I’m still doing my duty
The same stimulus for freedom still resides inside me lighting my soul with a magnificent glow. I don’t slip, but I do allow other people to contribute and then I comment. As for the New World Order reality, I’ve never really heard of it until 1997 and became fully engaged to expose the plot by the Elite since 1999 when I saw the Hard Truth Website created by Robert Howard. I’ve wrote in carm.org in 2002, then shown articles for Chris’ Truth Forum in 2003, came to North star’s site in 2003, and now in late 2004, I’m at a wide variety of spots in making the real truth more known and focusing on developing myself and others spiritually so God’s work can be done.
I usually love to debate people on many occasions and it’s quite fun for me. It’s seems like day after day, fast and potent developments come our way to America and the world. One was the promotion of Peter Goss as the new CIA director when this guy had corrupt connections from the get go. First, not only is he part of the globalist Council on Foreign Relations, but during 9/11, he met up with ex-ISI chief Ahmad and Ahmad gave Mohammad Atta [one of 9/11 patsies] $100,000. He and Graham are one of the prime architects of the creation of Patriot Acts I and I (truly violations on our God-given fundamental civil liberties). According to Al Martin, this person contributed to the Iran Contra scandal and according to APFN, he’s introducing legislation giving extra surveillance power to the Central Intelligence Agency to be more intrusive unto the lives of the American people. This is sick obviously.
The 2004 Election was a pure show and Hegelian Dialect. Indeed, it was the dirtiest campaign in American History. I’m thinking to myself how could Bush win? It’s very simple: Bush just exploitated Kerry’s weakness of his “flip-flops” (which Bush also had in the past and present), present his extreme views (like Bush has), then scare the people half to death into claiming that if Kerry were elected, then the “terrorists” will have an increased change to attack America.
I really don’t assign blame to Evangelicals at all or any soul that vote for Bush for Kerry. I personally voted because of moral values among other issues. Most bible-believing Christians are good and inspiring individuals, but deception is a potent device utilized by wolves in sheep clothing like Bush or the Council on National Policy. George W. Bush hoodwinked many of them to vote for him since many folks with sincere religious beliefs believe that he will change the moral climate in America by producing harder anti-abortion laws, etc. Bush will do no such thing since he publicly stated that he never attends to revoke Roe v. Wade and feels that there is no litmus test on Supreme Court Justices. His “culture of life” bravado is a tactic instilling the false perception that Republicans are against abortion while Democrats aren’t when Republicans haven’t even attempted to enact massive amounts of real Pro-Life laws.The majority of pro-Bush people and the pro-Kerry crowd are just victims of this phony system since both Bush and Kerry are sworn to be followers of the Skulls and Bones Secret Society. So, regardless of who would have won the election, little will change except on some domestic issues. Surprisingly, there was a high turn out among Americans with about 60% of eligible voters.
Ohio was the state that Kerry lost. New research is coming out by Greg Palast and others that Bush stole the election in Ohio. Time will tell if that's true or not. Now, Kerry is complaining that he lost because of Osama bin Laden (which is false) and criticizes Faux News which I don’t have a problem with since they are a Bush cheerleading station. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!!!! In terms of the “war on terrorism” where people are butchered by the thousands, Kerry would just use an ‘international’ smokescreen to justify his plans to kill men, women, and children basically.
Condoleezza Rice is now promoted by George W. Bush to be Secretary of State now. I abhor the racist cartoons about her made by liberals, but she is a robot. She’s very gifted and extremely intelligent, but to support blatant falsehoods (in Iraq especially) then use weak arguments to justify it and then lie about the 9/11 warnings is no courageous act. Condi, I love you as a human being, but what you need to do is to leave the CFR, wake up, and fight this Gestapo system ravishing the nation. What a shame that you are just following Bush at his every command like a servant. I’m no servant to a man, but to God alone.
Bush also is trying to get Alberto Gonzales confirmed as well as Attorney General. Poverty suffered as a child and adversity overcome by him are apart of his early childhood and I commend that, but Alberto’s record is blatantly radical. For one, he’s anti-life personally adhering to the utilitarian notion that the personhood of the unborn takes a bad seat and can be extinguished by virtue of unjust law. Additionally, Gonzales wanted to dissent with parental notification and gleefully accepts teenagers to kill an unborn child. Presently, even some Pro-Life groups are supporting him. The great delusion is deep in society I guess.
On civil liberties, he’s just as worse. Gonzales is one of the men that instigated the torture in Abu Ghraib (Like Native American displacement, African American Slavery, the Holocaust, Hiroshima, Dresden, Communist Holocausts in the former Soviet Union and China, etc. I will never forget about Abu Ghraib). One point of fact is that back in August 2002, he wrote a memo that anti-torture laws didn’t apply to the President. I have no problem with his suspicions about many international laws, but Gonzales doesn’t even approve of the Geneva Conventions (in a January 2002 draft memo, he called it obsolete), which is a legitimate law to not only protect other enemy prisoners, but protect against American G.I.s from sick and reprehensible treatment from the enemy. Therefore, Alberto wants torture unto all “terrorists” captured in the battlefield since he conceives them as not “enemy combatants” but “unlawful combatants” yet Congress never declared war on anyone and the universal moral principles of peace, justice, and equal treatment must be applied to all men. He even received as high as $100,000 from Enron in contributions. That explains why Bush wanted crooks in his administration because George W. Bush is a proven criminal.
Focusing on resurrecting my mind, body, and spirit to follow God’s will so the glory of God is upon all believers is my cherished duty. With us knowing about all of this, there is no time to whine or complain. People before us of every background went, fought, and died so we could be here on the Internet, the street, neighborhoods, and others areas to give the entire world on what’s real. I respect what Victor Thorn is doing confronting 9/11 deniers and making sharp literature detailing the criminal acts done by the internationalists.
Also, I respect Alex Jones for his extra recent Net exposure of Arnold Schwarzenegger who’s a true Nazi and governor of California. Arnold is the type of guy who is so evil that it almost makes you feel sorry for people accepting his propaganda acts. From Schwarzenegger’s recent sexual harassment, to his racist comments about black people, to his support of the Nazi Kurt Waldheim (who killed 1,000s during WWII and was part of the U.N., another terrorist group), the praise of Adolf Hitler, being part of the Bohemian Grove, agreeing with embryonic stem cell research (the killing of life to save life which is degenerate and virtual 21st century cannibalism), and mocking of Jesus Christ in an interview with other character issues making him not worthy to be governor let alone President of the United States. Arnold’s ilk now are seeking to change Article 2, Section 5 of the Constitution so to allow foreign people to become President if they live in America.
A Brave New World is certainly upon with cloning and even some scientists who are actually very sick to think about creating hybrids of humans and animals. As for this Thanksgiving coming up, I have no problem with it since in this time people become more adjoined with their family members and contemplate on the blessings God gave you. Don’t make a mistake about it though: God is in control though he’s just using Satan to run this world for a season. We won. This is what’s real. We’re real.
By TruthSeeker24 (Timothy)
November 23, 2004
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