey (from the BATF estimates on handgun supply in dealing with the Bureau of Justice Statistics) prove that every day 550 rapes, 1,100 murders, and 5,200 other violent crimes are prevented by showing a gun.