Sunday, January 26, 2025

Trump's Policies in his Second Term


Eighty years ago, our ancestors and relatives defeated fascists of the Axis Powers during World War Two (many of my late relatives were World War Two veterans and fought for freedom in the Normandy invasion in real life). Today, we have a fascist extremist who is now President of the United States of America who said that he wants to target the media who disagrees with him, wants to abolish the Constitution if he doesn't get his way, and desires to glorify retribution and revenge against progressives and those who support democracy. Trump has publicly said that any Jewish person who doesn't vote for him is "disloyal," he called black people low IQ, threatens to arrest Liz Cheney, called certain immigrants as "poisoning the blood of the country," supports the January 6th terrorists, and glorifies violence in his speeches. Now, we have Trump planning to create internment camps for immigrants who are undocumented. He desires the radical increase of the powers of the executive branch which is against the concept of the co-equal powers of the three branches of government. Our democracy is on the brink of being gone.  Trump is so extreme that he wants to annex Canada, Greenland, and the Panama Canal to America. The good news is that lawyers, activists, and other heroes are fighting back against Trumpism to make sure that the future is better than present reality. Here are the politics of Trump in less than one week after his inauguration in late January of 2025:

1. Trump said that he won't give aid to the suffering people involving the California wildfires unless California changes its voting laws to have real ID. That is un-American and unconstitutional. 

2. Trump has used executive order to suppress federal government support of civil rights protections and DEI programs. Trump has ordered all federal agencies to close all diversity, equity, and inclusion offices, put DEI staff on administrative leave, take down all websites and social media accounts, and cancel all DEI trainings. Trump has made the DOJ to halt all ongoing and future civil rights litigations. 

3. Trump signed an executive order in trying to ban birthright citizenship which is unconditional. That is why Judge John Coughenour, a Reagan appointee called Trump's action a "blatantly unconstitutional order."

4. Trump pardoned ca. 1500 insurrectionist thugs who assaulted police officers and tried to overthrow the government on January 6th, 2021. MAGA followers should never lecture us about law and order when Trump pardoned terrorists. 

5. Trump supported the new Secretary of Defense Pete Hegseth, who is an extremist that glorified war crimes and has other repugnant views. He has been accused of abuse. 

6. Trump fired the independent inspectors generals of at least 12 federal agencies without legitimate cause. Inspects generals are tasked with rooting out fraud, abuse, and corruption. 

7. Trump signed an executive order that stopped the elimination DOJ private prison contacts. 

8. Trump signed an executive order that rescinded a President Biden directive to lower drug costs and expand coverage under the ACA and Medicaid.

By Timothy

Thursday, January 23, 2025

Early Church History.


Early Church Development and History

The Church of Jesus Christ or the Christian Church has grown massively since 30 A.D. The original design of the church was a local congregation of New Testament believers where a group of equal elders (or presbyters) governed only within their own local church. Bishops back then could be married as cited in 1 Timothy 3 and Titus 1. Roman Catholic and Orthodox systems were non-existence as there was no promotion of purgatory, no Pope, no Mary veneration, and no cardinals. So, anyone telling someone that bishops can't be married is preaching heresy and falsehood. Back then, there were no pope, but there were bishops, deacons, and other church leaders. The Bible in 1 Timothy 4:14 cited the office of overseer (bishops) and elder (presbyters). Before 150 A.D, the terms of bishops and elders were the same office and were used interchangeably as found in Titus 1:5-7. Each church had more than one elder/bishop being equal in power. There was no organization larger than the local church. Each bishop in each local church had equal power worldwide. So, the presbyters or bishops, deacons, and other helpers worked in one church. That is why Paul and Peter wanted the presbyters to help the church. The Didache, Polycarp, and Clement cited presbyters and deacons plus bishops to help the early church. So, Apostolic secessionism from the Catholic Church is refuted as the early Church was heavily decentralized and filled with bishops and deacons along with elders (presbyters). The Roman Catholic claim of Peter being the first bishop of Rome is dubious as the church of Rome was governed by multiple elders, who were also called bishops. Peter, as the Bible and history has proven, was an Apostle and evangelist of the Gospel, not a bishop. Catholicism teaches the false doctrine of apostolic succession or that Peter was the first Pope and any Pope after Peter in Rome would be a succession (as to Roman Catholics, Peter was chosen as head of the apostles). The Bible is clear that the Apostles have equality of power and authority. When Jesus Christ said to Peter, he referred to the rock as the faith confessed on the supreme rock of the Messiah as mentioned by Cyril, Chrysostom, and other scholars. Jesus Christ is the mediator of the New Testament who gave authority to the 12 apostles (John 17:6-8, 17-20). He promised the Holy Spirit would remind them of all of what he said and guide them into all truth. When Jesus told Peter about binding and loosing authority, the gave the same command to all the apostles in Matthew 16:19 and in Matthew 18:18. The New Testament bishops developed after the rise of the apostles, but they didn't resemble modern-day Catholic bishops. NT bishops had to be married as found in 1 Timothy 3:2, but the bishops in Catholicism are celibate by force. 

The modern idea of a pope or even an idea of a single bishop ruling a local church or the entire church didn't exist back in the first century. It is assumed that Linus, Anacletus, and Clement were Roman presbyters or presbyter-bishops (in the New Testament sense of the term) at the end of the first century. From 150 A.D. to 250 A.D., the church changed from equal elder ruling a local church to the rise of a single bishop over the eldership (Episcopal Presbytery). This means that there is the rise of the exalted elder which was a departure of the original design of God's church. In 150 A.D, there was the rise of the exalted elder (or bishops) over other bishops in a local church. By 200 A.D, there was the rise of the episcopal presbytery which means that local churches were governed by a single bishop or overseer (Episcopate) over a group of elders (Presbytery). The exhaled elder of the 150 A.D. became a distinct office from the eldership. That means that the bishop is over the eldership, the single office of elder/bishop are split into 2 separate offices, and one bishop rules over the eldership. By 250 A.D., there was the rise of the Diocesan Bishop. This means that bishops of larger churches started to exercise control over smaller churches. Bishops began to control not only their own local churches, but a group of local churches within a geographic area that is known as a diocese. Even back then, bishops started to gain too much power which wasn't sanctioned by the New Testament or Jesus Christ.  With the Diocesan bishop, still no single bishop controls the whole church. This refutes the lie of Roman Catholicism saying that the bishop of Rome should rule the whole church as only Jesus Christ is the leader of the whole church. 

From 250 A.D. to 451 A.D., we have the change from Diocesan Bishops to three Metroplitans and the 5 Patriarchs. This is part of the Oligarchic diocesan episcopate. This new oligarchic diocesan episcopate caused the direct creation of the Eastern Greek Orthodox patriarchal systems. By 300 A.D., there were metropolitans. This means that these Metroplitans rule over diocesan bishops. So, the diocesan bishops from the largest cities became metropolitans. In 325 A.D., the Nicene creeds list the Metropolitans of the bishops of the largest and most politically plus economically powerful cities being Rome, Antioch, and Alexandria. By 381 A.D., we have the rise of the 5 patriarchs. The metropolitans of the very largest of the large cities were Patriarchs. They were in Rome, Antioch, Alexandria, Constantinople, and Jerusalem. The Patriarchs ruled over the Metropolitans from the smaller large cities. The exception was Jerusalem which was granted patriarchal status because the church started there. The 5 patriarchs were listed in the Second Ecumenical Council as the bishops of Rome, Constantinople, Antioch, Jerusalem, and Alexandria. The patriarchs were like 5 mini-Popes ruling in a monarchal manner within their own territories. The bishop of Rome would not explicitly claim to rule all of the Christian world until 606 A.D. The other four patriarchs would later be known as the Eastern Greek Orthodox Church, where the patriarchs are 14 today. 

From 451 A.D. to 588 A.D., the growth of the five patriarchs continued. Pope Leo I in 451 A.D. claimed that he was the successor of Peter. Yet, the concept of a permanent successor of Peter is unscriptural and a product of the falsehoods of the bishops of Rome. Pope Leo I was never the universal bishop, even though Gregory I would make the false claim that Leo was the universal bishop. By 533 A.D., Roman Emperor Justinian I proclaimed the Bishop of Rome, Leo I to be the head of all churches. The rest of the world ignored the claim of Justinian I. 

From 588 to 606 A.D., the Patriarchs of Constantinople and Rome competed against each other in claiming rulership of all Christians. John IV the Faster, patriarch of Constantinople claimed to be universal bishop in 588 A.D. There is a power struggle between Old Rome (in Rome, Italy) and New Rome (in the East at Constantinople). Gregory I the Great was Patriarch of Rome from 590 to 604 A.D. Gregory I (who still made the false claim that he was the successor of Peter) denied the universal bishop title for John IV the Faster and for himself, Gregory I. Gregory I said that John IV claiming that title is a sign that the antichrist is near. In 602 A.D., the Roman Emperor Maurice is murdered by a coup by Phocas. Phocas became the emperor. Gregory died in 604 A.D.  He is replaced by Sabinian who reigned for 2 years, he died in 606 A.D., and the new bishop of Rome is Boniface III. Everything changes with Boniface III. Phocas writes that the new Bishop of Rome Boniface III is the head of all the church and the bishop of Rome. Boniface III agrees with this lie, and he has the title of universal bishop causing the modern-day Roman Catholic system to arise. Catholicism is not accepted from the East and split fellowship with Rome permanently in 1054 A.D. in the Great Schism. Boniface III died in 607 A.D. on February 19. By this time, we have suffragan or cardinal bishops. So, the centralization of the church into one bishop or religious leader is not what God intended. It is important to note that from 30 A.D. to the present, there were always churches independent of the Roman Catholic Church and the Orthodox Church that followed righteousness, followed excellent doctrine, and spread the Gospel to save souls constantly. The church is to be independent, autonomous, with preachers (and other religious clergy people), believers (made up of all saved people throughout the whole world), and has no leadership but Jesus Christ. So, we have two paths of church history. We have the true church of the Lord Jesus Christ filled with inspiration, power, and love spanning almost 2,000 years. Also, we have another thread of people who added heresies and false doctrines to create false doctrines and apostate doctrines. 

*Numerous false doctrines would grow fast from 314 to 1500 A.D. like the veneration of angels and dead saints in 375 A.D., the veneration of Mary in 431 A.D. (via the Council of Ephesus), extreme unction in 526 A.D., the doctrine of purgatory in 593 A.D. by Gregory the Great, kissing the Pope's feet in 709 A.D. (when the Word of God forbids such actions as found in Acts 10:25-26, Revelation 19:10; 22:9), holy water used by a priest in 850 A.D., the mandatory celibacy of the priesthood by Pope Hildebrand, Boniface VII in 1079 A.D. (when Jesus never called for this, Peter was a married man and Paul said that a bishop can have a wife and children), the dogma of transubstantiation made mandatory by Pope Innocent III in 1215 (The New Testament is clear that communion is the memorial of the sacrifice of Jesus Christ. Even early Christian scholars Justin Martyr, Irenaeus, Tertullian, Cyprian, etc. said that communion is a remembrance of the sacrifice of the Lord Jesus Christ on the cross), the restrictions of books by the Council of Valencia in 1229 A.D. (when the World of God is meant to be read by all cited in John 5:29 and 1st Timothy 3:15-17. Back in the day, the Roman Catholic forbid people to read the Bible in his or her own language independently), and the promotion of the Scapular in 1287 A.D. We know about the origins of Christmas, Easter, and Lent, so we don't have to follow manmade holidays to be true believers in God. 

The 1700 Year Anniversary of the Council of Nicaea

The First Council of Nicaea met in the Bithynian city of Nicaea (in Iznik, Turkey today) from May to the end of July of 325 A.D. This council of Christian bishops was an ecumenical council that wanted to deal with the issue of the Trinity. Before 325 A.D, the concept of the Trinity was already embraced by the Church long before Constantine was the Roman Emperor. Constantine in 312 A.D. claimed to see a vision from God a shape similar to across in front of a sun. Many believe that after this, he converted to Christianity. He claims that he saw the words in this sign conquer. According to Eusebius, Constantine dreamed a voice said that have his soldiers mark upon their shields the X with the line drawn through it and curled around the top. Then, Constantine won a battle. Yet, this image of the sun god is related to paganism. Constantine made Christianity adopted by Rome. He repealed the persecution edicts of Diocletian. Constantine unified church and state in Rome. This was wrong as the Church shouldn't be merged with a pagan system.  Many Jehovah Witnesses and other anti-Trinitarians believe in the lie that the Trinity was formed by the Nicene Council in 325 A.D. The issue was the heresies like Arianism promoted by Arius and other people who refused to believe in the Deity of Jesus Christ. The Council debated on the issue of the divine nature of God the Son and his relationship wtih God the Father. It also dealt with the observance date of Easter and early canon law. The first part of the Nicene Creed was embraced by the council. The council started by the Christain clergy of Alexandria, Egypt. Archbishop Alexander of Alexandria and Athanasius believed in the Trinity and the presbyter Airus rejected the Trinity. Alexander taught that Jesus as God the Son was eternally generated from the Father, while Arius and his followers asserted that the Father alone was eternal, and that the Son was created or begotten by the Father, and thus had a defined point of origin and was subordinate to the Father. 

Arius was a person who lived in Alexandria, Egypt. Arius accused Alexander of following the teachings of Sabellius, who taught that the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit were one person, rather than the view held throughout the east that they were distinct. Arius believed in the heresy that the Son of God never existed eternally, being a created being. He believed that since Christ was begotten, he had an origin, but the New Testament teaches that Jesus Christ was the only begotten Son of God, bmeaing that Jesus Christ was preexistent before Creation. The Son of God is the eternal God in human flesh. Arius' friend was Eusiebus. Alexander raught that Jesus Christ was the same substance (or Greek word homoosia) as the Father being God. Bishop Alexander's young deacon was Athanasius. Alexander called a local council of bishops from Egypt and Libya, which sided with Alexander's view. Arius refused to subscribe to the council's decision, and he and several followers were excommunicated and exiled from Alexandria by Alexander. Arius then traveled to churches around the Roman east and wrote to bishops to gain support of his view. Among Arius' supporters were Eusebius of Nicomedia and Eusebius of Caesarea, and they advocated for his view and his restoration to the church in Alexandria. Alexander also circulated letters defending his own position. Parallel to the theological controversy between Alexander and Arius was the Melitian schism in the Alexandrian church. Melitius, bishop of Lycopolis, had acted in the stead of the imprisoned bishop Peter I of Alexandria during the Diocletianic Persecution, but after Peter's death in 311 refused to give up his right to ordain clergy or recognize the authority of Peter's successors Achillas or Alexander.

Alexander called a local council of bishops from Egypt and Libya, which sided with Alexander's view. Arius refused to subscribe to the council's decision, and he and several followers were excommunicated and exiled from Alexandria by Alexander. Arius then traveled to churches around the Roman east and wrote to bishops to gain support of his view. Among Arius' supporters were Eusebius of Nicomedia and Eusebius of Caesarea, and they advocated for his view and his restoration to the church in Alexandria. Alexander also circulated letters defending his own position. 

The Western Roman emperor Constaine defeated the eastern empeor Licinius and was the sole urler of the Roman Empire in 324 A.D. Constantine was ccontroversial, and people debate whether he was a closet sun worshiper or not. Constantine claimed to embrace Christianity, but he followed the union of church and state. Constantine's letter was carried to Alexandria by Bishop Hosius of Corduba as his representative. Hosius apparently then presided over a synod at Alexandria concerning the date of Easter, before calling a council of Eastern bishops in Antioch. This council endorsed Alexander's position and issuing a statement of faith that held that the Son was "begotten not from non-existence, but from the Father, not as made, but as genuine product" and contained anathemas against Arius. Eusebius of Caesaria was also temporarily excommunicated because of his contention that the Father and the Son were of two different natures.

The expenses of the council, including the travel of the bishops, were paid by the imperial treasury. Contemporary reports of attendance range from 250 to 300, with the figure of 318 given by Athanasius of Antioch becoming traditionally accepted. 318 is also the number of members of Abraham's household given in the Book of Genesis. Lists of signatories to the final decisions of the council contain 200–220 names. With presbyters and deacons attending each bishop, the total attendance may have been between 1200 and 1900. Most of the bishops were eastern, with about twenty from Egypt and Libya, another fifty from Palestine and Syria, and more than one hundred from Asia Minor. One bishop each from Persia and Scythia were present. The few western attendees were Hosius, Caecilianus of Carthage, Nicasius of Die, Marcus of Calabria, Domnus of Pannonia, and Victor and Vicentius, two presbyters representing Bishop Sylvester of Rome. Of the eastern bishops, the principal supporters of Arius were Eusebius of Nicomedia, Eusebius of Caesarea, Menophantus of Ephesus, Patrophilus of Scythopolis, Narcissus of Neronias, Theonas of Marmarike, Secundus of Ptolemais, and Theognis of Nicaea. The principal anti-Arians included Alexander of Alexandria, Eustathius of Antioch, Marcellus of Ancyra and Macarius of Jerusalem.

The council was held in Nicaea's imperial palace. The bishops most likely assembled in a rectangular basilica hall based on Eusebius of Caesarea's description. Emperor Constantine opened the council with the bishops coming in. Athanasius used logic and the Scriptures to promote the doctrine of the Trinity. According to the book "Lecturers on the Book of Revelation," from Dr. Harry Ironside, a black man who was a hermit marched in the council to say that his marks from the beasts in an amphitheater are marks of the Lord Jesus Christ, and he can't care the blasphemy. Later, the man said that Jesus Christ has eternal Deity that inspired the crowd in the Council of Nicaea. The Council debated for weeks and formed the Nicene Creed as a summary of the Christian faith. The original Nicene Creed read as follows:

"We believe in one God, the Father almighty,

maker of all things visible and invisible;

And in one Lord, Jesus Christ, the Son of God,

begotten from the Father, only-begotten,

that is, from the substance of the Father,

God from God, light from light,

true God from true God, begotten not made,

of one substance with the Father,

through Whom all things came into being,

things in heaven and things on earth,

Who because of us men and because of our salvation came down,

and became incarnate and became man, and suffered,

and rose again on the third day, and ascended to the heavens,

and will come to judge the living and dead,

And in the Holy Spirit.

But as for those who say, There was when He was not,

and, Before being born He was not,

and that He came into existence out of nothing,

or who assert that the Son of God is of a different hypostasis or substance,

or created, or is subject to alteration or change

– these the Catholic and apostolic Church anathematize."

The creed was amended by the First Council of Constantinople in 381. The Creed said that Jesus Christ is said to be "of one substance with the Father", proclaiming that although Jesus Christ is "true God" and God the Father is also "true God", they are "of one substance". The Greek term homoousios, consubstantial (i.e. of the same substance) is ascribed by Eusebius of Caesarea to Constantine who, on this particular point, may have chosen to exercise his authority. The significance of this clause, however, is ambiguous as to the extent in which Jesus Christ and God the Father are "of one substance", and the issues it raised would be seriously controverted in the future. The heretic Arius refused to accept the Nicene Creed. Eustathius of Antioch was deposed and exiled in 330. Athanasius, who had succeeded Alexander as Bishop of Alexandria, was deposed by the First Synod of Tyre in 335, and Marcellus of Ancyra followed him in 336. Constantine banned Arius which was just for a short time. In 333 A.D., Constantine opened contact with him, Arius revised his beliefs, and the synod of Jerusalem readmitted him from his exile. He lived in Alexandria, Egypt. Ten years after the Council of Nicaea, Constantine the Great, who was himself later baptized by the Arian bishop Eusebius of Nicomedia in 337 AD. Constantine and his son banished Athanasius from Alexandria. The Arian persecuted him. Athanasius heroically defended the truth that the Son is God, of the same substance as the Father and the Holy Spirit. He lived until 373 A.D. He wrote many books against the Arian heresy. 

Arius returned to Constantinople to be readmitted into the Church but died shortly before he could be received. Constantine died the next year, after finally receiving baptism from Arian Bishop Eusebius of Nicomedia, and "with his passing the first round in the battle after the Council of Nicaea was ended." The Nicene Council dealt with Easter and other issues.  However, Nicene Christianity did not become the state religion of the Roman Empire until the Edict of Thessalonica in 380. In the meantime, paganism remained legal and present in public affairs. Constantine's coinage and other official motifs, until the Council of Nicaea, had affiliated him with the pagan cult of Sol Invictus. At first, Constantine encouraged the construction of new temples and tolerated traditional sacrifices. Later in his reign, he gave orders for the pillaging and the tearing down of Roman temples. The Council of Nicaea is not superior to the Word of God, but it was right to believe in the deity of Jesus Christ and concepts found in the Holy Trinity. The term Trinity  was already in use, with the earliest existing reference being by Theophilus of Antioch in cs. 180 A.D. (AD 115–181 in reference to the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, as the Holy Spirit was referred to by several Church fathers), though many scholars believe that the way the term was used indicates that it was known previously to his readers. Also, over a century before, the term "Trinity" (Τριάς in Greek; trinitas in Latin) was used in the writings of Origen and Tertullian, and a general notion of a "divine three", in some sense, was expressed in the 2nd-century writings of Polycarp, Ignatius, and Justin Martyr. The heresy of Oneness (of what preachers like heretics like Gino Jennings embrace as Jennings believes in the discredited Apocrypha books) believes that the Father became the Son, and the Son became the Spirit. This heresy was invented by Praxeas promoting Monarchianism. Oneness believers like Zephyrinus and Callistus wanted to be the head of the church when no man is a bishop of bishops as said by Cyprian and Tertullian. There was no Roman Catholic Church ruling Christianity before 325 A.D. as Roman Catholicism is a product of gradual development being crystallized by 606 A.D. by Pope Boniface. Before 606 A.D., bishops in cities and towns of the world were leaders of the Christian church under the Lord Jesus Christ. We can assume that the term Trinity possibly could have been used before Theophilus. Athenagoras promoted the concept of the Holy Trinity. This is the real history that cultists and anti-Trinitarians don't want you to know. 

Glory be to God. 

By Timothy

Tuesday, December 31, 2024

Important World War II Information



The African American Role in World War II 

Black people have a great role in the Second World War. We live in a time where some in Florida, Texas, and in other places of America want to sugarcoat black history. Yet, we won't do this. The following facts outline the critical role of African Americans in the history of World War II. There are many people don't know about black people fighting in Normandy, the extensive history of The Tuskegee Airmen, and the role of the 6888th Battalion of black women soldiers who sent mail in Europe during WWII too. Now, it is time to show the full breadth of the contributions of African Americans in World War II indeed. African Americans wanted to defeat two enemies during WWII which was fascism (found in Nazi Germany and Japan) and racial oppression (found in America). The Pittsburgh Courier was one of the greatest and influential African American newspapers during WWII and beyond. It promoted  the Double V Campaign to seek victory against the Axis Powers overseas and victory against racism and discrimination in America. The war against fascism and racial prejudice are legitimate. Many African American men and women were in the Armed Forces and in the domestic factories. There were a high enlistment rate of black people in the U.S. Army, but African American still experienced discrimination and racism in the Armed For example, at parades, church services, in transportation and canteens, they were kept separate. Many scholars and historians wanted the overseas residents to not interact with African American troops and punished African Americans for dealing with people overseas (like the Stuttgart incident when a thousand German men and girls were sexually assaulted by troops who were not African Americans, but discrimination against black U.S. troops existed). Early in the war, there was the executive order of FEPC that banned discrimination in federal employment on the basis of race, color, creed, or national origin. Racists like Senator James O. Eastland hated the FEPC. About 1 million African Americans had defense jobs at the time. The NAACP worked to fight peonage in the rural south, violations of due process rights in employment in the North, and seek employment rights. An increase of the enrollment in the NAACP existed by the coalition of black troops who hated racism in America. African American soldiers were discriminated against and in 1943, there were 240 violent racial incidents in forty seven cities around America. Many letters from black Americans soldiers sent to Judge William Hastie, the civilian aide for race relations in the war department found evidence of bad treatment of African American troops (one letter from a black soldiers said that even German Nazi prisoners were treated better than them. Another letter said that camp Livingston in Louisiana was terrible for black American soldiers).

Many black American soldiers were given blue discharges preventing them the benefits of the G.I. Bill by the Veterans Administration (VA). The blue discharge  or blue ticket is an administrative discharge formed in 1916 to replace discharge without honor and the unclassified discharge. It was neither honorable nor dishonorable. During the WWII era, about 22.2 of all blue discharges were given to black people, but African American made up 6.5 percent of the Army back then. By October 1945, the Pittsburgh Courier opposed the discharge and its abuses. Congress banned the blue discharge system in 1947 after the House Committee on Military Affairs held hearings about it. Still, the VA continued its practice of denying G.I. Bill benefits to blue tickets. 

Private Margaret Glenn Sales Semmes was just 19 years old when she left Northwestern to serve in World War II. She joined the military on her 20th birthday. The Image is from the Courtesy of Semmes family archives. 

There were tons of African American women soldiers in World War. There has been more popularity shown to the 6888th Central Postal Directory Battalion. They were stationed overseas in England and France. They served in the military in the Women's Army Corps or WAC. I wrote about the 6888th Central Postal Directory Battalion for almost 10 years now. Tyler Perry to his credit had produced a Netflix story about them called The Six Triple Eight. He directed the film. The film starred an ensemble, all-star cast who are Kerry Washington, Ebony Obsidian, Milauna Jackson, Kylie Jefferson, Shanice Shantay, Sarah Jeffery, Pepi Sonuga, Moriah Brown, Gregg Sulkin, Susan Sarandon, Dean Norris, Sam Waterson, and Oprah Winfrey. The 6888th were headed by the iconic military leader Major Charity Adams. There were about 855 women in the organization. Their motto was "No mail, no morale." The 688th worked as postal clerks, cooks, mechanics, and other positions. It had the companies of A, B, C, and D. By 1944, Mary McLeod Bethune worked to get First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt to allow black women to have a role in WWII overseas. Black newspapers also wanted black women in meaningful Army jobs. Many women were in the WAC before joining 6888th like Alyce Dixon. The 6888th left America to Glasgow, Scotland via the fast liner Ile de France on February 12, 1945. The battalion traveled to Birmingham, England. February 15 the unit was inspected and marched in review before Lt. Gen. John C. H. Lee, Commanding General, Communications Zone, European Theater of Operations (ETO), and Maj Gen. Robert McGowan Littlejohn, Chief Quartermaster, ETO, whose responsibilities included the mail. They improved U.S. Army moral by sending mail to places. The 6888th used a method to handle the backlog of 17 million items by using cards and military serial numbers to distinguish between them. They worked 7 days a week in three shifts. Each shift deals with ca. 65,000 pieces of mail. The unit handled mail for over 4 million military and civilian personnel and cleared backlogs in the UK and France. 

Early in the operation, a general attempted to send an officer to "tell them how to do it right", but Major Adams responded, "Sir, over my dead body, sir!" By the time the same general visited the unit in France, his attitude had changed and he appreciated the 6888th's accomplishments. The battalion finished what was supposed to be a six-month task in three months in May 1945. They lived in segregated locations. They experienced cold weather, so women had to wear coats and extra clothes when working in unheated temporary buildings. There was sexist and racist treatment by male soldiers, but they fought back. Many women felt that the European local people treated them better than people did in the United States. A male chaplain working at Birmingham caused problems for Adams, ordering her soldiers to report to his office to help him and be counseled instead of reporting to work, causing them to be considered absent without leave (AWOL). Adams had to 'counsel' him to let the women alone, "reminding him that she was in charge of the women's assignments." After the backlog in Birmingham was finished, the 688th crossed the England Channel to Le Havre, France on June 8, 1945 (after VE Day of May 8). They went on train to Rouen , France. They handled another backlog of mail, some letters being three years old. The military police in the WAC unit were not allowed to have weapons, so they used unarmed Brazilian jiu-jitsu combat methods to keep out "unwanted visitors." The 6888th participated in a parade ceremony at the place where Joan of Arc was executed.

By October 1945, the mail in Rouen had been cleared and the 6888th was sent to Paris. They marched through the city and were housed in a luxurious hotel, where they received first-class treatment. During this time, because the war was over, the battalion was reduced by 300 women, with a further 200 to be discharged in January 1946. In February 1946, the unit returned to the United States where it was disbanded at Fort Dix, New Jersey. There was no public recognition for their service at the time. 

Members of the 6888th Central Postal Directory Battalion were awarded the European African Middle Eastern Campaign Medal, the Good Conduct Medal, and the World War II Victory Medal during their service. In 2019, the U.S. Army awarded the 6888th a Meritorious Unit Commendation. On February 25, 2009, the battalion was honored at the Women in Military Service for America Memorial at Arlington National Cemetery. The event was attended by three former unit members of the 6888th, Alyce Dixon, Mary Ragland, and Gladys Shuster Carter. Dixon and Ragland were also honored by President Barack Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama in 2009. On March 15, 2016, the 6888th Central Postal Directory Battalion was inducted into the U.S. Army Women's Foundation Hall of Fame. Battalion veteran Elsie Garris attended the induction ceremony. On November 30, 2018, Fort Leavenworth dedicated a monument to the women of the 6888th Central Postal Directory Battalion. Five women from the battalion—Maybeel Campbell, Elizabeth Johnson, Lena King, Anna Robertson, and Deloris Ruddock—were present at the dedication. On May 13, 2019, US Ambassador to the UK Woody Johnson presented a blue plaque to King Edward's School to commemorate the 6888th's achievements while in Birmingham. The plaque is now on the itinerary of guided tours organised by Birmingham's Black Heritage Walks Network.

On February 12, 2021, U.S. Senators Jerry Moran (R-Kan.) and Jacky Rosen (D-Nevada) introduced bipartisan legislation to award the Congressional Gold Medal to the members of the Women's Army Corps, who were assigned to the 6888th Central Postal Directory Battalion during World War II. U.S. Representative Gwen Moore (D-Wis.) introduced the companion legislation in the House, where it passed unanimously. On March 14, 2022, President Biden signed a bipartisan bill to award the battalion the Congressional Gold Medal. Three women from the battalion who were killed in a Jeep accident—Mary H. Bankston, Mary Jewel Barlow and Dolores Mercedes Browne—were buried at the Normandy American Cemetery, three of only four women to be interred there alongside more than 9,000 men. (The fourth, Elizabeth Ann Richardson, was a Red Cross volunteer killed in a Piper Cub plane crash near Rouen in July 1945). Only three members survived until 2022: Fannie McClendon, Lena King, and Anna Mae Robertson.

It is always important to not only cite events of World War II, but it is vital to recognize more of the unsung black women who made the Allied victory possible in the Second World War too. Dovey Johnson Roundtree was one of the first 39 black women Officers. She worked with Eleanor Roosevelt, Congresswoman Edith Nourse Rogers, and Mary McLeod Bethune to draft the Women's Army Auxiliary Corps (WAAC) resolutions that was presented to Congress. The resolution was supported by General of the Army George Marshall, so the bill passed both the House of Representatives and then the Senate in May of 1942. With the WAC in place, the War Department said it would follow Army policy and admit black women with a 10 percent quota. Harriet Ida Pickens was one of the first African American women commissioned in the United States Navy in 1944 along with Frances Elizabeth Willis. Later, Adm. Michelle Howard, who became the first black woman to command a U.S. Navy combatant ship, USS Rushmore (LSD 47) in 1999. Cathy Williams was the first black woman in the U.S. Army back in the 1800s. During WWII, Charity Adams, the first Black woman US Army officer and commander of the 6888th Central Postal Directory Battalion. Olivia J. Hooker was a pioneer and the first black woman to join the U.S. Coast Guard. By November 1942, President Franklin Delano Roosevelt signed into a law that established the United States Coast Guard Women's Reserve. Later, we shall wee the first black woman to fly in the Air Force named Captain Theersa Claibrone. Samuel L. Gravely Jr. was the first African American in the U.S. Navy to serve abroad a fighting ship as an officer, the first to command a Navy ship, the first fleet commander, and the first to become a flag officer, retiring as a vice admiral. He was in World War II, the Korean War, and the Vietnam War. 

Tons of black American soldiers served America with distinction during World War II. There were 125,000 African Americans who were overseas in World War II (or 6.25 percent of all abroad soldiers). Famous segregated units, such as the Tuskegee Airmen and 761st Tank Battalion and the lesser-known but equally distinguished 452nd Anti-Aircraft Artillery Battalion, proved their value in combat, and 2800 black troops who volunteered as replacements in the winter of 1944 not only served their country, but also their people in the fight desegregation of all U.S. armed forces, done by order of President Harry S. Truman in July 1948 via Executive Order 9981 in the middle of the Korean War. The Navy has hardcore racism problems back then. America banned African Americans from joining in the Navy since 1919. When WWII happened, black men could not be sailors, not serve in combat units, not serve overseas, nor step one foot onto a fleet capital ship unless they had a separate "Stewards" rating. "The Navy was firm, and mostly successful" notes the naval curator for National World War Museum, "in its efforts to keep African Americans in menial roles." For many, enlisting in the Navy was a rude awakening to an even more segregated and demeaning life than they'd had as civilians. They slept in separate quarters, were treated poorly and their "Steward" branch gave limited opportunity for advancement - known as the "Messman" Branch. Serving in the Navy for a black man meant literally serving: they waited on tables, did the cooking and cleaned up after white officers. In fact, white sailors weren't allowed to join the Messman Branch, which might also contain Chinese or Filipinos. This would change. 

However, in a world war being fought on a planet of two-thirds water, the Navy was bound to change. By June, 1942, enlisted black men were given sailor rates, if not sailor status and by June, 1945, as the Navy hopped from island to bloody island, 165,000 black men (and some women) were serving overseas. Of these, 72,000 were still in Steward class, but others were put on some construction jobs or work in shore stations. The first African Americans to serve in the modern Navy at any general rank were the members of the Navy B-1 Band, which was the Navy's first African American band, formed during World War II. Before the intervention of President Franklin Roosevelt in 1941, black Americans were only allowed in the Navy as kitchen help. The formation of this band marked a pivotal moment in Navy history, as it was the first time African Americans served at any general rank outside of kitchen duties. The band, composed initially of 45 members, served as a beacon of change and left a lasting legacy both within the Navy and the Chapel Hill community, where they were stationed. Their story, though not widely known, reflects a significant stride towards racial integration in the U.S. military. 

The Port Chicago disaster on July 17, 1944, was an explosion of about 2,000 tons of ammunition as it was being loaded onto ships by black Navy stevedores under pressure from their white officers who were having a contest to see how quickly the men could load the ammo by hand, rather than using the lift. This obvious violation of safety regulations, instigated entirely by white officers, led to a massive explosion that killed 320 military and civilian workers, most of them black. The blatant disregard for the black Navy men's safety led to the Port Chicago Mutiny, the only case of a full military trial for mutiny in the history of the U.S. Navy. This was against 50 black stevedores who refused to continue loading ammunition under the same dangerous conditions. The trial was observed by the then-young lawyer and future Supreme Court Justice Thurgood Marshall and ended in conviction of all of the defendants. But the trial was immediately criticized for not abiding by the applicable laws on mutiny, and became influential in the discussion of desegregation. 

Even Doris Miller, the valiant Navy mess attendant, who, with no military training at all, grabbed an anti-aircraft weapon and started blasting away at Japanese aircraft bombing Pearl Harbor until he ran out of ammunition, felt the sting of racial injustice despite his instant fame. Miller was not acknowledged for this act of service for 6 months by navy officials, with black journalists having to campaign for his recognition until he became the first African-American recipient of the Navy Cross, awarded for his actions during the attack on Pearl Harbor. Nonetheless, the Navy still refused to identify Miller for another 3 months and rebuffed calls for Miller to come to shore and receive the award from President Roosevelt in person. The story of Miller is one that was often repeated time and time again with other African-American sailors whose awarding of the Navy Cross were delayed until decades after the conflict ceased. Alonzo Swann and Eugene Smith were given Navy Crosses decades after the men enlisted in the Navy for their quick action as anti-aircraft gunners aboard the USS Intrepid. The teenaged Swann and Smith, manning Gun Tub No. 10, shot down an incoming Kamikaze pilot as the ship coasted through the Leyte Gulf. All but twenty of his fellow sailors bailed from their posts. Even as the remaining gunmen were successful in shooting down the pilot, the resulting crash killed 9 men and injured 6. Official Naval news releases were sent out announcing the award of the Navy Cross but the high honor was crossed out and replaced by the words, "Bronze Star metals." This was then rectified in 1993 and 1994 respectively. African Americans served in the submarines, in the U.S. Coast Guard, and part of the Naval Reserve (like Paul Richmond). 

The picture above showed The Tuskegee Airmen of the 332nd Fighter Group, United States Army Air Forces (USAAF), attending a briefing at Ramitelli Airfield, Italy, in March 1945.

World War Two began with the individual branches having their own air corps, as they were known and these were as segregated as everything else in the army. Benjamin O. Davis Jr. served as commander of the Tuskegee Airmen, whose story of determination to fly in an army air corps that wouldn't hear of it. He later went on to become the first African American general in the United States Air Force. His father, Benjamin O. Davis Sr. was the first African-American brigadier general in the Army (by October 25, 1940). On March 19, 1941, the Tuskegee Air Squadron, also known as the Tuskegee Airmen, is established by the U.S. Army. The squadron is led by Benjamin O. Davis Jr., who goes on to be the first four-star general in the U.S. Air Force. By the time of World War II, the Second Migration is here as black Americans from the South travel into the North, the Midwest, and the West Coast from 1940 to 1970. They wanted to escape racism, Jim Crow apartheid, and economic exploitation. By June 1942, there were the The Montford Point Marines are established by the U.S. Marine Corps as the first Black men accepted into a segregated training camp. On September 29, 1942, Hugh Mulzac (1886–1971) is the first Black captain in the U.S. Merchant Marines when he is made captain of the SS Booker T. Washington after he insisted it should include an integrated crew. Jackie Robinson and Joe Lewis served in the military during World War II. Jackie Robinson also stood up against racism involving a bus, and he was vindicated by a racist threatening him with court-martials. Medgar Evers served in World War II, and he was part of the Normandy invasion in 1944. In 1943, Evers enlisted in the United States Army at the age of 17. Evers was inspired to join the Armed Forces in response to the racism he faced at home. Evers served in the 657th Port Company, a segregated unit of the Army's Transportation Corps. In France, Evers' unit was part of the Red Ball Express, which delivered supplies to Allied troops fighting on the frontlines. Evers disagreed with segregation and mistreatment experienced by African American troops. When he saw black soldiers of the Free French Forces being treated as equals of white troops, he told Charles Evers (his brother and a member of the U.S. Army during World War II too) that "When we get out of the Army, we're going to straighten this thing out!" In 1946, Evers was discharged from the Army at the rank of technician fifth grade, having earned the Good Conduct Medal, European-African-Middle Eastern Campaign Medal, and World War II Victory Medal. Medgar Evers and his wife Myrlie would be civil rights icons in defense of liberty and justice for all. 

By March 1943, the first Black cadets graduate from the Army Flight School at Tuskegee University. The cadets at the facility—which is segregated—have completed rigorous training in subjects such as meteorology, navigation, and instruments, says the National Park Service, which operates the Tuskegee Airmen National Historic Site, at Moton Field in Tuskegee, Alabama. By April 1943, the Tuskegee Airmen fly their first combat mission in Italy. World War II had tons of racial riots. From July 23-28, 1943, an estimated 34 Black people are killed during the Detroit Race Riots. The violent confrontations between residents of Black neighborhoods and the city's police department last five days. On October 15, 1943, there was the largest concentration of Black military personnel is stationed at Fort Huachuca in Arizona. In total, there are 14,000 Black soldiers from the 92nd Infantry as well as 300 women from the 32nd and 33rd companies of the Women's Army Auxiliary Corps. In June 1945, Benjamin O. Davis Jr. (1912–2002) was named commander of Goodman Field in Kentucky, becoming the first Black person to command a military base. The U.S. Air Force Academy would later name its airfield in Colorado Springs, Colorado, after Davis, who received the Silver Star for a strafing run into Austria and the Distinguished Flying Cross for a bomber escort mission to Munich on June 9, 1944. November 1, 1945, was when there was the first issue of Ebony magazine is published, founded by John H. Johnson (1918–2005), and developed by his Chicago-based Johnson Publishing Company. The magazine, which focuses on news, culture, and entertainment, would grow to a circulation of more than 1.3 million. 

Black people fought in combat. During the Battle of the Bulge, many black and white American men were fighting the Nazis side by aide for the first time in World War II. 

And May, 1944, George Patton, charging across France, and desperate for more tanks for his Third Army, was told by the War Dept. the only tank unit left in the entire country was the 761st, who were "Negro,' "Who the h___ asked for color?" Patton snapped, "I asked for tankers." And he got them." The 800 men of the 761st tank group consisted of 54 M4 Sherman tanks in three companies and called themselves the "Black Panthers," a panther as their insignia. Patton welcomed them with typical bluntness: "Men, you are the first Negro tankers ever to fight in the American army. I would never have asked for you if you were not good. I have nothing but the best in my army. I don't care what color you are as long as you go up there and kill those Kr____." By the end of the war, the 761st were known as Patton's Panthers; they had been in combat for 183 continuous days, fought in four major Allied campaigns in six different countries, starting with the Battle of the Bulge, and had inflicted more than 130,000 casualties on the enemy. Eight black enlisted men received battlefield commissions (meaning they were given a higher rank on the battlefield) while 391 received decorations for heroism, including one Medal of Honor awarded posthumously to Sergeant Ruben Rivers, who threw himself in front of a burning tank to save the other tankers; there were seven Silver Stars, 56 Bronze Stars, 246 Purple Hearts. Three officers and 31 enlisted men had been killed in action, and 22 officers and 180 enlisted men had been wounded. In 1998, the 761st Tank Battalion received a much delayed Presidential Unit Citation. Eisenhower allowed many black and white units to fight side by side. An Army survey of 256 found what white officiers  in the summer of 1945 mentioned that almost 100 percent of them were positive about black people fighting side by side with white people. Black infantry volunteers fought with the First Army into Germany through VE Day. Many were sent to North Africa, Italy, Europe, and the Pacific. The Black Quartermaster Corps helped with the success of the Normandy invasion by handler trucks and supplies involved in the invasion. They handled burying the dead too. 


In 1945, Frederick C. Branch became the first African-American United States Marine Corps officer. However, in the still-segregated military, African-American officers were not allowed to command white troops until Truman integrated the troops in 1948. A blue plaque commemorating the contribution of African-American soldiers based in Wales during World War II was installed by the Nubian Jak Community Trust at RAF Carew Cheriton on the 75th anniversary of the D-Day landings, June 6, 2019. Many African American soldiers in the UK had experienced less racism than in America. There were many African Americans in Army units like the 92nd Infantry Division, Army Air Corps, the U.S. Marine, the U.S Navy, etc. Many African American soldiers received Medal of Honor awards posthumously. 


The Holocaust

The Holocaust lasted from 1941 to 1945. It was one of the worst genocides in human history. Nazi Germany and its collaborators systematically murdered six million Jewish people in Europe (or about 2/3s of the European Jewish population). The murders were done by mass shootings, poison gas in extermination camps (like Auschwitz-Birkenau, Treblinka, Belzec, Sobibor and Chelmno in Poland including other places). Nazi persecutions in other forms of the Holocaust murdered millions of non-Jewish people, civilians, and prisoners of war. The Nazis believed in the racist view that they must form living space of only Aryan white people to occupy. The Nazis wanted to force all Jewish people to leave Europe. Many Jewish survivors emigrated outside of Europe after the war. A few Holocaust perpetrators faced criminal trials. Billions of dollars in reparations have been paid, although falling short of the Jewish people's losses. The Holocaust has also been commemorated in museums, memorials, movies, television shows, books, and other forms of culture. It has become central to Western historical consciousness as a symbol of the ultimate human evil. the word Holocaust comes a Greek word meaning burnt offering. The terms of Shoah and the Final Solution refer to the Holocaust too or the genocide of Jewish people. The roots of the Holocaust existed long before 1941. 

Jewish people lived in Europe for more than 2,000 years. By the Middle Ages in Europe, Jewish people were victims of anti-Semitic attacks in part because of a misinterpretation theology that falsely blamed all Jewish people for the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. Many Jewish people were murdered, had their property stolen, and were maligned. As late as the 19th century, many European countries gave full citizenship rights to Jewish people. By the early twentieth century, most Jewish people in central and western Europe were well integrated into society, while in eastern Europe, where emancipation had arrived later, many Jewish human beings continued to live in small towns, spoke Yiddish, and practiced Orthodox Judaism. By the 20th century, pogroms harmed Jewish people. The Nazis and anti-Semites blamed the Jewish people for WWI, the Russian Revolution, and everything under the sun. The Nazi Party with its leader, Hitler believed that Jewish people controlled the Soviet Union and the West to plot to destroy Germany. The Nazis ruled Germany by 1933.

The Nazis formed a system of camps for extrajudicial imprisonment. The Nazis murdered Jewish people, Roma, Sinti, homosexuals, socialists, communists, political opponents, liberals, Freemasons, socialists, communists, prisoners of war, and other human beings. The Nazis sterilized 400,000 people and made others to have forced abortions too. The Nazis ruled public and private life in Germany. The Nazis used racist and anti-Semitic propaganda to inflame the public to advance anti-Semitism via newspapers, speeches, books, etc. There were about 500,000 German Jewish people in 1933. The Nazis banned Jewish people from working in jobs like civil service. The Nazis passed the Nuremberg Laws in 1935 that banned Jewish people to have full citizenship, restricted Jewish economic activity, and criminalized new marriages among Jewish people and non-Jewish Germans. Jewish people were forced out of the school system. By 1939, anti-Jewish violence increased. 

This was a view of the old synagogue in Aachen, Germany after its destruction during Kristallnacht.

As a result of local and popular pressure, many small towns became entirely free of Jewish human beings and as many as a third of Jewish businesses may have been forced to close. Anti-Jewish violence was even worse in areas annexed by Nazi Germany. On November 9-10, 1938, the Nazis organized Kristallnacht (Night of Broken Glass), a nationwide pogrom. Over 7,500 Jewish shops (out of 9,000) were looted, more than 1,000 synagogues were damaged or destroyed, at least 90 Jewish people were murdered, and as many as 30,000 Jewish men were arrested, although many were released within weeks. German Jews were levied a special tax that raised more than 1 billion Reichsmarks (RM). Many Jewish people left to South America, South Africa, and Palestine. Many Nazi occupied nations like Bulgaria, Hungary, Poland, Romania, and Slovakia passed antisemitic legislation in the 1930s and the 1940s. The Auschwitz concentration camp was established to hold those members of the Polish intelligentsia not killed in the purges. Around 400,000 Poles were expelled from the Wartheland in western Poland to the General Governorate occupation zone from 1939 to 1941, and the area was resettled by ethnic Germans from eastern Europe. 

The two evil people Al-Husseini and Hitler meet with each other about their plans for the world. Amin-Husseini also met with Heinrich Himmler in 1943. 

*It is not a secret that many Islamic radicals (not all Muslim people as the vast majority of Muslim people reject ant-Semitism and terrorism) worked with the Nazis to promote murder, anti-Semitism, and terror. One such radical was the traitor and anti-Semite Amin Al-Husseini, who was the Mufti of Jerusalem. He was born in Jerusalem in the last decade of the nineteenth century. He wanted no peace between Jewish and Arabic people in the Middle East as both groups of people deserve peace and equality in the Middle East. Amin Al-Husayni wanted to end Jewish immigration into Palestine. He wanted Palestine to merge with Syria and agitated the 1920 and 1929 riots in the Middle East. He wanted to work with fascist Italy and Nazi Germany in 1933. He wanted the Nazis to be an ally in his cause in Palestine. He approached the German Foreign office as early as 1933. In 1938, he had contacts with the German Armed Forces High Command or Sbwehr. He was in exile in Iraq. al-Husayni had funding from both the Allies and the Axis reportedly. He worked with Rashid 'Ali al-Kahilani and many pro-Axis officers in the Iraqi Army. In the spring of 1941, the German Foreign Office supported the use of al-Husseini's network for sabotage purposes. He allowed for a fatwa on Baghdad radio to urge all Muslims to support Iraq in a Holy War against England. The British occupied Baghdad on June 2, 1941. The Iraqi forces used a pogrom against the Jewish people of Baghdad on June 1-2, 1941, where about 128 Jewish people were killed and almost 1,500 businesses plus homes were destroyed. Hitler was sympathetic to al-Husseini, but he didn't give a public declaration of support. Al-Husseini worked with Nazi Germany and Fascist Italy in many ways. He inspired many Muslim men to serve in the Axis military and auxiliary units. The Nazis gave him shelter and funds. He worked with the Nazi Ribbentrop. He had a meeting with Adolf Hitler (on November 28, 1941), and Hitler was pleased with him as the actor in the Middle East and Hitler viewed him an Aryan because of al-Husseini's fair skin, blond hair, and blue eyes. Al-Husseini died on July 4, 1974. Like always, we want Israelis and Palestinians to have equality and justice in the Middle East without exception. 

The war provided cover for "Aktion T4", the murder of around 70,000 institutionalized Germans with mental or physical disabilities at specialized killing centers using poison gas. The victims included all 4,000 to 5,000 institutionalized Jewish people. Despite efforts to maintain secrecy, knowledge of the killings leaked out and Hitler ordered a halt to the centralized killing program in August 1941. Decentralized killings via denial of medical care, starvation, and poisoning caused an additional 120,000 deaths by the end of the war. Many of the same personnel and technologies were later used for the mass murder of Jewish people. The Nazis wanted to resettle Jewish people. Many synagogues were burned in Poland. Some were forced to live in ghettos in Poland. Rape and sexual exploitation of Jewish and non-Jewish women in eastern Europe was common. Hitler invaded the Soviet Union to steal Soviet lands, exterminate Jewish people, and replace them with Nordic peoples. Many people died of starvation in the war.  Many Soviet prisoners of war died of starvation and murder. Local Ukrainian killed at least 3,000 Jewish people in the 1941 Lviv pogroms. Thousands of Jewish people were killed in mass shootings. By September 1941, all German Jewish people were forced to wear a yellow star. Many Nazis deported German Jewish people, Romani people, and other human beings for execution. 

It took the Nazis several months after this to organize a continent-wide genocide. Reinhard Heydrich, head of the Reich Main Security Office (RSHA), convened the Wannsee Conference on January 20, 1942. This high-level meeting was intended to coordinate anti-Jewish policy. The majority of Holocaust killings were carried out in 1942, with it being the peak of the genocide, as over 3 million Jewish were murdered, with 20 or 25 percent of Holocaust victims dying before early 1942 and the same number surviving by the end of the year. Extermination camps had gas vans. There were gas chambers, and rail lines sending people to their deaths in Chelmno and other concentration camps. Zyklon B was used to murder people. Belzec, Sobibor, and Treblinka reported a combined revenue of RM 178.7 million from belongings stolen from their victims, far exceeding costs. About half of the Jewish people killed in the Holocaust died by poison gas. Thousands of Romani people were also murdered in the extermination camps. Prisoner uprisings at Treblinka and Sobibor meant that these camps were shut down earlier than envisioned. Many Jewish people were forced to do labor, many had their body parts destroyed to form objects like furniture, and some were victims of perverted experiments done by evil people like Mengele. About 200,000 Jewish people survived by hiding. Many non-Jewish people saved Jewish lives, and Jewish people were in resistance movements in most European nations. In December 1942, the Allies, then known as the United Nations, adopted a joint declaration condemning the systematic murder of Jewish human beings. Most neutral countries in Europe maintained a pro-German foreign policy during the war. Nevertheless, some Jewish folks were able to escape to neutral countries, whose policies ranged from rescue to non-action.


The image above shows the start of the public execution of Masha Bruskina, a Belarusian Jewish woman who helped Soviet prisoners escape. She was a heroic human being. 

During the war the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee (JDC) raised $70 million and in the years after the war it raised $300 million. This money was spent aiding emigrants and providing direct relief in the form of parcels and other assistance to Jewish people living under German occupation, and after the war to Holocaust survivors. The United States banned sending relief into German-occupied Europe after entering the war, but the JDC continued to do so. From 1939 to 1944, 81,000 European Jewish people emigrated with the JDC's assistance. Many Jewish people were deported to Greece and other places by 1943 when the Nazis would lose the war. Many Jewish people received reparations after the war, and many Nazi war criminals have been brought to justice. Simon Wiesenthal was one of the greatest Jewish Nazi hunters of all time. We know him as a famous author too. Adolf Eichmann, a Nazi, was executed in Israel by 1962 for his role in the Holocaust. Black people, biracial people, Mormons, Jehovah Witnesses, Slavic people, and other ethnic groups died in the Holocaust too. President Franklin Delano Roosevelt could have done more to allow more Jewish people to go into America during WWII. 

These are the Nazi defendants in the dock at the International Military Tribunal in November 1945.

Between 1945 and 2018, Germany paid $86.8 billion in restitution and compensation to Holocaust survivors and heirs. In 1952, West Germany negotiated an agreement to pay DM 3 billion (around $714 million) to Israel and DM 450 million (around $107 million) to the Claims Conference. Germany paid pensions and other reparations for harm done to some Holocaust survivors. Other countries have paid restitution for assets stolen from Jewish people from these countries. Most Western European countries restored some property to Jewish human beings after the war, while communist countries nationalized many formerly Jewish assets, meaning that the overall amount restored to Jewish human beings has been lower in those countries. Poland is the only member of the European Union that never passed any restitution legislation. Many restitution programs fell short of restoration of prewar assets, and in particular, large amounts of immovable property was never returned to survivors or their heirs. The Holocaust is an example of how evil some humans can be, and how we must never repeat it again. 

A Japanese American shop, Asahi Dye Works was closing (was shown in the picture on the left). The notice on the front is a reference to Owens Valley being the first and one of the largest Japanese American detention centers. The image on the right showed a Japanese American man, who was dressed in uniform marking his service in World War I, a U.S. Navy veteran, Hikotaro Yamada, from Torrance enters Santa Anita Assembly Center (April 1942). This Japanese American veterans was unjustly punished in a racist fashion. 


The Internment of Japanese Americans

The internment of Japanese Americans was another evil. During World War II, America forcibly relocated and incarcerated about 120,000 people of Japanese descent in ten concentration camps operated by the War Relocation Authority (WRA), mostly in the western interior of the country. About two-thirds were U.S. citizens. These actions were initiated by Executive Order 9066, issued by President Franklin D. Roosevelt on February 19, 1942, following the outbreak of war with the Empire of Japan in December 1941. About 127,000 Japanese Americans then lived in the continental U.S., of which about 112,000 lived on the West Coast. About 80,000 were Nisei ('second generation'; American-born Japanese with U.S. citizenship) and Sansei ('third generation', the children of Nisei). The rest were Issei ('first generation') immigrants born in Japan, who were ineligible for citizenship. In Hawaii, where more than 150,000 Japanese Americans comprised more than one-third of the territory's population, only 1,200 to 1,800 were incarcerated.

The American government tried to justified this act for the sake of National Security, but some of the most brave fighters against the Axis Powers were Japanese Americans. Also, there is no excuse to steal the resources and lands from innocent human beings. Also, thousands of German and Italian Americans were placed in other internment camps. The Japanese Americans were placed in concentration camps in California, Arizona, Wyoming, Colorado, Utah, and Arkansas. Some were placed in Canadian camps by Canadian governmental leaders. Internees were prohibited from taking more than they could carry into the camps, and many were forced to sell some or all of their property, including their homes and businesses. At the camps, which were surrounded by barbed wire fences and patrolled by armed guards, internees often lived in overcrowded barracks with minimal furnishing. 

Many Japanese immigrations came to Hawaii and the West Coast because a recession in Japan by the Meiji Restoration. From 1869 to 1924, about 200,000 Japanese people immigrated to the islands of Hawaii to seek work on the islands' sugar plantation. About 180,000 people went to the U.S. mainland in the West Coast mostly to form farms and own small businesses. Most arrived before 1908, when the Gentlemen's Agreement between Japan and the United States banned the immigration of unskilled laborers. A loophole allowed the wives of men who were already living in the US to join their husbands. The practice of women marrying by proxy and immigrating to the U.S. resulted in a large increase in the number of marriages. Many white racists and xenophobes opposed Japanese immigration to the States. Racist groups like the  Asiatic Exclusion League, the California Joint Immigration Committee, and the Native Sons of the Golden West organized in response to the rise of Asian immigration. Their pressure caused the racist Immigration Act of 1924 to ban Chinese and Asian people from immigrating to America along with the 1882 Chinese Exclusion Act. The U.S. banned Japanese immigrations form being naturalized citizens. They relied on their children to rent or buy property. Japanese Americans worked in irrigation, cultivated fruits, and other foods. Many formed schools, did charitable work, and helped America in many ways. 

In the 1930s, the Office of Naval Intelligence (ONI), concerned as a result of Imperial Japan's rising military power in Asia, began to conduct surveillance in Japanese American communities in Hawaii. Starting in 1936, at the behest of President Roosevelt, the ONI began to compile a "special list of those Japanese Americans who would be the first to be placed in a concentration camp in the event of trouble" between Japan and the United States. In 1939, again by order of the President, the ONI, Military Intelligence Division, and FBI began working together to compile a larger Custodial Detention Index. Early in 1941, Roosevelt commissioned Curtis Munson to conduct an investigation on Japanese Americans living on the West Coast and in Hawaii. After working with FBI and ONI officials and interviewing Japanese Americans and those familiar with them, Munson determined that the "Japanese problem" was nonexistent. His final report to the President, submitted November 7, 1941, found that Japanese Americans were very loyal to America. A subsequent report by Kenneth Ringle (ONI), delivered to the President in January 1942, also found little evidence to support claims of Japanese American disloyalty and argued against mass incarceration.

Still, President Franklin Roosevelt was wrong to promote the internment of Japanese Americans. FDR held racist views about Japanese people as his articles in the Macon Telegraph proven. He support California band on land ownership by first generation Japanese. In 1936, he privately wrote desiring Japanese people placed on a list to be placed in a concentration camp. After Pearl Harbor, advisors like John Franklin Carter wanted Japanese Americans to be defended of their rights. At first, many Americans supported Japanese Americans. After Pearl Harbor in six weeks after the events, most of the American public had a hostie attitude about Japanese Americans. Even J. Edgar Hoover said that Japanese Americans were not doing espionage against America. Executive Order 9066, signed by Franklin D. Roosevelt on February 19, 1942, authorized military commanders to designate "military areas" at their discretion, "from which any or all persons may be excluded." Initially, Oregon's governor Charles A. Sprague opposed the incarceration, and as a result, he decided not to enforce it in the state and he also discouraged residents from harassing their fellow citizens, the Nisei. He turned against the Japanese by mid-February 1942, days before the executive order was issued, but he later regretted this decision and he attempted to atone for it for the rest of his life. Members of some Christian religious groups (such as Presbyterians), particularly those who had formerly sent missionaries to Japan, were among opponents of the incarceration policy. Some Baptist and Methodist churches, among others, also organized relief efforts to the camps, supplying inmates with supplies and information. The NAACP, NCJW, and George S. Schuyler opposed the interment camps against Japanese Americans. The Ringle  report would have undermined the administration's position of the military necessity for such action, as it concluded that most Japanese Americans were not a national security threat, and that allegations of communication espionage had been found to be without basis by the FBI and Federal Communications Commission.

The WPA or the Works Projects Administration helped to build and staff the camps in the early period. The Wartime Civil Control Administration (WCCA) was formed by the Western Defense Command to handle the removal of Japanese Americans to go to inland concentration camps on April 9, 1942. The camps had barbed fire, bad conditions, some education, and sports. After these injustices, Japanese Americans fought the Axis Powers with courage and distinction. The 100th/442n Regimental Combat Team were of Japanese descent who fought in Europe. Many of them liberated one of the labor camps of the original Dachau concentration camp on April 29, 1945. They stopped a death march in southern Bavaria on May 2, 1945. 

In its 1944 decision Korematsu v. United States, the U.S. Supreme Court upheld the constitutionality of the removals under the Due Process Clause of the Fifth Amendment to the United States Constitution. The Court limited its decision to the validity of the exclusion orders, avoiding the issue of the incarceration of U.S. citizens without due process, but ruled on the same day in Ex parte Endo that a loyal citizen could not be detained, which began their release. On December 17, 1944, the exclusion orders were rescinded, and nine of the ten camps were shut down by the end of 1945. Japanese Americans were initially barred from U.S. military service, but by 1943, they were allowed to join, with 20,000 serving during the war. Over 4,000 students were allowed to leave the camps to attend college. Hospitals in the camps recorded 5,981 births and 1,862 deaths during incarceration.

Children wave from the window of a special train as it leaves Seattle with Bainbridge Island internees, March 30, 1942.

 The Ringle report would have undermined the administration's position of the military necessity for such action, as it concluded that most Japanese Americans were not a national security threat, and that allegations of communication espionage had been found to be without basis by the FBI and Federal Communications Commission. Many German and Italian Americans were placed in internment camps in America too. 

In the 1970s, under mounting pressure from the Japanese American Citizens League (JACL) and redress organizations, President Jimmy Carter appointed the Commission on Wartime Relocation and Internment of Civilians (CWRIC) to investigate whether the internment had been justified. In 1983, the commission's report, Personal Justice Denied, found little evidence of Japanese disloyalty and concluded that internment had been the product of racism. It recommended that the government pay reparations to the detainees. In 1988, President Ronald Reagan signed the Civil Liberties Act of 1988, which officially apologized and authorized a payment of $20,000 (equivalent to $52,000 in 2023) to each former detainee who was still alive when the act was passed. The legislation admitted that the government's actions were based on "race prejudice, war hysteria, and a failure of political leadership." By 1992, the U.S. government eventually disbursed more than $1.6 billion (equivalent to $4.12 billion in 2023) in reparations to 82,219 Japanese Americans who had been incarcerated. The internment of Japanese Americans was immoral and especially in our time in 2025, we must forever reject racism, xenophobia, and all forms of bigotry 

By Timothy

Monday, December 30, 2024

The Legacy of President Jimmy Carter (1924-2024).

Some sad news is that President Jimmy Carter passed away today at the age of 100 years old. Conviction was part of his personality, and his spiritual beliefs motivated him to treat his neighbors with compassion and empathy. With his diligent actions, President Jimmy Carter had a greatly hallowed love of America. Jimmy Carter had a humble personality and fought hard to benefit the lives of the common people. He was born in Georgia and won the Presidency in 1976 (after Watergate and much of the American populace's skepticism of governmental policies during that time). As part of the new Southern cultural revolution, Jimmy used his time as Governor of Georgia to honor civil rights from hiring black state employees and investing in educational programs. He was a spiritual man who wanted to show his compassion to the people as the Lord Jesus Christ shown compassion to the human race. He prayed to God to change the world. Dedicated to humble service, Jimmy Carter diligently worked hard with his Habitat of Humanity organization, expressed profound love of his wife, and being the longest living American President in history. During his Presidency, he had great accomplishments from the peace treaty between Egypt and Israel (in the Camp David Peace Accords), creating the Panama Canal treaty, normalizing relations with China, desiring alternative energy, talked about climate change, promoting conservation, adhering to human rights and civil rights, and inspiring hope in America. President Carter faced issues like the oil prices increasing and the hostage taking by Iran of American people (in the Iranian hostage crisis). Jimmy Carter was President from 1977 to 1981, but his legacy lived on from his Carter Center to his principles that we honor in our generation in 2025. His actions after his Presidency focused on peace in the Middle East (even opposing the occupation of Palestinian people in the West Bank in seeking a 2-state solution among Israel and Palestine living in peace side by side), building houses for people, doing humanitarian work, endorsing democracy in all nations and locations, and seeking justice. He received the Nobel Peace Prize in 2002, taught Sunday school, and shown great respect for fellow human beings. President Joe Biden was one of his close friends as then Senator Biden was one of the first political leaders to endorse Jimmy Carter's 1976 Presidential campaign. Living to be 100 is always a blessing. He loved his wife, Rosalynn Carter, with dignity and warmth. Rosalynn Carter (who was Jimmy Carter's greatest advisor on domestic and foreign policy matters) revolutionized First Ladys by publicly talking about the rights of women, mental health, and cancer research. President Jimmy Carter worked to fight for the rights of the working class, people of every color, the poor, and people who love peace. 

I send condolences to President Jimmy Carter's family and friends.

Wednesday, December 25, 2024

On the Fat Joe, Math Hoffa, and Tariq Nasheed.

The following words are comments that I dedicate to my black people and my black ancestors. Only traitors use slurs to describe black people of different nationalities. There have been a lot of discussion about the Fat Joe interview with Math Hoffa, and Fat Joe criticizing Tariq Nasheed by name. Recently, Math Hoffa interviewed Fat Joe, and Fat Joe said that the FBA movement is racist, and Tariq Nasheed is a fraud. What is the truth? The truth is that both Fat Joe and Tariq Nasheed are wrong for completely different reasons. Fat Joe is wrong to promote the lie that hip hop was created 50 percent black people and 50 percent Latino people. Hip hop was created by black people back in the early 1970s. Before the 1970s, black American participated in rapping and graffiti like The Jubalaires, The Mills Brothers, Sun Ra, Darryl McCray, The Last Poets, etc. Afro-Caribbeans had a role in the creation of hip hop too. Latino people came later on (with Crazy Legs and other hip-hop leaders), but hip hop's origin is with black Americans and Afro-Caribbeans. Also, Fat Joe is wrong for using the n word to talk about black people, opposing Colin Kaepernick taking a knee during the national anthem to protest racial injustice (and police brutality), and said the lie that all Latinos are black people. We, as black people, don't hate Latinos, as we are some of the most accepting and forgiving people in human history. There are black Latinos, and many Afro-Latinos are some of my personal heroes like Benedita da Silva. Also, other Latinos are white, biracial, and multiracial. Many Latino people are our cousins. I reject the anti-black racism found in some Latino people, but I won't use a broad brush to blame all of them for anti-black racism. 

Now, Tariq Nasheed is wrong for his xenophobic rhetoric, and he is the founder of the FBA movement. There may be those who claim FBA who aren't xenophobic, but I can't in good conscious support the FBA movement as its founder using slurs against black people in Diaspora (like calling many of them "anchor babies") and other reasons. Tariq said that single black mothers shouldn't get reparations, he threatened to fight a black woman named Pearl, advances misogynistic rhetoric (found in his books like The Art of Mackin'), and has rhetoric that tries to divide the black community based on nationality. I consider myself black American and African American, not FBA. Tons of FBA followers use slurs to criticize black people on social media who dissent with their movement. When Tariq doesn't get his way, he curses people out (like the Pan-African scholar Omowale Afrika) who disagrees with him. Tariq is the same person who assaulted a man much smaller than him named Taraka Bey in California. Tariq was a hedonist in Brazil lusting after white Brazilian women and said that he had a crush on Brooke Hogan. He said that he wanted to bring the flag of Europe in the bedroom, and he wanted a woman to show him her feet (this is after he was married to his biracial wife). So, Tariq is what he is. Numerous FBA cult followers question the identity of any black person who disagrees with their cult, but my black ancestors lived in America long before 1800 genetically and genealogically. I honor my black identity along with not hating a person who is a different color or background than me. I honor black people globally. That's integrity. FBA came from Tariq which has been influenced by the ADOS ideology. Later, Tariq denies any involvement or support of the ADOS movement. We know Tariq Nasheed to be a liar, because Javen Bernardez has a tape of Tariq Nasheed praising the name of ADOS and its acronym. ADOS was formed by Yvette Carnell and Antonio Moore. Yvette Carnell has ties to the pro-eugenics PFIR organizaiton (that group had ties to the late racist John Tanton). The FBA has many followers making an idol of America seeking to anchor our identity to one nation alone when our black identity is global. 

Tariq is a hypocrite claiming to be for black people, but harbors hostility towards black people who aren't African American. Nasheed wants to separate Afro-Latino and Afro-Caribbean history with black American history when all of these histories are intertwined. For example, Afro Latino Arturo Schomburg support black Americans to have justice in America, even promoting a black book shop in Harlem, NYC. Africans and African Americans worked together to defeat apartheid in South Africa. Afro-Caribbean Denmark Vesey fought in South Carolina in trying to get black Americans free from slavery heroically. Javen Bernardez shown video evidence from Nasheed's own words mentioning that Tariq said that black immigrations are the biggest threat in the last 500 years, they started the gender war, they started hardcore gangbanging in LA and Chicago, they were the cab drivers in NYC who wouldn't pick up black people, and other forms of hate speech and lies against black immigrants. Tariq Nasheed said the lie that people wearing the colors of red, black, and green are federal assets.  Tariq regularly used words and makes videos to mock Africans, Afro-Caribbeans, and people who are non-black American in sick, xenophobic fashion (proven by the research of Omowale Afrika and deetubman2). 

Nasheed hypocritically made his Hidden Colors disinformation series in claiming to praise African contributions but mocks Esther Rolle, now distances himself from African culture, and advances division among the black family. His ally Lord Jamar supports FBA when he has some Afro-Caribbean heritage. Jamar is the same person who believes that the Earth is flat and promotes Holocaust denial (in denying that 6 million people died in the Holocaust). Plus, Jamar is in the MAGA movement, so he is a sellout. The FBA cultic movement is an enemy of complete global black African liberation and true justice. I find it very interesting that Tariq and many other FBA adherents have more anger at black people who disagree with them than controversial white figures who disrespected black people for years like Howard Stern, Andrew Schultz (who made obscene, disgusting references about Kendrick Lamar and black women. The sellout 50 Cent goes on Schultz's show to play damage control), Mike Rappaport (who disrespected Janet Jackson, black women journalists, etc.), and Eminem. Many FBA members defend their movement by saying that Tariq doesn't run their movement, but Tariq invented the FBA, and trade marketed the FBA image. Therefore, FBA members still are allied with Tariq Nasheed, and many of them refuse to collaborate with genuine groups desiring reparations for black Americans, because these groups believe in Pan-African unity. Numerous FBA followers who use the t word about black immigrants claim they are not in reference to all black immigrants, but tons of FBA members in social media make no distinction with using the t word. Also, that word is a xenophobic slur, and using derogatory language to dehumanize human beings is evil. 

Necro (who is a rapper with and underground following) has come into the mix to support Fat Joe to use the n word when hip hop at its origin never glorified people saying the n word, going out to disrespect women, and glorifying unnecessary violence. Necro wouldn't dare support people calling Jewish people slurs on records, but he supports nonblack artists using the n word (which is hypocritical). Necro may disagree with Jamar, but Necro is MAGA too (when Trump is a racist and anti-Semite who said that any Jewish people who doesn't vote for him is "disloyal." Trump believes that the Central Park Five are guilty when they are innocent, but Necro wants to still ally with a wicked person like Trump. It shows him to be anti-hip hop and anti-black). Therefore, Necro is certainly a person that I don't agree with. Necro showing a video of him using the n word in a crowd of black people over 20 years ago (on Youtube) doesn't justify it. There are tons of people in New York City who don't approve of black people being called the n word (regardless if it ends with an -a or -er). The defenders of Fat Joe talk about the South in disrespectful terms, and yes we people from the South (and all over America) have dignity about ourselves to not allow our heritage to be maligned by ignorant racists and xenophobes. I am never some n word. I am a grown black man period. FBA to me is straight up cult. FBA doesn't represent African Americans like me who love truth and justice. We can both celebrate African American culture and black Americans' gifts to the world without xenophobia. That is my point. So, I don't agree with Fat Joe or Tariq Nasheed. At the end of the day, I believe in Pan African unity (as advocated by Queen Mother Moore, Malcolm X, and other real freedom fighters) and reparations where all black people of the African Diaspora can unite for freedom and recognize our cultural diversity at the same time. 

By Timothy